Trump has revived Nazi threat

By pardoning Sheriff Joe, Trump just sent a dog whistle to every law enforcement head in America that they need not concern themselves about violating the constitutional civil rights of Americans by racial profiling. All will be forgiven.

That's the catch. If they are illegal, they are not American citizens and thus not subject to constitutional rights given forth in the US Constitution.

If they are, they can produce the proof and be left alone.

I'm white and when I get stopped by the cops I have to produce an ID and proof that I am legal to be here. Am I being racially profiled?

I have a nifty idea. How about WE treat illegals caught sneaking into our country like Mexico treats illegals sneaking into theirs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

That is a flat out lie. You do NOT have to produce your Id and proof that you are legally here, if you get stopped by the police. In fact, here is proof:

According to the constitution and the Supreme Court, an officer of the law must have probable cause to demand your ID. According to Sheriff Joe, and Trump, you have no such constitutional right.

No according to Sheriff Joe police can ask to see ID but those being asked can tell them to get lost.

If I have to choose between what Sheriff Joe thinks, and what the Supreme Court thinks, I will go with the Supreme Court. If Joe had followed the law, instead of his personal interpretation of the law, he would not have been convicted, he would not have lost his last election, and Mariposa County would have saved millions of dollars in fines.

I'm pretty sure it was a federal district court not the SCOTUS. Regardless you're just mad because he was upholding US immigration laws.

You are damned right that I am mad that he is upholding immigration laws. He has absolutely no authority to do so.
By pardoning Sheriff Joe, Trump just sent a dog whistle to every law enforcement head in America that they need not concern themselves about violating the constitutional civil rights of Americans by racial profiling. All will be forgiven.

That's the catch. If they are illegal, they are not American citizens and thus not subject to constitutional rights given forth in the US Constitution.

If they are, they can produce the proof and be left alone.

I'm white and when I get stopped by the cops I have to produce an ID and proof that I am legal to be here. Am I being racially profiled?

I have a nifty idea. How about WE treat illegals caught sneaking into our country like Mexico treats illegals sneaking into theirs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

That is a flat out lie. You do NOT have to produce your Id and proof that you are legally here, if you get stopped by the police. In fact, here is proof:

According to the constitution and the Supreme Court, an officer of the law must have probable cause to demand your ID. According to Sheriff Joe, and Trump, you have no such constitutional right.

Your "proof" shows a white man being pulled over by another white man. I'm pretty sure that the circumstances would have been different if they showed how white officers REALLY handle stopping people who aren't white.
By pardoning Sheriff Joe, Trump just sent a dog whistle to every law enforcement head in America that they need not concern themselves about violating the constitutional civil rights of Americans by racial profiling. All will be forgiven.

That's the catch. If they are illegal, they are not American citizens and thus not subject to constitutional rights given forth in the US Constitution.

If they are, they can produce the proof and be left alone.

I'm white and when I get stopped by the cops I have to produce an ID and proof that I am legal to be here. Am I being racially profiled?

I have a nifty idea. How about WE treat illegals caught sneaking into our country like Mexico treats illegals sneaking into theirs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

That is a flat out lie. You do NOT have to produce your Id and proof that you are legally here, if you get stopped by the police. In fact, here is proof:

According to the constitution and the Supreme Court, an officer of the law must have probable cause to demand your ID. According to Sheriff Joe, and Trump, you have no such constitutional right.

Your "proof" shows a white man being pulled over by another white man. I'm pretty sure that the circumstances would have been different if they showed how white officers REALLY handle stopping people who aren't white.

...and you would be wrong. I live 12 miles from one of these check points in Southern AZ. About 85% of the border patrol here are of Latino families, and about 60% of the drivers passing through it are latino. The border patrol has absolutely no authority to search ANY car, without the driver's permission, or unless there is probable cause. Probable cause could be as simple as a K-9 unit hitting on a car, or a suspicious x-ray of a truck. If they have probable cause, and one fails to cooperate, then one can be arrested for interfering with an officer of the law. If they do NOT have probable cause, one can refuse to be searched, and there is not anything they can do about it. That is the constitutional interpretation by the SC. Trump and his fan club absolutely hate the Bill of Rights, and will not rest until every one of them are gone, except for the second amendment, of course.

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