Trump has Blown Himself out of the Race Over a civil Lawsuit

Not as you suggest, so try again. Be very specific, please. Ese.

If a white lawyer group or any other type of group headed by whites called themselves "The Race" you liberal fuck heads would have a coronary.
Take your fake ass opinion somewhere else.....
La raza doesn't mean the race. It means the people, ultimately the melding of different ethnicities into one. For example the melding of spaniards and Native peoples into what we now call Mexicans.

And no, the judge is not a member of the organization that you call la raza.

Your first sentence is a lie thats easily refuted....making the rest of your post worthless since you decided to be dishonest right out of the gate.
No, it isn't a lie. You simply believe what the cons tell you to believe.
Not as you suggest, so try again. Be very specific, please. Ese.

If a white lawyer group or any other type of group headed by whites called themselves "The Race" you liberal fuck heads would have a coronary.
Take your fake ass opinion somewhere else.....
La raza doesn't mean the race. It means the people, ultimately the melding of different ethnicities into one. For example the melding of spaniards and Native peoples into what we now call Mexicans.

And no, the judge is not a member of the organization that you call la raza.

Your first sentence is a lie thats easily refuted....making the rest of your post worthless since you decided to be dishonest right out of the gate.
No, it isn't a lie. You simply believe what the cons tell you to believe.

The thing about lying on the internet?
The people you're lying to are online as well.....moron.
Thank you, Shrimpbox, for a good statement.

Trump is simply not worthy of the majority of his followers.

Double Down Donald can't change, I think, is the crux of the matter.

It was a set up from the start.

This side story, it's players and the implications mean nothing.

Average folks should quit letting the media and the way it is spun stop doing their thinking for them.

Ziocons and globalist neo-liberal pukes have an agenda. They have from the start.

It might be an indicator that Trump is the real deal and he stands up for the principles that he speaks about at his speeches. OTH, it might be ironic that this will be the wart that the establishment media uses to destroy him.

Trump U vs. that whole server scandal?

Not as you suggest, so try again. Be very specific, please. Ese.

If a white lawyer group or any other type of group headed by whites called themselves "The Race" you liberal fuck heads would have a coronary.
Take your fake ass opinion somewhere else.....
La raza doesn't mean the race. It means the people, ultimately the melding of different ethnicities into one. For example the melding of spaniards and Native peoples into what we now call Mexicans.

And no, the judge is not a member of the organization that you call la raza.

Your first sentence is a lie thats easily refuted....making the rest of your post worthless since you decided to be dishonest right out of the gate.
No, it isn't a lie. You simply believe what the cons tell you to believe.
So Wikipedia is conservative now? Most educated folks know it has a liberal bias.

The Spanish term La Raza translates as "the Race", Spanish raza having the meaning of "race, ethnicity; breed, strain, lineage". The term expresses ethnic or racial pride, and is used with somewhat different shades of meaning in Spain and in Hispanic America.
La Raza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's as much about Latino nationalism as Aryan Pride movements are about White nationalism. To say one is worse or better than the other is to be partisan, blind, bigoted, and chauvinistic.
Not as you suggest, so try again. Be very specific, please. Ese.

If a white lawyer group or any other type of group headed by whites called themselves "The Race" you liberal fuck heads would have a coronary.
Take your fake ass opinion somewhere else.....
La raza doesn't mean the race. It means the people, ultimately the melding of different ethnicities into one. For example the melding of spaniards and Native peoples into what we now call Mexicans.

And no, the judge is not a member of the organization that you call la raza.

Your first sentence is a lie thats easily refuted....making the rest of your post worthless since you decided to be dishonest right out of the gate.
No, it isn't a lie. You simply believe what the cons tell you to believe.
So Wikipedia is conservative now? Most educated folks know it has a liberal bias.

The Spanish term La Raza translates as "the Race", Spanish raza having the meaning of "race, ethnicity; breed, strain, lineage". The term expresses ethnic or racial pride, and is used with somewhat different shades of meaning in Spain and in Hispanic America.
La Raza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's as much about Latino nationalism as Aryan Pride movements are about White nationalism. To say one is worse or better than the other is to be partisan, blind, bigoted, and chauvinistic.
Read the entire wiki entry.
Trump and the judge - It’s not about race, but the rule of law

If we don't have fair and unbiased judges, our very system of justice fails and is flawed.

Trump’s concern is instead about judicial impartiality. The judge in question, Gonzalo Curiel, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego, a group that claims it is not affiliated with the National Council of La Raza, but which lists that group, strongly opposed to the Trump candidacy, on its website as part of its “community.” Even the US Supreme Court acknowledges selective justice based on race. The recently upended the death sentence of a black Georgia man convicted by an all-white jury. Meaning that race or ethnicity might prevent judicial fairness.

Full story w/links @ Articles: Trump and the judge - It’s not about race, but the rule of law

Florida AG Bondi Sought a “Personal Contribution” From Trump Before Withdrawing From Fraud Case @ Florida AG Bondi Sought a "Personal Contribution" From Trump Before Withdrawing From Fraud Case | RedState

Of course it was a political payoff. That's how elected officials perform their duties these days.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi’s re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi’s office publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University’s activities.

After the check came in, Bondi’s office nixed suing Trump, citing insufficient grounds to proceed.”

Full story 2/links @ Florida AG Bondi Sought a "Personal Contribution" From Trump Before Withdrawing From Fraud Case | RedState

Here’s What the Media Is HIDING About the Trump University Case @ Here's What the Media Is HIDING About the Trump University Case | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

As awful as this judge is, it does not excuse Trump for calling him out for his Mexican heritage, or the fact that the Trump University deal is corrupt and Trump will be sued repeatedly for it. Trump going after the judge’s connections is deflection for his own actions. However, I will say this… Trump has a point that the judge should recuse himself. There is no way he can be unbiased… after all with his radical connections and being appointed by Obama, that is a no-brainer. I fault both sides and am equally disgusted all the way around here.
Some Double Down Donald spokesperson just now on the news chastised the mainstream GOP for not supporting Donnie's racism, sexism, and ethnocentrism.

I am pretty sure that I speak for millions of Republicans when I tell Donnie, "fuck you, I will never vote for a scumbag like you. You are the party of the Corrells, the CrusaderFranks, the Yurts, the HWGAs, and all of the rest of the scum trying to take over the party."

Donnie will not be president: count on it.
Last edited:
The far right continues to
Some Double Down Donald spokesperson just now on the news chastised the mainstream GOP for not supporting Donnie's racism, sexism, and ethnocentrism.

I am pretty sure that I speak for millions of Republicans when I tell Donnie, "fuck you, I will never vote for a scumbag like you. You are the party of the Corrells, the CrusaderFranks, the Yurts, the HWGAs, and all of the rest of the scum trying to take over the party."

Donnie will not be president: count on it.

You also said he'd never be the nominee....
And if you violent leftist continue with your bullshit it pretty much guarantees a Trump win.
Which should have been the line of attack.

Trump said he didnt trust the judge because he was hispanic and I dont blame him one bit.
The la raza crap is just more confirmation that he shouldnt trust the guy.
He is not a member of la raza.

I think it is pretty awesome that Trump and his supporters find Hispanics to be untrustworthy.

I'm curious to know how many Hispanics trump has fleeced.

Funny...The Race Lawyers of California have la raza listed as an affiliate.

They do not have them listed as an affiliate!!!!

Why lie?

Then of course you have this little gem....
Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza

hwga, you have let yourself be snowed.

This judge did not appoint the law firm for the plaintiffs.

as your propagandist... always lying in every story they manufacture and print WND has said.

This judge did not take on this case/suit until 2014.

These law firms were appointed in 2012 by a DIFFERENT JUDGE who was handling the suit, NOT Judge Curiel....

INFORM yourself, and stop letting your right wing trump supporting media DUPE you...
Some Double Down Donald spokesperson just now on the news chastised the mainstream GOP for not supporting Donnie's racism, sexism, and ethnocentrism.

I am pretty sure that I speak for millions of Republicans when I tell Donnie, "fuck you, I will never vote for a scumbag like you. You are the party of the Corrells, the CrusaderFranks, the Yurts, the HWGAs, and all of the rest of the scum trying to take over the party."

Donnie will not be president: count on it.

You also said he'd never be the nominee....
And if you violent leftist continue with your bullshit it pretty much guarantees a Trump win.

With Hillary under investigation for two separate felonies and at least two plea deals on one of them indictment can be skipped and it can go right to bench warrants for Hillary. Obama will most likely screw up once again in his own inimitatable way by pardoning Hilary so she can't be removed from the ticket and can't clear her name. At least his own hands off management style won't become a matter of record.
William quit being an idiot. Nothing of the sort will happen because there is nothing of the sort to happen.

An HRC warrant will not save Trump. Warren, Sanders, or Biden can easily beat him.

The American people in and out of the GOP are saying "never Trump."
William quit being an idiot. Nothing of the sort will happen because there is nothing of the sort to happen.

An HRC warrant will not save Trump. Warren, Sanders, or Biden can easily beat him.

The American people in and out of the GOP are saying "never Trump."

Dear idiot studying to be a moron:

IF you had noticed Friday's jobs number much less the downward revision to the previous two months a thought might have occurred to you. Unless the economy rises up and runs like the wind no unpaid voter in their right mind will vote D. luckily the Ds have many paid off voters and useful idiots such as yourself. Turn.out will be extremely low because no one really expects Trump to win and most of his supporters are Trump supporters by default. Everyone is sick and tired on the neo-con war mongers like Hillary and the rest of R field. Hillary will have negative coattails:

Because no one with a brain wants the idiotic foreign policy of the past quarter century continued.

No one in their right mind wants the half-assed economic policies of the past quarter century either.

Most of the Blue Wall is officially investment grade while the actual bond prices are priced at junk yield. PR is already in universal default and IL is in non-bond default (bring you own toilet tissue if you stop at an IL visitor center for a potty break).

Are you shooting for an even lower estimation among posters to the right of Pol Pot, if so you are being quite successful.
Attack me all you, William. You don't get just once more. This is not about your lack of brain power. This is not about job numbers. The turn out will be quite high to ensure that Trump does not win. No one really thinks you understand economics or world finances. Your nonsense about oil has been shown over and over.

Shuffle out, old man. Your time is over.
I think this actually goes to the heart of the matter.

Elites with divided loyalties.

Here you have a judge that is contributing to the education of illegals at American Universities. He also contributed to the Hillary campaign. As a member of "La Raza," or the race, how can anyone think he is impartial? He is Trump's political enemy, certainly.

PROOF: @MegynKelly Caught Lying About Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s La Raza Membership to Bash @RealDonaldTrump

WOW: Trump Hatin’ “Mexican Judge” Awarded Scholarships To Illegal Immigrants

All true and relevant but why bring private business into a political race?
Lack of political experience and acumen, blinding hubris, and to do so is simply in his nature.

Indeed, what worked for Trump in business is failing him in politics.
"Trump has Blown Himself out of the Race Over a civil Lawsuit"'s early and he hasn't even had at the Hildabeast yet. This judge stuff will only unleash more hateful Latino riots and it will help Trump in the end. How many times have we felt he had blown it?....the guy knows what he is doing.

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