Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.

Being against illegal immigration is not "hatred of Mexicans" you stupid faggot.

He called them rapists and murderers in 2015. What the fuck do you call that, idiot? LOL
I guess your memory and recall is somewhat like that of an average gerbil.

Personally, I call it another one of your putrid lies. "LOL" Don't talk to US about a bad memory when you never bothered to LEARN what he said in the first place, Gerbil Boy.

Mac1958 has admitted he really doesn't listen anymore. Rightwinger has shown that he just makes shit up, all the time.

More and more, the very concept of talk, is going by the way side. Debate of ideas? LOL!!!!

They would have to HAVE some ideas first.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH
Masks are useless. Now they're a symbol of oppression by fascists on the left.
Quite effective in you keeping your germs to yourself

yep, they create a bacteria breeding ground in front of your mouth and nose, and then you suck that mess into your lungs. go for it, winger.
It’s your own germs
Keeps you from expelling them up to ten feet

Only if you wear it correctly....and most don't.
People constantly pull it down to expose their noses.....and this can cause the virus to be spread into the eyes of everyone around them......that is if this virus isn't a total hoax like all of the rest of the left's hoaxes.
We all have to admit........COVID-19 is the biggest hoax in history.
110,000 IF alive would disagree with you And that's just in America

You cannot say that those 100,000 would be alive today if the chinese had not sent the virus to us. the vast majority of them already had serious medical issues and had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It may sound harsh, but its the truth.
There are those who insist that in NY the worst hit state that the virus came mainly thru Europe not China

. . . And how do you suppose it got to Europe, dimwit?
Bush Carter and Trump
President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus and protests over the death of George Floyd have caused Trump’s approval rating to fall and former Vice President Joe Biden to surge in the 2020 presidential race, four new national polls released in the past week show.

A CNN poll released Monday found Trump’s approval rating has fallen 7 points over the past month, with 57 percent disapproving of the way he’s handling the presidency, compared with 38 percent who approve. “That’s his worst approval rating since January 2019,” CNN’s pollsters said, “and roughly on par with approval ratings for Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years.”
The lack of support for Trump among distinguished statesmen, even in his own party is astounding.

No significant President, Vice President, Chief of Staff, Secretaries of State, Security Trump
Many have issued warnings.

Even his former staff warn of how dangerous he is
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
Trump is an incumbent

As such, he gets to take credit for anything good that happens and gets blamed for anything bad.

Biden, as the outsider, gets to do what Trump did in 2016. Sit outside and criticize everything the sitting President has done.
You chose white, you should have chose black. You zigged, you should have zagged.

That is the nature of politics
Biden is and always has been an idiot. But then he is a Dem so it is expected.
Give me an example of “idiotic” things Biden has said and we can compare it to Trump

I don’t even have to wait, do I?
Considering the ridiculous shit being said by some of these Trump supporters about Democrats, it shouldn't be too hard to beat them. They're more insane than the muttering homeless guy who walks up and down the street in town, occasionally stopping to address a lampost.

They have completely lost their grip on reality. They have no clue what is actually happening anywhere The raving gets stupider and stupider. The lies get more and more blatant. They fall for every bullshit fake news tweet floated in social media to encourage violence against the protesters.

How hard can it be? If they talk like this to actual people, real neighbors and folks at the diner, people are going to vote Democrat just to protect themselves from these insane idiots.

So I take it that you just found a post somewhere about leftists and copied everything they said, then changed it to be about "Trump supporters". It's a lot easier if you just accuse your enemies of whatever it is that you're doing, rather than spending time having to think, right?
joe is fucked, Trump is a shoe in, fuck retard liberal pieces of shit.
What in the last six months has been in Trumps favor?

the economy until March, the unemployment rates until the chinese sent the virus, consumer confidence until the chinese sent the virus, trade deals, rebuilding the military, creating american jobs, building the wall, telling the truth about the corrupt media and corrupt democrats, the stock market (which is now climbing back).

You dem/libs tried impeachment, it failed, you tried corona, it failed, your riots will also fail. Old senile corrupt Joe has zero chance. the GOP will hold the white house and the senate and flip the house in November-------------Liberalism is a loser, always has been always will be.
Key word....until

We are in a different world. Trump was set to run on........I may be a asshole, You might not like me, but the economy is great

Now, the economy sucks and Trump must run on how good his leadership is in fighting COVID 19.......most Americans don’t think it was that good

American voters can see through the left wing lies. the economy took a serious dive when we shut the country down to fight the chinese virus (exactly what the chinese hoped for). None of that was Trump's fault, Most americans with brains understand that his moves to shut down chinese and european travel saved american lives. they also see that the way he created a private/ goverment business deal to build ventilators and hospitals was a great move.

So put on your mask, rebreathe your own bacteria and STFU unless you have something constructive or intelligent to offer.
The American people look at their well being.
40 million are not working. They need unemployment benefits that Republicans refuse to extend. They look at a killer virus and a President who spreads misinformation.
Trumps inaction in the three months head start he had on the virus cost lives. 100,000 so far

they also know that Trump did not create the virus. The american people are not as dumb as you libs think they are.
Only a simpleton would believe trump created the virus BUT he sure took his FN time doing anything about it And this is the AH you support??

WRONG. He took his time doing what a DEMOCRAT President would have done, because he doesn't think he's a king, micromanaging everything in the country from the White House.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH
Masks are useless. Now they're a symbol of oppression by fascists on the left.
Quite effective in you keeping your germs to yourself

yep, they create a bacteria breeding ground in front of your mouth and nose, and then you suck that mess into your lungs. go for it, winger.
It’s your own germs
Keeps you from expelling them up to ten feet

Only if you wear it correctly....and most don't.
People constantly pull it down to expose their noses.....and this can cause the virus to be spread into the eyes of everyone around them......that is if this virus isn't a total hoax like all of the rest of the left's hoaxes.
We all have to admit........COVID-19 is the biggest hoax in history.
110,000 IF alive would disagree with you And that's just in America

You cannot say that those 100,000 would be alive today if the chinese had not sent the virus to us. the vast majority of them already had serious medical issues and had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It may sound harsh, but its the truth.
There are those who insist that in NY the worst hit state that the virus came mainly thru Europe not China

OK, and Trump cut travel to and from Europe. Whats your point?
Point ? How long did it take him ??? Remember his only 15 dead comment?? The man was unfit ,unqualified to hold office and it cost us dearly

"Remember his only 15 dead comment? How DARE he say there were only 15 dead . . . back when there were only 15 dead? He's unfit to hold office for daring to say something that isn't true now back when it was true!!"

What a fucking idiot you are.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Yes Trump cut taxes for everyone 95% for billionaires and SQUAT for you

No, I got a tax cut, but since you pay no taxes you probably did not. your left wing talking point repeater is FOS
Was that addressed to me ?/ Beg your pardon but I'll venture to say I pay more in taxes than most Repubs earn in a year..I will say that most of it is through a RMD

Blah blah blah "I'm rich and successful on the Internet" snore.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches
And Trump stole from his charity And these idiots think he's an honest man??

"And what about this OTHER thing we made up to accuse him of? How do you deal with us stating THAT as a fact?!" By ignoring it until you can sufficiently prove it in a court of law.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches
And Trump stole from his charity And these idiots think he's an honest man??

"And what about this OTHER thing we made up to accuse him of? How do you deal with us stating THAT as a fact?!" By ignoring it until you can sufficiently prove it in a court of law.
If you're for working folks and small businesses vote Republican. My tax $$$ can go two places depending on the Party. Democrats want my $$$ to go to welfare sponge's and crybabies. Republican Party wants my $$$ to go to businesses and corporation's. Given the choice I will vote Republican everytime.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches
And Trump stole from his charity And these idiots think he's an honest man??

"And what about this OTHER thing we made up to accuse him of? How do you deal with us stating THAT as a fact?!" By ignoring it until you can sufficiently prove it in a court of law.
People like correll can't admit trump is the master of disaster a divider not a uniter when America needs one

It is scary how people like you can be so delusional and hang on to blatant lies that consist of 100% hate and 0% fact.
How DARE they DENY that President Trump honors and unites this country! It's not like that ….. MUSLIM!!!!
He is uniting this nation ...against lunatics on the left with there lawless anarchic mob rule.
If Trump has already truly lost the election then the left should shut up bitching about him.

Any time they start crowing about they've "already won" months ahead of time, you know it really means they're scared shitless that they're gonna lose.
They can't win at the ballot box so they are trying every underhanded method that they can.
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
Trump is an incumbent

As such, he gets to take credit for anything good that happens and gets blamed for anything bad.

Biden, as the outsider, gets to do what Trump did in 2016. Sit outside and criticize everything the sitting President has done.
You chose white, you should have chose black. You zigged, you should have zagged.

That is the nature of politics
Biden is and always has been an idiot. But then he is a Dem so it is expected.
Give me an example of “idiotic” things Biden has said and we can compare it to Trump

I don’t even have to wait, do I?
The lack of basic understanding of economic theory and comprehension is not only astounding but troubling to say the least. A international event, pandemic, major natural disaster, Government manipulation of the market(s), war(s)that disrupt trade and or manufacturing, can cause a recession, however the roots of every economic recession originated well before the economic fallout materialized, the time lag effect requires a period to manifest itself.
Apparently the events since January’s international pandemic serve as the savings grace for those out of power for they now have something of substance to rant about other than the failed Russian interference and Ukrainian narrative to blame the sitting President for.
What should be of interest is the number of globalists decrying the evils of Trump’s protectionist policies designed to protect what remains of American jobs.
Trump is an incumbent

As such, he gets to take credit for anything good that happens and gets blamed for anything bad.

Biden, as the outsider, gets to do what Trump did in 2016. Sit outside and criticize everything the sitting President has done.
You chose white, you should have chose black. You zigged, you should have zagged.

That is the nature of politics
Biden is and always has been an idiot. But then he is a Dem so it is expected.
Give me an example of “idiotic” things Biden has said and we can compare it to Trump

I don’t even have to wait, do I?
Can you admit Trump is struggling compared to six months ago?
He's doing just fine.
LOL ln his bunker again Hiding from the American people ?

"LOL" You know how you can tell when a leftist asshole has even smaller balls than your average leftist asshole? When he tries to make a "tough guy" issue out of the President's Secret Service protection.

You might as well be hitting us with your purse at this point, Tiffany.
The "Toon's" on the left think our law enforcement should be like mall security.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections

some of those were close, but the republicans won. republicans also won two special elections recently, one in california.

the same pollsters that are getting you excited said that crooked hillary could not lose, that
Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, and that hillary had a 97% chance of winning---------------she lost, they lied.

I see the possibility of a GOP controlled house, increased GOP control in the senate, and here's the real surprise-------------A Trump win in Cal. The voters in Cal are fed up with the incompetent democrats running their state and cities, they are fed up with high taxes and crappy govt services, they are fed up with homeless shitting and pissing in their streets. Fed up people vote for change.
Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 percent. Trump won by 9 in 2016. Ted Cruz struggled against lightweight Beto ORourke.
Polls now show Trump leading in Texas by 2 percent.

Texas is moving to the left and Trump is pushing it that way.
Did you hear Trump in Maine ? The Gov gave him holy hell He visited a swab making company not wearing a mask Everything had to be thrown out because trump is an AH
Masks are useless. Now they're a symbol of oppression by fascists on the left.
Quite effective in you keeping your germs to yourself

yep, they create a bacteria breeding ground in front of your mouth and nose, and then you suck that mess into your lungs. go for it, winger.
It’s your own germs
Keeps you from expelling them up to ten feet

Only if you wear it correctly....and most don't.
People constantly pull it down to expose their noses.....and this can cause the virus to be spread into the eyes of everyone around them......that is if this virus isn't a total hoax like all of the rest of the left's hoaxes.
We all have to admit........COVID-19 is the biggest hoax in history.
110,000 IF alive would disagree with you And that's just in America

You cannot say that those 100,000 would be alive today if the chinese had not sent the virus to us. the vast majority of them already had serious medical issues and had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It may sound harsh, but its the truth.
There are those who insist that in NY the worst hit state that the virus came mainly thru Europe not China

OK, and Trump cut travel to and from Europe. Whats your point?
Point ? How long did it take him ??? Remember his only 15 dead comment?? The man was unfit ,unqualified to hold office and it cost us dearly
Geesh, your lie grows each time you make it. He stated at that point we only had 15 cases in the US and hoped that number would not grow.
Yeah Hope in one hand shit in the other which comes true first?? He hoped?? Stupid SOB

Well, I suppose he could have "wisely" been all panic and doom and gloom like you, but UNLIKE you, what he says actually matters to people, and would have made things a lot worse a lot sooner.
...This is the first time those numbers are not going to be a factor...because of the pandemic....we remember what they were before the pandemic and Joe the finger is not qualified to recover this economy and we all know it....
Do you really and truly believe that a head-of-household, unemployed for months, falling behind on the mortgage and leaning on food pantries, is going to think like that?

If you DO truly believe that, then you are deluding yourself, and attempting to delude others.
Today we begin the recovery with good unexpected job numbers....most of the unemployed were not unemployed they were furloughed and now they are beginning to return to their November we will be back to full speed....and with a vaccine in production everyone will go back to work....the vaccine will be in two shot and a month later you will need a booster....all of this was reported this be happy things are looking great....
Not to mention the stock gains on top of all the other good news. Sucks to be a Dem. lol
You didn't see those many millions of young voters protesting ?? Think they'll be voting for that empty headed POS Trump?? Really? The moron has his base That's all and even some of them can't stand the Trump stink

Depends. Are we talking about the ACTUAL protesters, who had their legitimate protest hijacked by rioters egged on by Democrats, or are we talking about the rioters and looters? I know you leftists want THEIR votes . . . and you're welcome to them.
but as an ah once said ""some of them are good people""
Still trying to cherry pick that quote without acknowledging that he VERY SPECIFICALLY excluded the Neo-Nazis from being in that group? How dishonest of you.
Did Adolph ever use the SS against the citizens of Germany ?? Tell me you find no likeness in those good old days of Germany and the way Trump behaves. Has Trump EVER said those racist supporters of his were bad bad people?

I don't think so...he used the SA, but I'm not sure about the SS. Perhaps you have information that would answer that question?

As far as has Trump EVER said the racists were bad people, yes, in the comments he made that had the "cherry picked" quote you are so fond of, he very specifically said the neo-nazis were bad people.
What has he said to calm the protests down ?Any words of encouragement or just the military and tear gas??

I guess whether or not he's been encouraging depends on who you expect him to encourage. I haven't a clue what you think he could or should say that's going to "calm the protests down", since I have yet to figure out what these people are even protesting FOR.

But thank you for pointing YOURSELF out as a racist by conflating the protesters with the rioters/looters.
The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!
You are out of touch. The "soul" of the nation is with President Trump and law and order.
The truth is more than half the country wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire ,,,Soul of the KKK nation is with trump

The Klan is less that 8k people. You are smearing good people because you are a cock sucking asshole. FUCK YOU.
8000 that admit it maybe but a lot more revealed when you assholes came out to vote for the racist You're one of those ""good people ""too I bet

You are a delusional asshole, using your delusions as an excuse for what a fucking asshole you are.

Fuck you.
Where you breathe you ass kissing traitor

YOu are the fucktard pretending the Klan is a major force, to support your asshole behavior, you fucking piece of filth.
You're known by the friends you keep You and the racists are on the same side Says lots about you

The Klan, and it's various ilk have no place in the GOP or mainstream conservativism, and you know it, you filthy cock sucking piece of shit.

That you lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
The Klan and all white supremacists enthusiastically support Trump

Trump would not have been elected without them
Bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.
Trump built his presidential run on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and gays

Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them.
So you think rednecks are white supremacists?? Where the hell were you educated??

I didn't say that, I said: "Yes, he did. And aimed that message at redneck white people who are afraid of them."

Americans who support border security are not "rednecks" nor are they racist.

You are a fucking asshole and a liar.

Oooh, triggered. I like it.
I can see your fat, bloated face getting all red and blotchy.
I didn't say anything about border security in my remarks, either.
Trump aimed his campaign at the kind of people he wouldn't allow to stay in one of his hotels, regardless of if they could pay.
Bullshit. He aimed his campaign at forgotten American's. Working class abandoned by Democrats and ignored by media when their job's went to foreign countries.

Liberals hate the working class Americans, especially white working class Americans.

That is why they are so angry. Because they want to see them keep getting fucked.
Liberals love the working class and fight for higher wages, workplace safety, healthcare, low cost education, worker protections

Conservatives can’t do enough for the wealthy

Hmmm, are the following wealthy? Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Gates, soros, Obama, Oprah, hollywood loonies, media loonies, Feinstein, Clintons, Wall street. You are FOS winger, its the dems that cater to the rich because the rich send them bribes to keep them rich.

Which party has been in control of congress for most of the last 80 years? yes, the dems, they are the ones that wrote the tax code that includes loopholes for their rich donors.

Everything you post is bullshit.
You guys keep saying that nonsense. Of course Democrats are rich.

The difference is that Wealthy Democrats vote to raise their own taxes and support programs to help those who are struggling

Wealthy Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it by slashing programs that help the poor

mote dem/lib talking points. not a word of truth in any of it

government statistics show that conservatives give significantly more to charity than democrats, so who really cares about the less fortunate?

the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for everyone that pays taxes, its impossible to cut the taxes or the 50% that pays zero. and yes 5% of a tax bill of 10 million is more than 5% of a tax bill of 1 thousand. Cutting the corporate tax rate created millions of US jobs and made US companies able to compete with foreign companies. Why is creating US wealth a bad thing? Why is creating US jobs a bad thing?
Not talking points
Voting of Democrats and Republicans are public record. Democrats vote to increase their taxes, Republicans vote to cut their own taxes and pay for it with cuts to social programs.

As to charitable contributions, Republicans contribute to their churches
And Trump stole from his charity And these idiots think he's an honest man??

"And what about this OTHER thing we made up to accuse him of? How do you deal with us stating THAT as a fact?!" By ignoring it until you can sufficiently prove it in a court of law.
If you're for working folks and small businesses vote Republican. My tax $$$ can go two places depending on the Party. Democrats want my $$$ to go to welfare sponge's and crybabies. Republican Party wants my $$$ to go to businesses and corporation's. Given the choice I will vote Republican everytime.
And billions in WELFARE to farmers trying to buy their votes
joe is fucked, Trump is a shoe in, fuck retard liberal pieces of shit.
What in the last six months has been in Trumps favor?

the economy until March, the unemployment rates until the chinese sent the virus, consumer confidence until the chinese sent the virus, trade deals, rebuilding the military, creating american jobs, building the wall, telling the truth about the corrupt media and corrupt democrats, the stock market (which is now climbing back).

You dem/libs tried impeachment, it failed, you tried corona, it failed, your riots will also fail. Old senile corrupt Joe has zero chance. the GOP will hold the white house and the senate and flip the house in November-------------Liberalism is a loser, always has been always will be.
Key word....until

We are in a different world. Trump was set to run on........I may be a asshole, You might not like me, but the economy is great

Now, the economy sucks and Trump must run on how good his leadership is in fighting COVID 19.......most Americans don’t think it was that good

American voters can see through the left wing lies. the economy took a serious dive when we shut the country down to fight the chinese virus (exactly what the chinese hoped for). None of that was Trump's fault, Most americans with brains understand that his moves to shut down chinese and european travel saved american lives. they also see that the way he created a private/ goverment business deal to build ventilators and hospitals was a great move.

So put on your mask, rebreathe your own bacteria and STFU unless you have something constructive or intelligent to offer.
The American people look at their well being.
40 million are not working. They need unemployment benefits that Republicans refuse to extend. They look at a killer virus and a President who spreads misinformation.
Trumps inaction in the three months head start he had on the virus cost lives. 100,000 so far

they also know that Trump did not create the virus. The american people are not as dumb as you libs think they are.
Only a simpleton would believe trump created the virus BUT he sure took his FN time doing anything about it And this is the AH you support??

WRONG. He took his time doing what a DEMOCRAT President would have done, because he doesn't think he's a king, micromanaging everything in the country from the White House.
In times of crisis, we need a strong leader
Not someone who denies it is even a problem

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