Trump has until tomorrow to implement Russia sanctions ordered by Congress

The Senate vote on this was 98 to 2. What's your prediction? Mine is more stonewalling. Question is whether the spineless and testicle-free Republicans will sit on their hands --- AGAIN

Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether he’ll comply on time after missing the last deadline.

Scrutiny is high, amid lingering suspicion of Trump’s eagerness to mend fences with Russia and with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation still digging into election meddling by Moscow. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle remain keen to get tough on Vladimir Putin’s government.

They have reason to worry about whether the popular sanctions package Trump reluctantly signed in August will be implemented just as hesitantly. The Russia provisions of the bill were designed as a response to Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, which the president himself has downplayed.

Furthermore, the last time Trump’s administration confronted a deadline to set in motion penalties against Putin’s government, it took more than three weeks — and a nudge from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — for Trump’s team to comply.

An even more critical moment arrives Monday. The Treasury Department is required to begin imposing sanctions against entities doing business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors as well as to produce a hotly-anticipated list of oligarchs maintaining close ties to Putin. Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress’ authority.​

Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions

I hope he blows it off.

The Cold War is over. Let's have Peace.
The Senate vote on this was 98 to 2. What's your prediction? Mine is more stonewalling. Question is whether the spineless and testicle-free Republicans will sit on their hands --- AGAIN

Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether he’ll comply on time after missing the last deadline.

Scrutiny is high, amid lingering suspicion of Trump’s eagerness to mend fences with Russia and with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation still digging into election meddling by Moscow. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle remain keen to get tough on Vladimir Putin’s government.

They have reason to worry about whether the popular sanctions package Trump reluctantly signed in August will be implemented just as hesitantly. The Russia provisions of the bill were designed as a response to Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, which the president himself has downplayed.

Furthermore, the last time Trump’s administration confronted a deadline to set in motion penalties against Putin’s government, it took more than three weeks — and a nudge from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — for Trump’s team to comply.

An even more critical moment arrives Monday. The Treasury Department is required to begin imposing sanctions against entities doing business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors as well as to produce a hotly-anticipated list of oligarchs maintaining close ties to Putin. Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress’ authority.​

Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions
I don't think they will follow through on sanctions. Firstly because Trump doesn't want to admit Russia elected him into office, and secondly because he wants their help again in upcoming elections.
Tell me, how did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
What, is that a question at the AA for Trump? It was you inbreds that Russia led along by the nose. Come on, tell us more about pizzagate and Hillary's e-mails. :rolleyes:
Who cares?

Everyone outside the Trump cult cares.
What does that have to do with anything? Oh umm, ahh, sigh....try not to lie...

The poster asked who cares about whether these sanctions are enforced by clown in Cheif and I explained to him anyone outside of the Trump cult cares.

Trumpsters are the main ones denying Russian interference.

Who has denied Russian interference?

Can you believe that there are still righties who haven't even heard of the Russian Bots on Twitter and Facebook ? Why because the news they read does not cover it and they refuse to watch or read anything else because Trump calls it fake news..

Uhhhm - Yes we know who meddled in the election and your cheerleading labels you as an anti-American Putin stooge.
Actually, even Putin is more of an American patriot than you. .... :cool:

Wow, what an ass... your party said this crap even before the facts of the Russian hack even began..

Go live with Puttin, that is what he wants you to think..

Wow, what an ass... your party said this crap even before the facts of the Russian hack even began..
Go live with Putin, that is what he wants you to think.
Comrade there is no reason to get soo upset.

Putin only wants what is best for both of our country's. ..... :thup:

Either you are trying to piss off people or you seriously think that.. I guess it really bothers me when I see someone say that.I find it to be so un-american.

Why don't you look at how the Russians live..under the control of the government, if anyone tries to expose it they are murdered..
Putin insists on only good things being said in the media, or his people.

Is that how you want to live?
Either you are trying to piss off people or you seriously think that.. I guess it really bothers me when I see someone say that.I find it to be so un-american.
Why don't you look at how the Russians live..under the control of the government, if anyone tries to expose it they are murdered..
Putin insists on only good things being said in the media, or his people.
Is that how you want to live?
Putin is a great leader who only wants best for his people and country. He only locks up traitors and bad people like gays and jews. ..... :cool:
Last edited:
The Senate vote on this was 98 to 2. What's your prediction? Mine is more stonewalling. Question is whether the spineless and testicle-free Republicans will sit on their hands --- AGAIN

Trump faces a major deadline to use the Russia sanctions power that Congress overwhelmingly voted to give him — and it’s anybody’s guess as to whether he’ll comply on time after missing the last deadline.

Scrutiny is high, amid lingering suspicion of Trump’s eagerness to mend fences with Russia and with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation still digging into election meddling by Moscow. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle remain keen to get tough on Vladimir Putin’s government.

They have reason to worry about whether the popular sanctions package Trump reluctantly signed in August will be implemented just as hesitantly. The Russia provisions of the bill were designed as a response to Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, which the president himself has downplayed.

Furthermore, the last time Trump’s administration confronted a deadline to set in motion penalties against Putin’s government, it took more than three weeks — and a nudge from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) — for Trump’s team to comply.

An even more critical moment arrives Monday. The Treasury Department is required to begin imposing sanctions against entities doing business with Russia’s defense and intelligence sectors as well as to produce a hotly-anticipated list of oligarchs maintaining close ties to Putin. Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress’ authority.​

Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions
Poor butt hurt libtards...

Where was this outrage when your god Obama refused to enforce immigration laws that CONGRESS ENACTED?
Who cares?

Everyone outside the Trump cult cares.
What does that have to do with anything? Oh umm, ahh, sigh....try not to lie...

The poster asked who cares about whether these sanctions are enforced by clown in Cheif and I explained to him anyone outside of the Trump cult cares.

Trumpsters are the main ones denying Russian interference.

Who has denied Russian interference?

Can you believe that there are still righties who haven't even heard of the Russian Bots on Twitter and Facebook ? Why because the news they read does not cover it and they refuse to watch or read anything else because Trump calls it fake news..

Twitter and facebook are as commie as they come.

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