Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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People like correll can't admit trump is the master of disaster a divider not a uniter when America needs one

It is scary how people like you can be so delusional and hang on to blatant lies that consist of 100% hate and 0% fact.
How DARE they DENY that President Trump honors and unites this country! It's not like that ….. MUSLIM!!!!
Someone is on their morning tirade today

Who can blame them since you are such a sick filthy liar. It is scary how people like you can be so delusional and hang on to blatant lies that consist of 100% hate and 0% fact.

Democrats are sick filthy sodomites and socialists and we wll not allow that senile pedophile pig Biden into the Oval Office

Point to something I have lied about

99% of your posts are lies. Its what you do, we get it, we understand who and what you are.
Then it should be easy for you to point one out

Give me one

every post of yours in this thread for starters. You know you post lies, why pretend otherwise?
You keep dodging. Give me a single example and why it is not true
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
Trump is an incumbent

As such, he gets to take credit for anything good that happens and gets blamed for anything bad.

Biden, as the outsider, gets to do what Trump did in 2016. Sit outside and criticize everything the sitting President has done.
You chose white, you should have chose black. You zigged, you should have zagged.

That is the nature of politics
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

Important, relevant likenesses? No. I'm sure you see all manner of likenesses, either irrelevant or utterly imagined, because you want to. And yes, Trump has said that . . . something you clearly have ignored as inconvenient to what you want to believe.
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
Trump is an incumbent

As such, he gets to take credit for anything good that happens and gets blamed for anything bad.

Biden, as the outsider, gets to do what Trump did in 2016. Sit outside and criticize everything the sitting President has done.
You chose white, you should have chose black. You zigged, you should have zagged.

That is the nature of politics
Yep Biden sits on the side lines while trump makes a big jackass out of himself and the party that kisses his ass
Bush Carter and Trump
President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus and protests over the death of George Floyd have caused Trump’s approval rating to fall and former Vice President Joe Biden to surge in the 2020 presidential race, four new national polls released in the past week show.

A CNN poll released Monday found Trump’s approval rating has fallen 7 points over the past month, with 57 percent disapproving of the way he’s handling the presidency, compared with 38 percent who approve. “That’s his worst approval rating since January 2019,” CNN’s pollsters said, “and roughly on par with approval ratings for Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years.”
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

Have you always been a whiney twat?
Or is it new since Russian memes tricked you into voting for Trump?
Suggestion ,,,,smoke a joint ,get hungry ,and leave

I just ate. You're still a whiney twat.
Todd I was born and bred in B'klyn There are no whiney twats there Not all bad asses but can hold our own especially with some dumb nitwit who supports a pig like Trump

So you're telling us you're a whiny twat who whines about what a tough guy he is. Got it.
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

Have you always been a whiney twat?
Or is it new since Russian memes tricked you into voting for Trump?
Suggestion ,,,,smoke a joint ,get hungry ,and leave

I just ate. You're still a whiney twat.
Todd I was born and bred in B'klyn There are no whiney twats there Not all bad asses but can hold our own especially with some dumb nitwit who supports a pig like Trump

So you're telling us you're a whiny twat who whines about what a tough guy he is. Got it.
No where did I say that Just more proof that anything you post or anything trump says is 100% bullshit
Can you admit Trump is struggling compared to six months ago?
He's doing just fine.
LOL ln his bunker again Hiding from the American people ?

"LOL" You know how you can tell when a leftist asshole has even smaller balls than your average leftist asshole? When he tries to make a "tough guy" issue out of the President's Secret Service protection.

You might as well be hitting us with your purse at this point, Tiffany.
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

Have you always been a whiney twat?
Or is it new since Russian memes tricked you into voting for Trump?
Suggestion ,,,,smoke a joint ,get hungry ,and leave

I just ate. You're still a whiney twat.
Todd I was born and bred in B'klyn There are no whiney twats there Not all bad asses but can hold our own especially with some dumb nitwit who supports a pig like Trump

So you're telling us you're a whiny twat who whines about what a tough guy he is. Got it.
No where did I say that Just more proof that anything you post or anything trump says is 100% bullshit

You said that everywhere, Tiffany. You're just too ignorant and dickless to realize that your every word SCREAMS, "Impotent virgin".

Just more proof that anything you hear comes from the voices in your head (probably female).
My fellow Americans, we’re facing formidable enemies. They include not only the coronavirus and the terrible impacts, but also the selfishness and fear that have loomed over america for the last three years

I choose those words advisedly: selfishness and fear
Recent EV maps have not been encouraging for Republicans

States that Trump won in 2016 that are up for grabs
Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and yes even Arizona, Texas and Georgia

Your divisive propaganda campaign, is paying off. All it cost is setting Americans literally at each others throats.

Good job.
Can you admit Trump is struggling compared to six months ago?

Can you admit you are a racist anti-American asshole?
Someone is on their morning tirade today
But correct. Asshole.
My fellow Americans, we’re facing formidable enemies. They include not only the coronavirus and the terrible impacts, but also the selfishness and fear that have loomed over america for the last three years

I choose those words advisedly: selfishness and fear
Get rid of the libtards and this country will be great.
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
Trump is an incumbent

As such, he gets to take credit for anything good that happens and gets blamed for anything bad.

Biden, as the outsider, gets to do what Trump did in 2016. Sit outside and criticize everything the sitting President has done.
You chose white, you should have chose black. You zigged, you should have zagged.

That is the nature of politics
Biden is and always has been an idiot. But then he is a Dem so it is expected.

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