Trump Has Won the 2020 Election!


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Clearly, the Pelosi-Schiff impeachment gambit has lost just as have all others to bring down the president. That, coupled with exceedingly weak candidates for the Democrats has all but assured KAG and 4 more years:

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Clearly, the Pelosi-Schiff impeachment gambit has lost just as have all others to bring down the president. That, coupled with exceedingly week candidates for the Democrats has all but assured KAG and 4 more years:

Did you get your prediction from a Sooth Sayer, reading Tea leaves of a Crystal Ball. I guess everyone needs to not even bother showing up to vote in November of next year because it won't matter. If course, that's what you are hoping with your BS. But it appears that there is going to be one hell of a turnout. This time, the voters are going to speak loudly. And you and I will have to just live with that message.
Clearly, the Pelosi-Schiff impeachment gambit has lost just as have all others to bring down the president. That, coupled with exceedingly week candidates for the Democrats has all but assured KAG and 4 more years:

Did you get your prediction from a Sooth Sayer, reading Tea leaves of a Crystal Ball. I guess everyone needs to not even bother showing up to vote in November of next year because it won't matter. If course, that's what you are hoping with your BS. But it appears that there is going to be one hell of a turnout. This time, the voters are going to speak loudly. And you and I will have to just live with that message.
OK. Try again in 2024,
Trump will actually win BIGGER than he did before. He's lost NONE of the support he had in 2016, and he has GAINED plenty more.

There's not a democrat on the planet that can touch him, and they know it. Why else do you think they're playing all these MORONIC GAMES like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA and IMPEACHMENT? That's all they have.

But the demtrash aren't going to just lose the presidential race, again, they're going to LOSE CONGRESS AS WELL. They won't have power over JACK, and they shouldn't have either. They're the most VILE, UNHINGED, CORRUPT pack of ass clowns known to mankind.
I actually don’t think we get a Super Majority until 2022

Trump will actually win BIGGER than he did before. He's lost NONE of the support he had in 2016, and he has GAINED plenty more.

There's not a democrat on the planet that can touch him, and they know it. Why else do you think they're playing all these MORONIC GAMES like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA and IMPEACHMENT? That's all they have.

But the demtrash aren't going to just lose the presidential race, again, they're going to LOSE CONGRESS AS WELL. They won't have power over JACK, and they shouldn't have either. They're the most VILE, UNHINGED, CORRUPT pack of ass clowns known to mankind.
Don’t show up. Some little girl in a MAGA hat is going to kick your ass.

Clearly, the Pelosi-Schiff impeachment gambit has lost just as have all others to bring down the president. That, coupled with exceedingly week candidates for the Democrats has all but assured KAG and 4 more years:

Did you get your prediction from a Sooth Sayer, reading Tea leaves of a Crystal Ball. I guess everyone needs to not even bother showing up to vote in November of next year because it won't matter. If course, that's what you are hoping with your BS. But it appears that there is going to be one hell of a turnout. This time, the voters are going to speak loudly. And you and I will have to just live with that message.
The problem the D's have is that their whole message has been based upon Hate. No positive ideas at all.

Before the 2016 election, I lived in a critical battleground state, and all we saw on TV for months were Hate Ads against Trump. Hillary Clinton didn't say anything about positivity at all, offered no positive programs, not even insanely liberal ones like Homosexual Marriage or Socialized Medicine, and how great they would be for everyone. Just pure, unadulterated Hatred for Donald J. Trump supporters, the peasants.

Since then , its just been more of the same. Resistance to everything and no positive agenda at all.

Instead of Congress working on tremendous infrastructure, Chuck and Nancy said no, we want to impeach.

Really, the Democrats need to get positive. Come up with ideas to reduce taxes, increase freedom, instead of just increasing hate.
Democrats have destroyed themselves! Even THEY now know there is no way to beat Donald J Trump!

So the democrats will burn this country to the ground.

Right after the 2020 election with a Trump win of 95%...they will announce there was 600 million votes cast in the election.

Chaos will reign!
The problem the D's have is that their whole message has been based upon Hate. No positive ideas at all.

Before the 2016 election, I lived in a critical battleground state, and all we saw on TV for months were Hate Ads against Trump. Hillary Clinton didn't say anything about positivity at all, offered no positive programs, not even insanely liberal ones like Homosexual Marriage or Socialized Medicine, and how great they would be for everyone. Just pure, unadulterated Hatred for Donald J. Trump supporters, the peasants.

Since then , its just been more of the same. Resistance to everything and no positive agenda at all.

Instead of Congress working on tremendous infrastructure, Chuck and Nancy said no, we want to impeach.

Really, the Democrats need to get positive. Come up with ideas to reduce taxes, increase freedom, instead of just increasing hate.
But that's who the democrats ARE. They need VICTIMS, they need RACISM, they need people to be MAD and STAY MAD, so they can come along and say, oh, we're here to solve ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, and then NEVER DO IT, because again, they NEED people DEPENDENT on THEM. It's just a big GAME for democrats, and it's not about HELPING ANYONE to them, it's all about POWER, how to GET POWER, and how to KEEP POWER. That's all they care about. They want to CONTROL EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, because according to them, you're too STUPID to be able to THINK for yourself. You NEED them to THINK FOR YOU. You need to be part of the COLLECTIVE and believe in GROUP THINK, and don't you DARE have an INDEPENDENT THOUGHT, because THAT'S NOT ALLOWED. That's what CONSERVATIVES do, and according to demtrash, conservatives are EVIL, because they DARE to DISAGREE and have INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS. They're RACISTS, they're SUPREMACISTS, it's HATE SPEECH, it's BLAH FRICKIN' BLAH... you know the drill. We've all heard their pathetic schtick a million times already.

So don't expect them to change, it ain't gonna happen. The democrat party is the party of trash, figuratively, and now, literally.
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Democrats have destroyed themselves! Even THEY now know there is no way to beat Donald J Trump!

So the democrats will burn this country to the ground.

Right after the 2020 election with a Trump win of 95%...they will announce there was 600 million votes cast in the election.

Chaos will reign!

Losing to Trump twice will cause the Dem's to self immolate.

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