Trump has complained about America all his life

We had a black president who could not talk honestly about race because whites would have been severely asshurt and one of them would have done something crazy. And this president is not talking openly about race, he's spewing racist opinion. Last, blacks are not the only ones responsible to do something about race. Whites created the problem, whites are the primary people responsible for ending it.

No, the African tribal elders created the problem by selling their slaves to slavers who'd send them to our cotton fields. Whites gave 660,000 of our sons to end slavery in the Civil War. We've spent $22T on welfare to float blacks too lazy to work. The problem is commiecrats have given blacks license to bitch and moan about not getting enough while we know blacks have been given way too fucking much and it's coming to an end. Shove your own racism up your ass, punk.
Ignoramous, the civil war was not about freeing the slaves but to keep the union together. Lincoln wanted to send the slave back to Africa but it would have cost too much. 400 years of free labor built this country economically and Europe also. You can never repay Blacks for that contribution with a little welfare. All Black have asked for is equal education and job opportunity and that is not too much to ask for considering what they have given this country. And someone said Native was not forced on reservations. Fucking Bull Shilt. My people were put on the Chickasaw Trail of Tears to resettle in Okla and they did not have a fucking choice. In 1851, Congress passed the IndianAppropriations Act which created the Indian reservation system and provided funds to move Indian tribes onto farming reservations and hopefully keep them under control. Indians were not allowed to leave the reservations without permission.
50 years of welfare.

As opposed to the 243 years white have got?
Poor response.
How many Whites do you know who needed 50 years to earn a good living?
I have many successful Black families living in my suburban Town.
in other words you have no it....

I know why. You need to study and learn why. Seems that you are too lazy and shiftless to do so.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.
that has nothing to do with what i was asking....he and other blacks have said the black man taught the people Europe just about everything they know....that says they were smarter than everyone i was asking...what the hell happened?..what happened to all that intellect,did it just disappear?...why did the more advanced Africans let everyone walk all over them?..they should have been able to beat back any kind of invasions by those "primitive" answer that because I am 2 doesnt have a clue as to what happened,maybe you can tell me....
What happens? From the earliest days of the African presence in the United States, blacks have contributed to the fiber of American culture, ranging from useful inventions to innovative musical interludes, and beyond. Blacks have served and died in defense of their adopted homeland. The individuals that make up the whole of the black population, have offered up their talents to forward the cause of peace and prosperity in America. The white man's invasion into Africa and America took all the resources. Blacks contributions to this country is never mentioned in history or elsewhere. And you think the European's are smarter? LMFAO
Do your research on the contributions Africa made to European civilization. Iowa Republican representative Steve King, with his white supremacist mentality, made an ignorant claim that white people have made more contributions to western civilization than other “sub-groups.” He stated, “I’d ask you to go back to your history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you’re talking about, where did any other sub-group of people contribute more to civilization?” I continue to be in awe of the ignorance that many with his mindset spew from their mouths. It is that superior complex or sub human whites.
once again another who didnt read what i posted....was i talking about the last couple of centuries or way before that?...take your time figuring it out....
I sure do see some nice things happening in Hempstead, Uniondale and Roosevelt, NY.
Must suck for you to be a loser.

I have done better than you.
I can tell...

No you can't. You assume shit based on a lot of white race pimped bullshit. Oprah talks about white racism, you going to call her a loser? I worked for 43 years white boy. I work on my time now. I earned this and did so having to navigate through shit that would have made your punk ass quit. I've done better than you. Damn skippy.
Oprah gives charity to Africa; not one penny to African Americans.

Please do not try telling me what other black people do.
I have to since you’re a liar; or an idiot.
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.

What policies are going to catch up with Trump supporters? Personally, I am doing very well and would be doing even better if the Democrats would allow more of Trump's policies to come to fruition.
I have done better than you.
I can tell...

No you can't. You assume shit based on a lot of white race pimped bullshit. Oprah talks about white racism, you going to call her a loser? I worked for 43 years white boy. I work on my time now. I earned this and did so having to navigate through shit that would have made your punk ass quit. I've done better than you. Damn skippy.
Oprah gives charity to Africa; not one penny to African Americans.

Please do not try telling me what other black people do.
I have to since you’re a liar; or an idiot.

Since neither is truth STFU.
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.

What policies are going to catch up with Trump supporters? Personally, I am doing very well and would be doing even better if the Democrats would allow more of Trump's policies to come to fruition.
IM2AnIdiot has a worthless degree in Disgruntled Black American Sociology.
i asked you....and since you aint talking you dont know why yourself....thats called being a phony....

He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.

still clueless?...

It is not up to us to spoon feed you the history of people who aren't white or male since the dawn of time. It is on YOU to go out and broaden your own horizons, and look at other points of view. This is something that intellectually curious people do. They look outside their own worlds, and try to consider how other people see things. They listen to other points of view without mocking, denigrating, or getting defensive.

You don't do any of this. You don't even accept that there COULD be a different point of view. When I hear something that challenges my point of view, I look into it. The reasons for it. You demand we give it you. Why do the people you will never respect always have to grovel to white males to have them consider us for once?
Nah! Harry is open to various opinions.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...
I can tell...

No you can't. You assume shit based on a lot of white race pimped bullshit. Oprah talks about white racism, you going to call her a loser? I worked for 43 years white boy. I work on my time now. I earned this and did so having to navigate through shit that would have made your punk ass quit. I've done better than you. Damn skippy.
Oprah gives charity to Africa; not one penny to African Americans.

Please do not try telling me what other black people do.
I have to since you’re a liar; or an idiot.

Since neither is truth STFU.
Ad hominem; you have a very bad temper.
You must have failed all of your math and science classes.
He's telling you the truth, and you're being obtuse. Every day, I read about women who helped shape and form the world, and whose names I have never heard in my life. That's because it's HIS-TORY. It's written by white men to recount their stories, and how they shaped the world. Those who rule, get to shape the narrative.

Last week I learned that there were 4 female leaders in WWII, who were very high in the allied chain of command, and commanded resistance units of the French underground. Actual female combat heros from WWII!!! I have been a student of WWII since I was a teenagers, and have read most major books on the subject, including all of William Manchester's books on Churchill and WWII, and not once did I ever hear of these women. I'm now reading a book about them. HERSTORY is needed.

We need to look at the world through something other than a white male lens, because it's very distorted, and it ignores the contributions and accomplishments of people who aren't white males.

still clueless?...

It is not up to us to spoon feed you the history of people who aren't white or male since the dawn of time. It is on YOU to go out and broaden your own horizons, and look at other points of view. This is something that intellectually curious people do. They look outside their own worlds, and try to consider how other people see things. They listen to other points of view without mocking, denigrating, or getting defensive.

You don't do any of this. You don't even accept that there COULD be a different point of view. When I hear something that challenges my point of view, I look into it. The reasons for it. You demand we give it you. Why do the people you will never respect always have to grovel to white males to have them consider us for once?
Nah! Harry is open to various opinions.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...

It is not up to us to spoon feed you the history of people who aren't white or male since the dawn of time. It is on YOU to go out and broaden your own horizons, and look at other points of view. This is something that intellectually curious people do. They look outside their own worlds, and try to consider how other people see things. They listen to other points of view without mocking, denigrating, or getting defensive.

You don't do any of this. You don't even accept that there COULD be a different point of view. When I hear something that challenges my point of view, I look into it. The reasons for it. You demand we give it you. Why do the people you will never respect always have to grovel to white males to have them consider us for once?
Nah! Harry is open to various opinions.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...
she just has a hard time accepting that there COULD be a different point of view.......
I cannot wait to see your melt down when he wins in 2020! I think I will buy the expensive popcorn for that night.

There will be no meltdown here. I'll be laughing while watching you suffer as Trumps policies catch up to you and those like you.

What policies are going to catch up with Trump supporters? Personally, I am doing very well and would be doing even better if the Democrats would allow more of Trump's policies to come to fruition.

Keep living to watch your tax cut end while corporations and the very rich continue to get brakes. And watch how the economy crumbles if Trump gets a second term. He's been living off Obama and you will learn that the hard way shall he get a second term. Last, he's committing a massive human rights violation on the southern border. The world has not taken harsh action on this because they are hoping we vote Trump out. Shall he get 4 more years, the US could face worldwide sanctions and then you will surely learn.
still clueless?...

It is not up to us to spoon feed you the history of people who aren't white or male since the dawn of time. It is on YOU to go out and broaden your own horizons, and look at other points of view. This is something that intellectually curious people do. They look outside their own worlds, and try to consider how other people see things. They listen to other points of view without mocking, denigrating, or getting defensive.

You don't do any of this. You don't even accept that there COULD be a different point of view. When I hear something that challenges my point of view, I look into it. The reasons for it. You demand we give it you. Why do the people you will never respect always have to grovel to white males to have them consider us for once?
Nah! Harry is open to various opinions.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...
she just has a hard time accepting that there COULD be a different point of view.......

There are different points of view and then there are factually supported correct points of view.
It’s difficult to care about your feelings and see you as sincere when you’re outraged over something new each day.

Maybe if there was nothing to be outraged about every day? You are unable to look outside your white male-ness. You are satisfied because you can continue getting things at the expense of others. Then you gang up and gaslight everybody else so you can continue getting things at the expense of others. And your arrogance has spoiled you to such an extreme that you actually wonder why people are angry about it.
I sure do see some nice things happening in Hempstead, Uniondale and Roosevelt, NY.
Must suck for you to be a loser.

I have done better than you.
I can tell...

No you can't. You assume shit based on a lot of white race pimped bullshit. Oprah talks about white racism, you going to call her a loser? I worked for 43 years white boy. I work on my time now. I earned this and did so having to navigate through shit that would have made your punk ass quit. I've done better than you. Damn skippy.

I get a lot of those assumptions too. I've had idiots on another board "mansplain" economics 101 to me so I would understand how things work. One guy tried to explain what a "line item" in a budget was, and how to read a balance sheet. I was a banker for 10 years, manager of the fastest growing loan portfolio in Canada, personally responsible for a $10 million dollar loan portfolio, - a job for which I received the President's Award from the bank I worked for, and he's explaining line items and sources of income. I corrected the errors in his explanations, as graciously as possible.

I try not to make a complete monkey out of these fools, but I do give them a LOT of latitude to develop their natural tendencies.
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Maybe if there was nothing to be outraged about every day? You are unable to look outside your white male-ness. You are satisfied because you can continue getting things at the expense of others. Then you gang up and gaslight everybody else so you can continue getting things at the expense of others. And your arrogance has spoiled you to such an extreme that you actually wonder why people are angry about it.
I sure do see some nice things happening in Hempstead, Uniondale and Roosevelt, NY.
Must suck for you to be a loser.

I have done better than you.
I can tell...

No you can't. You assume shit based on a lot of white race pimped bullshit. Oprah talks about white racism, you going to call her a loser? I worked for 43 years white boy. I work on my time now. I earned this and did so having to navigate through shit that would have made your punk ass quit. I've done better than you. Damn skippy.

I get a lot of those assumptions too. I've had idiots on another board "mansplain" economics 101 to me so I would understand how things work. One guy tried to explain what a "line item" in a budget was, and how to read a balance sheet. I was a banker for 10 years, manager of the fastest growing loan portfolio in Canada, personally responsible for a $10 million dollar loan portfolio, - a job for which I received the President's Award from the bank I worked for, and he's explaining line items and sources of income. I corrected the errors in his explanations, as graciously as possible.

I try not to make a complete monkey out of these fools, but I do give them a LOT of latitude to develop their natural tendencies.
You don’t ever come across as having that skill set.
It is not up to us to spoon feed you the history of people who aren't white or male since the dawn of time. It is on YOU to go out and broaden your own horizons, and look at other points of view. This is something that intellectually curious people do. They look outside their own worlds, and try to consider how other people see things. They listen to other points of view without mocking, denigrating, or getting defensive.

You don't do any of this. You don't even accept that there COULD be a different point of view. When I hear something that challenges my point of view, I look into it. The reasons for it. You demand we give it you. Why do the people you will never respect always have to grovel to white males to have them consider us for once?
Nah! Harry is open to various opinions.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...
she just has a hard time accepting that there COULD be a different point of view.......

There are different points of view and then there are factually supported correct points of view.
a point of view is a particular attitude or way of considering a matter by an individual......whats funny here is your point of view on posters here you consider racist, no facts backing up many of those views...
Nah! Harry is open to various opinions.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...
she just has a hard time accepting that there COULD be a different point of view.......

There are different points of view and then there are factually supported correct points of view.
a point of view is a particular attitude or way of considering a matter by an individual......whats funny here is your point of view on posters here you consider racist, no facts backing up many of those views...

Just as I showed you why I say you are a racist, I have shown facts. But I am also realistic, none of you are going to just come out and admit your racism. They are going to do exactly what you have done. It's called white fragility.
she knows that....but i have different opinions she cant accept...
she just has a hard time accepting that there COULD be a different point of view.......

There are different points of view and then there are factually supported correct points of view.
a point of view is a particular attitude or way of considering a matter by an individual......whats funny here is your point of view on posters here you consider racist, no facts backing up many of those views...

Just as I showed you why I say you are a racist, I have shown facts. But I am also realistic, none of you are going to just come out and admit your racism. They are going to do exactly what you have done. It's called white fragility.
you have not shown any facts and i have asked you 4 times you like to lie to....thats called black fragility...and you show that in abundance...
Ignoramous, the civil war was not about freeing the slaves but to keep the union together. Lincoln wanted to send the slave back to Africa but it would have cost too much. 400 years of free labor built this country economically and Europe also. You can never repay Blacks for that contribution with a little welfare. All Black have asked for is equal education and job opportunity and that is not too much to ask for considering what they have given this country. And someone said Native was not forced on reservations. Fucking Bull Shilt. My people were put on the Chickasaw Trail of Tears to resettle in Okla and they did not have a fucking choice. In 1851, Congress passed the IndianAppropriations Act which created the Indian reservation system and provided funds to move Indian tribes onto farming reservations and hopefully keep them under control. Indians were not allowed to leave the reservations without permission.

Boo fucking family, 7th Cav, was slaughtered at Little Big Horn after which you got what you deserved. Dirt worshippers get no say.
Just as I showed you why I say you are a racist, I have shown facts. But I am also realistic, none of you are going to just come out and admit your racism. They are going to do exactly what you have done. It's called white fragility.

So c'mon us what a bad mofuck you are....let's get it started with rifles....I say without 6 on 1 you are the most chickenshit race in history....gutless fucking munts.
Just as I showed you why I say you are a racist, I have shown facts. But I am also realistic, none of you are going to just come out and admit your racism. They are going to do exactly what you have done. It's called white fragility.

So c'mon us what a bad mofuck you are....let's get it started with rifles....I say without 6 on 1 you are the most chickenshit race in history....gutless fucking munts.
He is probably built like Jimmy Walker.

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