Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

No, it is not. But being you have
No conception what a man would do to protect his marriage. You believe what you want!
A real man WOULDN'T CHEAT you stupid fuck.

A real man like Trump wouldn't cheat as president...

But who did?


Bill Clinton & you fuckbunnies had a fit. Where is your outrage now?

You lowered the bar not us ..


Your hypocrisy grows.

Bullshit once you dumb down a society no one gives a fuck..

Like you did with Bill

Like harry Reid lying about Romney's taxes

Like harry Reid nuke option

Like the left gerrymandering the cities for a 100 years

The left start shit and always crys wolf when the turd they throws hits them back in the face

Arnt you proud?

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who is poised to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in January, said President Trump faces the 'real prospect of jail time' after leaving the White House.

"'My takeaway is there's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him — that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time,' Schiff said on 'Face the Nation' Sunday.

"Schiff referenced a court filing by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York on Friday which recommended a 'substantial' prison sentence for Mr. Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen, who prosecutors said violated campaign finance law 'in coordination with and at the direction' of the president. Mr. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Never Underestimate Trump.

“The GOP’s final death rattle came that night”: Samantha Bee’s amazing eulogy for the Tru...
Perhaps a NEW AG can prosecute Schitt for LEAKING classified information to the MSM...

Nunes Blasts Adam Schiff: 'Almost 100 Leaks' by Democrats on House ... - Fox News Insider
Fox News › insider › 2018/02/05

Feb 5, 2018 · House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Monday there have been nearly "100 leaks" by Democrats on the
It would not surprise me in the least if Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes have been, and will continue to, leak classified information on this and many other matters.

That in no way affects the rampant criminality of the useless eater currently living in the White House:

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Schiff said the court documents suggest that the 'president of the United States not only coordinated, but directed an illegal campaign scheme' to alter the outcome of the 2016 election.

"Asked if the revelations in the filings meet the standard for an impeachable offense, Schiff demurred and said more investigative work needs to be completed by the House Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller, particularly on any possible collusion or coordination between Trump campaign associates and the Russian government.

"Still, he said the separate memo by the special counsel on Cohen includes other damaging information on Mr. Trump that contradicts the president's repeated statements on the campaign trail that he had no business ventures in Russia.

"'In fact they were having private conversations seeking to enlist the Kremlin's help in a project that could make him tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, a project that might need Putin's approval while they were arguing that sanctions on Russia should go away,' Schiff said." 'That's pretty breathtaking.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump lies more often than Schiff or Nunes?
Go buy a clue...

Adam Schiff's Statements Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details
The Federalist

View attachment 233788
Jan 30, 2018 · Adam Schiff is portrayed by many in the media as a straight shooter. His record in reality is of fanning the flames of every single Trump-Russia collusion allegation out there. ... As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff ran to the cameras to spin
Why do you find it so difficult to defend Trump's criminal actions?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"In September, 2015, Trump approved Cohen’s plan to reach out to the Russian government.

"That November, Cohen 'spoke with a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.’

"Cohen’s contact 'repeatedly proposed' a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that it would have a 'phenomenal' effect on Trump’s efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which Mueller’s filing calls the 'Moscow Project.'"

Are you truly gullible enough to believe Trump is NOT a gold-plated con man who lies as often as most people breathe?
He is in the first couple of stages of the grieving process.

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who is poised to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in January, said President Trump faces the 'real prospect of jail time' after leaving the White House.

"'My takeaway is there's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him — that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time,' Schiff said on 'Face the Nation' Sunday.

"Schiff referenced a court filing by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York on Friday which recommended a 'substantial' prison sentence for Mr. Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen, who prosecutors said violated campaign finance law 'in coordination with and at the direction' of the president. Mr. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Never Underestimate Trump.

“The GOP’s final death rattle came that night”: Samantha Bee’s amazing eulogy for the Tru...
Perhaps a NEW AG can prosecute Schitt for LEAKING classified information to the MSM...

Nunes Blasts Adam Schiff: 'Almost 100 Leaks' by Democrats on House ... - Fox News Insider
Fox News › insider › 2018/02/05

Feb 5, 2018 · House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Monday there have been nearly "100 leaks" by Democrats on the
It would not surprise me in the least if Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes have been, and will continue to, leak classified information on this and many other matters.

That in no way affects the rampant criminality of the useless eater currently living in the White House:

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Schiff said the court documents suggest that the 'president of the United States not only coordinated, but directed an illegal campaign scheme' to alter the outcome of the 2016 election.

"Asked if the revelations in the filings meet the standard for an impeachable offense, Schiff demurred and said more investigative work needs to be completed by the House Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller, particularly on any possible collusion or coordination between Trump campaign associates and the Russian government.

"Still, he said the separate memo by the special counsel on Cohen includes other damaging information on Mr. Trump that contradicts the president's repeated statements on the campaign trail that he had no business ventures in Russia.

"'In fact they were having private conversations seeking to enlist the Kremlin's help in a project that could make him tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, a project that might need Putin's approval while they were arguing that sanctions on Russia should go away,' Schiff said." 'That's pretty breathtaking.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump lies more often than Schiff or Nunes?
Go buy a clue...

Adam Schiff's Statements Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details
The Federalist

View attachment 233788
Jan 30, 2018 · Adam Schiff is portrayed by many in the media as a straight shooter. His record in reality is of fanning the flames of every single Trump-Russia collusion allegation out there. ... As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff ran to the cameras to spin
Why do you find it so difficult to defend Trump's criminal actions?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"In September, 2015, Trump approved Cohen’s plan to reach out to the Russian government.

"That November, Cohen 'spoke with a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.’

"Cohen’s contact 'repeatedly proposed' a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that it would have a 'phenomenal' effect on Trump’s efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which Mueller’s filing calls the 'Moscow Project.'"

Are you truly gullible enough to believe Trump is NOT a gold-plated con man who lies as often as most people breathe?

And did it happen?

The central legal question is whether Cohen paid Daniels to help Trump’s campaign, or to help Trump. Considering all the scandal that surrounded Trump for many years, it's hard to believe he would be paying off mistresses to protect his reputation and not his bid for election.
The FLIP FLOPPER with more supposition, and wishful guys are my entertainment!
For the White House to say the hush money was a personal expense to protect his family and not his bid for the presidency is absolutely ludicrous.

Trump had a reputation in New York as an adulterous playboy. He made nightly appearances on the Howard Stern Show to discuss his extramarital conquests. His family as well as most of New York was well aware of his reputation of which he was proud of. There is no way Trump would be making these payoff for any reason other than to improve his chances of election.
No, it is not. But being you have
No conception what a man would do to protect his marriage. You believe what you want!

Trump cheated with earlier wife with Melania. She already knows what a POS he is.
Seems he was SEPARATED IN ALL OF THEM!.....But continue to lie. It is entertaining!
McDougal. Trump was fucking her while Melania was pregnant & after the birth of Barron.

You should try puling your head out of your fat ass & get better informed.
Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who is poised to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in January, said President Trump faces the 'real prospect of jail time' after leaving the White House.

"'My takeaway is there's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him — that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time,' Schiff said on 'Face the Nation' Sunday.

"Schiff referenced a court filing by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York on Friday which recommended a 'substantial' prison sentence for Mr. Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen, who prosecutors said violated campaign finance law 'in coordination with and at the direction' of the president. Mr. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Never Underestimate Trump.

“The GOP’s final death rattle came that night”: Samantha Bee’s amazing eulogy for the Tru...
Perhaps a NEW AG can prosecute Schitt for LEAKING classified information to the MSM...

Nunes Blasts Adam Schiff: 'Almost 100 Leaks' by Democrats on House ... - Fox News Insider
Fox News › insider › 2018/02/05

Feb 5, 2018 · House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Monday there have been nearly "100 leaks" by Democrats on the
It would not surprise me in the least if Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes have been, and will continue to, leak classified information on this and many other matters.

That in no way affects the rampant criminality of the useless eater currently living in the White House:

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Schiff said the court documents suggest that the 'president of the United States not only coordinated, but directed an illegal campaign scheme' to alter the outcome of the 2016 election.

"Asked if the revelations in the filings meet the standard for an impeachable offense, Schiff demurred and said more investigative work needs to be completed by the House Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller, particularly on any possible collusion or coordination between Trump campaign associates and the Russian government.

"Still, he said the separate memo by the special counsel on Cohen includes other damaging information on Mr. Trump that contradicts the president's repeated statements on the campaign trail that he had no business ventures in Russia.

"'In fact they were having private conversations seeking to enlist the Kremlin's help in a project that could make him tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, a project that might need Putin's approval while they were arguing that sanctions on Russia should go away,' Schiff said." 'That's pretty breathtaking.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump lies more often than Schiff or Nunes?
Go buy a clue...

Adam Schiff's Statements Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details
The Federalist

View attachment 233788
Jan 30, 2018 · Adam Schiff is portrayed by many in the media as a straight shooter. His record in reality is of fanning the flames of every single Trump-Russia collusion allegation out there. ... As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff ran to the cameras to spin
Why do you find it so difficult to defend Trump's criminal actions?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"In September, 2015, Trump approved Cohen’s plan to reach out to the Russian government.

"That November, Cohen 'spoke with a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.’

"Cohen’s contact 'repeatedly proposed' a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that it would have a 'phenomenal' effect on Trump’s efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which Mueller’s filing calls the 'Moscow Project.'"

Are you truly gullible enough to believe Trump is NOT a gold-plated con man who lies as often as most people breathe?
He is in the first couple of stages of the grieving process.



At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?

Huh? What Court has ruled on that??

doesn't matter--just as long as Hillary is not POTUS

Remember CNN the news media caught with
high treason with rigging the debate and stopping the voters fair election and the democrat party rigging the election against the democrat voters against sanders

The biggest treason crimes ever already committed and caught.

Comparing anything trump has done ever is like comparing an ant to an elephant

And this witch hunt is even a higher treason offense Blackmail to cover up
The other worst crime in America history

So, Trump is a crook but OMG OMG poor Bernie?


You are not that bright are you?

Let's think about this .

Hillary bought a nomination..

Russia told America that she did

And your blaming Trump ?



Hillary bought nothing.

Russia said no such thing.

Trump colluded with the Russians. He broke the campaign finance law.

You can yell & scream & stomp your feet about Clinton. Your orange fuck buddy is going down.

You lying turd Obama broke the DNC ..debbie had to step down and Donna admitted Hillary bought the nomination..

Bernie supporters sued in court , they wanted there money back


Clinton was a democrat & supported the party her entire life. Bernie joined a year when he ran. Was Berbnie reallt=y that fucking stupid to think he would have DNC support?
A real man WOULDN'T CHEAT you stupid fuck.

A real man like Trump wouldn't cheat as president...

But who did?


Bill Clinton & you fuckbunnies had a fit. Where is your outrage now?

You lowered the bar not us ..


Your hypocrisy grows.

Bullshit once you dumb down a society no one gives a fuck..

Like you did with Bill

Like harry Reid lying about Romney's taxes

Like harry Reid nuke option

Like the left gerrymandering the cities for a 100 years

The left start shit and always crys wolf when the turd they throws hits them back in the face

Arnt you proud?

I love it. You , being the typical Trumpette, take the crap Republicans do & blame the Democrats for doing it.
Remember CNN the news media caught with
high treason with rigging the debate and stopping the voters fair election and the democrat party rigging the election against the democrat voters against sanders

The biggest treason crimes ever already committed and caught.

Comparing anything trump has done ever is like comparing an ant to an elephant

And this witch hunt is even a higher treason offense Blackmail to cover up
The other worst crime in America history

So, Trump is a crook but OMG OMG poor Bernie?


You are not that bright are you?

Let's think about this .

Hillary bought a nomination..

Russia told America that she did

And your blaming Trump ?



Hillary bought nothing.

Russia said no such thing.

Trump colluded with the Russians. He broke the campaign finance law.

You can yell & scream & stomp your feet about Clinton. Your orange fuck buddy is going down.

You lying turd Obama broke the DNC ..debbie had to step down and Donna admitted Hillary bought the nomination..

Bernie supporters sued in court , they wanted there money back


Clinton was a democrat & supported the party her entire life. Bernie joined a year when he ran. Was Berbnie reallt=y that fucking stupid to think he would have DNC support?

Look at you posting now like a puppy dog..

This entire shit storm started because of Hillary..

She bought the nomination, Russia hacked the emails told America..

If the corrupt bitch didn't do this she would be president..
A previous FEC chairman said it wasn't a violation, I'll take his word over yours any day.
Actually, you are taking his word over the courts' and prosecutors'. At least throw a shred of honesty into your cultism once in a while.

Cohen implicated Trump at the direction of prosecutors, nothing has been proven to a jury and probably never will be. If you note, Cohen didn't plea to a conspiracy charge. Does innocent until PROVEN guilty ring any bells?

A real man like Trump wouldn't cheat as president...

But who did?


Bill Clinton & you fuckbunnies had a fit. Where is your outrage now?

You lowered the bar not us ..


Your hypocrisy grows.

Bullshit once you dumb down a society no one gives a fuck..

Like you did with Bill

Like harry Reid lying about Romney's taxes

Like harry Reid nuke option

Like the left gerrymandering the cities for a 100 years

The left start shit and always crys wolf when the turd they throws hits them back in the face

Arnt you proud?

I love it. You , being the typical Trumpette, take the crap Republicans do & blame the Democrats for doing it.

I just hate the left

As long as kavauagh and gorsuch got on board..that's was the main goal..

And you can't do a fucking thing to change it :)

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who is poised to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in January, said President Trump faces the 'real prospect of jail time' after leaving the White House.

"'My takeaway is there's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him — that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time,' Schiff said on 'Face the Nation' Sunday.

"Schiff referenced a court filing by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York on Friday which recommended a 'substantial' prison sentence for Mr. Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen, who prosecutors said violated campaign finance law 'in coordination with and at the direction' of the president. Mr. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Never Underestimate Trump.

“The GOP’s final death rattle came that night”: Samantha Bee’s amazing eulogy for the Tru...
Perhaps a NEW AG can prosecute Schitt for LEAKING classified information to the MSM...

Nunes Blasts Adam Schiff: 'Almost 100 Leaks' by Democrats on House ... - Fox News Insider
Fox News › insider › 2018/02/05

Feb 5, 2018 · House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Monday there have been nearly "100 leaks" by Democrats on the
It would not surprise me in the least if Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes have been, and will continue to, leak classified information on this and many other matters.

That in no way affects the rampant criminality of the useless eater currently living in the White House:

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Schiff said the court documents suggest that the 'president of the United States not only coordinated, but directed an illegal campaign scheme' to alter the outcome of the 2016 election.

"Asked if the revelations in the filings meet the standard for an impeachable offense, Schiff demurred and said more investigative work needs to be completed by the House Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller, particularly on any possible collusion or coordination between Trump campaign associates and the Russian government.

"Still, he said the separate memo by the special counsel on Cohen includes other damaging information on Mr. Trump that contradicts the president's repeated statements on the campaign trail that he had no business ventures in Russia.

"'In fact they were having private conversations seeking to enlist the Kremlin's help in a project that could make him tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, a project that might need Putin's approval while they were arguing that sanctions on Russia should go away,' Schiff said." 'That's pretty breathtaking.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump lies more often than Schiff or Nunes?
Go buy a clue...

Adam Schiff's Statements Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details
The Federalist

View attachment 233788
Jan 30, 2018 · Adam Schiff is portrayed by many in the media as a straight shooter. His record in reality is of fanning the flames of every single Trump-Russia collusion allegation out there. ... As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff ran to the cameras to spin
Why do you find it so difficult to defend Trump's criminal actions?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"In September, 2015, Trump approved Cohen’s plan to reach out to the Russian government.

"That November, Cohen 'spoke with a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.’

"Cohen’s contact 'repeatedly proposed' a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that it would have a 'phenomenal' effect on Trump’s efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which Mueller’s filing calls the 'Moscow Project.'"

Are you truly gullible enough to believe Trump is NOT a gold-plated con man who lies as often as most people breathe?
He is in the first couple of stages of the grieving process.

Which of those Seven Stages of Grief do you imagine Trump currently occupies?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"The Southern District of New York’s simultaneously released sentencing memo also has serious legal ramifications for the President.

"In describing how Cohen bought the silence of two women with whom Trump had affairs in order to help Trump win the Presidency, it makes clear that Cohen 'acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1.'

"Three months ago, Cohen said in his guilty plea that this was true and that the President was implicated in a criminal scheme to sway the election.

"Now, though, federal prosecutors working under Robert Khuzami, the acting U.S. Attorney, feel confident enough in this assertion that they have tied themselves to it."

I'm guessing "Anger."
Perhaps a NEW AG can prosecute Schitt for LEAKING classified information to the MSM...

Nunes Blasts Adam Schiff: 'Almost 100 Leaks' by Democrats on House ... - Fox News Insider
Fox News › insider › 2018/02/05

Feb 5, 2018 · House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Monday there have been nearly "100 leaks" by Democrats on the
It would not surprise me in the least if Adam Schiff and Devin Nunes have been, and will continue to, leak classified information on this and many other matters.

That in no way affects the rampant criminality of the useless eater currently living in the White House:

Adam Schiff on "Face the Nation" says Trump faces "real prospect of jail time" after leaving office - CBS News

"Schiff said the court documents suggest that the 'president of the United States not only coordinated, but directed an illegal campaign scheme' to alter the outcome of the 2016 election.

"Asked if the revelations in the filings meet the standard for an impeachable offense, Schiff demurred and said more investigative work needs to be completed by the House Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller, particularly on any possible collusion or coordination between Trump campaign associates and the Russian government.

"Still, he said the separate memo by the special counsel on Cohen includes other damaging information on Mr. Trump that contradicts the president's repeated statements on the campaign trail that he had no business ventures in Russia.

"'In fact they were having private conversations seeking to enlist the Kremlin's help in a project that could make him tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, a project that might need Putin's approval while they were arguing that sanctions on Russia should go away,' Schiff said." 'That's pretty breathtaking.'"

Do you believe Donald Trump lies more often than Schiff or Nunes?
Go buy a clue...

Adam Schiff's Statements Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details
The Federalist

View attachment 233788
Jan 30, 2018 · Adam Schiff is portrayed by many in the media as a straight shooter. His record in reality is of fanning the flames of every single Trump-Russia collusion allegation out there. ... As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff ran to the cameras to spin
Why do you find it so difficult to defend Trump's criminal actions?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"In September, 2015, Trump approved Cohen’s plan to reach out to the Russian government.

"That November, Cohen 'spoke with a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.’

"Cohen’s contact 'repeatedly proposed' a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that it would have a 'phenomenal' effect on Trump’s efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which Mueller’s filing calls the 'Moscow Project.'"

Are you truly gullible enough to believe Trump is NOT a gold-plated con man who lies as often as most people breathe?
He is in the first couple of stages of the grieving process.

Which of those Seven Stages of Grief do you imagine Trump currently occupies?

The Michael Cohen Sentencing Memos Are Damning for Trump

"The Southern District of New York’s simultaneously released sentencing memo also has serious legal ramifications for the President.

"In describing how Cohen bought the silence of two women with whom Trump had affairs in order to help Trump win the Presidency, it makes clear that Cohen 'acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1.'

"Three months ago, Cohen said in his guilty plea that this was true and that the President was implicated in a criminal scheme to sway the election.

"Now, though, federal prosecutors working under Robert Khuzami, the acting U.S. Attorney, feel confident enough in this assertion that they have tied themselves to it."

I'm guessing "Anger."

President was implicated in a criminal scheme to sway the election.

By saying he didn't have sex with that woman? Or paying off another girl almost a million dollars in a civil suit while he was president?

Quit embarrassing yourselves..

Does Trump have a cancelled check?

Do you have one from the campaign?
Let’s ask Stormy how she was paid
She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

If Trump claims he paid us the check

She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

Unless Cohen paid from campaign funds, how is it a violation?
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Unfortunately you can't prove it. Just a coincidence, and as far as his lawyer goes, we have an indicted felon on taxi and IRS problems PLEADING IN FRONT OF A JUDGE,no less for a light sentence....and after making himself look like a rat bastard, Mulehead, STILL throws the book at him....or was he going to s pend 20 years behind bars as the various MSM's stated

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.

Maobama was fined 370,000 by the FEC, where was your impeachment talk then? Hypocrite.

Obama was fined for inadvertently not reporting campaign finances. We’ll see if the FEC finds the same for trump, who secretively paid off a porn star to keep her mouth shut.

It's all comes down to intent, did Trump intend to violate laws he had never been subject to just a year before? Candidates rely on lawyers to keep them straight, Trumps lawyer seems to have failed. That doesn't prove intent on Trump, if it was a violation at all, which is debatable. BTW failing to report is failing to report, where's the equal treatment under the law?


Trump: get some money to Story for her silence
Cohen: But that is illegal
Trump Do it.

What Story? And :link::link::link:

No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?
no--it's NOT so clear
in a court of law you need proof beyond reasonable doubt
you are just guessing/theorizing

That would be for a jury to decide if it would ever go to court, which it won’t.
Meanwhile, anyone with a functioning brain can see his motive when he didn’t pay for Storm’s silence when she first spoke up in 2006... never paid her during the next 10 years to keep it hidden from Melanie — but did pay her when his election was just 11 days away.


Anyway, it’s not going to court. It’s being investigated by the FEC and they will decide trump’s motive.

And if anything happens it will be a civil fine, nothing more.

It isn't a civil crime. It's a felony.

Bullshit you call it civil we call it a felony, it's who ever judge that day..who holds the cards like that piece of shit kneegro Eric holder who refused to indict felony crimes of Louis lerner.

That day is only one day, with a set of prosecutors. This isn't Bingo.

And by the way, as cowardly as it is, there was never anything to indict Lerner for you grotesquely ignorant person.

I just seen this video, you have to figure it out

No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?


Yoi never heard of plea bargain?

God damn anyone knows you plead guilty of a lessor crime than go to a jury trial....cops set people up.

It's basic math.. either do 6 months in jail or try to fight it and spend 6 years in prison

Do you have one from the campaign?
Let’s ask Stormy how she was paid
She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

If Trump claims he paid us the check

She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

Unless Cohen paid from campaign funds, how is it a violation?
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
was to

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