Trump has yet to feel the full weight of Democratic power aligned against him

I'd rather have neither you Dem Reservation lap dog!!!

what would happen if there were an Presidential election of the two corrupt parties and no one showed up?

Wow, Bernie fever really has you unhinged.
Sooo..... you have nothing. Figures.

Don't leave the Dem Reservation because theres spooky stuff out there. :ack-1: The crony Dems have you pegged you poor thing :itsok:

Dem Reservation? Isn't Bernie running as a Democrat? Why do you hate Democrats?
he is running on their party's ticket because he has to caucus w/them because the two corrupt parties have a strangle hold on the process

Please tell me you were aware of this fact


Really? Are you suggesting he was FORCED to caucus with Democrats? Why didn't Bernie run as an Independent?
Bernie ran as a democrat for the same reasons that he built his entire campaign around.
He wanted the money. Make someone else pay his way. The money from the dems would have been considerably more than what he could have come up with on his own.
A quote in the New York World, August 28, 1907 by a Republican
Congressman from Massachusetts:

“You are liable someday to have a President supremely lacking in the
qualities of a statesman, and one who is egotistic, impulsive, of
immature judgement, a mere glutton of the limelight, ready to barter
away prosperity and even his country’s freedom for momentary popular
Instead of a mighty nation, great in her physical strength and greater
in her moral qualities, you may have a strutting, confiscating,
shrieking, meddling America.”

Do you suppose he foresaw “The Donald”?

In reality you summed up Obama's first campaign very well.
And why not start trying to implement these Paul Ryan ideas now? Why not last year? Why has he waited for 2017? Ryan's 2016 Agenda Likely to Be Sidelined Until 2017

Why Paul Ryan can’t protect the GOP brand from Trump
Ryan is the turd that agreed to a two year budget, doing his best to screw a GOP President. He is trash and will be relegated to the back of the bus soon.
He's going to run 2020 or 2024
And if he is the nominee I will be very frustrated. Honestly I expect a tough few years ahead of us regardless who is President. Obama, despite all the clatter, has absolutely failed to reform the base issues that resulted in 08 meltdown. He has done the oposite. Another sell out. New boss, same as the old boss. Lined his pockets in the process.
And why not start trying to implement these Paul Ryan ideas now? Why not last year? Why has he waited for 2017? Ryan's 2016 Agenda Likely to Be Sidelined Until 2017

Why Paul Ryan can’t protect the GOP brand from Trump
Ryan is the turd that agreed to a two year budget, doing his best to screw a GOP President. He is trash and will be relegated to the back of the bus soon.
He's going to run 2020 or 2024
And if he is the nominee I will be very frustrated. Honestly I expect a tough few years ahead of us regardless who is President. Obama, despite all the clatter, has absolutely failed to reform the base issues that resulted in 08 meltdown. He has done the oposite. Another sell out. New boss, same as the old boss. Lined his pockets in the process.
Oh nonsense. We are set for years of slow steady growth. I don't want another Republican deregulate tax breaks for the rich war monger
Donald Trump's Four Decades Of Racism

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump once again turned towards bigotry in the wake of this weekend's massacre in Orlando, Florida, reiterating his call for a ban on Muslim's entering the United States. Republicans, including party leaders, once again attempted to run away from questions about Trump's bigotry.

This was a repetition of a scene from last week, when House Speaker Paul Ryan seemed to be trying to act surprised when he was forced to respond to Trump’s racist comments about a federal judge. After Trump argued that the presiding judge in a fraud case involving Trump University was inherently biased because of his parents’ Mexican heritage, Ryan called it “the textbook definition of a racist comment” but refused to drop his endorsement of his party’s presumptive presidential nominee. Donald Trump’s Four Decades Of Racism

And there is this:
Trump’s Racism: A Tool For Publicity

Trump’s recent political aspirations have been fueled by his role as the country’s foremost birther, questioning whether President Obama is a natural born American citizen and eligible to be president of the United States. This accusation was not simply a far-fetched conspiracy theory. Instead, it was designed to feed the bigotry of the president’s opponents.

A second strand of this bigotry that Trump has played into was questioning the president’s faith and suggesting he might be a secret Muslim.

Finally, Trump gleefully questioned the president’s academic credentials, suggesting that something might be untoward in his college transcripts. According to Trump, Obama was unqualified to attend Columbia or Harvard Law School and was only accepted to these prestigious institutions because of his race.
Trump is a "Poor Man's Billionaire"...

Trump Declared No Income In 1984
June 17, 2016

Daily Beast: “In 1984, Donald Trump constantly bragged to the press about how much cash he was raking in. That same year… he told the IRS he had made nothing at all.”

“Trump deducted $626,264 as expenses on his 1984 federal income tax return, and $619,227 on his New York City return. On both forms, he claimed no income.”
Republicans Should Worry About Losing the House - Bloomberg View

Republicans need to start worrying about losing their majority in the house of representatives.

Republicans accept the conventional wisdom that hillary clinton is favored to win the presidency, and they know that her election would probably end their majority in the senate. But in a year that has upended political expectations, they have clung to one comforting assumption: Their hold on the house is secure.

Their majority is protected by gerrymandering, the geographic distribution of republican voters, the power of incumbency and its own sheer size. Republicans have 247 seats in the house, the most since 1931. Democrats would have to win 30 to take back the chamber. And that includes many seats in districts that usually go republican in presidential contests. That sets the house apart from the senate, where to keep their majority republicans will have to hold seats in states that usually vote for democratic presidential candidates.



but clinton’s lead in the polls is widening to the point that republicans need to set aside their complacency. Split-ticket voting has declined over the last generation. if clinton wins big — because republican voters stay home, or swing voters choose her party, or both — house republicans will struggle to win re-election. Henry olsen, the co-author of a recent book about the republican party, tells me that an eight-point win would put republicans in the danger zone.

Now it may be that the decline of split-ticket voting is another pattern this year will disrupt. Maybe voters will distinguish between donald trump and other republicans, rejecting him but not them. Maybe republican voters will come to the polls to vote for a third-party presidential candidate, such as libertarian gary johnson, and then vote for republican congressmen while they are there.
Biden and Warren? The Groper and Fake Injun? You dems set a low bar for power brokers
Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know «
Selected Excerpts:

When Hitler seized power in 1933, he chose as his finance minister the former head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht (shown here in the dock at the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany in 1945), whose name has become synonymous with the most extreme austerity. Donald Trump has signaled that he wants the corporate raider, asset stripper, and union buster Carl Icahn to play an important role in his administration, along with the disgraced former CIA head General David Petraeus

Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude. How can he deport 12 million Latinos? How can he force Mexico to build and pay for a wall? How can the figures in his demagogic budget plan add up? The answer is always that mere reality will always yield to the ruthless exercise of Trump’s Triumph of the Will — meaning his dynamism, the force of his personality, his determination, his bold courage, and so forth. This is of course an exercise in the pathology of magical thinking, which assigns supernatural powers to the fascist hotelier.

Updating the analysis of Guérin, Abendroth, and others, we can say that the art of fascism consists in portraying oneself as radically anti-Establishment, while never seriously attacking Wall Street. Trump is himself a creature of the Wall Street banks which, according to eyewitnesses, were delighted to throw money at him during the 1980s, using the hotelier as an investment vehicle. A good definition of Trump and his much-touted real estate empire is to see him as a Frankenstein’s monster made up, not so much from pieces of cadavers, as from bank loans from Wall Street.

Another time-tested fascist trick is to divert attention from the bankers and financiers, and direct popular rage towards something else – anything else. Everyone should now be familiar with Trump’s basic method, which is to unload popular rage and resentment about the world economic depression onto groups like Latinos, Moslems, and inevitably others.

Another method of distracting attention from the crimes of Wall Street is to blame other nations for the sad predicament of the United States under financier domination. Mussolini argued that Italy was a proletarian country, in contrast to France, Britain, and the United States. The Duce claimed that Italy’s economic problems resulted from an “Anglo-Pluto-Judaeo-Bolshevik-Masonic” conspiracy. That is a line which is more likely to confuse people than help them to see who the enemy is exactly.

There is much more but you get the idea....Read the whole piece!
Biden and Warren? The Groper and Fake Injun? You dems set a low bar for power brokers
Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know «
Selected Excerpts:

When Hitler seized power in 1933, he chose as his finance minister the former head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht (shown here in the dock at the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany in 1945), whose name has become synonymous with the most extreme austerity. Donald Trump has signaled that he wants the corporate raider, asset stripper, and union buster Carl Icahn to play an important role in his administration, along with the disgraced former CIA head General David Petraeus

Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude. How can he deport 12 million Latinos? How can he force Mexico to build and pay for a wall? How can the figures in his demagogic budget plan add up? The answer is always that mere reality will always yield to the ruthless exercise of Trump’s Triumph of the Will — meaning his dynamism, the force of his personality, his determination, his bold courage, and so forth. This is of course an exercise in the pathology of magical thinking, which assigns supernatural powers to the fascist hotelier.

Updating the analysis of Guérin, Abendroth, and others, we can say that the art of fascism consists in portraying oneself as radically anti-Establishment, while never seriously attacking Wall Street. Trump is himself a creature of the Wall Street banks which, according to eyewitnesses, were delighted to throw money at him during the 1980s, using the hotelier as an investment vehicle. A good definition of Trump and his much-touted real estate empire is to see him as a Frankenstein’s monster made up, not so much from pieces of cadavers, as from bank loans from Wall Street.

Another time-tested fascist trick is to divert attention from the bankers and financiers, and direct popular rage towards something else – anything else. Everyone should now be familiar with Trump’s basic method, which is to unload popular rage and resentment about the world economic depression onto groups like Latinos, Moslems, and inevitably others.

Another method of distracting attention from the crimes of Wall Street is to blame other nations for the sad predicament of the United States under financier domination. Mussolini argued that Italy was a proletarian country, in contrast to France, Britain, and the United States. The Duce claimed that Italy’s economic problems resulted from an “Anglo-Pluto-Judaeo-Bolshevik-Masonic” conspiracy. That is a line which is more likely to confuse people than help them to see who the enemy is exactly.

There is much more but you get the idea....Read the whole piece!

I didn't read a syllable of it
Biden and Warren? The Groper and Fake Injun? You dems set a low bar for power brokers
Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know «
Selected Excerpts:

When Hitler seized power in 1933, he chose as his finance minister the former head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht (shown here in the dock at the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany in 1945), whose name has become synonymous with the most extreme austerity. Donald Trump has signaled that he wants the corporate raider, asset stripper, and union buster Carl Icahn to play an important role in his administration, along with the disgraced former CIA head General David Petraeus

Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude. How can he deport 12 million Latinos? How can he force Mexico to build and pay for a wall? How can the figures in his demagogic budget plan add up? The answer is always that mere reality will always yield to the ruthless exercise of Trump’s Triumph of the Will — meaning his dynamism, the force of his personality, his determination, his bold courage, and so forth. This is of course an exercise in the pathology of magical thinking, which assigns supernatural powers to the fascist hotelier.

Updating the analysis of Guérin, Abendroth, and others, we can say that the art of fascism consists in portraying oneself as radically anti-Establishment, while never seriously attacking Wall Street. Trump is himself a creature of the Wall Street banks which, according to eyewitnesses, were delighted to throw money at him during the 1980s, using the hotelier as an investment vehicle. A good definition of Trump and his much-touted real estate empire is to see him as a Frankenstein’s monster made up, not so much from pieces of cadavers, as from bank loans from Wall Street.

Another time-tested fascist trick is to divert attention from the bankers and financiers, and direct popular rage towards something else – anything else. Everyone should now be familiar with Trump’s basic method, which is to unload popular rage and resentment about the world economic depression onto groups like Latinos, Moslems, and inevitably others.

Another method of distracting attention from the crimes of Wall Street is to blame other nations for the sad predicament of the United States under financier domination. Mussolini argued that Italy was a proletarian country, in contrast to France, Britain, and the United States. The Duce claimed that Italy’s economic problems resulted from an “Anglo-Pluto-Judaeo-Bolshevik-Masonic” conspiracy. That is a line which is more likely to confuse people than help them to see who the enemy is exactly.

There is much more but you get the idea....Read the whole piece!

I didn't read a syllable of it
I did not think that you would since you're intent on wallowing in ignorance.
Biden and Warren? The Groper and Fake Injun? You dems set a low bar for power brokers
Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know «
Selected Excerpts:

When Hitler seized power in 1933, he chose as his finance minister the former head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht (shown here in the dock at the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany in 1945), whose name has become synonymous with the most extreme austerity. Donald Trump has signaled that he wants the corporate raider, asset stripper, and union buster Carl Icahn to play an important role in his administration, along with the disgraced former CIA head General David Petraeus

Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude. How can he deport 12 million Latinos? How can he force Mexico to build and pay for a wall? How can the figures in his demagogic budget plan add up? The answer is always that mere reality will always yield to the ruthless exercise of Trump’s Triumph of the Will — meaning his dynamism, the force of his personality, his determination, his bold courage, and so forth. This is of course an exercise in the pathology of magical thinking, which assigns supernatural powers to the fascist hotelier.

Updating the analysis of Guérin, Abendroth, and others, we can say that the art of fascism consists in portraying oneself as radically anti-Establishment, while never seriously attacking Wall Street. Trump is himself a creature of the Wall Street banks which, according to eyewitnesses, were delighted to throw money at him during the 1980s, using the hotelier as an investment vehicle. A good definition of Trump and his much-touted real estate empire is to see him as a Frankenstein’s monster made up, not so much from pieces of cadavers, as from bank loans from Wall Street.

Another time-tested fascist trick is to divert attention from the bankers and financiers, and direct popular rage towards something else – anything else. Everyone should now be familiar with Trump’s basic method, which is to unload popular rage and resentment about the world economic depression onto groups like Latinos, Moslems, and inevitably others.

Another method of distracting attention from the crimes of Wall Street is to blame other nations for the sad predicament of the United States under financier domination. Mussolini argued that Italy was a proletarian country, in contrast to France, Britain, and the United States. The Duce claimed that Italy’s economic problems resulted from an “Anglo-Pluto-Judaeo-Bolshevik-Masonic” conspiracy. That is a line which is more likely to confuse people than help them to see who the enemy is exactly.

There is much more but you get the idea....Read the whole piece!

I didn't read a syllable of it
I did not think that you would since you're intent on wallowing in ignorance.

Don't you have a gay thread to whine on?
Biden and Warren? The Groper and Fake Injun? You dems set a low bar for power brokers
Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know «
Selected Excerpts:

When Hitler seized power in 1933, he chose as his finance minister the former head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht (shown here in the dock at the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany in 1945), whose name has become synonymous with the most extreme austerity. Donald Trump has signaled that he wants the corporate raider, asset stripper, and union buster Carl Icahn to play an important role in his administration, along with the disgraced former CIA head General David Petraeus

Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude. How can he deport 12 million Latinos? How can he force Mexico to build and pay for a wall? How can the figures in his demagogic budget plan add up? The answer is always that mere reality will always yield to the ruthless exercise of Trump’s Triumph of the Will — meaning his dynamism, the force of his personality, his determination, his bold courage, and so forth. This is of course an exercise in the pathology of magical thinking, which assigns supernatural powers to the fascist hotelier.

Updating the analysis of Guérin, Abendroth, and others, we can say that the art of fascism consists in portraying oneself as radically anti-Establishment, while never seriously attacking Wall Street. Trump is himself a creature of the Wall Street banks which, according to eyewitnesses, were delighted to throw money at him during the 1980s, using the hotelier as an investment vehicle. A good definition of Trump and his much-touted real estate empire is to see him as a Frankenstein’s monster made up, not so much from pieces of cadavers, as from bank loans from Wall Street.

Another time-tested fascist trick is to divert attention from the bankers and financiers, and direct popular rage towards something else – anything else. Everyone should now be familiar with Trump’s basic method, which is to unload popular rage and resentment about the world economic depression onto groups like Latinos, Moslems, and inevitably others.

Another method of distracting attention from the crimes of Wall Street is to blame other nations for the sad predicament of the United States under financier domination. Mussolini argued that Italy was a proletarian country, in contrast to France, Britain, and the United States. The Duce claimed that Italy’s economic problems resulted from an “Anglo-Pluto-Judaeo-Bolshevik-Masonic” conspiracy. That is a line which is more likely to confuse people than help them to see who the enemy is exactly.

There is much more but you get the idea....Read the whole piece!

I didn't read a syllable of it
I did not think that you would since you're intent on wallowing in ignorance.

Don't you have a gay thread to whine on?
Translation: I
Biden and Warren? The Groper and Fake Injun? You dems set a low bar for power brokers
Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know Trump’s Art of Fascism: How to Pose as a Radically Anti-Establishment Demagogue in the Eyes of the Voters, While Never Making Any Serious Attacks on the Actual U.S. Power Structure of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve – What 2016 Voters Need to Know «
Selected Excerpts:

When Hitler seized power in 1933, he chose as his finance minister the former head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht (shown here in the dock at the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany in 1945), whose name has become synonymous with the most extreme austerity. Donald Trump has signaled that he wants the corporate raider, asset stripper, and union buster Carl Icahn to play an important role in his administration, along with the disgraced former CIA head General David Petraeus

Trump, as has been widely noted, does not care about facts or accuracy. He has total contempt for facts and for reality in general, and many of his followers share in this attitude. How can he deport 12 million Latinos? How can he force Mexico to build and pay for a wall? How can the figures in his demagogic budget plan add up? The answer is always that mere reality will always yield to the ruthless exercise of Trump’s Triumph of the Will — meaning his dynamism, the force of his personality, his determination, his bold courage, and so forth. This is of course an exercise in the pathology of magical thinking, which assigns supernatural powers to the fascist hotelier.

Updating the analysis of Guérin, Abendroth, and others, we can say that the art of fascism consists in portraying oneself as radically anti-Establishment, while never seriously attacking Wall Street. Trump is himself a creature of the Wall Street banks which, according to eyewitnesses, were delighted to throw money at him during the 1980s, using the hotelier as an investment vehicle. A good definition of Trump and his much-touted real estate empire is to see him as a Frankenstein’s monster made up, not so much from pieces of cadavers, as from bank loans from Wall Street.

Another time-tested fascist trick is to divert attention from the bankers and financiers, and direct popular rage towards something else – anything else. Everyone should now be familiar with Trump’s basic method, which is to unload popular rage and resentment about the world economic depression onto groups like Latinos, Moslems, and inevitably others.

Another method of distracting attention from the crimes of Wall Street is to blame other nations for the sad predicament of the United States under financier domination. Mussolini argued that Italy was a proletarian country, in contrast to France, Britain, and the United States. The Duce claimed that Italy’s economic problems resulted from an “Anglo-Pluto-Judaeo-Bolshevik-Masonic” conspiracy. That is a line which is more likely to confuse people than help them to see who the enemy is exactly.

There is much more but you get the idea....Read the whole piece!

I didn't read a syllable of it
I did not think that you would since you're intent on wallowing in ignorance.

Don't you have a gay thread to whine on?
Translation: I don't have anything intelligent or relevant to say in defense of Trump so I will invoke something about gays in order to derail the topic and deflect attention away from your pathetic inability to effectively deal with it.
Last edited:
Trump May Have Committed Fraud
June 21, 2016 <.........................................................Look at the date ...Fresh new stuff ...Trump the gift that keeps on giving

“If Donald Trump’s claims that certain of his commercial ventures benefit charity are untrue, he could be held liable under Section 349 of New York’s General Business Law, which forbids deceptive business acts and practices, as well as under charitable solicitation laws, according to legal experts,” Politico reports.

“In promoting products as varied as Trump University, Trump Vodka, a Trump board game and his latest book, Crippled America, the businessman has declared that the proceeds would go to charity. None of Trump’s proceeds from Trump University have gone to charity, and only a few hundred dollars of charitable giving related to Trump Vodka has been accounted for.”
My, frustrated by not knowing who Mr. Soros will direct them to nominate, liberal rants against President Trump go nuclear! Like lambs to the slaughter - totally unaware of what their master will impose on them. Much less care.

C'mon, Mr. Soros, end their misery and tell them "the name".
Oh My God Hillary Just Landed a Huge Right Hand to the Jaw of Donald Trump who is reeling ..

Clinton: All of Trump's books 'end at Chapter 11'

"Let's take a look at what he did for his business," she said.

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