Trump has been played by porn star - she gives money back... LOL

/———/ Ahhhhh you’re playing the old Wall Street Greed card. Ever hear about Hildabeast and her speeches to Wall Street? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

YOu mean the ones you keep claiming were payoffs and never proved.

You folks have been accusing this woman of stuff up to and including murder for 25 years and haven't proved a bit of it after spending hundreds of millions in panty-sniffing investigations, so I put you up there with...

View attachment 182502
Not only have investigation after investigation by hostile conservative media and government agencies failed to provide evidence that donations to Clinton's charity, even the independent groups that give ratings to charities give the Clinton charity the highest ratings. In other words, the so-called payoffs have been proven to have been donated to the worthy causes they were meant for.
/----/ You are contradicting yourself. No donations to the Clinton Foundation???? Then where did all the money come from?
What percentage of Clinton Foundation money goes to real and actual charities that are not controlled by the Clintons?
Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses.” ...The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses.

You have no idea about what you are talking about. Clinton is nor just a "pass-through" organization. They do not just pass donations on as grants. They operate many of their own programs. They pay the Doctors and medical staff, they pay for them to travel to the locations and they pay for the supplies and equipment. They fund the operations and programs without having to pay middlemen. So yes, their payrolls are high, their travel expenses are high and their miscellaneous expenses are high. Rating groups and investigators know this on only give those positive ratings and results after close examination.
Union thugs....same old rhetoric from 50 years ago. Why do you hate workers so much? 99.9 percent of union workers are average people like you. They show up every day, work hard for an average wage, then go home to their average house and live their average lives. Today's workers work harder than any other generation of workers. Why the hatred for them? All this union stuff is pure nonsense.
Union thugs....same old rhetoric from 50 years ago. Why do you hate workers so much? 99.9 percent of union workers are average people like you. They show up every day, work hard for an average wage, then go home to their average house and live their average lives. Today's workers work harder than any other generation of workers. Why the hatred for them? All this union stuff is pure nonsense.
/----/ We love the workers, it's the Union Thugs we hate. Sorry you got confused.
I oppose Trump because he is an awful person the people rejected, but got stuck with anyway. And, no, I don't accept his mainstreaming of racism and fascism because, Gosh, my 401K is doing good.

You can't put an evil person in charge of your country and then just hope it's gonna turn out okay. History shows that never works.

Evil men like Bill Clinton rape women...Clinton didn't bother you did he?... nutter.....You people prop up porn stars, while you tear down decent women... you're pathetic:slap:

The ole >>>>>> Look over there style of debating.

You people are a bunch of lowlifes...Clinton gets head in oval office you people think its no big deal ...his wife destroys women and its no big deal
Lord knows you libs need something to distract from the job numbers.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.
Goofy conspiracy theory?
That's how you see your adulterer in chief paying off a porn keep her quiet while his wife was home with their newborn?
So in Trump World this didn't happen.

Who cares?...that would be a matter between Trump and his'd make his wife into a whore if it would suit your purposes
Union thugs....same old rhetoric from 50 years ago. Why do you hate workers so much? 99.9 percent of union workers are average people like you. They show up every day, work hard for an average wage, then go home to their average house and live their average lives. Today's workers work harder than any other generation of workers. Why the hatred for them? All this union stuff is pure nonsense.

Today's workers have much safer working conditions, then any other time in our history....They do not harder... you're delusional
I would want to give the money back, I bet she can make a lot more money if she releases her story.

Her and her lawyer weren't very bright, only $130,000 to shut up, when she could have made millions?

The only one I feel bad for is Trump's wife, it has got to be humiliating, not sure why she would stick with him. I felt the same about Hillary and Jacqueline also.
So she gives the money back $130,000 and says I'm released from legal agreement (NDA)...

a) Trump does noting and we get to see all the texts he sent plus maybe some dick pics...

b). Trump says 'No you can't do that - keep the money and keep quiet' -- we ask WHY?


This is so great!!

Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online

Under the give-back offer, Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, would regain the right to speak 'openly and freely' about her relationship with Trump – and publish 'any text messages, photos and/or videos' relating to him that she 'may have.'

The line references similar language from the NDA itself, which contains passages containing texts and images that Daniels may possess.

Read more: Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Don't forget video.

I wonder, in the video, does he tell her she looks like his daughter. And then they filmed the entire two minutes of sex.

You libs get off on sick shit...nutters
/———/ Ahhhhh you’re playing the old Wall Street Greed card. Ever hear about Hildabeast and her speeches to Wall Street? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

YOu mean the ones you keep claiming were payoffs and never proved.

You folks have been accusing this woman of stuff up to and including murder for 25 years and haven't proved a bit of it after spending hundreds of millions in panty-sniffing investigations, so I put you up there with...

View attachment 182502
Not only have investigation after investigation by hostile conservative media and government agencies failed to provide evidence that donations to Clinton's charity, even the independent groups that give ratings to charities give the Clinton charity the highest ratings. In other words, the so-called payoffs have been proven to have been donated to the worthy causes they were meant for.

The Clintons get rich off people like you
SHE was recently paid by the left who needs a timely distraction to the fact they were the ones colluding with Russia (and other countries) all along.
Notice: They are "Timing" each scandal to coincide with each election trying to regain the house.

Simple to just audit her suddenly new finances to connect the dots to her new financier.
BUT word to the wise: sometimes payment is hidden in not so clever missdirections, sort of like
when Obama received 2.2 million for a 20 thousand dollar persian rug (I dubbed rug gate) perhaps backdoor for his later Iran deal return of $ (in cash no less).
When Iranians were trying to cheat the trade embargo they called oil food in the paper work hoping nobody would notice. So when the lady suddenly gets a oart from Weinsteins old production company or gets an inflated amount book deal like the Obamas did, then that is the not so clever payout hidden under the mask if something innocent. Remember: Dems do everything like the mob does, to understand how they do things, follow their actions like you'd investigate a money laundering mobster.
Evil men like Bill Clinton rape women...Clinton didn't bother you did he?... nutter.....You people prop up porn stars, while you tear down decent women... you're pathetic

Juanita Brodderick is a liar.

Sorry, man. She said Clinton didn't rape her and then she said he did.

So she was lying then or she's lying now.

Here's the funny thing. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you Right Wing Nutters who screamed "Impeach Clinton". Because I used to think lying about a blow job was worse than giving us peace and prosperity.

Then Bush got in, and after he was done doing the bidding of his Jewish Masters, we had wars and recessions and at the end of 2008, I had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

Yeah, she looked like she was lying, and so did Kathleen Willy lie as well:rolleyes:..You're a joke Joey......Ok you got the Jew hater comment in congratulations:slap:
Doesn't admitting you took hush money prove extortion of said money?
Doesn't threatening now with media help, prove new acts of extortion and draw media into the criminal act, especially if paying the extorter?
Doesn't giving money back without the interest and damages become fraud and an amount greater then 10,000 makes her guilty of grand theft- a class C feloney? Some states that's 9-10 years in jail for her on the grand theft alone.
You people are a bunch of lowlifes...Clinton gets head in oval office you people think its no big deal ...his wife destroys women and its no big deal

Sorry, someone claiming their fifteen minutes of fame claiming they had sex with Clinton when they probably didn't isn't destroying them.

Even Ken Starr didn't believe most of these women.
Yeah, she looked like she was lying, and so did Kathleen Willy lie as well

Well, let's look at that. After she was supposedly "Groped", she wrote and called the White House about a dozen times, still looking for a job.

Now me, I don't call people back when I get groped on a job interview, do you?

Ok you got the Jew hater comment in congratulations

Hey, I'm tired of watching young Christian Boys come home in body bags because you guys get your way on shit. Fight your own damned wars for a change.
So she gives the money back $130,000 and says I'm released from legal agreement (NDA)...

a) Trump does noting and we get to see all the texts he sent plus maybe some dick pics...

b). Trump says 'No you can't do that - keep the money and keep quiet' -- we ask WHY?


This is so great!!

Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online

Under the give-back offer, Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, would regain the right to speak 'openly and freely' about her relationship with Trump – and publish 'any text messages, photos and/or videos' relating to him that she 'may have.'

The line references similar language from the NDA itself, which contains passages containing texts and images that Daniels may possess.

Read more: Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

She's playing him by keeping in the public eye.
Doesn't admitting you took hush money prove extortion of said money?
Doesn't threatening now with media help, prove new acts of extortion and draw media into the criminal act, especially if paying the extorter?
Doesn't giving money back without the interest and damages become fraud and an amount greater then 10,000 makes her guilty of grand theft- a class C feloney? Some states that's 9-10 years in jail for her on the grand theft alone.
Trump is the guilty party
Lord knows you libs need something to distract from the job numbers.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.

Soooooo, what do YOU think of the recent job numbers, people returning to the labor market, surge in manufacturing jobs?
Go start a thread on it

I'm on topic. The Op is about an attempt to distract from Trump's increasing successes and I'm just pointing out some of the successes you guys are trying to distract FROM.
The thread is about Stormy Daniels wanting Trump to accept her offer. You’re the one trying to change the topic.


Nope, just examining the basis of the topic.

This is about distracting from the positive results of Trump's policies.

The really interesting thing is that you lefties were more sure that these policies would be successful than I was.

Yet you opposed them.

You are actively opposing policies you know are good for your fellow citizens.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.

Soooooo, what do YOU think of the recent job numbers, people returning to the labor market, surge in manufacturing jobs?

Fuck all that!!!!...there's a porn star involved here!!!!
Get your priorities straight!!
Let's take a quick tally here.

In Trump, we have a guy who fooled around with a hooker (and gawd knows what else he did) and paid her off to keep her hooker mouth shut, before he was President.

In Clinton, we have a guy who took advantage of an innocent 21-year old intern, soiling the Oval Office, while he was President.

I find both to be pretty goddamn embarrassing. Humiliating.

Overall though, I liked Clinton's presidency, and I'm hoping for the best for Trump and the country even though I voted against him.

I'm gonna watch and let the partisans play their excited little games of faux outrage. Which is just as embarrassing. Wingers have no shame, none.

Sorry mack. But the scandal with Bill was not Monica, but the sexual harassment of Paula Jones and the rest of them that came out.

Monica was supporting evidence, not the actual problem.
In each case, the opposing party had perfectly reasonable material and ran with it, with their hair on fire, for purely political gain.

From outside the partisan bubble, the behaviors are very similar.

Mostly true, though it is worth noting that Bill was committing crimes, including a credible accusation of rape.

Sleeping with a porn start is not illegal, just ill advised.
This thread is about your vile lefty attempt to distract from policy....

You know, there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

You could just ignore them, unless of course you are being paid to provide as much positive content on Trump as possible, then by all means continue to do what you are doing.

Interesting that you feel threatened enough by my post that you have to call into question my credibility.
This thread is about your vile lefty attempt to distract from policy....

You know, there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

You could just ignore them, unless of course you are being paid to provide as much positive content on Trump as possible, then by all means continue to do what you are doing.

Interesting that you feel threatened enough by my post that you have to call into question my credibility.

You are a funny man! Just pointing out that there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

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