Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
Funny how when Obama did a photo op nobody gave a rats ass. Hell brother that man was on the campaign trail for 8 years, lying, blaming others, apologizing for the accomplishments achieved by America, and yet still accomplishing nothing. Get a freaking life!
WTF is the matter with you people?
Are you really as stupid as you post?

The issue wasn’t photo-ops
The issue is gassing peaceful protestors to get there

no one was gassed, you flaming dipshit liar
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
Trump is turning toxic

People were willing to tolerate it while the economy was good. Now, the warts of his presidency are starting to show
Funny how when Obama did a photo op nobody gave a rats ass. Hell brother that man was on the campaign trail for 8 years, lying, blaming others, apologizing for the accomplishments achieved by America, and yet still accomplishing nothing. Get a freaking life!
WTF is the matter with you people?
Are you really as stupid as you post?

The issue wasn’t photo-ops
The issue is gassing peaceful protestors to get there

no one was gassed, you flaming dipshit liar
They sure were


A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker

There is already a new song out for the bunker boy.


A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker

There is already a new song out for the bunker boy.

You wouldn’t catch Obama cowering in a bunker either
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
Could be the stupidest thing I've ever read. Kinda like saying you're going to stop shopping at the local supermarket because one of the grapefruit you bought there was sour.
  • Covid Virus comes over from China by air, boat and person ---- DAMN THAT TRUMP! Gonna vote for Biden!
  • Trump tries to save economy but Democrats shutdown nation two months too long! ---- DAMN THAT TRUMP! Gonna vote for Biden!
  • Black guy dies during an arrest and nation goes berserk in Democrat cities despite the policeman being arrested and charged with MURDER! ---- DAMN THAT TRUMP! Gonna vote for Biden
Gotta be the greatest Democrat do nothing election ploy ever! Democrats denounce Trump a xenophobe for stopping incoming Chinese air flights, lockdown country despite urgings from Trump, then lose control of population despite offers of help from Trump, then blame it all on Trump!

The Soul Of The Nation is now with a guy who's done NOTHING, proven nothing, offered nothing, demonstrated nothing ---- other than abject senility, foolishness and incompetence. And Democrats, the role models foolish incompetence can't line up fast enough now to vote for their guy.

Party before People. If their candidate were a DEAD DOG, they'd still pull the lever for D.

A series of polls in swing (and not-so-swing) states released Wednesday make this reality plain.
* A Fox News poll in Arizona shows Joe Biden leading Trump 46% to 42%
* A Fox News poll in Ohio put Biden at 45% to Trump's 43%
* A Fox News poll in Wisconsin had Biden at 49% and Trump at 40%.
* A Quinnipiac University poll in Texas had the race at Trump 44%, Biden 43%.
How bad are those numbers for Trump? To put a fine point on it: Really bad.

Republicans are well aware of Electoral Votes
Losing Arizona, Ohio, Wisconsin and dare we say Texas would be catastrophic

And before you say it........This is Fox
Take a poll after the mob rule, anarchy and criminal behavior on the streets of America. Independent voter's from middle-class will run toward Trump and law and order. Biden has sided with a violent criminal minority. Same thing Hillary did.
As an independent voter I’ve had more than enough of trump failed policy. Only you crazy trumpers could be enjoying this.
So you will vote for Biden and mob rule. Real smart. President Trump's policies have been a success. Liberals love the COVID 19 because it hurt Trum's booming economy.
As Joe Biden showed this week, he is better able to deal with protests of this type....with compassion, understanding and firmness.

You won’t see Joe Biden hiding in a bunker
That's because nobody cares about him

Biden is a joke.

You people probably won't even make him the nominee

If there's one thing we can always count on is for a republican to be totally wrong.

Funny how when Obama did a photo op nobody gave a rats ass. Hell brother that man was on the campaign trail for 8 years, lying, blaming others, apologizing for the accomplishments achieved by America, and yet still accomplishing nothing. Get a freaking life!
Yeah 74+ straight 6 digit months of employment really sticks in your craw
And bailing us out of the last repub presidents disaster gets no points ?/ You shitheads wouldn't give obama credit if he cured cancer

Looking at the facts:
The Nixon Recession: (December 1969 - November 1970) Nixon

The Oil Crisis Recession: (November 1973 - March 1975) Nixon/Ford

The Iran/Energy Crisis Recession: (July 1981 - November 1982) Reagan

The Gulf War Recession: (July 1990 - March 1991) Bush Sr.

The 9/11 Recession: (March 2001 - November 2001) Bush Jr.

The Great Recession: (December 2007 - June 2009) Bush Jr.

The Great Depression of 2020 - TRUMP

I had to take economics all four years for my degree in accounting.

One of the classes was the economic history of America.

Every time conservative economics is implemented it destroys our economy. It destroys jobs and workers rights. It creates poverty with a small minority having most of the money and all of the power.

Go back farther than Hoover.

It's all there in our history.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
Could be the stupidest thing I've ever read. Kinda like saying you're going to stop shopping at the local supermarket because one of the grapefruit you bought there was sour.
  • Covid Virus comes over from China by air, boat and person ---- DAMN THAT TRUMP! Gonna vote for Biden!
  • Trump tries to save economy but Democrats shutdown nation two months too long! ---- DAMN THAT TRUMP! Gonna vote for Biden!
  • Black guy dies during an arrest and nation goes berserk in Democrat cities despite the policeman being arrested and charged with MURDER! ---- DAMN THAT TRUMP! Gonna vote for Biden
Gotta be the greatest Democrat do nothing election ploy ever! Democrats denounce Trump a xenophobe for stopping incoming Chinese air flights, lockdown country despite urgings from Trump, then lose control of population despite offers of help from Trump, then blame it all on Trump!

The Soul Of The Nation is now with a guy who's done NOTHING, proven nothing, offered nothing, demonstrated nothing ---- other than abject senility, foolishness and incompetence. And Democrats, the role models foolish incompetence can't line up fast enough now to vote for their guy.

Party before People. If their candidate were a DEAD DOG, they'd still pull the lever for D.
as you did in 2016 although trump was worse than a dead dog a piece of feces floating in repub swamp
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
And now Romney is marching with protesters picking up repubs with brains enough to know Trump is scum
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him
But so far Romney is the only one with nads not afraid of trump scum willing to call him out and then there's Powell
That moron Creepy Joe is a fucking idiot and should resign from being a candidate of the Party of Moon Bats.

It will be a landslide for Trump as long as the Party of Moon Bats have this clown as a candidate.

You would think that after four year after that Crooked Hillary disaster the idiots in the DNC would find a better candidadte than this Biden shithead. He is a corrupt, dumbass demented rapist who is a joke.
For 3 1/2 years Trump has not proven himself a leader but pure amateur, dishonest, corrupted, pathological liar and RACIST.

Trump is accused by 25 women of sexual advances some has sued Trump. One is waiting for Trump DNA.
Biden is accused by one women and it’s even questionable. Trump is winning 25 to 1.

Hillary? You are so in love. She is not running for election. Desperation time?

Of the qualified republicans you would think people like you should select better than this lunatic asshole.

You are very confused.

Trump has been a great President.

He has undone a lot of the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro and that idiot Biden did to this country.

He has strengthen the economy to be in a great position to get back on track after the Pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. He has negotiated great trade deals, strengthen the military, put good men on the Supreme court, secured the border, stopped the disastrous Obamacare, extracted us from some foreign interventionism, reduced taxes and pretty much done what is right for this country.

Biden is a corrupt rapist idiot that has never done anything worthwhile in his worthless life.

You Moon Bats will be just as idiotic voting for him as you were voting for Crooked Hillary, that moron Obama, that lying traitor John Kerry, that dingbat Gore or that scumbag Slick Willy.

You can't help yourself to vote for shitheads, can you?

No I’m not confused. You are confused.

Trump is the most disastrous president ever that sit in that office. A well known corrupted before he was even elected president. Racist piece of shit, inept, amateur, pathological hypocrite liar. He is a FREAK.

Biden is not accused of rape. Trump is accused of rape waiting for his DNA. Dude get your facts straight.

Economy? Trump has nothing to do with with the economy. He inherited a good economy from Obama’s hard works. We gave that credit to Obama. He has not done shit about the economy except that he screwed up.

Pandemic has nothing to do with Biden. You are lying again. Trump is responsible for the Covid-19 100,000+ deaths Americans. He screwed up again big time.

Trade deals... we are so screwed. Counting 2020 total of $40 billions to save American farmers and 2019 19% filled for bankruptcies. What trade deals are you talking about?

Obamacare? There are more Americans that are now uninsured under Trump. What is the replacement? None.

Reduce taxes? Took it from our debt. Who are the biggest beneficiaries? I will leave that to your imagination.

BOTTOM LINE this country is in trouble under your 10 yo boy. We are in the middle of 2 crisis. He is posting for photo op, busy tweeting, finger pointing, blasting people instead of working with them, talking nonsense, doing a victory lap dance invoking Floyd’s name. He made this country a laughing stock, racist, ignorant bully around the world. Leaders are laughing at your Dude.

Obama is well respected around the world. Trump boy cannot even comes close.

Trump is a great President. You are confused because you are a stupid Moon Bat that is afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome. Please go take your meds and then go lay down and take a nap. That way you won't embarrassed yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

By the way, in your confusion you don't understand that this country is in trouble because of all the hate and destruction of the Left Wing assholes that demand that the US be converted into a Socialist shithole.

Trump is standing in the way of that vile leftest destructive agenda and that is why you Moon Bats hate him so much.
Trump is the worst president ever. I understand truth hurts but it is what is.

Here is this idiot in the middle of 2 crisis busy tweeting nonsense conspiracies, wants to use the US army against his own people, Instigating violence against democrats LIBERATE save your 2nd amendments, photo op. DISGUSTING racist dog shit. Blasted Drew Brees for apologizing. This is the president of USA.
Trump torn this country apart because of supporters people like you. You and the rest are part of the problem.

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president.


I’m so sick seeing TDS as worthless defense from people like you. I don’t take any meds.
Last edited:
That moron Creepy Joe is a fucking idiot and should resign from being a candidate of the Party of Moon Bats.

It will be a landslide for Trump as long as the Party of Moon Bats have this clown as a candidate.

You would think that after four year after that Crooked Hillary disaster the idiots in the DNC would find a better candidadte than this Biden shithead. He is a corrupt, dumbass demented rapist who is a joke.
For 3 1/2 years Trump has not proven himself a leader but pure amateur, dishonest, corrupted, pathological liar and RACIST.

Trump is accused by 25 women of sexual advances some has sued Trump. One is waiting for Trump DNA.
Biden is accused by one women and it’s even questionable. Trump is winning 25 to 1.

Hillary? You are so in love. She is not running for election. Desperation time?

Of the qualified republicans you would think people like you should select better than this lunatic asshole.

You are very confused.

Trump has been a great President.

He has undone a lot of the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro and that idiot Biden did to this country.

He has strengthen the economy to be in a great position to get back on track after the Pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. He has negotiated great trade deals, strengthen the military, put good men on the Supreme court, secured the border, stopped the disastrous Obamacare, extracted us from some foreign interventionism, reduced taxes and pretty much done what is right for this country.

Biden is a corrupt rapist idiot that has never done anything worthwhile in his worthless life.

You Moon Bats will be just as idiotic voting for him as you were voting for Crooked Hillary, that moron Obama, that lying traitor John Kerry, that dingbat Gore or that scumbag Slick Willy.

You can't help yourself to vote for shitheads, can you?

No I’m not confused. You are confused.

Trump is the most disastrous president ever that sit in that office. A well known corrupted before he was even elected president. Racist piece of shit, inept, amateur, pathological hypocrite liar. He is a FREAK.

Biden is not accused of rape. Trump is accused of rape waiting for his DNA. Dude get your facts straight.

Economy? Trump has nothing to do with with the economy. He inherited a good economy from Obama’s hard works. We gave that credit to Obama. He has not done shit about the economy except that he screwed up.

Pandemic has nothing to do with Biden. You are lying again. Trump is responsible for the Covid-19 100,000+ deaths Americans. He screwed up again big time.

Trade deals... we are so screwed. Counting 2020 total of $40 billions to save American farmers and 2019 19% filled for bankruptcies. What trade deals are you talking about?

Obamacare? There are more Americans that are now uninsured under Trump. What is the replacement? None.

Reduce taxes? Took it from our debt. Who are the biggest beneficiaries? I will leave that to your imagination.

BOTTOM LINE this country is in trouble under your 10 yo boy. We are in the middle of 2 crisis. He is posting for photo op, busy tweeting, finger pointing, blasting people instead of working with them, talking nonsense, doing a victory lap dance invoking Floyd’s name. He made this country a laughing stock, racist, ignorant bully around the world. Leaders are laughing at your Dude.

Obama is well respected around the world. Trump boy cannot even comes close.

LIAR? Prove it.
Funny how when Obama did a photo op nobody gave a rats ass. Hell brother that man was on the campaign trail for 8 years, lying, blaming others, apologizing for the accomplishments achieved by America, and yet still accomplishing nothing. Get a freaking life!

LOL....... Compared to Trump lies and finger pointing? Obama took charge during the Ebola or SARS out break. I’m not sure where Obama took photo op that you are complaining. Did he took phot op during the crisis?
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.
That moron Creepy Joe is a fucking idiot and should resign from being a candidate of the Party of Moon Bats.

It will be a landslide for Trump as long as the Party of Moon Bats have this clown as a candidate.

You would think that after four year after that Crooked Hillary disaster the idiots in the DNC would find a better candidadte than this Biden shithead. He is a corrupt, dumbass demented rapist who is a joke.
For 3 1/2 years Trump has not proven himself a leader but pure amateur, dishonest, corrupted, pathological liar and RACIST.

Trump is accused by 25 women of sexual advances some has sued Trump. One is waiting for Trump DNA.
Biden is accused by one women and it’s even questionable. Trump is winning 25 to 1.

Hillary? You are so in love. She is not running for election. Desperation time?

Of the qualified republicans you would think people like you should select better than this lunatic asshole.

You are very confused.

Trump has been a great President.

He has undone a lot of the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro and that idiot Biden did to this country.

He has strengthen the economy to be in a great position to get back on track after the Pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. He has negotiated great trade deals, strengthen the military, put good men on the Supreme court, secured the border, stopped the disastrous Obamacare, extracted us from some foreign interventionism, reduced taxes and pretty much done what is right for this country.

Biden is a corrupt rapist idiot that has never done anything worthwhile in his worthless life.

You Moon Bats will be just as idiotic voting for him as you were voting for Crooked Hillary, that moron Obama, that lying traitor John Kerry, that dingbat Gore or that scumbag Slick Willy.

You can't help yourself to vote for shitheads, can you?

No I’m not confused. You are confused.

Trump is the most disastrous president ever that sit in that office. A well known corrupted before he was even elected president. Racist piece of shit, inept, amateur, pathological hypocrite liar. He is a FREAK.

Biden is not accused of rape. Trump is accused of rape waiting for his DNA. Dude get your facts straight.

Economy? Trump has nothing to do with with the economy. He inherited a good economy from Obama’s hard works. We gave that credit to Obama. He has not done shit about the economy except that he screwed up.

Pandemic has nothing to do with Biden. You are lying again. Trump is responsible for the Covid-19 100,000+ deaths Americans. He screwed up again big time.

Trade deals... we are so screwed. Counting 2020 total of $40 billions to save American farmers and 2019 19% filled for bankruptcies. What trade deals are you talking about?

Obamacare? There are more Americans that are now uninsured under Trump. What is the replacement? None.

Reduce taxes? Took it from our debt. Who are the biggest beneficiaries? I will leave that to your imagination.

BOTTOM LINE this country is in trouble under your 10 yo boy. We are in the middle of 2 crisis. He is posting for photo op, busy tweeting, finger pointing, blasting people instead of working with them, talking nonsense, doing a victory lap dance invoking Floyd’s name. He made this country a laughing stock, racist, ignorant bully around the world. Leaders are laughing at your Dude.

Obama is well respected around the world. Trump boy cannot even comes close.

Trump is a great President. You are confused because you are a stupid Moon Bat that is afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome. Please go take your meds and then go lay down and take a nap. That way you won't embarrassed yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

By the way, in your confusion you don't understand that this country is in trouble because of all the hate and destruction of the Left Wing assholes that demand that the US be converted into a Socialist shithole.

Trump is standing in the way of that vile leftest destructive agenda and that is why you Moon Bats hate him so much.
Trump is the worst president ever. I understand truth hurts but it is what is.

Here is this idiot in the middle of 2 crisis busy tweeting nonsense conspiracies, wants to use the US army against his own people, Instigating violence against democrats LIBERATE save your 2nd amendments, photo op. DISGUSTING racist dog shit. Blasted Drew Brees for apologizing. This is the president of USA.
Trump torn this country apart because of supporters people like you. You and the rest are part of the problem.

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president.


I’m so sick seeing TDS as worthless defense from people like you. I don’t take any meds.

No, you continue to be confused. It must suck for you to be uneducated and low information and have a serious mental disease. His record his absolutely great in every area. If you weren't suffering from the mental illness of TDS you would understand. Start taking your TDS meds, stop listening to fake news and Left Wing hate mongering and pull your head out of your ass.
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.

Trump is getting more and more toxic to Republicans
A strong economy was like armor for Trump

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.

Trump is getting more and more toxic to Republicans
A strong economy was like armor for Trump

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Joe can't spell exits.
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.

Trump is getting more and more toxic to Republicans
A strong economy was like armor for Trump

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Joe can't spell exits.
Biden draws smaller crowds then Hillary in 2016. He is toast. Only the shills think he has a chance

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