Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
  • Start date
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.

its all the dems have left. they are losing everything and cannot cope with it so they make up lies.

vote them all out in November, every fricken one, including the rino Romney.
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.
Show the lie
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.

Austin is not Texas. Austin is San Francisco without the bay. Texas is seeing a changing demographic as more hispanics come of voting age, but sadly for democrats, hispanics have a very strong family and religious bond and will vote for candidates who share those values. That leaves out all democrats.

I am not worried in the least about Trump taking texas in november.
Wait......let me get my map

Yes, Austin is still in Texas. So is Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Texas is moving left and Trump is pushing it there faster.

Texas should still go Red in November unless Trump really screws up. But it will be tightly contested. That will result in more Democratic Congressmen and more Democrats in the State House
Yes, you're so good at predictions. You know, a few years ago the next GOP president hadn't been born yet, till he was. You've taped into to this echo chamber where you believe what the media says, like Obama's immense popularity and the Beast's certain victory, and then of course you're reduced to whinny butt-hurt when it isn't so.

Still get a kick outta that!
Any way you look at it, Trump is struggling.

Not just Texas but in every battleground state. Not just in polls but in recent elections.

2020 will be a referendum on Trump. Up until.six months ago, people were saying.........I am tired of his antics but I like the strong economy.

Now, the economy is not that strong.

Hmmm, did you happen to notice the DOW yesterday? or the jobs report? the economy is coming back strong, by November it will be better than ever. You dem/libs tried to break it with a fake impeachment, a chinese virus, and then with riots, but you failed. The american people vote with their wallets, and Trump's policies are giving everyone a fat wallet.

40 million people out of work do not care about the Dow
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.

Austin is not Texas. Austin is San Francisco without the bay. Texas is seeing a changing demographic as more hispanics come of voting age, but sadly for democrats, hispanics have a very strong family and religious bond and will vote for candidates who share those values. That leaves out all democrats.

I am not worried in the least about Trump taking texas in november.
Wait......let me get my map

Yes, Austin is still in Texas. So is Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Texas is moving left and Trump is pushing it there faster.

Texas should still go Red in November unless Trump really screws up. But it will be tightly contested. That will result in more Democratic Congressmen and more Democrats in the State House
Yes, you're so good at predictions. You know, a few years ago the next GOP president hadn't been born yet, till he was. You've taped into to this echo chamber where you believe what the media says, like Obama's immense popularity and the Beast's certain victory, and then of course you're reduced to whinny butt-hurt when it isn't so.

Still get a kick outta that!
Any way you look at it, Trump is struggling.

Not just Texas but in every battleground state. Not just in polls but in recent elections.

2020 will be a referendum on Trump. Up until.six months ago, people were saying.........I am tired of his antics but I like the strong economy.

Now, the economy is not that strong.

Hmmm, did you happen to notice the DOW yesterday? or the jobs report? the economy is coming back strong, by November it will be better than ever. You dem/libs tried to break it with a fake impeachment, a chinese virus, and then with riots, but you failed. The american people vote with their wallets, and Trump's policies are giving everyone a fat wallet.

40 million people out of work do not care about the Dow

they are out of work because of the Chinese virus, not anything that Trump has done. The democrat mayors and governors are prolonging the out of work conditions with their refusals to reopen their cities and states.

the red states that are reopening are doing great, the blue one still closed are sucking.
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.
Show the lie

Trump never said what you claimed he said--------------YOU lied
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.

its all the dems have left. they are losing everything and cannot cope with it so they make up lies.

vote them all out in November, every fricken one, including the rino Romney.
They are continually trying to create a new crisis and he overcomes them all. Yes, vote them out!
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?
You really need to find new news sources.
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.

its all the dems have left. they are losing everything and cannot cope with it so they make up lies.

vote them all out in November, every fricken one, including the rino Romney.
They are continually trying to create a new crisis and he overcomes them all. Yes, vote them out!

Trump does well enough on his own to create a new crisis every week

The public is growing tired of it
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.
Show the lie

Trump never said what you claimed he said--------------YOU lied

15 cases going to zero?
Where did Trump mention 100,000deaths in that statement ?
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.

its all the dems have left. they are losing everything and cannot cope with it so they make up lies.

vote them all out in November, every fricken one, including the rino Romney.
They are continually trying to create a new crisis and he overcomes them all. Yes, vote them out!

Trump does well enough on his own to create a new crisis every week

The public is growing tired of it
/—-/ Name one crisis Trump committed, and back it up with proof.
When you have 40 million out of the workforce, 2.5 million is a drop in the bucket
But the bucket was supposed to have been drained and almost empty while the health care system was overloaded with millions dying due to lack of ventilators and Americans cowering in their basements stockpiling essentials for the second Great Depression.

Yet, there was Mister President Donald J Trump, and guess what?

A President who claimed he had beaten the virus and there would be no deaths
Lies, lies and more lies.

its all the dems have left. they are losing everything and cannot cope with it so they make up lies.

vote them all out in November, every fricken one, including the rino Romney.
They are continually trying to create a new crisis and he overcomes them all. Yes, vote them out!

Trump does well enough on his own to create a new crisis every week

The public is growing tired of it
/—-/ Name one crisis Trump committed, and back it up with proof.
Just one?

Trade war with China
Government shutdown
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?
Todd you and Ram are bad bad people
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH
Masks are useless. Now they're a symbol of oppression by fascists on the left.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH

What an arrogant retard

RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH
Masks are useless. Now they're a symbol of oppression by fascists on the left.
Quite effective in you keeping your germs to yourself
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

Have you always been a whiney twat?
Or is it new since Russian memes tricked you into voting for Trump?

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