Trump has lost the election already -- he should just resign

  • Thread starter Deleted member 73486
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The soul of the nation is with Joe Biden in November -- Trump is gonzo!

BUT BUT BUT 2016!!!! HILLARY!!!! 2016!!!!! HILLARY!!!! POLLS ARE FAKE NEWS!!!! 2016!!!!
Polls are fake except when most the time they aren’t.
If Republicans want to think polls do not apply to them, they are welcome to run that way.

Pay no attention to being nine points behind.

Dude, I get calls from pollsters all the time. I've never told the truth about who I was going to vote for.

Not that I really believe it, but why even take the calls? Just so you can skew polls? Is this your pathetic attempt to stick it to the 'elites'? Seems like a colossal waste of time to me. Are you twelve?
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans
my friends, Trump must go to the roof of the white house and yell with a conviction and loudness that is unmistakable and cannot be ignored: BLACK LIVES MATTER!

otherwise, he will lose in November

Yes they do
That is why blacks are protesting. Because in our society, some lives matter more than others

that's the rhetoric, but its a lie. Ask Ben Carson, he was raised in poverty in Detroit by a single mom, then worked hard and became a pediatric brain surgeon, then a member of the president's cabinet. Was he deprived of opportunity? How about all the black football and basketball and baseball players, the blacks in hollywood and music? were any of them held back by race?

No, they were not. this is the only country in the world where that is true, but yet fools like you are bent on destroying it. You are insane.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
my friends, Trump must go to the roof of the white house and yell with a conviction and loudness that is unmistakable and cannot be ignored: BLACK LIVES MATTER!

otherwise, he will lose in November

Yes they do
That is why blacks are protesting. Because in our society, some lives matter more than others

that's the rhetoric, but its a lie. Ask Ben Carson, he was raised in poverty in Detroit by a single mom, then worked hard and became a pediatric brain surgeon, then a member of the president's cabinet. Was he deprived of opportunity? How about all the black football and basketball and baseball players, the blacks in hollywood and music? were any of them held back by race?

No, they were not. this is the only country in the world where that is true, but yet fools like you are bent on destroying it. You are insane.
Carson is a sell out.
Talk to those blacks in sports, music and entertainment and they will tell you about what is really happening in black communities and the challenges they face. Ask THEM if it is a level playing field
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.
We have heard every assertion by the left. Hillary will win. Mueller would remove Trump. He will be impeached. Yada Yada Yada. Each and everyone was wrong.
If you took your friend to Vegas and they lost on every roll of the dice would you belive that they would be right next week? Not a sane person.

So far the only thing that Biden has done is hide in the basement make nice speeches that were written for him. I believe that a large portion of people are impressed with words and not with policy and action.

I’m not good at politics but I have to say the Democrats are doing well to hide Biden and avoid confrontations with a Trump.
my friends, Trump must go to the roof of the white house and yell with a conviction and loudness that is unmistakable and cannot be ignored: BLACK LIVES MATTER!

otherwise, he will lose in November

Yes they do
That is why blacks are protesting. Because in our society, some lives matter more than others

that's the rhetoric, but its a lie. Ask Ben Carson, he was raised in poverty in Detroit by a single mom, then worked hard and became a pediatric brain surgeon, then a member of the president's cabinet. Was he deprived of opportunity? How about all the black football and basketball and baseball players, the blacks in hollywood and music? were any of them held back by race?

No, they were not. this is the only country in the world where that is true, but yet fools like you are bent on destroying it. You are insane.
Carson is a sell out.
Talk to those blacks in sports, music and entertainment and they will tell you about what is really happening in black communities and the challenges they face. Ask THEM if it is a level playing field

a level playing field gives everyone equal opportunity, thats all that is guaranteed by the constitution, your results are up to you. Yes, there are racist idiots in this country, and they have all kinds of skin colors. BLM is a racist organization and is no better than the KKK. Both advocate violence and should be eliminated from this country. Poor whites have to work harder than rich blacks to achieve success. Its not about skin color, its about the realities of human life.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
RCP Electoral College (we know how Trump loves the Electoral College) is turning on Trump

Solid Red States are turning into Toss ups. Arizona, Georgia and TEXAS are now in play. Texas is now +2 percent for Trump. A state that’s usually double digit Republican

Dream on winger, Trump will win in november by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. The people see what a moron Biden is and they see that he is suffering from senility, they also see that he is owned by China and other anti-USA forces.
If so, he has a lot of work to do

His plan to brag about the economy as a path to reelection is gone. He will have to run on his leadership during this crisis. As these polls are showing......he is not doing too well.

When states like Texas, Arizona and Georgia are turning against you, it has to be a serious wake up call. Not just to Trump but to all Republicans

pollsters lie, the media lies. Did you forget how the pollsters and the media said that hillary was a shoe-in in 2016? they lied to you then and they are lying to you now. The majority of america sees that Trump is doing the right things for the country and will give him a second term.

the idea that old senile corrupt Biden, who has spent his entire life on the govt payroll and done nothing, has a chance is a joke.
Why would pollsters in Texas, Arizona and Georgia lie? It is their state. States that in the past supported Republicans in double digit numbers.

If you don’t trust polls, look at actual election results. See how Trump did in Texas, Arizona and Georgia during the 2016 election compared to how Romney and McCain did in those states. Trumps support is eroding.

continue believing that if it makes you feel good. who is being polled? How are these samples of 1000 out of 330,000,000 statistically valid? Its nothing but propaganda disguised as polling. Yeah, if you poll 1000 people in south central LA, biden may come out ahead. If you poll 1000 people in south dakota or Wyoming Trump will win. Pollsters usually concentrate on the big cities because its easier to control the results. If you think these polls are valid, you are very naive.
If you choose not to believe ANY poll even though they all show the same thing, you do so at your own peril

In the absence of polls, let’s look at recent election results in key Red States.

Texas: The big daddy for Republican Electoral Votes. In the 2018 Senatorial election, Lightweight Beto O’Rourke took Conservative Superstar Ted Cruz to the wire.

Georgia: Traditional Republican stronghold. In the 2018 Governors race, Fat Stacey Abrams took Kemp to a recount election.

Arizona: Long time Republican country. Martha McSally was soundly defeated in the Senatorial race. She is now losing badly to Democrat Kelly

All of these have happened since Trump has become President. In these three states, Republicans now have to worry about not only Trump losing, but losing in Congressional and State elections
my friends, Trump must go to the roof of the white house and yell with a conviction and loudness that is unmistakable and cannot be ignored: BLACK LIVES MATTER!

otherwise, he will lose in November

Yes they do
That is why blacks are protesting. Because in our society, some lives matter more than others

that's the rhetoric, but its a lie. Ask Ben Carson, he was raised in poverty in Detroit by a single mom, then worked hard and became a pediatric brain surgeon, then a member of the president's cabinet. Was he deprived of opportunity? How about all the black football and basketball and baseball players, the blacks in hollywood and music? were any of them held back by race?

No, they were not. this is the only country in the world where that is true, but yet fools like you are bent on destroying it. You are insane.
Carson is a sell out.
Talk to those blacks in sports, music and entertainment and they will tell you about what is really happening in black communities and the challenges they face. Ask THEM if it is a level playing field
Carson is a sell out.

How dare a black man think for himself and stray off the racist Dimwinger Plantation. He isn't black anymore!
If Trump loses America will be dead and gone. The future of Americans is on their knees in a ruined and smoking country.
Trump is struggling in battleground states.
Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin ...even Arizona

If he loses Florida, he can’t win

No, he's winning them all!! He's winning them all by 20 points!!! It's all fake news!!! FAKE NEWS I tell you!! He's even going to win Commiefornia!!!!

Trump has shown he can lose the nationwide popular vote by 3 million and still win.

But if he loses the popular vote in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona, he will lose Bigly.
Well normally the dead don't have that much of a say.
But if you go by county he wiped the floor with her.

But explain to me exactly what Biden has done in his forty plus years that makes him so good for the minorities? He voted to keep schools segregated,his crime bill just about doubled the minorities in prison.
If the economy keeps going and improving he will already have done more then Biden.
Counties don’t have Electoral Votes........they are based on the number of Congressmen and Senators
Lol. Good now can you tell us if one is larger then two?
I’m not the moron bringing up who won the most counties
No I was pointing out that other then a couple of states it was only a small portion of the rest of the country that she won.
But hey when all else fails resort to name calling, saying your right no matter the facts or at the very least cray racist.
Another “land doesn’t vote, people vote” failure on your part
When a “small portion” is a major city, you are being deceitful
Lol. Just because you want to pretend that only those in a few areas count and the rest of the country doesn't, does not mean that they feel the same way.
One man, one vote
Regardless of where they live
So why do democrats not follow that? I mean how many elections can the dead vote in? Why do the democrats bus people around?
But hey it's not unusual for 130% of elelgible voters to vote democrat in an election.
“This issue of dead people voting is just not substantiated,” said Lorraine Minnite, a professor at Rutgers University and author of “The Myth of Voter Fraud.”

The busing claim has been debunked.

This 130% claim is based on the assertion is there are more registered voters than eligible voters, but this depends on up-to-date census. Plus, judicial watch is a questionable source of this.
Let me see if I have this right.
You want to have me believe a staunch democrat.
You cite a very left leaning source. And expect me to belive them BUT you want to discount Judicial Watch because you claim they are a questionable source.

Man you just can't make this stuff up. Thanks for the laugh.
If the democrats claim something is fine then you can bet your last dollar that they have already figured out a way to use it to their advantage.
Certainly nymag has left bias, but they are factual. You can also see the busing claim addressed at
Its not me that says judicial watch is questionable, is
mediabiasfactcheck rates as least biased.

Trump himself is committing voter fraud.
I always have a problem with any so called media checking service allows voting on wether you agree or disagree with their decision. But hey belive what you want.

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