Trump Hatred

It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

Kind of two requirements to fall down that hole. Really three.
1. You have to be dependent.
2. You have to want to fit in.
3. You have to be a surface-dweller. Anything below that requires thought and intellectual honesty, which are characterizations that contradict left-lemmings.
Trump is a known liar. He told over 10,000 lies when he was in office. I don't believe a single word he say's.
Every day more and more of what the media called lies turned out to be 100% correct.

Every GD day.

Of course you don't believe anything he says.
Mainly because you never listen to what he says.
All you do is listen to the garbage that the lying media says about him.
They're just telling you how much they hate him and trying to convince you that Biden is a decent human-being.

It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

Trump hatred is real. It has swept all over the country. America has blood lust.
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

One thing is true, it is very easy to hate convicted rapist and lifelong fraudster/criminal donald pork...

Every day more and more of what the media called lies turned out to be 100% correct.

Every GD day.

Of course you don't believe anything he says.
Mainly because you never listen to what he says.
All you do is listen to the garbage that the lying media says about him.
They're just telling you how much they hate him and trying to convince you that Biden is a decent human-being.

When he says shit like his inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's, that is a lie! That's not media propaganda.
That’s one of the dumber of your many dumb contentions.

He had every fucking right to reach out to that election official. In fact, given his official concern, he even had a duty.
What, for the federal government to interfere in a state election?

You fuckers are major hypocrites! You bitch all the time about States rights, then do an immediate flip-flop, when it comes to Trump.
Youre seriously too stupid to breathe. Making a phone call isn’t election interference, you leaky crusted enema bad.

There isn’t even a hint of a contradiction.

But again, you’re too tragically retarded to grasp that a Presidential election is also a federal matter.

Get back to your coma, you brain dead shit munching moron.
It is when you ask the State election official to find you 700,000 bogus votes!
Do you have a point, the Bible clearly teaches of false prophets and teachers often!
“Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves. You will recognize them by their fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorns or figs from thistles, are they? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree to bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will recognize them by their fruit.
The democrat tree bears bad, poisonous fruit.
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

You guys want validation so badly. Almost all of the maga posts are begging for mainstream acceptance. That is why you guys post any pseudo 3rd rate celebrity no one has heard of as proof to your sad selves. It would be sad if it wasn’t so fucking hilarious.
Dude, we all heard the phone call. We all heard Trump ask the man to find him 700,000 votes.
Good little critter. You just altered the way you couched it previously.

I already addressed why it was not criminal to ask the GA official to find the votes.

In your prior post, you transparent fraud, you had added a modifier. You added “bogus” and Trump said no such thing.

Also, the request to find votes was “11,780” not “700,000,” you lying twat.
Good little critter. You just altered the way you couched it previously.

I already addressed why it was not criminal to ask the GA official to find the votes.

In your prior post, you transparent fraud, you had added a modifier. You added “bogus” and Trump said no such thing.

Also, the request to find votes was “11,780” not “700,000,” you lying twat.
Still, Trump has no business getting involved in a State election. Even asking the guy for 1 vote, still constitutes election interference.
One thing is true, it is very easy to hate convicted rapist and lifelong fraudster/criminal donald pork...

All they needed was a bunch of diversity hires, racists, and pedophiles to fill important positions in the courts and they brought charges against their primary political opponent.

If they assassinated him in broad daylight you mutherf*ckers would be doing cartwheels.
Still, Trump has no business getting involved in a State election.

He didn’t. He contacted a public servant to address a federal election matter.

And he had every right to do so, including a Presidential duty.
Even asking the guy for 1 vote, still constitutes election interference.
He didn’t ask for 1 vote. He asked the official to do a proper calculation to find the additional votes he believed he had been improperly denied due to DEMOCRAP election fraud.
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Good little critter. You just altered the way you couched it previously.

I already addressed why it was not criminal to ask the GA official to find the votes.

In your prior post, you transparent fraud, you had added a modifier. You added “bogus” and Trump said no such thing.

Also, the request to find votes was “11,780” not “700,000,” you lying twat.
There was no request for anyone to find votes. Trump said "I need to find 11,000 votes."
He didn’t. He contacted a public servant to address a federal election matter.

And he has every right to do so, including a Presidential duty.

He don’t ask for 1 vote. He asked the official to do a proper calculation to find the additional votes he believed he had been improperly denied due to DEMOCRAP election fraud.
Georgia State election results is not a federal matter.

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