Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

BUT BUT BUT 2016!!!! HILLARY!!!! 2016!!!!! HILLARY!!!! POLLS ARE FAKE NEWS!!!! 2016!!!!
Polls are fake except when most the time they aren’t.
If Republicans want to think polls do not apply to them, they are welcome to run that way.

Pay no attention to being nine points behind.

Dude, I get calls from pollsters all the time. I've never told the truth about who I was going to vote for.
Go with that...

Being nine points behind in the polls doesn’t mean anything. Everyone lies, polls are never correct

Glad you're getting it. I thought you might have learned that the only poll that counts is the one taken when people actually vote.
Very true

But the polls will tell you that you had better get off your ass or you are in deep trouble.

Trump better get off his ass

Off his ass? Trump has gotten more done by accident than other presidents have in their entire eight years. He's the most active and productive president that I've ever seen in my entire life and likely the most that has ever been. And with his hands tied behind his back no less. Surely you jest or else you're a fool.

Trump has gotten more than. ———- Like WHAT?
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches
And Trump stole from his charity And these idiots think he's an honest man??

Hmmm, shall we discuss the clintons and their charity? the one that paid out 5% of its income and spent 95% on "salaries and expenses", the one that paid Chelsea 600K to "manage" it? the one that is now shut down to prevent any further investigations?

and you fools think they are honest people?????
You are welcome to discuss the Clinton foundation. One of the highest rated charities in the world, one which has saved millions of lives.

It did its charitable work in house rather than to farm it out. That is why it only paid 5 percent outside the charity
Accepted funds from Saudi sheik's. I thought liberals were against capital punishment and abuse of women and gays. The Clinton's are two of the most devious people on the planet earth. They would make a deal with the devil to get $$$$ from people or Russian corporation's.
Trump covered up and excused a murder from the Saudi Prince
Really? Never saw evidence of that. But it is common knowledge that Clinton's took money from Saudi Royal Family.
And common knowledge trump fined 2 million for taking money from VET foundation to his campaign
But it was common knowledge that at the same time Hillary was out campaigning on issue of women's rights and gay rights she was taking $$$ from a nation that abused both. Hypocrite.
That moron Creepy Joe is a fucking idiot and should resign from being a candidate of the Party of Moon Bats.

It will be a landslide for Trump as long as the Party of Moon Bats have this clown as a candidate.

You would think that after four year after that Crooked Hillary disaster the idiots in the DNC would find a better candidadte than this Biden shithead. He is a corrupt, dumbass demented rapist who is a joke.
For 3 1/2 years Trump has not proven himself a leader but pure amateur, dishonest, corrupted, pathological liar and RACIST.

Trump is accused by 25 women of sexual advances some has sued Trump. One is waiting for Trump DNA.
Biden is accused by one women and it’s even questionable. Trump is winning 25 to 1.

Hillary? You are so in love. She is not running for election. Desperation time?

Of the qualified republicans you would think people like you should select better than this lunatic asshole.

You are very confused.

Trump has been a great President.

He has undone a lot of the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro and that idiot Biden did to this country.

He has strengthen the economy to be in a great position to get back on track after the Pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. He has negotiated great trade deals, strengthen the military, put good men on the Supreme court, secured the border, stopped the disastrous Obamacare, extracted us from some foreign interventionism, reduced taxes and pretty much done what is right for this country.

Biden is a corrupt rapist idiot that has never done anything worthwhile in his worthless life.

You Moon Bats will be just as idiotic voting for him as you were voting for Crooked Hillary, that moron Obama, that lying traitor John Kerry, that dingbat Gore or that scumbag Slick Willy.

You can't help yourself to vote for shitheads, can you?
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

I don't think so...he used the SA, but I'm not sure about the SS. Perhaps you have information that would answer that question?

As far as has Trump EVER said the racists were bad people, yes, in the comments he made that had the "cherry picked" quote you are so fond of, he very specifically said the neo-nazis were bad people.
What has he said to calm the protests down ?Any words of encouragement or just the military and tear gas??
Why should he speak about common criminals and looters. Military and police should have used deadly force. These have not been protest, just excuses to steal and rob. Not his role to babysit and calm a movement that has simply turned into another Anti-Trump whine.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
How can dead students vote? Blacks will turn out in same numbers and people living in suburbia and rural areas will vote for stability and ."Law and Order Trump."
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
The liberal media, D.C. establishment, Hollywood and all the other elites were against Trump. He spoke to real America and forgotten American's. Hillary wanted to talk about BLM and gay rights. Trump won.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches
And Trump stole from his charity And these idiots think he's an honest man??

Hmmm, shall we discuss the clintons and their charity? the one that paid out 5% of its income and spent 95% on "salaries and expenses", the one that paid Chelsea 600K to "manage" it? the one that is now shut down to prevent any further investigations?

and you fools think they are honest people?????
You are welcome to discuss the Clinton foundation. One of the highest rated charities in the world, one which has saved millions of lives.

It did its charitable work in house rather than to farm it out. That is why it only paid 5 percent outside the charity
Accepted funds from Saudi sheik's. I thought liberals were against capital punishment and abuse of women and gays. The Clinton's are two of the most devious people on the planet earth. They would make a deal with the devil to get $$$$ from people or Russian corporation's.
Trump covered up and excused a murder from the Saudi Prince
Really? Never saw evidence of that. But it is common knowledge that Clinton's took money from Saudi Royal Family.
There was no evidence. The Saudis chopped him up in little pieces

Trump said they are good people
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.

Maybe so
But this is a political message board. Should we wait till November?
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
How can dead students vote? Blacks will turn out in same numbers and people living in suburbia and rural areas will vote for stability and ."Law and Order Trump."
Trumps numbers have tanked this week

You think it was the Bible?
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
How can dead students vote? Blacks will turn out in same numbers and people living in suburbia and rural areas will vote for stability and ."Law and Order Trump."
Trumps numbers have tanked this week

You think it was the Bible?
Wait for the post riot polls. Trump supporters don't respond to these bullshit polls. Oh please tell me the new idiotic rumor that the left is pushing that it was not the Bible. I wish he would have stood there with a 9mm pistol.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
How can dead students vote? Blacks will turn out in same numbers and people living in suburbia and rural areas will vote for stability and ."Law and Order Trump."
Trumps numbers have tanked this week

You think it was the Bible?
You mean holding it up upside down might have annoyed his religious followers?
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
How can dead students vote? Blacks will turn out in same numbers and people living in suburbia and rural areas will vote for stability and ."Law and Order Trump."
Trumps numbers have tanked this week

You think it was the Bible?
You mean holding it up upside down might have annoyed his religious followers?
At least he was holding one. Democrats can't touch a Bible without bursting into flames due to support of infanticide and Godless Marxism.
That moron Creepy Joe is a fucking idiot and should resign from being a candidate of the Party of Moon Bats.

It will be a landslide for Trump as long as the Party of Moon Bats have this clown as a candidate.

You would think that after four year after that Crooked Hillary disaster the idiots in the DNC would find a better candidadte than this Biden shithead. He is a corrupt, dumbass demented rapist who is a joke.
For 3 1/2 years Trump has not proven himself a leader but pure amateur, dishonest, corrupted, pathological liar and RACIST.

Trump is accused by 25 women of sexual advances some has sued Trump. One is waiting for Trump DNA.
Biden is accused by one women and it’s even questionable. Trump is winning 25 to 1.

Hillary? You are so in love. She is not running for election. Desperation time?

Of the qualified republicans you would think people like you should select better than this lunatic asshole.

You are very confused.

Trump has been a great President.

He has undone a lot of the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro and that idiot Biden did to this country.

He has strengthen the economy to be in a great position to get back on track after the Pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. He has negotiated great trade deals, strengthen the military, put good men on the Supreme court, secured the border, stopped the disastrous Obamacare, extracted us from some foreign interventionism, reduced taxes and pretty much done what is right for this country.

Biden is a corrupt rapist idiot that has never done anything worthwhile in his worthless life.

You Moon Bats will be just as idiotic voting for him as you were voting for Crooked Hillary, that moron Obama, that lying traitor John Kerry, that dingbat Gore or that scumbag Slick Willy.

You can't help yourself to vote for shitheads, can you?

No I’m not confused. You are confused.

Trump is the most disastrous president ever that sit in that office. A well known corrupted before he was even elected president. Racist piece of shit, inept, amateur, pathological hypocrite liar. He is a FREAK.

Biden is not accused of rape. Trump is accused of rape waiting for his DNA. Dude get your facts straight.

Economy? Trump has nothing to do with with the economy. He inherited a good economy from Obama’s hard works. We gave that credit to Obama. He has not done shit about the economy except that he screwed up.

Pandemic has nothing to do with Biden. You are lying again. Trump is responsible for the Covid-19 100,000+ deaths Americans. He screwed up again big time.

Trade deals... we are so screwed. Counting 2020 total of $40 billions to save American farmers and 2019 19% filled for bankruptcies. What trade deals are you talking about?

Obamacare? There are more Americans that are now uninsured under Trump. What is the replacement? None.

Reduce taxes? Took it from our debt. Who are the biggest beneficiaries? I will leave that to your imagination.

BOTTOM LINE this country is in trouble under your 10 yo boy. We are in the middle of 2 crisis. He is posting for photo op, busy tweeting, finger pointing, blasting people instead of working with them, talking nonsense, doing a victory lap dance invoking Floyd’s name. He made this country a laughing stock, racist, ignorant bully around the world. Leaders are laughing at your Dude.

Obama is well respected around the world. Trump boy cannot even comes close.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches

you are a very confused pathetic human being, winger. I feel sorry for someone who is as brainwashed as you are. All you are capable of doing is repeating failed dem talking points and lies. you are a source of amusement, nothing more.
Here's another ,,,, 1st president led into his bunker hiding from the AMERICAN people The pos should be torn limb from limb
Well winger some of us are more concerned about maintaining a roof over our head and food on the table while at the same time understand no one is going to change another’s mindset, or opinion, on this website, regardless of the facts.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

Yes.....exactly. When everyone said that hilary had a 98% chance of winning Trump then ended his campaign, that is why we have President Hilary mind.

How did you came up with 98%?

Polls was right in favor of Hillary ( but not 98%) it’s just blacks didn’t came out to vote. This 2020 election will be a record breaking turn out that includes first time voters students who are getting killed at schools.

Your 10 yo kid is in big trouble.
How can dead students vote? Blacks will turn out in same numbers and people living in suburbia and rural areas will vote for stability and ."Law and Order Trump."
Trumps numbers have tanked this week

You think it was the Bible?
You mean holding it up upside down might have annoyed his religious followers?
At least he was holding one. Democrats can't touch a Bible without bursting into flames due to support of infanticide and Godless Marxism.
LOL yeah Trump is such a god fearing man How many pussies has he grabbed?
Well winger some of us are more concerned about maintaining a roof over our head and food on the table while at the same time understand no one is going to change another’s mindset, or opinion, on this website, regardless of the facts.
Yep been here a few years and never saw anyone's mind changed

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