Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

It was a personal expense paid with his own money, he didn't need to report it.


You moron. Go learn campaign finance laws.

A previous FEC chairman said it wasn't a violation, I'll take his word over yours any day.


What does that have to do with your ignorance over campaign finance laws? It doesn’t matter if contributions come directly from the candidate or from elseware; if it’s of value to their campaign, it has to be reported.

And it matters not whose word you take. What matters is what the FEC does and what the House does.

Actually not. Dual purpose expenses that benefit the candidate personally and has a benefit to the campaign as well, aren't campaign expenses. A campaign expense has to be solely related to the campaign and would not have been spent if not for the campaign. Are you claiming there was no dual benefit?

Seems you may not know as much as you think. Look it up.


I see nothing illegal about using campaign money to fight off obviously baseless opposition rubbish put out soley for political reasons, like everything the press and Democrats throws at Trump, including fake harassment lawsuits from attention whores.
What about stealing money from a charitable organization to hide affairs before an election, or using that same money to cover for lawsuits lost during that same election?
In that video, Trump also confessed to attempting to commit adultery. That’s also “right as rain,” huh?

Got to love the regressives selective morality. LMAO What happened to the consensual adults thing? Hypocrite.

Where did I say it’s not consensual? And what cheater did I not call out for being a cheater?

How about the one who committed perjury and obstruction over what you folks said was a consensual affair, you folks claimed it wasn't really a crime.

What about him? I called him a piece of shit for cheating on his wife.

Did you support his removal for his admitted crimes?

I absolutely 100% did. I never once made excuses for his behavior. He needed to go.
Bill Clinton & you fuckbunnies had a fit. Where is your outrage now?

You lowered the bar not us ..


Your hypocrisy grows.

Bullshit once you dumb down a society no one gives a fuck..

Like you did with Bill

Like harry Reid lying about Romney's taxes

Like harry Reid nuke option

Like the left gerrymandering the cities for a 100 years

The left start shit and always crys wolf when the turd they throws hits them back in the face

Arnt you proud?

I love it. You , being the typical Trumpette, take the crap Republicans do & blame the Democrats for doing it.

I just hate the left

As long as kavauagh and gorsuch got on board..that's was the main goal..

And you can't do a fucking thing to change it :)

Sure we can. If Democrats win the White House, House and Senate, they can add seats to the Supreme Court and appoint Liberals. Not that it will happen, but it certainly can.
Unfortunately you can't prove it. Just a coincidence, and as far as his lawyer goes, we have an indicted felon on taxi and IRS problems PLEADING IN FRONT OF A JUDGE,no less for a light sentence....and after making himself look like a rat bastard, Mulehead, STILL throws the book at him....or was he going to s pend 20 years behind bars as the various MSM's stated

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.

Maobama was fined 370,000 by the FEC, where was your impeachment talk then? Hypocrite.

Obama was fined for inadvertently not reporting campaign finances. We’ll see if the FEC finds the same for trump, who secretively paid off a porn star to keep her mouth shut.

It's all comes down to intent, did Trump intend to violate laws he had never been subject to just a year before? Candidates rely on lawyers to keep them straight, Trumps lawyer seems to have failed. That doesn't prove intent on Trump, if it was a violation at all, which is debatable. BTW failing to report is failing to report, where's the equal treatment under the law?

Impeachment doesn’t require intent.

It does in a trial in the senate. You're just not too smart, are ya?

No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?


Yoi never heard of plea bargain?

God damn anyone knows you plead guilty of a lessor crime than go to a jury trial....cops set people up.

It's basic math.. either do 6 months in jail or try to fight it and spend 6 years in prison

Dumbfuck, a plea bargain is what I just described. Who turns your computer on for you? Clearly, you’re too dumb to handle that task without help.
How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!

Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?
Cohen didn't write a $130,000 payment to the campaign.
Daniels didn't receive a $130,000 payment from the campaign.
You still aren't answering the question. You making the claim doesn't make it so. How do you know the money paid to Daniels didn't come from the charitable foundation or the campaign? Which by the way, has been reported as essentially being a big source for campaign expenditures, which is illegal. And that is probably why prosecutors have labeled this a campaign financing felony.

He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money.
Oh no! A politician wasn't straight with the American people. How unique.
Exposing your own stupid counter responses is all we need to know boss. Thanks! You just said nothing.

You tell me?
No, neither occurred.
That doesn't tell me anything either. Lol! You seem to be at a loss there hot shot.

You are the one who said it wasn't an expense.
Only because it wasn't.
Based on my previous questions from this current post of mine, I'm still asking the same question for which you seem to be paralyzed to answer. Telling me "because it wasn't", is a losers way of saying I don't know.

Based on my previous questions from this current post of mine, I'm still asking the same question for which you seem to be paralyzed to answer.

How is it a campaign expense?
Did it pay a campaign worker?
Pay for campaign ads?
Pay for transport to a campaign event?
Pay for campaign fundraising?
Paid out of campaign funds?


Okay, not a campaign expense.
If it benefits a campaign it most certainly benefits a candidate.
And how did it do that? It used money from a charity, it didn't report the money that cheated the electorate out of a fair election, and it used measures to hide an affair that would have looked bad for the candidate.

The fact that it may or may not have paid campaign workers, ads, events, etc. is a useless distraction of an argument on your part. Illegal is one thing, your distraction is another.

Prosecutors are looking at all of that, and concluded that Trump conspired to commit a felony. You however, can't give us any intelligent reasons for why it is not an expense, other than to say it isn't. Which still tells us nothing.

Yet Cohen didn't plead to conspiracy, did he?

No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?


Yoi never heard of plea bargain?

God damn anyone knows you plead guilty of a lessor crime than go to a jury trial....cops set people up.

It's basic math.. either do 6 months in jail or try to fight it and spend 6 years in prison

Dumbfuck, a plea bargain is what I just described. Who turns your computer on for you? Clearly, you’re too dumb to handle that task without help.

God damn.i probably butt fuck you in jail..

You don't remember you.screaming bitch?
No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?


Yoi never heard of plea bargain?

God damn anyone knows you plead guilty of a lessor crime than go to a jury trial....cops set people up.

It's basic math.. either do 6 months in jail or try to fight it and spend 6 years in prison


Faun you stupid as hell..

I remember being in jail this one guy was only there on the weekends (had to serve 3 months)

This other guy went to a jury trial and got 10 years for the same damn crime..

I fucking told him I the yard when we were playing hand ball don't go to a jury trial.

Dumbfuck, again, plea bargains are something guilty people accept to reduce their sentence. Why would an innocent person voluntarily go to prison?
Ah, yet another fake news thread. How many of these' Trump iz going down any minute now!!!" stories have there been the last two years? I bet some future grad student thesis will find hundreds of thousands of these idiotic stupid hack tabloid stories. Why are they in 'Current Events' anyway? They aren't 'events' or real news.
I recall when The Don wouldn't make it to 100 days in office.
Democrats and fake news .. almosts looking for used up sluts and porno lawyers to hump for bucks and political cheap shots .. :lol:
Otherwise known as following the money, the law, and the criminals. Don't you just love it?

Well, if Dems weren't such political cowards and took responsibility for their own lawlessness/criminal acts I'd be able to take your line of puritanical crap seriously. (personal insult deleted) ...

btw .. welcome to the USMB .. you fit right in... :poke:
What "lawless/criminal acts?"

Seriously ... you;re that uninformed .. you must absorb left wing parasite news quite zestfully... :)
I'll tell you the same thing that I caught the other one lying about. What lawless acts?

Oh come on .. don't pout .. you could care less about liberal lies and lawlessness, otherwise you'd be informed right?
Obama was fined for inadvertently not reporting campaign finances. We’ll see if the FEC finds the same for trump, who secretively paid off a porn star to keep her mouth shut.

It's all comes down to intent, did Trump intend to violate laws he had never been subject to just a year before? Candidates rely on lawyers to keep them straight, Trumps lawyer seems to have failed. That doesn't prove intent on Trump, if it was a violation at all, which is debatable. BTW failing to report is failing to report, where's the equal treatment under the law?


Trump: get some money to Story for her silence
Cohen: But that is illegal
Trump Do it.

Who cares? It's a civil suit..

It's a felony. Just ask prosecutors.

Oj killed Nicole and Ron in cold blood..

Now why wasn't he convicted of those charges?

Because his defense was successful in demonstrating doubt. Don’t you ever feel stupid for the nonsense you post??
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?


Yoi never heard of plea bargain?

God damn anyone knows you plead guilty of a lessor crime than go to a jury trial....cops set people up.

It's basic math.. either do 6 months in jail or try to fight it and spend 6 years in prison


Faun you stupid as hell..

I remember being in jail this one guy was only there on the weekends (had to serve 3 months)

This other guy went to a jury trial and got 10 years for the same damn crime..

I fucking told him I the yard when we were playing hand ball don't go to a jury trial.

Dumbfuck, again, plea bargains are something guilty people accept to reduce their sentence. Why would an innocent person voluntarily go to prison?

So blacks all go to a jury trial?

No the reason blacks are in prison is because they can't afford the best lawyer you racist fuck..

And you know it

Again, it’s up to the FEC to decide. Their evidence? That trump didn’t pay Stormy to stay silent for 10 years until his election was just 11 days away. Clearly not to hide it from Melanie.

And if the FEC finds he violated campaign finance laws, then the House can impeach him based on the same evidence that he didn’t pay her off for 10 years.
The De!monRAT HOUSE can Impesch a ham sandwich.As with Clinton it is THE REPUBLICAN Senate that would have to convict to remove. And after Trump helping all those Senators to get reelected, and elected, there is NO WAY to remove him! the Senate needs ,67 votes to impeach....just another exercise in WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY!....ROTFLMFAO!
So what? He can still be impeached. Impeachment did wonders for Republicans when they did it. Imagine how well it will do for Democrats.

Yes, a serial rapist compared to a willing partner...ROTFLMFAO...even MOST ABNORMALS know the difference, except you and the other low 2 digit, IQ communists that post in this thread!
Trump was only accused of rape by two women, I wouldn’t call him a “serial rapist.”

Bill paid off Paula jones for rape..

So you still can't figure this out can you

Dumbfuck, Paula Jones never even accused Bill Clinton of rape. Exactly how rightarded are you?? :ack-1:
You still aren't answering the question. You making the claim doesn't make it so. How do you know the money paid to Daniels didn't come from the charitable foundation or the campaign? Which by the way, has been reported as essentially being a big source for campaign expenditures, which is illegal. And that is probably why prosecutors have labeled this a campaign financing felony.

Exposing your own stupid counter responses is all we need to know boss. Thanks! You just said nothing.

That doesn't tell me anything either. Lol! You seem to be at a loss there hot shot.

Based on my previous questions from this current post of mine, I'm still asking the same question for which you seem to be paralyzed to answer. Telling me "because it wasn't", is a losers way of saying I don't know.

Based on my previous questions from this current post of mine, I'm still asking the same question for which you seem to be paralyzed to answer.

How is it a campaign expense?
Did it pay a campaign worker?
Pay for campaign ads?
Pay for transport to a campaign event?
Pay for campaign fundraising?
Paid out of campaign funds?


Okay, not a campaign expense.
If it benefits a campaign it most certainly benefits a candidate.
And how did it do that? It used money from a charity, it didn't report the money that cheated the electorate out of a fair election, and it used measures to hide an affair that would have looked bad for the candidate.

The fact that it may or may not have paid campaign workers, ads, events, etc. is a useless distraction of an argument on your part. Illegal is one thing, your distraction is another.

Prosecutors are looking at all of that, and concluded that Trump conspired to commit a felony. You however, can't give us any intelligent reasons for why it is not an expense, other than to say it isn't. Which still tells us nothing.

If it benefits a campaign it most certainly benefits a candidate.

Not a campaign expense.

View attachment 233811

Personal use -

More simply, if the expense would exist even in the absence of the candidacy or even if the officeholder were not in office, then the personal use ban applies.

NDAs for porn stars would exist whether you're a candidate or not. That's why using campaign funds for them is prohibited. That's why using personal funds is not prohibited.
And what does illegal use of charitable contribution funds come under when paying off porn stars weeks before the election?

How do personal use expenditures coming from a bogus charity, apply in this case? It's stolen money.

If charitable contributions were paid to Daniels that sounds like something other than a campaign violation.
How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!

Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?
Cohen didn't write a $130,000 payment to the campaign.
Daniels didn't receive a $130,000 payment from the campaign.
You still aren't answering the question. You making the claim doesn't make it so. How do you know the money paid to Daniels didn't come from the charitable foundation or the campaign? Which by the way, has been reported as essentially being a big source for campaign expenditures, which is illegal. And that is probably why prosecutors have labeled this a campaign financing felony.

He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money.
Oh no! A politician wasn't straight with the American people. How unique.
Exposing your own stupid counter responses is all we need to know boss. Thanks! You just said nothing.

You tell me?
No, neither occurred.
That doesn't tell me anything either. Lol! You seem to be at a loss there hot shot.

You are the one who said it wasn't an expense.
Only because it wasn't.
Based on my previous questions from this current post of mine, I'm still asking the same question for which you seem to be paralyzed to answer. Telling me "because it wasn't", is a losers way of saying I don't know.

Based on my previous questions from this current post of mine, I'm still asking the same question for which you seem to be paralyzed to answer.

How is it a campaign expense?
Did it pay a campaign worker?
Pay for campaign ads?
Pay for transport to a campaign event?
Pay for campaign fundraising?
Paid out of campaign funds?


Okay, not a campaign expense.
If it benefits a campaign it most certainly benefits a candidate.
And how did it do that? It used money from a charity, it didn't report the money that cheated the electorate out of a fair election, and it used measures to hide an affair that would have looked bad for the candidate.

The fact that it may or may not have paid campaign workers, ads, events, etc. is a useless distraction of an argument on your part. Illegal is one thing, your distraction is another.

Prosecutors are looking at all of that, and concluded that Trump conspired to commit a felony. You however, can't give us any intelligent reasons for why it is not an expense, other than to say it isn't. Which still tells us nothing.

If it benefits a campaign it most certainly benefits a candidate.

Was Bernie's endorsement of the corrupt old sot a benefit to her campaign? To her?
The De!monRAT HOUSE can Impesch a ham sandwich.As with Clinton it is THE REPUBLICAN Senate that would have to convict to remove. And after Trump helping all those Senators to get reelected, and elected, there is NO WAY to remove him! the Senate needs ,67 votes to impeach....just another exercise in WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY!....ROTFLMFAO!
So what? He can still be impeached. Impeachment did wonders for Republicans when they did it. Imagine how well it will do for Democrats.

Yes, a serial rapist compared to a willing partner...ROTFLMFAO...even MOST ABNORMALS know the difference, except you and the other low 2 digit, IQ communists that post in this thread!
Trump was only accused of rape by two women, I wouldn’t call him a “serial rapist.”

Bill paid off Paula jones for rape..

So you still can't figure this out can you

Dumbfuck, Paula Jones never even accused Bill Clinton of rape. Exactly how rightarded are you?? :ack-1:

Then why the fuck **** did Bill pay her off?

That piece of shit president was a seriel rapist..and you know it
No trial --- no proof.
That makes zero sense. Of course there is proof, or Cohen would not have pled guilty. Of course there is proof, or federal prosecutors would not have declared it as fact in court. And spare me the goofy 'spiracy nonsense.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit. That's not proof they actually did it. The charge was nothing but a way to try to connect Trump to wrong doing. It's no where close to proof that Trump did anything improper.

Yeah, people plea guilty to lesser crimes when offered a deal. But they’re still guilty of the original charges. How stupid do you have to be to plead guilty to any crime, and face prison, when you’re completely innocent?

Stop trying to play word games fool. Pleading to a lesser charge for a prosecutors agreement to drop a more serious one happens all the time. And yeah, it's entirely possible you could be totally innocent of the lesser crime, that doesn't make you completely innocent, does it.

”Stop trying to play word games fool. Pleading to a lesser charge for a prosecutors agreement to drop a more serious one happens all the time.”

Is English your second language? I just said that.

People plea to lesser crimes all the time that they didn't commit.
So what? He can still be impeached. Impeachment did wonders for Republicans when they did it. Imagine how well it will do for Democrats.

Yes, a serial rapist compared to a willing partner...ROTFLMFAO...even MOST ABNORMALS know the difference, except you and the other low 2 digit, IQ communists that post in this thread!
Trump was only accused of rape by two women, I wouldn’t call him a “serial rapist.”

Bill paid off Paula jones for rape..

So you still can't figure this out can you

Dumbfuck, Paula Jones never even accused Bill Clinton of rape. Exactly how rightarded are you?? :ack-1:

Then why the fuck **** did Bill pay her off?

That piece of shit president was a seriel rapist..and you know it

You’re such a fucking retard, ShortBus.

He didn’t pay her off for rape as she never accused him of that.

You have any idea just how fucking stupid you look? Seriously, you don’t know shit.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!

How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!

Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Cohen didn't write a $130,000 payment to the campaign.
Daniels didn't receive a $130,000 payment from the campaign.

He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money.

Oh no! A politician wasn't straight with the American people. How unique.

You tell me?

No, neither occurred.

You are the one who said it wasn't an expense.

Only because it wasn't.
It doesn’t have to come from, or go to, the campaign. It only has to be of value to the campaign. And apparently, it was worth $130,000 of value to the campaign to avoid the public from hearing about a major scandal just 11 days before an election.

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