Trump has Blown Himself out of the Race Over a civil Lawsuit

Curiel ha every right to belong to the Hispanic attorneys' group.

Anyone who disagrees does not understand what it means to be American.

The case is about Trump U, not illegals.
No Jake, his supporters want to win, to take back the country, to bring the Supreme Court back from the far left. They don't give a damn about trump university or this judge. But trump is tangling with a tar baby that he can't extricate himself from. As was just said on Fox News, as I have said, he seems more interested in righting perceived personal affronts than solving the country's problems. He doesn't have to go there, he is being advised not to go there. He called newt Gingrich statements, an avid supporter, inappropriate. We already have a leader who does not suffer advice, we certainly don't need another. Donald owes an unpayable debt to the people that have put their faith in him, he is at the crossroads of history. If he can't adjust his behavior to the seriousness of the moment he will never be president. And if he doesn't realize the seriousness of the moment, shame on him.
Thank you, Shrimpbox, for a good statement.

Trump is simply not worthy of the majority of his followers.

Double Down Donald can't change, I think, is the crux of the matter.
So this is gonna hurt Trump more than predominantly Mexicans - who knows how many here illegally - attacking his supporters in the streets, burning the American flag, etc. will help him? Okay, if you clowns insist.
Considering the judge supports la raza Trump has every right to question his impartiality.

Which should have been the line of attack.

Trump said he didnt trust the judge because he was hispanic and I dont blame him one bit.
The la raza crap is just more confirmation that he shouldnt trust the guy.
He is not a member of la raza.

I think it is pretty awesome that Trump and his supporters find Hispanics to be untrustworthy.

I'm curious to know how many Hispanics trump has fleeced.
Considering the judge supports la raza Trump has every right to question his impartiality.

Which should have been the line of attack.

Trump said he didnt trust the judge because he was hispanic and I dont blame him one bit.
The la raza crap is just more confirmation that he shouldnt trust the guy.
He is not a member of la raza.

I think it is pretty awesome that Trump and his supporters find Hispanics to be untrustworthy.

I'm curious to know how many Hispanics trump has fleeced.

Funny...The Race Lawyers of California have la raza listed as an affiliate.
Considering the judge supports la raza Trump has every right to question his impartiality.

Which should have been the line of attack.

Trump said he didnt trust the judge because he was hispanic and I dont blame him one bit.
The la raza crap is just more confirmation that he shouldnt trust the guy.
He is not a member of la raza.

I think it is pretty awesome that Trump and his supporters find Hispanics to be untrustworthy.

I'm curious to know how many Hispanics trump has fleeced.

Funny...The Race Lawyers of California have la raza listed as an affiliate.

They do not have them listed as an affiliate!!!!

Why lie?
The Native born judge in the Trump University case is by all accounts an intemperate bozo. However Trump attacked his unrelated Mexican heritage and is trying to double down on this attack. That's stupid cubed no matter how you look at it. So what is next?
Trump back peddling and trying to explain what he meant followed by his rabid supporters failing to properly defend him then he will say something even dumber.

Imagine 4 years of this. I'd rather 4 more years of republicans crying about the democratic in the Whitehouse
Considering the judge supports la raza Trump has every right to question his impartiality.

Which should have been the line of attack.

Trump said he didnt trust the judge because he was hispanic and I dont blame him one bit.
The la raza crap is just more confirmation that he shouldnt trust the guy.
He is not a member of la raza.

I think it is pretty awesome that Trump and his supporters find Hispanics to be untrustworthy.

I'm curious to know how many Hispanics trump has fleeced.

Funny...The Race Lawyers of California have la raza listed as an affiliate.

They do not have them listed as an affiliate!!!!

Why lie?

Did you look at the bottom of the page?

National Council of La Raza plane as day.
Considering the judge supports la raza Trump has every right to question his impartiality.

Which should have been the line of attack.

Trump said he didnt trust the judge because he was hispanic and I dont blame him one bit.
The la raza crap is just more confirmation that he shouldnt trust the guy.
He is not a member of la raza.

I think it is pretty awesome that Trump and his supporters find Hispanics to be untrustworthy.

I'm curious to know how many Hispanics trump has fleeced.

Funny...The Race Lawyers of California have la raza listed as an affiliate.

They do not have them listed as an affiliate!!!!

Why lie?

Then of course you have this little gem....
Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza
Actually, it's that kind of crap is the reason Trump is where he is at.

Civilization has imploded and is spiraling the drain. So naturally the people have selected Donald Mussolini Trump, Hillary the Felon Clinton or Bernie the broke Commie Sanders to run our nation.

People are attracted to evil like moths to a candle.
Given the judges membership in La Raza and other "Hispanic" legal organizations, not to mention his granting a scholarship to an illegal alien, Trump has every right to question the judges impartiality.

The fact that the LWNJ's in the media are blowing this out of proportion will only help Trump.
He is not a member of the La Raza you imply.

You need to be very specific since you have a track record of McCarthyesque type smears. Ese.
Not as you suggest, so try again. Be very specific, please. Ese.

If a white lawyer group or any other type of group headed by whites called themselves "The Race" you liberal fuck heads would have a coronary.
Take your fake ass opinion somewhere else.....
La raza doesn't mean the race. It means the people, ultimately the melding of different ethnicities into one. For example the melding of spaniards and Native peoples into what we now call Mexicans.

And no, the judge is not a member of the organization that you call la raza.
Not as you suggest, so try again. Be very specific, please. Ese.

If a white lawyer group or any other type of group headed by whites called themselves "The Race" you liberal fuck heads would have a coronary.
Take your fake ass opinion somewhere else.....
La raza doesn't mean the race. It means the people, ultimately the melding of different ethnicities into one. For example the melding of spaniards and Native peoples into what we now call Mexicans.

And no, the judge is not a member of the organization that you call la raza.

Your first sentence is a lie thats easily refuted....making the rest of your post worthless since you decided to be dishonest right out of the gate.
Actually, it's that kind of crap is the reason Trump is where he is at.

Civilization has imploded and is spiraling the drain. So naturally the people have selected Donald Mussolini Trump, Hillary the Felon Clinton or Bernie the broke Commie Sanders to run our nation.

People are attracted to evil like moths to a candle.

The LP is polling 5X higher than it has in the 40 years of its existence. Given a choice between whoever replaces Clinton after indictment and Trump or LP I think the LP will do quite well.

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