Trump Hatred

There was no request for anyone to find votes. Trump said "I need to find 11,000 votes."
The quote was:

The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated … All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break.

Dufus vermin like Dildo_Really interpret that as they wish. But their interpretation isn’t what he said. (Neither is adding the word “bogus.” And neither is pretending that he said “700,000.”)

But, in the end, he had clearly referenced a recount. And he mentioned that the people of that state and nation were “angry” because he believed that the Dims had engaged in election fraud.
You need to read a book on civics.
The general election is a federal election.
Yes, there are people running for office on the same ballot, but it is a federal election.
It may be a federal election, but State voting results are with the State. California has 55 electoral college votes. Those are not federal electors, they are State electors.
But the results of each State election is.
Bullshit. And I can prove to you (well, I could if you were at all honest) that you’re dead wrong.

If the election in Florida (years ago when Bush beat Gore) had been the successful result of a massive illegal scheme to “fix” a win for Bush despite the hypothetical that Gore has actually received the significantly greater number of votes, you and your fellow vermin libturds would insist that a rigged election is not really an election at all.

You’d be right. But say it got litigated within Florida and they somehow determined that the race “stood as called.”If you deny that you would take the decision to the SCOTUS (ie Federal court), then you’re full of shit.
It may be a federal election, but State voting results are with the State. California has 55 electoral college votes. Those are not federal electors, they are State electors.
No.....CA has 54. And the only purpose they serve is for electing the president. Course.....if they removed all of the illegals from CA they'd have less than 40.
It's so easy to hate Trump. The media can turn any decent human-being into the Anti-Christ.
Give them enough time they can turn Jesus Christ into Joseph Stalin.

I hate Trump because he wants me, a man with a penis to be a man and not the woman I say I am…I hate him because he wants me to get a job and be self sustaining, I hate him because he wants to stop Mexico from fucking our citizens over, I hate him because he wants to run America like America has always been run before the kinda black Kenyan Messiahs 8 year reign of terror.

Trump IS the establishment.

So......they must recognize hypocrisy too.

"Trump is the establishment" - you just like to make stuff up as you go? The establishment hates him. From the first day he stepped in, to the day he stepped out.

I am not a fan of Trump, I believe he is the only chance Biden has. Running against anyone else, Biden would get crushed. But the hatred for Trump is so pure from so many people - they would vote for anyone else, no matter who it was.
"Trump is the establishment" - you just like to make stuff up as you go? The establishment hates him. From the first day he stepped in, to the day he stepped out.

I am not a fan of Trump, I believe he is the only chance Biden has. Running against anyone else, Biden would get crushed. But the hatred for Trump is so pure from so many people - they would vote for anyone else, no matter who it was.
It truly is “Idiocracy” in action…They both have records, and both recent enough for the American people to remember in their personal situations…

if rational heads triumph, Trump wins hands down.
"Trump is the establishment" - you just like to make stuff up as you go?

Trump is just like any other politician..........but scummier.

Trump's Pay-to-Play Bragging Makes Controversy Hard ...​

Scripps News › stories › trump-s-pay-to-play-b...

Sep 6, 2016 — "You said recently, quote, 'When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do,'" Fox News' Bret Baier said to GOP presidential ...

The establishment hates him. From the first day he stepped in, to the day he stepped out.
That's because Trump is a lying bloviator.
I am not a fan of Trump, I believe he is the only chance Biden has. Running against anyone else, Biden would get crushed. But the hatred for Trump is so pure from so many people
Since 1985.
But Trump has been a lying grifter for a LOT longer.
- they would vote for anyone else, no matter who it was.
You got that right.
Trump is just like any other politician..........but scummier.

Trump's Pay-to-Play Bragging Makes Controversy Hard ...

View attachment 907616
Scripps News › stories › trump-s-pay-to-play-b...
Sep 6, 2016 — "You said recently, quote, 'When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do,'" Fox News' Bret Baier said to GOP presidential ...

That's because Trump is a lying bloviator.

Since 1985.
But Trump has been a lying grifter for a LOT longer.

You got that right.

Ok, we've established your childish point that you hate Trump....What else you got?
Trump is just like any other politician..........but scummier.

Trump's Pay-to-Play Bragging Makes Controversy Hard ...

View attachment 907616
Scripps News › stories › trump-s-pay-to-play-b...
Sep 6, 2016 — "You said recently, quote, 'When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do,'" Fox News' Bret Baier said to GOP presidential ...

That's because Trump is a lying bloviator.

Since 1985.
But Trump has been a lying grifter for a LOT longer.

You got that right.

My only point is that Trump is not the establishment. Not even close.
He is his own establishment. He is not, and would never be a corrupt pawn of the wealthy like Obama. Never. He may be his own source of corruption and power, but not the establishments pawn.

He is a populist, a fantastic salesman. This man knows how to sell anything. Including himself. And he has done that job very well. As President, he was certainly better than Obama or Biden.
But he was far from perfect.

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