Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.

Trump is getting more and more toxic to Republicans
A strong economy was like armor for Trump

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Joe can't spell exits.
Biden draws smaller crowds then Hillary in 2016. He is toast. Only the shills think he has a chance
Exactly. Millions and millions of Americans out there who are voting Trump but won't tell anyone. Certainly not liberal pollsters. Why would anyone vote for the party of a nihilism, anarchy, and criminal mob violence.
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
Trump is turning toxic

People were willing to tolerate it while the economy was good. Now, the warts of his presidency are starting to show
What warts? Your biased angle has you a view askew.
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.

Trump is getting more and more toxic to Republicans
A strong economy was like armor for Trump

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits

Now, Joe can't spell exits.
If they were there he couldn't find them. Lost boy Biden.
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.

Trump is getting more and more toxic to Republicans
A strong economy was like armor for Trump

Now, Republicans are looking for the exits
BTW economy is bouncing back at a rapid pace... except in blue states where Democrat Governor's are out to destroy it on purpose.
It’s a long way until November so pontificating and making predictions is about as productive as pissing in the wind.
All summer 2016 Hillary was going to win going away.
Rules of engagement has changed this time.
See how many generals, republicans, anti trump demonstrations, see anti Trump movement by republicans, demonstrations all over the country against RACISM. Trump is a well known as RACIST here in this country and around the world.

Sad part of that is you are dragging us with you as racist.
Race Card is what leftist play every time when they are losing. No evidence to support blatant racism by police against any particular race if you look at the data. You live in the greatest nation on earth with the greatest opportunities both economic and educational. There is no race problem in the United States of America. It's all bunk and moonshine. Upper echelon leftist like George Soros, liberal media, and the leaders of the DNC push it to divide American society. Took them about 72 hours to throw George Floyd's corpse under the bus and usurp it into an Anti-Trump movement.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Go to my thread on the "uneducated" and look at the shit liberals like you, are saying about working class white voters.

You hate us. And we know it. SO fuck off.
Do your own work
If you have something to say, say it here

I have. YOu lib hate us and we know it. You show it all the time. Yet you are offended that we don't believe that you are on our side.

You are insane and entitled spoiled children. And assholes.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

Dude. Redfish crushed you and your response was weak shit.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Yes Trump cut taxes for everyone 95% for billionaires and SQUAT for you

No, I got a tax cut, but since you pay no taxes you probably did not. your left wing talking point repeater is FOS

I got a tax cut too. Also not a billionaire. It made quite a difference. My wife and I are struggling to get ready for retirement. The hit from taxes is really relevant to that.

As is the grow of the stock market.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Yes Trump cut taxes for everyone 95% for billionaires and SQUAT for you

Stupid liberals.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches

you are a very confused pathetic human being, winger. I feel sorry for someone who is as brainwashed as you are. All you are capable of doing is repeating failed dem talking points and lies. you are a source of amusement, nothing more.
Here's another ,,,, 1st president led into his bunker hiding from the AMERICAN people The pos should be torn limb from limb

You are a full of shit coward. YOu going to do it? Go for it. I'm sure the Secret Service is trembling in their boots, fearing your arrival.

Have fun dying.
Recent EV maps have not been encouraging for Republicans

States that Trump won in 2016 that are up for grabs
Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and yes even Arizona, Texas and Georgia

Your divisive propaganda campaign, is paying off. All it cost is setting Americans literally at each others throats.

Good job.
At each others throats ? and morons can't see it's trump to blame?
Recent EV maps have not been encouraging for Republicans

States that Trump won in 2016 that are up for grabs
Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and yes even Arizona, Texas and Georgia

Your divisive propaganda campaign, is paying off. All it cost is setting Americans literally at each others throats.

Good job.
Can you admit Trump is struggling compared to six months ago?
Recent EV maps have not been encouraging for Republicans

States that Trump won in 2016 that are up for grabs
Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and yes even Arizona, Texas and Georgia

Your divisive propaganda campaign, is paying off. All it cost is setting Americans literally at each others throats.

Good job.
At each others throats ? and morons can't see it's trump to blame?
Trump has made a career getting people at each other’s throats
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
Trump is turning toxic

People were willing to tolerate it while the economy was good. Now, the warts of his presidency are starting to show
What warts? Your biased angle has you a view askew.

Pettiness, arrogance, lack of intellect, inability to admit he is wrong, divisiveness, poor moral character......
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
Trump is turning toxic

People were willing to tolerate it while the economy was good. Now, the warts of his presidency are starting to show
What warts? Your biased angle has you a view askew.

Pettiness, arrogance, lack of intellect, inability to admit he is wrong, divisiveness, poor moral character......
Trump complains that all he sees in all the TV he watches is 'hatred of me at any cost'

Peter Weber
The WeekMarch 23, 2020

President Trump is worried about the media, he tweeted late Sunday night, as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and congressional leaders were furiously working to iron out differences in a massive coronavirus stimulus/bailout package. "I watch and listen to the Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, some of FOX (desperately & foolishly pleading to be politically correct), the @nytimes, & the @washingtonpost, and all I see is hatred of me at any cost," he tweeted. "Don't they understand that they are destroying themselves?"
Republican pollster Frank Luntz pointed out that Trump, at least in the past, denied watching much TV and said he "seldom, if ever" watched CNN or MSNBC.
People like correll can't admit trump is the master of disaster a divider not a uniter when America needs one
Trump has not lost the election, but he is working on it

Republicans are getting very nervous as they see Trump taking them down with him

This. Even before the pandemic with a good economy, it was going to be a close re-election bid..but now?? Yikes. If you could write a book on what NOT to do to win re-election, Trump is busy writing it page by page. He is as always his own worst enemy. Doesn't read, doesn't learn, won't change. Just tweet and gaslight. Sooner or later that act gets old. Only so long you can play the greatest hits before people start asking when you are going to release new material.
President Trump Job Approval | Election Other | RealClearPolitics
Trump is turning toxic

People were willing to tolerate it while the economy was good. Now, the warts of his presidency are starting to show
What warts? Your biased angle has you a view askew.

Pettiness, arrogance, lack of intellect, inability to admit he is wrong, divisiveness, poor moral character......
Trump complains that all he sees in all the TV he watches is 'hatred of me at any cost'

Peter Weber
The WeekMarch 23, 2020

President Trump is worried about the media, he tweeted late Sunday night, as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and congressional leaders were furiously working to iron out differences in a massive coronavirus stimulus/bailout package. "I watch and listen to the Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, some of FOX (desperately & foolishly pleading to be politically correct), the @nytimes, & the @washingtonpost, and all I see is hatred of me at any cost," he tweeted. "Don't they understand that they are destroying themselves?"
Republican pollster Frank Luntz pointed out that Trump, at least in the past, denied watching much TV and said he "seldom, if ever" watched CNN or MSNBC.

TV is all Trump has.
He either cannot or will not read. He doesn’t have a natural curiosity to learn or hear what others have to say. Short, sound bite news is all he can absorb.

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