Trump has Blown Himself out of the Race Over a civil Lawsuit

And from an e-mail....

The people using this incident to jump off of the Trump bandwagon are about the stupidest most idiotic people currently walking the face of the Earth. EVERYONE knows that judges can be biased based on their background and heritage, MOST OF ALL the LEFT-WING media/Democrat Party who are supposedly clutching their pearls in shock. The judge in this case has already clearly demonstrated his bias by "mistakenly" unsealing for the media documents that were legally required to remain sealed, to protect the privacy of the individuals named within them. And it should practically go without saying that of course an active member of the LA RAZA lawyer's group and the HISPANIC bar association is going to be biased against Mexico's Public Enemy Number One!

But then these Benedict Arnold Republicans run for cover, cowering in fear at the very mention of the word, "Mexican", with no consideration whatsoever for the validity of either side of the argument. This kind of utter capitulation to rudimentary Leftist tactics is the avenue that has led to popular defeat for the Republicans in five out of the six last Presidential elections and to places like California being transformed from the home of Ronald Reagan into the cesspool you saw the other night in San Jose, where patriotic Americans can't even exercise their First Amendment rights, for fear of being viciously attacked by packs of rabid human/animals waving Mexican flags, spitting in their face and committing all manner of criminal assaults.

But what they either don't understand, or willfully ignore, is that this is the "whole ballgame" right here. If the Left gets to control the definition of who's a "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot", and who's not, they will just define all Republicans as such, all Democrats as not, and that's the end of it, game over. And get it straight RINO's, THAT INCLUDES YOU!!! BY DEFINITION, AS A REPUBLICAN!!!

Of course, the GOP will lose every election as the Party that stands for "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot" against the Party that stands for "inclusion" and "diversity". The ONLY HOPE to stop that is for people who know that they are not "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigots" to stand up and say, "No, I'm not! And if anyone is, it's YOU!" Just as Trump is doing, has done, and will apparently continue to do until his last dying breath.

Thank God we finally have at least one man who understands what's at stake here and what needs to be done to Make America Great Again! RINO's be gone!
And from an e-mail....

The people using this incident to jump off of the Trump bandwagon are about the stupidest most idiotic people currently walking the face of the Earth. EVERYONE knows that judges can be biased based on their background and heritage, MOST OF ALL the LEFT-WING media/Democrat Party who are supposedly clutching their pearls in shock. The judge in this case has already clearly demonstrated his bias by "mistakenly" unsealing for the media documents that were legally required to remain sealed, to protect the privacy of the individuals named within them. And it should practically go without saying that of course an active member of the LA RAZA lawyer's group and the HISPANIC bar association is going to be biased against Mexico's Public Enemy Number One!

But then these Benedict Arnold Republicans run for cover, cowering in fear at the very mention of the word, "Mexican", with no consideration whatsoever for the validity of either side of the argument. This kind of utter capitulation to rudimentary Leftist tactics is the avenue that has led to popular defeat for the Republicans in five out of the six last Presidential elections and to places like California being transformed from the home of Ronald Reagan into the cesspool you saw the other night in San Jose, where patriotic Americans can't even exercise their First Amendment rights, for fear of being viciously attacked by packs of rabid human/animals waving Mexican flags, spitting in their face and committing all manner of criminal assaults.

But what they either don't understand, or willfully ignore, is that this is the "whole ballgame" right here. If the Left gets to control the definition of who's a "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot", and who's not, they will just define all Republicans as such, all Democrats as not, and that's the end of it, game over. And get it straight RINO's, THAT INCLUDES YOU!!! BY DEFINITION, AS A REPUBLICAN!!!

Of course, the GOP will lose every election as the Party that stands for "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigot" against the Party that stands for "inclusion" and "diversity". The ONLY HOPE to stop that is for people who know that they are not "racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, bigots" to stand up and say, "No, I'm not! And if anyone is, it's YOU!" Just as Trump is doing, has done, and will apparently continue to do until his last dying breath.

Thank God we finally have at least one man who understands what's at stake here and what needs to be done to Make America Great Again! RINO's be gone!
5 more winners! this is spot on. The La Raza lawyers group counsels immigration lawyers and gave over half a million dollars to Hillary's campaign.
Come on folks!

And he's so consistent---all of the organizations he listed are plotting to overthrow the US govt.

I still stick with my original point Hillary and Trump are both being quite successful in destroying the base of their major party opponent.:

Hillary is a warmongering crook and Trump is a racist so, selling that message is easy. I guess the real question is what outcome is most likely:

A president that the majority of the country has voted against due to third party ballots.

A president who the house picks and quite possibly a third party candidate that the Rs are more comfy with than Trump.

or some other equally bad outcome.

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