Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
If it wasn't a campaign expense what was?

It's a payoff to a porn "actress".
Which was s benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign contribution.
Of course it was. A benefit to his campaign valued at $130,000.

Of course it wasn't.

Now how much was Bernie's endorsement valued at?
If it wasn't a campaign expense what was?

It's a payoff to a porn "actress".
Which was s benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign contribution.
Of course it was. A benefit to his campaign valued at $130,000.

Of course it wasn't.

Now how much was Bernie's endorsement valued at?
Again, endorsements aren’t contributions unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Whereas keeping s scandal quiet is a benefit toba campaign. And this one was valued at $130,000.
It's a payoff to a porn "actress".
Which was s benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign contribution.
Of course it was. A benefit to his campaign valued at $130,000.

Of course it wasn't.

Now how much was Bernie's endorsement valued at?
Again, endorsements aren’t contributions unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Whereas keeping s scandal quiet is a benefit toba campaign. And this one was valued at $130,000.

Again, endorsements aren’t contributions

Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?

The 74-year-old self-described democratic socialist, who has been a thorn in Clinton's side over the last year, pledged to support his former rival through Election Day: "I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."

Wow! Sounds pretty valuable.

unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?
And on a related matter..

Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY".....The hypocrisy of the socialist/DemonRATS on display!

An expense used to hide an affair to help him get elected is looked upon as a campaign expenditure that was never reported according to prosecutors.
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Do you seriously think his voters would care after the access hollywood tape?

These payments were made in 2016 before the Access Hollywood tape broke. You know, when Trump was claiming to be a Christian and hoping to get religious right to vote for him.
They are calling it a contribution due to the nature of the payment.

Money was never paid to the campaign.
Money wasn't spent on a campaign expense.

IT was hidden and never reported,

Money not given to a campaign or spent on a campaign was never reported as a campaign contribution or a campaign expense. Obviously.

Trump said he knew nothing about it, which he lied about.

That's awful!

The prosecutors are calling it a felony.

Excellent! post the law.
Cohen has pled guilty of circumventing election law and testified that payment was with the knowledge of and coordination with Trump. So it seems pretty clear that it was a campaign expense. I guess you can argue that it was a charitable contribution but whose going to believe it.

Cohen has pled guilty of circumventing election law and testified that payment was with the knowledge of and coordination with Trump.

She wasn't paid with campaign funds.

So it seems pretty clear that it was a campaign expense.

Not clear at all.
If Mueller didn't have evidence that the hush money came from campaign funds, there would have been no case to present to the grand jury. Cohen would not have pled guilty.

If Mueller didn't have evidence that the hush money came from campaign funds, there would have been no case to present to the grand jury.

Have you seen evidence the money came from campaign funds?
Does Trump have a cancelled check?

Wouldn't matter to Mueller. I'm sure he's seen the money trail on this. They raided Cohen's office and records and had NO SCOPE on what they could look at. Much like the East German Stazi.

Wouldn't matter to Mueller because he's ALREADY WITHHELD "exculpatory evidence" from 2 or more of his "victims"... It's just a charge on a laundry list of charges THAT'S NEVER GOING TO COURT. So there's no downside to a abusive prosecutor like Mueller to loading up the shit pile and having Cohen just sign it..
A previous FEC chairman said it wasn't a violation, I'll take his word over yours any day.
Actually, you are taking his word over the courts' and prosecutors'. At least throw a shred of honesty into your cultism once in a while.

Cohen implicated Trump at the direction of prosecutors, nothing has been proven to a jury and probably never will be. If you note, Cohen didn't plea to a conspiracy charge. Does innocent until PROVEN guilty ring any bells?

He also pled guilty to violation of election laws and implicated Trump.
Let’s ask Stormy how she was paid
She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

If Trump claims he paid us the check

She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

Unless Cohen paid from campaign funds, how is it a violation?
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
So it was a charitable contribution to help distressed porn stars and prostitutes?
Like with Edwards, a jury would not believe that. POTUS did it to hide it from his wife, like all his other Clinton type payments

Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Do you seriously think his voters would care after the access hollywood tape?

These payments were made in 2016 before the Access Hollywood tape broke. You know, when Trump was claiming to be a Christian and hoping to get religious right to vote for him.

And made public in Jan 2017, the access hollywood story broke in Oct 2016, do try to keep up.

Which was s benefit to his campaign.

And yet, not a campaign contribution.
Of course it was. A benefit to his campaign valued at $130,000.

Of course it wasn't.

Now how much was Bernie's endorsement valued at?
Again, endorsements aren’t contributions unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Whereas keeping s scandal quiet is a benefit toba campaign. And this one was valued at $130,000.

Again, endorsements aren’t contributions

Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?

The 74-year-old self-described democratic socialist, who has been a thorn in Clinton's side over the last year, pledged to support his former rival through Election Day: "I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."

Wow! Sounds pretty valuable.

unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?
”Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?”

It’s a pity you can’t understand what you read. I didn’t say endorsements aren’t a benefit. I said they’re not a campaign contribution.

”Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?”

I didn’t say that either. I said Hillary didn’t work with Bernie to get his endorsement.

Really, you should prolly re-read posts several times until you understand what is actually stated.
A previous FEC chairman said it wasn't a violation, I'll take his word over yours any day.
Actually, you are taking his word over the courts' and prosecutors'. At least throw a shred of honesty into your cultism once in a while.

Cohen implicated Trump at the direction of prosecutors, nothing has been proven to a jury and probably never will be. If you note, Cohen didn't plea to a conspiracy charge. Does innocent until PROVEN guilty ring any bells?

He also pled guilty to violation of election laws and implicated Trump.

Did you not understand the post you responded to?

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
How do you know that? Did you talk to Trump?

And by the way, prosecutors will charge it as a campaign finance crime/felony/expense because of the obvious. He needed to hide an affair weeks before the election, the money was not reported, it exceeded $2700 dollars, and it was reported to have come from stolen money out of his charity. Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016. A $130,000 payment would far exceed that limit. Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from. So for you to say it is not a campaign expense, is the joke of the day. Since Trump was lying, how in the hell do you know if it was an expense or not? Lol!

How do you know that?

Because it's not a campaign expense.
Why do you feel it is?
I asked you two questions. Can't you answer?

Under federal law, an individual could not donate more than $2,700 directly to Trump’s primary or general election campaign in 2016.
I agree, a donation that size to the campaign would be an issue. This wasn't. It isn't.
Under what guidelines do you draw your conclusion?

Remember, Trump already lied about where the money came from.
Lol! Because that tells us everything you idiot. :21: He wasn't straight with the American people exposing his lies about the source of the money. If you don't know the source, how can you claim it is or isn't a campaign expense? Answer, you can't, which is why you are so full of shit.

So for you to say it is not a campaign expense,
Was a check cut to the campaign? From the campaign?
You tell me? You are the one who said it wasn't an expense. Lol!
The money was transferred from campaign funds to two dummy corporations and from there to the women.
Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Do you seriously think his voters would care after the access hollywood tape?

These payments were made in 2016 before the Access Hollywood tape broke. You know, when Trump was claiming to be a Christian and hoping to get religious right to vote for him.

And made public in Jan 2017, the access hollywood story broke in Oct 2016, do try to keep up.

Cohen had founded Essential Consultants, LLC. On October 17th, 2016 as a front company to use for the bush money payment. And by that time, they were already talking to Stormy about paying for her silence.
She will say the money came from Cohen......a violation

Unless Cohen paid from campaign funds, how is it a violation?
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
So it was a charitable contribution to help distressed porn stars and prostitutes?

It wasn't a charitable contribution anymore than it was a political one.
And yet, not a campaign contribution.
Of course it was. A benefit to his campaign valued at $130,000.

Of course it wasn't.

Now how much was Bernie's endorsement valued at?
Again, endorsements aren’t contributions unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Whereas keeping s scandal quiet is a benefit toba campaign. And this one was valued at $130,000.

Again, endorsements aren’t contributions

Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?

The 74-year-old self-described democratic socialist, who has been a thorn in Clinton's side over the last year, pledged to support his former rival through Election Day: "I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."

Wow! Sounds pretty valuable.

unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?
”Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?”

It’s a pity you can’t understand what you read. I didn’t say endorsements aren’t a benefit. I said they’re not a campaign contribution.

”Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?”

I didn’t say that either. I said Hillary didn’t work with Bernie to get his endorsement.

Really, you should prolly re-read posts several times until you understand what is actually stated.

I didn’t say endorsements aren’t a benefit. I said they’re not a campaign contribution.

Why are some benefits a contribution while other, larger benefits are not a contribution?
Perhaps you should post the law/regulation that spells out the differentiation?

I said Hillary didn’t work with Bernie to get his endorsement.

How does her "working with" or "not working with" make the slightest difference to the valuable benefit (contribution) she received from Bernie?
Oh? Then why did he wait so many years before paying off Daniels?

Maybe because...

up to his run for president, Melania didn't know about the affair, and he didn't want it coming out?
He didn't want his voters finding out either.

Do you seriously think his voters would care after the access hollywood tape?

These payments were made in 2016 before the Access Hollywood tape broke. You know, when Trump was claiming to be a Christian and hoping to get religious right to vote for him.

And made public in Jan 2017, the access hollywood story broke in Oct 2016, do try to keep up.
The point is the payments were made prior to release of the Access Hollywood Tapes. After the Access Hollywood Tapes mere released, Trump's affairs with porn stars and prostitutes would have little impact on the election. However, back in 2016 when the payments were made and Trump was claiming to be a Christian reading the bible every night and other such bullshit, porn stars and prostitutes going public would certainly be viewed by the campaign as a major problem and worthy of hush money.
It’s a violation because it wasn’t reported.

It wasn't a campaign expenditure, no reason to report it.
Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election. The hush money was to protect his personal spotless reputation.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trump wasn't concerned about adulterous affairs swaying the religious right in the election.

Doesn't matter, it wasn't a campaign expense.
So it was a charitable contribution to help distressed porn stars and prostitutes?

It wasn't a charitable contribution anymore than it was a political one.
Well, if it wasn't a charitable contribution and wasn't a political contribution, then you are saying it was payment designed to protect Trump's good reputation and had nothing to do with the fact he was running for president and claiming to be a Christian who read his bible every night.
Of course it was. A benefit to his campaign valued at $130,000.

Of course it wasn't.

Now how much was Bernie's endorsement valued at?
Again, endorsements aren’t contributions unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Whereas keeping s scandal quiet is a benefit toba campaign. And this one was valued at $130,000.

Again, endorsements aren’t contributions

Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?

The 74-year-old self-described democratic socialist, who has been a thorn in Clinton's side over the last year, pledged to support his former rival through Election Day: "I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States."

Wow! Sounds pretty valuable.

unless you can show Hillary was working with Bernie to get that endorsement.

Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?
”Endorsements aren't a benefit to Hillary's campaign? Why not?”

It’s a pity you can’t understand what you read. I didn’t say endorsements aren’t a benefit. I said they’re not a campaign contribution.

”Hillary didn't work to get his endorsement?”

I didn’t say that either. I said Hillary didn’t work with Bernie to get his endorsement.

Really, you should prolly re-read posts several times until you understand what is actually stated.

I didn’t say endorsements aren’t a benefit. I said they’re not a campaign contribution.

Why are some benefits a contribution while other, larger benefits are not a contribution?
Perhaps you should post the law/regulation that spells out the differentiation?

I said Hillary didn’t work with Bernie to get his endorsement.

How does her "working with" or "not working with" make the slightest difference to the valuable benefit (contribution) she received from Bernie?
Ask the FEC. They define campaign contributions.

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