Trump Has Screwed The Pooch!

You Trumptards are something else.
Kash Patel?
A law school student is more intelligent.

Appearing on The Joe Pags Show, with host Joe Pagliarulo, Kash Patel detailed how the FBI will find nothing on Donald Trump. While they might not find any sensitive material, Patel did admit that the raid proved one thing – the death of due process.
Not only did Patel admit the FBI will come up empty-handed, he walked viewers through the entire process of how Trump declassified countless documents before he left the White House, believing Americans had a right to know what the government was doing.

Back in May, he told Breitbart News the same thing. “Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.
It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance — anything the president felt the American people had a right to know is in there and more,” Patel said then, adding that he was with Trump when the then-president said, “We are declassifying this information.”

So, who knew about this?
Kash Patel?

The president can't just declassify documents and they became "declassified".

There is a process, to leave a paper trail.

The president must "memorialize" the declassification with a memo.

ALL parties or departments mentioned in the document are notified, then they can make an argument for or against declassification.

Then the documents are sent by the administration to the national archives.

Then are released back to the administration marked Declassified.

Trump can't do it with just his sharpie.
I’m certain you can link us to a federal document that outlines this ‘procedure’ you speak of?
I’m certain you wouldn’t expect us sane folks not suffering from TDS to just trust that it’s true because you and CNN said it….right?
BWHAAAAAAAaaaaaaa "Classified markings"

The president of the US is the CLASIFYING AGENT. This means he can declassify any document or process by his verbal authority. The marking means exactly squat.

Man are you idiots so gullible...
Yea but he can’t just THINK it and make it happen.

And oh yea… the statutes he has gone afoul of do not depend on classified markings
Declassified by Trump. Are they claiming Biden reclassified them after he [Biden] was installed?
Well Trump used magic to declassify them by the power thought...

There is choice of two scandals here:
1. Trump has classified documents

2. Trump declassified documents is such a haphazard manner... As soon as those are declassified they are open to FOI requests... So he declassified defence documents automatically without telling anyone, this means making them public documents... There was names of operatives in those documents, this would put people in direct danger immediately and Trump discussed this with no one... This would make Trump the most careless and damaging handler of documents in US History by a large margin... Without fully reading documents he would be declassifying them with peoples names and dates in there...

No. 2. is so ridiculous no one considers it serious but it is a lie Trump is trying to sell to his supporters... Trump would be effectively telling the ms of US Assets on the ground all over the world without even reading them. If had fully read them why the need to take them with him...
You Trumptards are something else.
Kash Patel?
A law school student is more intelligent.

Appearing on The Joe Pags Show, with host Joe Pagliarulo, Kash Patel detailed how the FBI will find nothing on Donald Trump. While they might not find any sensitive material, Patel did admit that the raid proved one thing – the death of due process.
Not only did Patel admit the FBI will come up empty-handed, he walked viewers through the entire process of how Trump declassified countless documents before he left the White House, believing Americans had a right to know what the government was doing.

Back in May, he told Breitbart News the same thing. “Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.
It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance — anything the president felt the American people had a right to know is in there and more,” Patel said then, adding that he was with Trump when the then-president said, “We are declassifying this information.”

So, who knew about this?
Kash Patel?

The president can't just declassify documents and they became "declassified".

There is a process, to leave a paper trail.

The president must "memorialize" the declassification with a memo.

ALL parties or departments mentioned in the document are notified, then they can make an argument for or against declassification.

Then the documents are sent by the administration to the national archives.

Then are released back to the administration marked Declassified.

Trump can't do it with just his sharpie.
There is some question as to whether the classification process has to be formally followed but one thing that is pretty indisputable is that he can’t just THINK it and it happens. There would need to be witnesses at the very least.

Kash Patel is not that. His jobs never out him in the White House.

At best he’s repeating what Trump told him.

Also, whether the docs are officially declassified or not does not change the fact that the statues used in the warrant so not require them to be classified to be in breach of the law
Six years of this humiliating chaos. I guess we get what we deserve.
The international clown show has really only been running for 19 months now.
An almost dead barely coherent dude ‘elected’ president
A ‘potus’ that can’t speak without denigrating white people in a white nation (equity, white supremacy)
More covid deaths with a plethora of vaccinations
A potus smothering his own citizens with Mexico’s filth like nothing we’ve ever seen in history
Off the charts levels of inflation
A crackhead whore banging son hired by foreign adversaries, the “big guy” getting his cut
Disgusting obese chicks with dicks running our heath department
The Afghan withdraw and donation of 13 american lives

I could go on and on….this dog and pony shit show never stops yielding chaos and humiliation….and it’s really just getting started.
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BWHAAAAAAAaaaaaaa "Classified markings"

The president of the US is the CLASIFYING AGENT. This means he can declassify any document or process by his verbal authority. The marking means exactly squat.

Man are you idiots so gullible...
Biden classified them all just as Trump was leaving the the WH with the same magic bullshit beans Trump used to declassify them....

No one believes this declassified story and I have explained why... We are saying that Trump put 100s of US assets in the field without even fully reading a document before declassifying them...
The international clown show has really only been running for 19 months now.
An almost dead barely coherent dude ‘elected’ president
A ‘potus’ that can’t speak without denigrating white people in a white nation (equity, white supremacy)
More covid deaths with a plethora of vaccinations
A potus smothering his own citizens with Mexico’s filth like nothing we’ve ever seen in history
Off the charts levels of inflation
A crackhead whore banging son hired by foreign adversaries, the “big guy” getting his cut
Disgusting obese chicks with dicks running our heath department
The Afghan withdraw and donation of 13 american lives

I could go on and on….this dog and pony shit show never stops yielding chaos and humiliation….and it’s really just getting started.
I think he has given up defending the un defensible and he now wants to just attack Biden..

Thanks for playing...

By the way are you saying Trump did something illegal or he did one of the most wreak-less acts in US intel history. He is saying he put out on to the public domain, names of US assets, US operations and the details of those operations, State dept communications,.... This is the largest leak of information in history...
Only reason there isn't dead bodies everywhere is because everyone knows it is bullshit, but no one can be prosecuted for giving previously top secret to US enemies..
The New York Times has published a late piece of news putting Trump's hands yards deep in the Classified files and written proof of multiple violations 18 USC, et al he stole from OUR GOVERNMENT!! Here is the article, for all you objective folks to piss and moan about how Trump is being picked on. Will Trumpery be silent or crying his eyes out tomorrow? Here is the link.

{ Trump Had More Than 300 Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago }
Wow and a Navy vet at that. Did you lose your mind at sea?
To many people think that the process must happen before they can declassify something. That is not true where the president is concerned, his word is law in this matter. HIs word is the end of the discussion.
I really hope you are wrong about that. The last thing I want for our country is a dictator whose word becomes law just because he said it. Do not care what party the presidency belongs to, No DICTATORS ALLOWED IN AMERICA.
Will you fucking retards read the Presidential Records Act.... MY gawd everything you left tards are spouting is bull shit...

Trump has every right to the documents. Full Stop.

Trump can declassify simply by his verbal authority.

Not only those issues but no crime listed on the warrant can be charged because of the Presidential Records Act. The warrant IS BASELESS....
I’m certain you can link us to a federal document that outlines this ‘procedure’ you speak of?
I’m certain you wouldn’t expect us sane folks not suffering from TDS to just trust that it’s true because you and CNN said it….right?
Doesn't matter, Trumptards, like their dear leader, would just label it fake anyway.

The Declassification of Presidential Papers and Records​

The declassification of Presidential papers and records presents some unique issues and concerns which normally require a page-by-page review and referral to the originating agency rather than declassification by using guidance delegated to the Archivist. These factors include:

  1. Presidential papers, because of their highest policy and classification level, often contain equities, information in which a classifying agency has an interest and needs to review before declassification. Therefore, little declassification authority for these records has been delegated to the Archivist.

  2. The records often contain multiple agency equities requiring referral to more than one agency. Several equities can be present in a single Presidential document.

  3. A majority of these papers and records are located around the country in Presidential Libraries, far away from the classifying agency or agencies authorized to declassify them.

  4. The statutory authorities governing Presidential papers and records usually require a page-by-page review for other concerns such as statutory restrictions and privacy.
There is some question as to whether the classification process has to be formally followed but one thing that is pretty indisputable is that he can’t just THINK it and it happens. There would need to be witnesses at the very least.
Kash Patel is not that. His jobs never out him in the White House.

At best he’s repeating what Trump told him.
Like all his cult does.
Also, whether the docs are officially declassified or not does not change the fact that the statues used in the warrant so not require them to be classified to be in breach of the law
The archivist sends documents, after review, to the person.
The archivist has a copy also, as part of history and for future presidents to review, possibly say.................Reagan had to say or memo on a particular subject.

If Trump takes them, future presidents might not know what NOT to do, given a circumstance.
I’m certain you can link us to a federal document that outlines this ‘procedure’ you speak of?
I’m certain you wouldn’t expect us sane folks not suffering from TDS to just trust that it’s true because you and CNN said it….right?
Boy are you a dreamer
It clearly means fat boy is going to jail … that’s what it means … don’t care what Hillary emails are about, the man took 1000 classified documents … if it was Obama, Biden, or Clinton …they all would be going to jail period …
Remember when the TDS loons said he was going to jail for tax issues, then for Russian collusion, then obstruction, then quip pro quo / Ukraine…..hahahahaha
Do you ignorant fools ever get tired of making complete asses of yourselves in poublic?

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