Trump has been played by porn star - she gives money back... LOL

Sorry mack. But the scandal with Bill was not Monica, but the sexual harassment of Paula Jones and the rest of them that came out.

Monica was supporting evidence, not the actual problem.

And yet after 7 years and 80 million dollars the only thing they could get him for was lying about getting a blow job in the Oval Office.

hardly seems worth the price.

Excellent post. YOu completely avoided the issue of if he was actually guilty or not, and thus the issue of Justice.
You know, if that NDA didn't exist, Trump could have tweeted at her and got all his followers to believe he never had sex with her.

But because there is an NDA, he can't say that.

I gotta say though, I find it funny as hell that he didn't sign the NDA. I thought he was a great businessman who was really smart. Smart business people know that if you make a contract, it has to be signed or it's not valid.

to be fair, it only has to be signed by the party you're trying to enforce it against. particularly if that party got a. benefit like she did. I wouldn't say that necessarily makes it enforceable. but it is a factor.
This thread is about your vile lefty attempt to distract from policy....

You know, there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

You could just ignore them, unless of course you are being paid to provide as much positive content on Trump as possible, then by all means continue to do what you are doing.

Interesting that you feel threatened enough by my post that you have to call into question my credibility.

You are a funny man! Just pointing out that there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

that's what trump trolls do. I call it the "what abous"
Lord knows you libs need something to distract from the job numbers.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.

Soooooo, what do YOU think of the recent job numbers, people returning to the labor market, surge in manufacturing jobs?

Fuck all that!!!!...there's a porn star involved here!!!!
Get your priorities straight!!

yeah, nit only counts when its a dem and a porn star, right?

see, I don't care that Donald is a cheating pig. I care that he's a sexual predator. in terms of the porn star, I care that there is probably a violation of campaign finance laws.

if this were any other president, you would have him gone already.
Sorry mack. But the scandal with Bill was not Monica, but the sexual harassment of Paula Jones and the rest of them that came out.

Monica was supporting evidence, not the actual problem.

And yet after 7 years and 80 million dollars the only thing they could get him for was lying about getting a blow job in the Oval Office.

hardly seems worth the price.

Excellent post. YOu completely avoided the issue of if he was actually guilty or not, and thus the issue of Justice.

Yes, he was gulity of lying about a blow job in the Oval Office...they really should have just shot him on the spot for such an offense.

I am sure if the Govt spent 7 years and 80 million dollars they could probably find me guilty of jaywalking or speeding...but would it be worth the cost?
Lord knows you libs need something to distract from the job numbers.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.

Soooooo, what do YOU think of the recent job numbers, people returning to the labor market, surge in manufacturing jobs?

Fuck all that!!!!...there's a porn star involved here!!!!
Get your priorities straight!!

yeah, nit only counts when its a dem and a porn star, right?

see, I don't care that Donald is a cheating pig. I care that he's a sexual predator. in terms of the porn star, I care that there is probably a violation of campaign finance laws.

if this were any other president, you would have him gone already.

After bills antics we can almost call it even.
See Trump fucked up. Stormy and her lawyer have them in a corner. If he accepts the offer, she’ll release the texts/images; if he doesn’t, it looks like he has something to hide.

Anyway, it looks like she’s got him on a technicality either way. He didn’t sign the NDA; plus, his lawyer has been talking about it, and plans on writing about it in a book he’s shopping around, both of which may null the agreement.


Hey, remember when you people were talking all that shit about how Trump was a Hitler and his supporters wanted to oppress and terrorize everyone else, blah, blah, blah.

What happened to that shit?

Is Stormy really brave? Too stupid to realize the "Danger" she is in?

And why the lack of concern from you oh so sensitive and caring liberals? Even if she is too stupid to remember that she is supposed to be taking on "hitler", aren't you worried?

What we see here is that you libs were talking nothing but shit then, and you knew it.

Thus, your words have zero credibility.
Stormy will be a frequent 'expert' guest on MSNBC.
Maybe she can 'muff-dive' Katie Turd?
Hope she gets an invite to the next State of the Union or presidential debate

Why are you not worried about her safety?

Was all that talk about Trump being Hitler, and supporters being so violent,

was it all complete shit?
Lord knows you libs need something to distract from the job numbers.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.
Goofy conspiracy theory?
That's how you see your adulterer in chief paying off a porn keep her quiet while his wife was home with their newborn?
So in Trump World this didn't happen.

Says the lefty that doesn't understand the meaning of the word "or".
So she gives the money back $130,000 and says I'm released from legal agreement (NDA)...

a) Trump does noting and we get to see all the texts he sent plus maybe some dick pics...

b). Trump says 'No you can't do that - keep the money and keep quiet' -- we ask WHY?


This is so great!!

Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online

Under the give-back offer, Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, would regain the right to speak 'openly and freely' about her relationship with Trump – and publish 'any text messages, photos and/or videos' relating to him that she 'may have.'

The line references similar language from the NDA itself, which contains passages containing texts and images that Daniels may possess.

Read more: Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not that I really care about a washed up porn star screwing an old fart, but if I were her, in her position with nothing to lose I would go head and just release it. Unless the agreement is dissolved dont matter how much money she gives back. Keep the money, spill the beans, write a book. Like i said, she is to old and saggy to do porn much longer.
This thread is about your vile lefty attempt to distract from policy....

You know, there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

You could just ignore them, unless of course you are being paid to provide as much positive content on Trump as possible, then by all means continue to do what you are doing.

Interesting that you feel threatened enough by my post that you have to call into question my credibility.

You are a funny man! Just pointing out that there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

1. There is no requirement for you to be here either. Obviously. I didn't point that out, because it would be really stupid to do so.

2. Your characterization of my political support of President Trump, as religious worship, is just you being a jerk.

3. I've explained my reasoning as to why my comments are on topic. No of you lefties have explained why my reasoning was wrong.

4. Anyone got any NEW good jobs news today yet? It seems to keep coming. A buddy of mine told me how friends of his that run a brass plant near by, have been getting multiple foreign inquires about switch production to domestic to avoid the tariffs, if they happen. THey are planning a huge expansion.
This thread is about your vile lefty attempt to distract from policy....

You know, there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

You could just ignore them, unless of course you are being paid to provide as much positive content on Trump as possible, then by all means continue to do what you are doing.

Interesting that you feel threatened enough by my post that you have to call into question my credibility.

You are a funny man! Just pointing out that there is no requirement for you to come into each thread and defend your saviors honor by changing the topic as much as possible.

that's what trump trolls do. I call it the "what abous"

Not very nice to call me a troll, especially when I have been so civil.

Do you think it is a good idea for policy to be decided by gossip over policy results?

I mean, that's my point. Is that really "trolling"?
Lord knows you libs need something to distract from the job numbers.
One of the many things that crack me up about this place, is knowing that the crazies see some nasty gossip or some goofy conspiracy theory and IMMEDIATELY think to come here and use it to make another "gotcha" thread.

Like a bunch of gossipy old ladies at the hair salon. Cackle cackle cackle.

What a way to go through life.

Soooooo, what do YOU think of the recent job numbers, people returning to the labor market, surge in manufacturing jobs?

Fuck all that!!!!...there's a porn star involved here!!!!
Get your priorities straight!!

yeah, nit only counts when its a dem and a porn star, right?

see, I don't care that Donald is a cheating pig. I care that he's a sexual predator. in terms of the porn star, I care that there is probably a violation of campaign finance laws.

if this were any other president, you would have him gone already.

Bill was the sexual predator, and you know it.

Trump was a male slut. Immoral, but not illegal.
Sorry mack. But the scandal with Bill was not Monica, but the sexual harassment of Paula Jones and the rest of them that came out.

Monica was supporting evidence, not the actual problem.

And yet after 7 years and 80 million dollars the only thing they could get him for was lying about getting a blow job in the Oval Office.

hardly seems worth the price.

Excellent post. YOu completely avoided the issue of if he was actually guilty or not, and thus the issue of Justice.

Yes, he was gulity of lying about a blow job in the Oval Office...they really should have just shot him on the spot for such an offense.

I am sure if the Govt spent 7 years and 80 million dollars they could probably find me guilty of jaywalking or speeding...but would it be worth the cost?

He was guilty of using his position as governor, and state police officers, to sexual harass women who worked for him.

If it is such a little thing, why do you feel a need to lie about it, 25 years after the fact?

Seems you think it is very important.
He was guilty of using his position as governor, and state police officers, to sexual harass women who worked for him.

If it is such a little thing, why do you feel a need to lie about it, 25 years after the fact?

Seems you think it is very important.

He was found gulity of lying about a blow job, that is all.

Was he charged with and found guilty of using his position as governor, and state police officers, to sexual harass women who worked for him?
He was guilty of using his position as governor, and state police officers, to sexual harass women who worked for him.

If it is such a little thing, why do you feel a need to lie about it, 25 years after the fact?

Seems you think it is very important.

He was found gulity of lying about a blow job, that is all.

Was he charged with and found guilty of using his position as governor, and state police officers, to sexual harass women who worked for him?

DO you believe he sexually harassed Paula JOnes?
So here's the thing...the NDA that the Porn Star signed (and accepted payment under) includes a penalty ("liquidated damages") clause that requires her to pay a million dollars to Trump if she breaches the NDA. Furthermore, the NDA does not include a "sole & exclusive" clause that makes the penalty the exclusive remedy. So she could be on the hook for MILLIONS if she violates the agreement. And she offers to give back the $130k?

Why is nobody exploring the question of exactly WHY she wants to void this NDA. Who is offering to pay her to do this? She has absolutely NOTHING TO GAIN by promulgating this story. She has no "reputation" to uphold, and it presumably adds "adulterer" to the already long list of bad things known about her.

Why is she doing this? Who is behind it? Inquiring minds want to know.
So here's the thing...the NDA that the Porn Star signed (and accepted payment under) includes a penalty ("liquidated damages") clause that requires her to pay a million dollars to Trump if she breaches the NDA. Furthermore, the NDA does not include a "sole & exclusive" clause that makes the penalty the exclusive remedy. So she could be on the hook for MILLIONS if she violates the agreement. And she offers to give back the $130k?

Why is nobody exploring the question of exactly WHY she wants to void this NDA. Who is offering to pay her to do this? She has absolutely NOTHING TO GAIN by promulgating this story. She has no "reputation" to uphold, and it presumably adds "adulterer" to the already long list of bad things known about her.

Why is she doing this? Who is behind it? Inquiring minds want to know.

The obvious answer is that she is getting massive publicity.

AND if she causes damage to the President, she is going to be loved by millions of brain damaged lefties.

Though, it is very possible that there are more concrete and direct benefits being provided to her, now or promised.
Yeah, she looked like she was lying, and so did Kathleen Willy lie as well

Well, let's look at that. After she was supposedly "Groped", she wrote and called the White House about a dozen times, still looking for a job.

Now me, I don't call people back when I get groped on a job interview, do you?

Ok you got the Jew hater comment in congratulations

Hey, I'm tired of watching young Christian Boys come home in body bags because you guys get your way on shit. Fight your own damned wars for a change.

One of the left's finest:cuckoo:
So she gives the money back $130,000 and says I'm released from legal agreement (NDA)...

a) Trump does noting and we get to see all the texts he sent plus maybe some dick pics...

b). Trump says 'No you can't do that - keep the money and keep quiet' -- we ask WHY?


This is so great!!

Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online

Under the give-back offer, Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, would regain the right to speak 'openly and freely' about her relationship with Trump – and publish 'any text messages, photos and/or videos' relating to him that she 'may have.'

The line references similar language from the NDA itself, which contains passages containing texts and images that Daniels may possess.

Read more: Stormy Daniels offers to give back the money she got to keep quiet | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

So you want to see Trump's dick? Duly noted. What you do in your private life is your business. Maybe you should afford other people the same courtesy.

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