'Trump has hijacked the election': House Republicans in panic mode

<snipped for brevity> Be careful you aren't seeking sources to confirm your bias, as we all tend to do.I guess we'll see, right?
As I already stated, the vote will tell if trumps gamble of keying on the migrant caravan will help or hurt the republicans as opposed to him talking up the economy, as the article implies.
Talking about the economy would speak to independents and undecideds. Talking about scary brown women and children coming to take our country away only speaks to the people already in the trump cult and repulses everyone else.

We are making the tacit assumption though that the article is accurate.

Only a fool or a rabid partisan would make such a gamble.
My comments don't rely on the accuracy of the article, though.

What gamble?
A) What the article implies, I believe, is a skewed perception of reality. I'm not sure though, are you?
B) I have not watched any of those two hour rallies he has been having, have you?
A) It's your opinion. If you are not sure, read some more.

B) Non Sequitur response.
House Speaker Paul Ryan got President Donald Trump on the phone Sunday for one final plea on behalf of anxious Republicans: Please, please talk up the booming economy in the final hours before Election Day. But Trump, unsurprisingly, had another issue on his mind. He boasted to Ryan that his focus on immigration has fired up the base, according to a source familiar with the call.

Two days out from an expected Democratic takeover of the House, Republicans focused on the chamber were profoundly worried that Trump’s obsession with all things immigration would exacerbate their losses. Many of these same Republicans welcomed Trump’s initial talk about the migrant caravan and border security two weeks ago, hoping it would gin up the GOP base in some at-risk, Republican-held districts.

But they now fear Trump went overboard — and that it could cost them dearly in key suburban districts, from Illinois to Texas. Many of them have cringed at Trump’s threats to unilaterally end birthright citizenship, as well as his recent racially tinged ad suggesting that immigrants are police killers. The president's drumbeat, they say, is drowning out news any incumbent president would be negligent not to dwell on: that the economy added a quarter-million jobs last quarter, and unemployment is below 4 percent. - Source

Today's election day. We'll see if the house republicans were right.

To be washed away--literally--by weather. Pouring rain where I am right now, bad weather all over. Guess who's used to getting out in all kinds of bad weather? Workaday people. Republicans. :) It will hurt a lot of Democrats, though. Young people especially. They will NOT be making that extra stop at the polls today in all this weather.
You're a young LIB who has been brainwashed to hate Trump.
It's pouring rain. Are you going to stay warm and dry in mommy and daddy's basement with a joint and a bag of red licorice and watch TV or spend the money on bus fare and get your ass soaked?
I listened to his rally last night. Trump specifically said, "they want me to talk about the economy, but the (economy is fine), we should be talking about problems that need to be solved (he meant immigration)"

Trump literally confirmed the OP article in his speech.
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

See, the thing is; Trump has depussified much of the Republican Party. He’s changed that whole “golly gee”, passive, pussy shit that Republicans are so well known for. He’s not really trying to appeal to the nutless. He knows it’s time for Republicans to get off their spineless asses and play smash-mouth with the other guys. If you’re sitting there waiting for the perfect message to be delivered the perfect way perfectly you’ll probably be waiting for a long time. It’s time to sack-up, get loud, get obnoxious and win battles....OR sit there on your hands and watch from the sidelines.
Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

Most people already know how great the economy is doing because they are living it.They enjoy the lowest UE since 69 and more jobs than there are people to fill them.No one needs to tell them a damned thing.

Still, there are many in the republican camp who feel he has way oversold his message of fear in regards to the caravan in the many hotly contested seats. That's getting negative reaction from republican moderate voters who don't see it as a primary issue.
i want to fix immigration. but i want congress to do it. billing the caravan as a bloody group of heathens and making commercials going crazy we stop them *is* a huge turn off.

In that case, I want to make sure you vote a straight Demo ticket so you can enjoy these caravans for many years to come. Then I hope an illegal immigrant commits a crime against you or your family, so you can get your justice.

That may seem cruel, but your inaction will lead to that exact scenario for some other American.
heh, ok. so if i don't buy into the extremes the right is spouting, then i'm for them being here.

and we bitch at the left for being so binary.

See, the thing is; Trump has depussified much of the Republican Party. He’s changed that whole “golly gee”, passive, pussy shit that Republicans are so well known for. He’s not really trying to appeal to the nutless. He knows it’s time for Republicans to get off their spineless asses and play smash-mouth with the other guys. If you’re sitting there waiting for the perfect message to be delivered the perfect way perfectly you’ll probably be waiting for a long time. It’s time to sack-up, get loud, get obnoxious and win battles....OR sit there on your hands and watch from the sidelines.
ok - where did i ever ask for a perfect message?

just not black or white. we'll go from there. if that means "perfection" to you then you're busy in the black/white i view to be the problem.
House Speaker Paul Ryan got President Donald Trump on the phone Sunday for one final plea on behalf of anxious Republicans: Please, please talk up the booming economy in the final hours before Election Day. But Trump, unsurprisingly, had another issue on his mind. He boasted to Ryan that his focus on immigration has fired up the base, according to a source familiar with the call.

Two days out from an expected Democratic takeover of the House, Republicans focused on the chamber were profoundly worried that Trump’s obsession with all things immigration would exacerbate their losses. Many of these same Republicans welcomed Trump’s initial talk about the migrant caravan and border security two weeks ago, hoping it would gin up the GOP base in some at-risk, Republican-held districts.

But they now fear Trump went overboard — and that it could cost them dearly in key suburban districts, from Illinois to Texas. Many of them have cringed at Trump’s threats to unilaterally end birthright citizenship, as well as his recent racially tinged ad suggesting that immigrants are police killers. The president's drumbeat, they say, is drowning out news any incumbent president would be negligent not to dwell on: that the economy added a quarter-million jobs last quarter, and unemployment is below 4 percent. - Source

Today's election day. We'll see if the house republicans were right.
The Poverty of Credentialism

You mean all the professional politicians whom The Donald rolled over in the primaries? Before campaigning for the ungrateful lower echelon, he figured that the economic boom has already gotten all the votes it was supposed to get, so he wants to add to that by emphasizing his defense of the nation. It's like big news happening on a stock but the stock doesn't react to it because it had done all that before the news hit the media domain. Besides why would anyone who could ever possibly vote Republican resent Trump's lockout policy?
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An American who wants to make America Mexico?

That's an oxymoron. Trump has all Americans energized! Today we vote to have America back.
Republicans can afford umbrellas, will show up, poor ole welfare democrats wont because they dont want to get all wet. Even when the Dems give them a burger and pack of cigs to show up.
Not that I expected anything more but so far, not a single person here read or commented on my posted article. Many house republicans believe that trump should have keyed on how well the economy is doing instead of the dumpster fire he created about a threat from the southern border.
---------------------------------- who cares , President Trump does as he thinks is best WP .
Republicans can afford umbrellas, will show up, poor ole welfare democrats wont because they dont want to get all wet. Even when the Dems give them a burger and pack of cigs to show up.
Not that I expected anything more but so far, not a single person here read or commented on my posted article. Many house republicans believe that trump should have keyed on how well the economy is doing instead of the dumpster fire he created about a threat from the southern border.
LOL!!! Poor windhag.
Republicans can afford umbrellas, will show up, poor ole welfare democrats wont because they dont want to get all wet. Even when the Dems give them a burger and pack of cigs to show up.
Not that I expected anything more but so far, not a single person here read or commented on my posted article. Many house republicans believe that trump should have keyed on how well the economy is doing instead of the dumpster fire he created about a threat from the southern border.
Nope... sorry... you're parroting the demtard talking point, and we don't listen to that crap.

The main issue is illegal immigration. Oh... I'm sorry... I know that hurts you mongrels and you tried real hard to change the subject. Well it just doesn't work that way anymore. We don't listen to your democrat propaganda wing like you do... sorry.

It is not. If immigration was a issue, Republicans would be in big trouble. You are using Trumptard talking points.
It is all about him. He has to be the center....he will be the reason the GOP wins....if they win....but someone else will be the reason the GOP loses....if it loses.

The mental condition called Narcissistic Authoritarian demands it.

PS: He really needs to start using smaller cucumbers over his eyes when dying himself orange. The Raccoon effect is really embarrassing....
If you were to listen to talk radio for just a few days, much of this would make absolute sense to you. The terms, the opinions, even the thought processes are all absolutely the same and completely predictable.It's already known that Hannity and Trump are very close, and I absolutely guarantee you that Hannity has drilled "The Base" into Trump's head. Trump's actions bear that out.
As far as the conservative around here, they dislike trump and abhor Hannity and Limbaugh. There aren't too many third parties up here in Wisconsin, running for local elections, so most of my votes are going democratic like Tony Evers for governor and Tammy Baldwin for Senate.
How's it going there?

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