Trump Hatred

This is what the media does with videos to change the context.

It's call post production editing.

Yesterday they claimed Trump shoved somebody. Now we have discovered that Trump didn't shove the guy, he just patted him on the back.

Trump is hated because he's a simply horrible human being.

The real question is, why does the so-called "Party of Family values" praise him?
pushing mandates is a family value? putting people out of work is family value? haahahahhahahhaahahah the no line demofks.
This is what the media does with videos to change the context.

It's call post production editing.

Yesterday they claimed Trump shoved somebody. Now we have discovered that Trump didn't shove the guy, he just patted him on the back.

well trump didn't fraud anyone and that never stopped the media. victimless crime is what trump is accused of.
Trump is a prince compared to Joe Biden.

Indeed. ;) :thup:

It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

I don't hate the man. I just thought from the day he first announced he was running that he was woefully unqualified for the office he was seeking and still believe it today. I spent the entire four years of his term desperately wishing the presidential ticket were flipped.
, lying to people would be more unchristian!
Oh boy, I like these internet "christian/unchristian" hissyfits.
The Christianists ALWAYS come out as less than.

So, if I understand the last post ---by Frank ----he is claiming that it is christian to put a "negative-label" on folks he doesn't know or has ever met...because......because he likes to call it like he sees it?


I dunno then, about this 'christian' stuff.
Maybe Ghandi was perceptive when he supposedly said: 'I like your Jesus Christ. Not so much your christians.' Or close.

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