'Trump has hijacked the election': House Republicans in panic mode

House Speaker Paul Ryan got President Donald Trump on the phone Sunday for one final plea on behalf of anxious Republicans: Please, please talk up the booming economy in the final hours before Election Day. But Trump, unsurprisingly, had another issue on his mind. He boasted to Ryan that his focus on immigration has fired up the base, according to a source familiar with the call.

Two days out from an expected Democratic takeover of the House, Republicans focused on the chamber were profoundly worried that Trump’s obsession with all things immigration would exacerbate their losses. Many of these same Republicans welcomed Trump’s initial talk about the migrant caravan and border security two weeks ago, hoping it would gin up the GOP base in some at-risk, Republican-held districts.

But they now fear Trump went overboard — and that it could cost them dearly in key suburban districts, from Illinois to Texas. Many of them have cringed at Trump’s threats to unilaterally end birthright citizenship, as well as his recent racially tinged ad suggesting that immigrants are police killers. The president's drumbeat, they say, is drowning out news any incumbent president would be negligent not to dwell on: that the economy added a quarter-million jobs last quarter, and unemployment is below 4 percent. - Source

Today's election day. We'll see if the house republicans were right.

To be washed away--literally--by weather. Pouring rain where I am right now, bad weather all over. Guess who's used to getting out in all kinds of bad weather? Workaday people. Republicans. :) It will hurt a lot of Democrats, though. Young people especially. They will NOT be making that extra stop at the polls today in all this weather.

Maybe they should make it a holiday, or have every state have a few days to vote.

No. If you can't find it in your regular day to vote, you don't deserve to have your voice heard. No more accommodations for absolute slackers.

How about people who work and take the bus to work. How about 12 hour shift people?

I got off work at midnight, went to bed at 2 am and my ass was up and at the polls before 8am.

Let the whiny bastards stew in their own disenfranchisement! If they want to vote, they will!
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
Nope... sorry... you're parroting the demtard talking point,
No dummy, she is literally repeating the opinion of the republican speaker of the house. Dang you people can't even act normal for 5 minutes.....
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
Cruel? No, you just sound like a moron. She is in more danger feom one of you angry, fat ass old trump cultists than she is from any immigrant.
Nope... sorry... you're parroting the demtard talking point,
No dummy, she is literally repeating the opinion of the republican speaker of the house. Dang you people can't even act normal for 5 minutes.....

The lame duck (because he doesn't have any testicles) RINO Speaker of the House is what you meant to say.

He is just going to make his money on CNN and PMSNBC. Just wait and see!
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
Cruel? No, you just sound like a moron. She is in more danger feom one of you angry, fat ass old trump cultists than she is from any immigrant.

Coming from the likes of you, I take that as a compliment.
The lame duck (because he doesn't have any testicles) RINO Speaker of the House is what you meant to say.
No, that's just an old man whining on the internet. And others share Ryan's opinion. They are fully aware of the predictable, rubber stamp response of the Trump dead enders like you. They just think you are morons.
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

I believe in black and white on most issues. Illegal immigration is one.
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

I believe in black and white on most issues. Illegal immigration is one.
I think you mean,"brown and white".

Honesty is good. Try it!
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

I believe in black and white on most issues. Illegal immigration is one.
then that would be the extremes driving things today and to me, why we're so fucked up. each side is either black or white and will not compromise, so we get a lot of useless bickering over who will be right or wrong and suddenly being right means more than doing the right thing.

i want immigration fixed. congress must do it, not an EO. i want the caravan stopped. it's like a living trolling at this point and nothing good can really come from it. but that doesn't means our country is about to fall apart cause 5k+ migrants are headed this way on foot.

we need to stop the overdramatization we do in our efforts to be "right" and see things as they now, now as what we're scared of.
<snipped for brevity> Be careful you aren't seeking sources to confirm your bias, as we all tend to do.I guess we'll see, right?
As I already stated, the vote will tell if trumps gamble of keying on the migrant caravan will help or hurt the republicans as opposed to him talking up the economy, as the article implies.
<snipped for brevity> Be careful you aren't seeking sources to confirm your bias, as we all tend to do.I guess we'll see, right?
As I already stated, the vote will tell if trumps gamble of keying on the migrant caravan will help or hurt the republicans as opposed to him talking up the economy, as the article implies.
Talking about the economy would speak to independents and undecideds. Talking about scary brown women and children coming to take our country away only speaks to the people already in the trump cult and repulses everyone else.
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Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

I believe in black and white on most issues. Illegal immigration is one.
then that would be the extremes driving things today and to me, why we're so fucked up. each side is either black or white and will not compromise, so we get a lot of useless bickering over who will be right or wrong and suddenly being right means more than doing the right thing.

i want immigration fixed. congress must do it, not an EO. i want the caravan stopped. it's like a living trolling at this point and nothing good can really come from it. but that doesn't means our country is about to fall apart cause 5k+ migrants are headed this way on foot.

we need to stop the overdramatization we do in our efforts to be "right" and see things as they now, now as what we're scared of.

Over dramatization? You mean like libtards do with EVERYTHING?
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

There's really no difference between the two extremes anymore.
<snipped for brevity> Be careful you aren't seeking sources to confirm your bias, as we all tend to do.I guess we'll see, right?
As I already stated, the vote will tell if trumps gamble of keying on the migrant caravan will help or hurt the republicans as opposed to him talking up the economy, as the article implies.

What the article implies, I believe, is a skewed perception of reality. I'm not sure though, are you?

I have not watched any of those two hour rallies he has been having, have you?
<snipped for brevity> Be careful you aren't seeking sources to confirm your bias, as we all tend to do.I guess we'll see, right?
As I already stated, the vote will tell if trumps gamble of keying on the migrant caravan will help or hurt the republicans as opposed to him talking up the economy, as the article implies.
Talking about the economy would speak to independents and undecideds. Talking about scary brown women and children coming to take our country away only speaks to the people already in the trump cult and repulses everyone else.

We are making the tacit assumption though that the article is accurate.

Only a fool or a rabid partisan would make such a gamble.
Trump said he wanted to unite the country.............eventually.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

I believe in black and white on most issues. Illegal immigration is one.
then that would be the extremes driving things today and to me, why we're so fucked up. each side is either black or white and will not compromise, so we get a lot of useless bickering over who will be right or wrong and suddenly being right means more than doing the right thing.

i want immigration fixed. congress must do it, not an EO. i want the caravan stopped. it's like a living trolling at this point and nothing good can really come from it. but that doesn't means our country is about to fall apart cause 5k+ migrants are headed this way on foot.

we need to stop the overdramatization we do in our efforts to be "right" and see things as they now, now as what we're scared of.

Over dramatization? You mean like libtards do with EVERYTHING?
you just said you're black or white. how does this not lead to unnecessary drama?

and i'm not addressing the liberals. i'm addressing a political ad i heard for Cruz that was really pretty much VOTE NOW OR WE ARE ALL DOOMED!!!! DOOMED I SAY SO GO VOTE AND CRUZ WILL SAVE YOU!!!!

then we have project veritas - i was wrong in what the beto video showed and have said so. but look at hannity and many other conservative talking heads who went nuts on beto for this and made it a huge issue.

how is that *not* being overly dramatic in return?

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