Trump Hatred

So therefore everyting was normal and Trump is like other politicans?

Do you not understand that you sound like a total fool?

Trump isn't like other politicians, but other politicians aren't innocent, you just are used to their bullshit.

Do you not know your TDS is shoved up your ass?
Trump isn't like other politicians, but other politicians aren't innocent, you just are used to their bullshit.

Do you not know your TDS is shoved up your ass?

Let’s check your logic again:

Politicians are not innocent, Trump is not innocent…therefore there is equivalency.

There is no equivalency dummy, Trump CLEARLY stands apart with the all the crazy shit he says and does. He is a corrupt, unrepentant piece of shit egomaniac like we’ve rarely ever seen.
Let’s check your logic again:

Politicians are not innocent, Trump is not innocent…therefore there is equivalency.

There is no equivalency dummy, Trump CLEARLY stands apart in the all the crazy shit he does. He is a corrupt, unrepentant piece of shit liar like we’ve rarely ever seen.

No, he isn't. Unlike most politicians it's harder to buy him off because he already has money.

Trump has not filter, unlike the politicians who lie as a form of habit.
No, he isn't. Unlike most politicians it's harder to buy him off because he already has money.

Trump has not filter, unlike the politicians who lie as a form of habit.

Cool story, maybe he’ll tell that to all the judges and juries in his criminal trials. :cuckoo:
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The hacks in black and the deep blue city brain dead juries?
You are a total idiot tool and you prove it with your every post.

You know there is a high chance Trump is going to get convicted and you are nuts enough to already have a rationalization for it lined up without knowing anything about the trial, law or reading the cases.

Why will he get convicted? Because there are many laws to break aside from explicit bribery and your argument is silly garbage.
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yep...if i dont agree with your slimy party ass i must be a magat...another sign of a useless die hard party asswipe...
Disagree away?
Make your points and I'll make mine.
Defend actions that overthrow the government and, yes, you're nothing more than a die hard party asswipe traitor, TRAITOR.
You are a total idiot tool and you prove it with your every post.

You know there is a high chance Trump is going to get convicted and you are nuts enough to already have a rationalization for it lined up without knowing anything about the trial, law or reading the cases.
Trump's portrait may never hang in the White House but he will most certainly hang in the
if a government stops being representative of the will of the people

Then people can elect someone else. Violent revolution is reserved for when these rights are taken away.

Just because your Dear Leader is a piece of shit criminal doesn’t mean there is something terribly wrong with our governing and justice system.
Hear all - insurrection good! :slap:
You have the freedoms you enjoy today because of insurrection and the insurrectionists who laid the framework of a nation that was able to change course when needed. Insurrection in and of itself is not a bad thing, while slavishly and blindly championing a government that has become corrupt, overpowering, and no longer obeys the rule of law and the will of the people is worse than insurrection.
Then people can elect someone else. Violent revolution is reserved for when these rights are taken away.

Just because your dear leader is piece of shit criminal doesn’t mean there is something terribly wrong with our governing and justice system.

Usually those two occurrences happen at the same time.

Once more, when you type those things out, All I see is "Fuh Fuh Fuh, TDS TDS, fuh fuh fuh Kamala peg me while I suck off Biden, fuh fuh fuh"
Disagree away?
Make your points and I'll make mine.
Defend actions that overthrow the government and, yes, you're nothing more than a die hard party asswipe traitor, TRAITOR.
lol....what party do i belong to asswipe?....and then prove it....a traitor for disagreeing with your bullshit? die hard party people are all alike....
Bt Trump makes it so easy to hate him.
The level of hate we're witnessing from people who never came into contact with him and haven't suffered any damage from him is appalling. It's almost literally straight out of "1984". It's irrational, hysterical and deranged, and quite frankly, causes the normal among us to worry about the sanity of its sufferers and what they'll do when he's gone from the public stage. That level of hatred is poisonous to those who carry it, and those around them.

I wouldn't want to work for or live with such a giant ego, but there's no reason whatsoever to literally hate and despise someone like this, but of course, the democrat party loves and stokes it. It's what they do.
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

Here ya go
It's so easy to hate Trump.
That's true. He's an egotistical, sexual abusing, conman who lies pathologically, tried to steal the election, defrauded lenders, stole money from a charity, etc.

The real question is........what is your hatred of Joe Biden based on?
Oh boy, I like these internet "christian/unchristian" hissyfits.
The Christianists ALWAYS come out as less than.

So, if I understand the last post ---by Frank ----he is claiming that it is christian to put a "negative-label" on folks he doesn't know or has ever met...because......because he likes to call it like he sees it?


I dunno then, about this 'christian' stuff.
Maybe Ghandi was perceptive when he supposedly said: 'I like your Jesus Christ. Not so much your christians.' Or close.
It's not a negative label if it is the truth, the democrats have led the breakdown of traditional families!
It's not a negative label if it is the truth,
Hate to say it, but Frank.....that sorta kinda sounds like 'FrankTruth'. Meaning, it can only be true if Frank thinks it's true. Otherwise a negative-label works just fine.... per Frank.

However, Frank, do this: Go read Mathew in the Christianists' big book. Mathew 7, if memory serves.
Specifically, "Judge not, lest you be judged". (or close to that).

What that means Frank, is that if you know nothing or very little about it another human or another issue.....don't start your 'judging'-motor up.
It kinda makes you look, well, less than Christian.

Trust me.

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