Trump-Hating Leftist Socialist Democrats Waste No Time: Day 1 - Impeachment Introduced in House


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
Last edited:
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

'Nuff said...

And the laughter begins.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

'Nuff said...
If the Dims approve this, they will become a laughingstock.

Come to think of it, they already are.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
/----/ "the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "
Why? Because they know Mueller has NOTHING. And the democRATs don't need evidence to move forward, just their visceral hatred for Tump and the Americans who voted for him.
Muller got nothing.jpg
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
So, does this mean the GOP has to do that to the next Democrat president? This is irresponsible at best, more like the little kid taking up a dare issued to him. If this is what MOST of his constituents want, then do it. But realize people in your own party will say "stow it sailor".
And the laughter begins.

lol indeed, quoted for truth. We all know know already Democrats will do nothing productive, and in fact just continue to pander to that assortment of halfwits, sociopaths, La Raza racists, gangbangers,, and kiddie raping deviants they call a 'party'. They all know he will never be tossed out and their pogrom will go nowhere. This is just fake posturing by traitors and vermin of the lowest kind.
I know how much you Little Trumpsters love people like me, but I'm going to shock you.
I think the Democrats should be more concerned about governing instead of acting the the GOP does, having political engineered investigations. People are sick of that shit.
The most important issue in the midterms was healthcare. Exit polls, showed that was the number one issue of 48% of the voters. Impeachment, was not a major or even a significant issue via the exit polls.
There are already 17 investigations going on in regards to Trump. I think that should be enough. If one concludes there was a felony, high misdemeanor or treason, then I'm cool with an impeachment procedure.
Otherwise, let the other investigation proceed and do your job Dems,,,,,,,govern.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...

Ain't seen no pitch forks, have seen tiki torch "jew will not replace us" marches and an auto assassination though.
So, does this mean the GOP has to do that to the next Democrat president? This is irresponsible at best, more like the little kid taking up a dare issued to him. If this is what MOST of his constituents want, then do it. But realize people in your own party will say "stow it sailor".

I completely agree with you - the GOP does NOT have to retaliate by doing the same thing to the next Democrat President. Of course some politicians, and Republicans, will believe / think they do have to. The American people need to end it right now by hammering the crap out of the Democrats for hijacking the US government to be their personal tool for revenge against the political opponent who defeated their candidate.

The Democrats have made it clear that representing the citizens of this nation is no where on their agenda, as it has not been for 2 years. Immediately after Trump won Schumer openly declared the Democrats were 100% committed to undermining the government of the United States under the administration of President Trump.

The idea that a US politician believes he has the personal decision of what US President he will respect and which one he will not, which President he will attempt to undermine and / or overthrow/'oust' and which President he will decide to support is extremely dangerous / 'dancing on the razor's edge' of TREASON, at the bare minimum it is an unacceptable case of Party Loyalty before loyalty to Country.

Hillary said it best: 'Those who do not accept the results of elections are threats to our Democracy'.

Openly declaring 100% commitment to obstruction / opposing the President of the United States, no matter who the party declaring that might be, IMO, fits that definition of a 'threat to our Democracy'.

Openly declaring you intend to introduce articles Impeachment without having any evidence of wrong-doing / criminal activity also, IMO, fits that definition of a 'threat' born out of rabid partisanship.

Personally I believe that if we are not already at the point where we can declare Political Parties and extremist loyalty to them (Party over Country) are indeed threats to our democracy if allowed to grow to the point where we are now then we are extremely the Democrats have demonstrated / continue to demonstrate.

No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
and your felonious association of Hillary proves that you have convicted her without trial, the same thing you are whining about Trump being subject to.
No evidence of a crime having been committed worthy of investigation let alone a special counsel

No evidence of a crime committed by the President

No official finding yet filed by Mueller

...yet the Democrats, who have abandoned any attempt to hide their partisan hatred for the President who defeated their felon candidate in 2008 wasted no time in introducing Articles of Impeachment.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House.

"Rep. Brad Sherman is reintroducing the impeachment articles that he first filed in 2017 with Democratic co-sponsor Rep. Al Green of Texas, a spokesman said.

“He will be introducing the same articles he introduced last year once the House is in session this afternoon,” Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver told Fox News.

The move is one of several indications that despite the go-slow approach of Democratic leadership, some in the rank-and-file will be eager to launch impeachment proceedings now that they're in the majority. A
Detroit Free Press op-ed co-authored by incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, of Michigan, said the House does not need to wait for the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe "before moving forward now with an inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable 'high crimes and misdemeanors' against the state".

As with Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have declared the President to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. No evidence of guilt is required - they have their pitch forks, they have their torches, and they are filled with hate....

'Nuff said...
starting investigations on people does not prove guilt, just ask Hillary, Bill, or Barak.... who have been investigated from here, to high heaven! :eek:

investigations usually net ''not guilty'' by those being investigated...

if there is nothing there, Trump will be fine....

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