Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

See, you are following your RWIdiots's propaganda by confusing "persecution" and "prosecution".
Damn dumbass, get a dictionary.
And you are following globalist propaganda that says Americans cannot challenge their government. That just is not true.
And you are following globalist propaganda that says Americans cannot challenge their government. That just is not true.
I've always believed in challenging our govt! But not with lies! And lies are all you have to challenge with! You are too blind to see!
Now cry some more because no one believes your lies except your fellow liars!
I've always believed in challenging our govt! But not with lies! And lies are all you have to challenge with! You are too blind to see!
Now cry some more because no one believes your lies except your fellow liars!
Who says they are lies? Our government? It does not work that way. The government should be held accountable and should be able to prove they are doing their job that the Constitution has charged them with doing. They refuse to do that.
They are not telling what they think they are reporting on what happened as is happening. Trump is charged with something Kennedy did and charged with the same thing Al Gore did. There were no charges when they challenged elections. How did it become illegal?
I'm not going to argue 1960 Hawaii. Because you are wrong on the facts. And Gore dropped his court case after the tainted court ruled against him. But you And trump are still arguing a false premise. It is what trump and the other treasonous sunovabitches did to keep Biden from taking office! Trump was trying to attempt a coup because he lost and was refusing to leave!
I'm not going to argue 1960 Hawaii. Because you are wrong on the facts. And Gore dropped his court case after the tainted court ruled against him. But you And trump are still arguing a false premise. It is what trump and the other treasonous sunovabitches did to keep Biden from taking office! Trump was trying to attempt a coup because he lost and was refusing to leave!
The tainted court you speak of was the SCOTUS. You going to prove they were tainted?

Trump never refused to leave, he refused to concede. There is a big difference.
The tainted court you speak of was the SCOTUS. You going to prove they were tainted?

Trump never refused to leave, he refused to concede. There is a big difference.
And he still has not conceded! And he was refusing to leave until after his coup failed! That is the difference!
he CANNOT be stopped from running and their efforts have actually made him stronger.

The collapse of the republican party is guaranteed if Trump is the nominee no matter what happens.

The only way to save the GOP is for them to nominate a never Trumper or somebody like Mike Pence.
I’m seeing fissures in the solid rock white Christian nationalist Trump base because probably 90% of them never heard about the FAKE Electors Conspiracy to overturn the election let alone have a clue what it’s about.

Jenna Ellis, a fairly big name in white Christian nationalism‘s propaganda machine, is indicted for her contribution to creating the fake electors. And now she’s gonna be explaining it to her lawyers in a court of law, trying to keep her ass out of prison. The rest of the evangelical white Christian community is going to learn what she did through the trial. They will come and understand what she did is wrong and she did it for Trump. And evil Trump is not doing anything to help her with her legal bills.

There’s another white Christian nationalist with a much bigger name who argues abortion cases and everything else in front of the supreme court. His name is Jay Sekulow. He’s not on trial he’s already on the record saying that what Jenna Ellis was doing with the fake electors was unconstitutional, although he want to say it was illegal. But he was intelligent enough to stay away from it when it really was put into action not just words
The tainted court you speak of was the SCOTUS. You going to prove they were tainted?

Trump never refused to leave, he refused to concede. There is a big difference.

Trump never had to concede. But he did have to obey the Constitution, and not try to overturn the election that he lost.

I’ve been telling you since February 2021 that it wasn’t the violence on January 6 that would cause Trump to be prosecuted. We know much more now about the criminal enterprise he was running to get seven states of electoral college votes thrown out so he could win, and that had everything to do with the MAGA idiots thinking they could come to Washington DC stand around and protest outside and stop Joe Biden from becoming president.

Still idiots I see.
Trump never had to concede. But he did have to obey the Constitution, and not try to overturn the election that he lost.

He has every right not to concede. T

Trump has had almost 2 1/2 years to show us the evidence of why he did not concede. The MAGA morons sent him a couple hundred million dollars to investigate and do away with the election fraud that was supposed to be there. What did he do with the money?

After December 14, 2020, when all 50 states certified their votes the election was over legally Constitutionally and whatever excuse Trump had for not conceding it was too late for him to stay in the White House another four years. So everything he did with the fake electors plot to try to delay the January 6 proceeding was a crime when it included actions like pressuring pence and calling, elected state officials to try to convince them to break their oath of office and overturn the election for him.
Trump has had almost 2 1/2 years to show us the evidence of why he did not concede. The MAGA morons sent him a couple hundred million dollars to investigate and do away with the election fraud that was supposed to be there. What did he do with the money?

After December 14, 2020, when all 50 states certified their votes the election was over legally Constitutionally and whatever excuse Trump had for not conceding it was too late for him to stay in the White House another four years. So everything he did with the fake electors plot to try to delay the January 6 proceeding was a crime when it included actions like pressuring pence and calling, elected state officials to try to convince them to break their oath of office and overturn the election for him.
You are full of shit.
You are full of shit.

To make that mean something with any hope that you have a grasp on reality you will have to challenge the following on a factual basis.

The courts ruled. Trump lost. So why is the left determined to charge him with a crime because he challenged an election that many American's (rightly or wrongly) feel was tainted?
December 14, 2020 is the pivotal date.
Electors Meet to Cast Their Votes
The Twelfth Amendment requires the electors to meet to cast their votes “by ballot” for President and Vice President “in their respective states.” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

December 14, 2020 All fifty states certified their election

December 14, 2020 The election was over according to the Constitution and Federal Law.

December 14, 2020 Was the day Donald J Trump should’ve began packing his shit and prepare to get out of the White House.

December 14, 2020 meant he lied when Trump told his assembled mob on January 6th if Pence did the right thing (cite fake electors as cause to declare Trump the winner.) . . . . . WE WIN!!!!!!!! No legal path to a win for Trump. Zero.

When tied to the fake elector documents conspiracy to commit fraud against the Congress on January 6th Trump committed a crime.

There was zero way legally that Trump/ Pence could win.

There is evidence that Trump was involved in the fake electors plot which went beyond saying he won. Trump was involved in actions that enacted a plot to defraud the people of the United States fur the purpose of overturning the election he lost.

Mike Pence foiled the plot. The plot is still a crime even though the plot was foiled,

You’re very resistant to actual facts, logic and the law.

All facts above your quote Saint BackAgain and an explanation that LEGAL challenges ended on December 14fh for reasons expressed
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Why when he was cheated? And a decent human being seeks justice.
Bullshit! He's been breaking the law since he was in grade school! He's Daddy's money rich. That's why you swoon over every utterance outta his mouth!
And I thinking you are as psychological his he is!
HE LOST! YOU LOST! YOUR TEAM LOST! And you will remain a loser until you pass away!
To make that mean something with any hope that you have a grasp on reality you will have to challenge the following on a factual basis.


December 14, 2020 is the pivotal date.
Electors Meet to Cast Their Votes
The Twelfth Amendment requires the electors to meet to cast their votes “by ballot” for President and Vice President “in their respective states.” Federal law specifies that the electors meet and cast their votes “on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December” following election day at a location “in each State as the legislature of such State shall direct.”

December 14, 2020 All fifty states certified their election

December 14, 2020 The election was over according to the Constitution and Federal Law.

December 14, 2020 Was the day Donald J Trump began packing his shit and prepare to get out of the WhiteHouse.

December 14, 2020 meant when Trump told his assembled mob on January 6th if Pence did the right thing (cite fake electors as cause to declare Trump the winner.) . . . . . WE WIN!!!!!!!!

When tied to the fake elector documents conspiracy to commit fraud against the Congress on January 6th Trump committed a crime.

There was zero way legally that Trump/ Pence could win.

There is evidence that Trump was involved in the fake electors plot which went beyond saying he won. Trump was involved in actions that enacted a plot to defraud the people of the United States fur the purpose of overturning the election he lost.

Mike Pence foiled the plot. The plot is still a crime even though the plot was foiled,


All facts above your quote Saint BackAgain and an explanation that LEGAL challenges ended on December 14fh for reasons expressed
The alternative electors were and are completely legal. They are needed to challenge an election.
Bullshit! He's been breaking the law since he was in grade school! He's Daddy's money rich. That's why you swoon over every utterance outta his mouth!
And I thinking you are as psychological his he is!
HE LOST! YOU LOST! YOUR TEAM LOST! And you will remain a loser until you pass away!
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Think the fascists have it in the bag? You underestimated once already.
That's how blind and ignorant you are!
You and your fellow TRUMPHUMPERS are the fascists! But you will ride that train all the way to the cliffs, praising your leader as he destroys you! He doesn't give a fuck about you! He's all about himself. Did you read where he threw Eric under the train? That's what he will do to you!

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