Trump hatred.

Rock 2020. I trust a literal rock to do a better job than either side of the uniparty.
It is sad but many in the country would vote for a rock rather than Donald Trump. They have been programmed by the state to do what they are told. They are told that Trump is bad and they react in a conditioned response like Pavlov's dogs. Hate is not a good emotion to follow to bring about a change of government. Hate is so strong that minds cannot be reached. It is a national sickness. I hope we can survive this because we will never be free of government oppression if we do not act to stop it.

A Trump devotee like you would not know the differences why we hate Trump but let me enumerate it for you.

1. Trump is a serial pathological liar. For Trumpers 2 thumbs up.
2. Attack his own fellow Americans the democrats especially in his rallies, Incite violence, only catered to a creation group, For Trumpers 2 thumbs up.
3. Trump proved himself a racist dog. For Trumpers 2 thumbs up.
4. Attack, attack attack, threats, insults insults even dead people. 2 thumbs up.
5. Unethical, immoral, unhinged. 2 thumbs up.
6. Puppet master Putin. US bounty of US soldiers in Afghanistan, interfering in our 2020 election again, intrusions of Russian fighter jet and tanker near the Alaskan coast, harassing of US planes and US ships. Not a single word condemning Putin. 2 thumbs up.
7. Pandemic Crisis. Lied to American people. Playing dumb at the beginning we are now in 9th months with close to 200,000 deaths and close to 7 millions infections. STILL playing down and dumb. 2 thumbs up.

8. Mask the least he can do is promote mask. In his town hall mask is not good because a waitress told him. You would think this moron should be promoting mask. But NO he violated his own policy. 2 thumbs up.

9. Millions and millions of Americans are facing hardships, unemployment, job loses, businesses closures that will not come back, lost of health coverage, evictions, mass layoffs, furloughs. 2 thumbs up.

10. He inherited a good economy the best we ever had you would think we should have surplus. After 2 years have deficits. 2 thumbs up.
11. Racial injustice, police brutalities, BLM rallies. Trump has not address these issues. But fighting, threatening and insulting mayors and governors. 2 thumbs up.
12. We are no longer represent as the leader of a free world. China and Russia is taking over.
13. We became the pity, laughingstock, bully, ignorant, racist around the world.
14. Domestic and Foreign policy is the worst we’ve seen.
15. Promoting conspiracies, spreading misinformations.
16. Corrupt.


Now you tell me what is there to like of Trump?
We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?
What cities burned? What cops were executed? What businesses were destroyed? What riots took pace? Did Obama opponents incite the people to throw Molotov cocktails at merchants protecting their livelihoods?
Don’t forget these violences are under Trump administrations. We have not heard Trump address these issues.
I guess libs hate not continuing the war....and hate a growing great economy that puts people first and not politicians....good thing their numbers are small....
I never heard the libs advocating or promoting war. We are closer to war with Iran under Trump.
The Trump hate is the longest temper tantrum in the history of this country.

The left were told ...........they would have it all........but Hillary was so bad they lost a rigged election.

Leftist didn't get the belt enough when they were kids.

A Trump lickers like you would not know the difference why people hate Trump.

Rigged election? Almost 4 years after the election you are still DICKING with the election. So far you or any of Trump supporters have NOT proven a rigged election. WHY DO YOU LIE?

Hillary or anybody of the 2016 presidential candidates could have been far better than this inept and incompetent president.
I wouldn't expect them to change your mind on anything. But with knowledge comes respect. And a better view of the big picture, not just a little world.

Respect.........your party has pushed these lunatics to a Point we are getting pissed enough to have another a Civil War.......You come here with that shit........our homes.....Or else to our better PRAY that the police handle it.

That is Trump trade marks. Spread false information, fear and panic. Americans are far better and smarter than that. Americans deserves better then that. Go Biden.
Are you getting paid by the Russians?
We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?
What cities burned? What cops were executed? What businesses were destroyed? What riots took pace? Did Obama opponents incite the people to throw Molotov cocktails at merchants protecting their livelihoods?
Don’t forget these violences are under Trump administrations. We have not heard Trump address these issues.

Don't forget they are CAUSED by democrats, mostly fueled by meltdown over president Trump.

We don' take orders from terrorists, we ship them to Valhalla.
What's not to hate??
Trump blames 'blue states' for increasing nation's coronavirus death rates, ignores high rates in red states Is this pos the president of ALL the states or just the Red?
3 states run by the DNC have a third of all deaths nationwide.

deal with it.
Is that mean 3 states is not part of US under this administration? How ignorant can you be?
YOU TALK TOO MUCH. Spreading lies and BS and Putin propaganda against your own fellow Americans.
Much like he did in 2016, the Russian president supports Trump’s re-election, and he is doing so personally.

The Times reports, "President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is most likely continuing to approve and direct interference operations aimed at raising President Trump’s re-election chances, a recent C.I.A. analysis concluded, a signal that intelligence agencies continue to back their assessment of Russian activities despite the president’s attacks.

"The assessment was disseminated in support of sanctions imposed this month on Andriy Derkach, a pro-Russian Ukrainian lawmaker who has spread information critical of Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. It is consistent with intelligence officials’ warning to lawmakers in January that Russia was interfering on Mr. Trump’s behalf, a briefing that outraged Republicans and eventually helped oust Joseph Maguire from his post as acting director of national intelligence."

The Times was being kind. Put a different way, Trump fired him."

Trump doesn't like bad news, particularly if it involves Russia.

Or Putin.

Despite repeated warnings from intelligence officials and his own FBI director that Russia is carrying out a blatant attack on American democracy, Trump summed up his views at a rally yesterday in very simple terms, "I like Putin, he likes me."

Trump wasn't through with his adulation of the Russian dictator. "I like Putin. He likes me. We get along. Wouldn't you say it's smart to get along? OK? It's smart," he told supporters in Ohio.

Again, this might be a question of intelligence.

Considering the fact that Putin is no friend of the United States, considering the fact that Putin will do whatever he can to weaken our country, considering the fact that is why Putin approved of Trump in the first place, isn't that akin to President Roosevelt saying, "I like Adolf Hitler."
Those people are upset about police brutality. That’s it. That’s all it is. You’re the one making it about Trump.
They were upset about what they were duped by leftist media into believing was a nationwide problem, when there were just some rare, isolated incidents.

Then they forgot the police brutality ruse and went into a general hate capitalism, and hate America rampage, tearing down statues, attacking stores, looting, and burning buildings. Less intellect than a pack of wild dogs.
Considering the fact that Putin is no friend of the United States, considering the fact that Putin will do whatever he can to weaken our country, considering the fact that is why Putin approved of Trump in the first place, isn't that akin to President Roosevelt saying, "I like Adolf Hitler."

Trump's followers will have nothing to say.

They don't want to know.

These are the people who chose our President the last time.
1) Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes.
With 30 million illegals using fake ass ids
2) The swing states that Trump won such as FL, WS, PA, and MI were by razor thin margins.
Wet Feet Dry Feet......little Cuba............this time half the population of Puerto Rico is there.
Why are you even talking about Hillary and 2016? It’s so stupid lol
Because it's and epic fail..........only a MORON could lose a rigged election........Was funny as hell.
30 millions illegals voted? You can’t even prove 3 or 30 let alone 30 millions. You are lying.
Much like he did in 2016, the Russian president supports Trump’s re-election, and he is doing so personally.

The Times reports, "President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is most likely continuing to approve and direct interference operations aimed at raising President Trump’s re-election chances, a recent C.I.A. analysis concluded, a signal that intelligence agencies continue to back their assessment of Russian activities despite the president’s attacks.

"The assessment was disseminated in support of sanctions imposed this month on Andriy Derkach, a pro-Russian Ukrainian lawmaker who has spread information critical of Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. It is consistent with intelligence officials’ warning to lawmakers in January that Russia was interfering on Mr. Trump’s behalf, a briefing that outraged Republicans and eventually helped oust Joseph Maguire from his post as acting director of national intelligence."

The Times was being kind. Put a different way, Trump fired him."

Trump doesn't like bad news, particularly if it involves Russia.

Or Putin.

Despite repeated warnings from intelligence officials and his own FBI director that Russia is carrying out a blatant attack on American democracy, Trump summed up his views at a rally yesterday in very simple terms, "I like Putin, he likes me."

Trump wasn't through with his adulation of the Russian dictator. "I like Putin. He likes me. We get along. Wouldn't you say it's smart to get along? OK? It's smart," he told supporters in Ohio.

Again, this might be a question of intelligence.

Considering the fact that Putin is no friend of the United States, considering the fact that Putin will do whatever he can to weaken our country, considering the fact that is why Putin approved of Trump in the first place, isn't that akin to President Roosevelt saying, "I like Adolf Hitler."
So he likes Putin, and Putin likes him. So f'n what ? I've got about as much interest in Russia, as I have in Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua.

The countries that America needs to be most concerned with, are China and Iran.
We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?
I don't think I ever "hated" any politician, much less Obama. I just am reporting the facts as was stated by Obama with regards to how he would/did handle the USA economy. All of the below statements/policies are 100% the opposite of Trump and frankly realistic people.
One simple comparison which I am 100% you won't understand but others will:
Which has more opportunity of greater damage to the environment? a 1 million barrel oil tanker traveling one mile on the open ocean OR
700 barrels of oil traveling one mile underground on dry land? To me and to others that should be obvious, i.e. one million barrels on the open
ocean vs 700 barrels on one mile of pipe buried underground. Which President understood that difference?
That is just one example. Another one quickly which is better keeping 500,000 people working for 1,400 companies or those companies going
bankrupt?View attachment 390901

I understand exactly what you are saying 100% but it’s very misleading.

Your comparisons between a tankers delivering oil vs oil pipeline. We can never eliminate oil tankers delivering oils all over the world. The main goal of Obama against oil pipeline are.
1. Save the environment for the future.
2. Why do we need more pipeline when we have oil surpluses, we have thousands of oil flatforms in the Gulf of Mexico that are sitting ( idle) useless?

Your list of Obama statements and action not promoting economic growth in US:
You purposely removed the link where these came from then you cut and pasted the information.

1. Coal industry. That is not exactly what Obama said. Coal industry is dying whether you or I like it or not. Replaces by reusable energies and cheap natural gas mostly extracted from Permian Basin in West Texas. Cheaper and cleaner to produce compared to coal. Trump lied to the coal industry that is why he lowered the emissions. High numbers of coal companies file bankruptcies from 2017 to 2020. Trump lied. Whole world is trying to get away from coal Trump tries to go backwards by lying.

2. Obama manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Number of 40,000 that came back claimed by Trump are mostly hyperbole. Most of these companies coming back has already planned to move bank even before 2015. Link below.

Trump products are made in China and Mexico. Did he bring the job back to US? Business owners like me makes decisions based from what is profitable and best for the company. It is not because of Trump.

Trump hypes jobs relocating back to the US. Are they?

3. Small businesses tax hikes? Obama
has created more businesses and unemployment better than Trump. Today Trump destroyed the country’s economy, health and democracy.

4. EPA burden regulations by Obama. That is totally false and misleading. What regulations that Obama has created that is burden to businesses? Like what? Trump EPA is about lowering the emissions for the coal industry. TO POLLUTE THE ATMOSPHERE. See my #1 above. In general Trump EPA program is easier to pollute the air and land. Reusable energy has created 3.3 millions jobs compared to dying coal industry. Link below.

6. Keystone pipeline. Why do we even need it? We have massive oil surpluses, we have thousands of oil rig platforms that are idle. We have a massive job loses and bankruptcies in the oil industry because of cheap gas. Currently price per barrel is at below $50. We need to be at $150 per barrel in order for the Americans oil companies to be profitable. More than 200 North American oil and gas producers went bankrupt since 2015 owing $130 billions. Link below.

So what’s the point of these pipelines and more drillings?

Do you even read and understand you links or you just stared at it?
First link poll 13% of the 800 that was polled 13% admitted they were registered to vote. Where did it say they voted? Since when an illegals will come out and admitted I’m illegal I voted.

Second link. Questionable source need further investigation.

Third link. Considered and Iabeled as fake news.
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

I don’t want to waste my time debunking the rest of your links.
Do you even read and understand you links or you just stared at it?
First link poll 13% of the 800 that was polled 13% admitted they were registered to vote. Where did it say they voted? Since when an illegals will come out and admitted I’m illegal I voted.

Second link. Questionable source need further investigation.

Third link. Considered and Iabeled as fake news.
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

I don’t want to waste my time debunking the rest of your links.
:puhleeze:So illegals register to vote, but then don't vote ? Now that that really makes a lot of sense doesn't it ? Are you trying to win a booby prize here ? Sure sign of a lost debate > asking stupid questions. Of course they don't admit they're illegal - they pretend to be legal, and they vote. This is a mystery ? Duh!

You ALREADY wasted your time. If you think this laughingstock of a no content post debunked anything, you're in the wrong business. Try miniature golf. Only "fake' thing around here is your post. :rolleyes:

You said >> "You can’t even prove 3 or 30 let alone 30 millions." I proved it 11 times over, illegals vote, and all you do is pretend it didn't happen. Go ahead - flash your INVALIDATON CARD, pretend it, if it makes you feel better. Ho hum. yawn***

And what is highly "questionable" , is your use of the word questionable. :laugh:


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We had 8 years of Obama hate from you lot...

Why the sudden change?
I don't think I ever "hated" any politician, much less Obama. I just am reporting the facts as was stated by Obama with regards to how he would/did handle the USA economy. All of the below statements/policies are 100% the opposite of Trump and frankly realistic people.
One simple comparison which I am 100% you won't understand but others will:
Which has more opportunity of greater damage to the environment? a 1 million barrel oil tanker traveling one mile on the open ocean OR
700 barrels of oil traveling one mile underground on dry land? To me and to others that should be obvious, i.e. one million barrels on the open
ocean vs 700 barrels on one mile of pipe buried underground. Which President understood that difference?
That is just one example. Another one quickly which is better keeping 500,000 people working for 1,400 companies or those companies going
bankrupt?View attachment 390901

I understand exactly what you are saying 100% but it’s very misleading.

Your comparisons between a tankers delivering oil vs oil pipeline. We can never eliminate oil tankers delivering oils all over the world. The main goal of Obama against oil pipeline are.
1. Save the environment for the future.
2. Why do we need more pipeline when we have oil surpluses, we have thousands of oil flatforms in the Gulf of Mexico that are sitting ( idle) useless?

Your list of Obama statements and action not promoting economic growth in US:
You purposely removed the link where these came from then you cut and pasted the information.

1. Coal industry. That is not exactly what Obama said. Coal industry is dying whether you or I like it or not. Replaces by reusable energies and cheap natural gas mostly extracted from Permian Basin in West Texas. Cheaper and cleaner to produce compared to coal. Trump lied to the coal industry that is why he lowered the emissions. High numbers of coal companies file bankruptcies from 2017 to 2020. Trump lied. Whole world is trying to get away from coal Trump tries to go backwards by lying.

2. Obama manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Number of 40,000 that came back claimed by Trump are mostly hyperbole. Most of these companies coming back has already planned to move bank even before 2015. Link below.

Trump products are made in China and Mexico. Did he bring the job back to US? Business owners like me makes decisions based from what is profitable and best for the company. It is not because of Trump.

Trump hypes jobs relocating back to the US. Are they?

3. Small businesses tax hikes? Obama
has created more businesses and unemployment better than Trump. Today Trump destroyed the country’s economy, health and democracy.

4. EPA burden regulations by Obama. That is totally false and misleading. What regulations that Obama has created that is burden to businesses? Like what? Trump EPA is about lowering the emissions for the coal industry. TO POLLUTE THE ATMOSPHERE. See my #1 above. In general Trump EPA program is easier to pollute the air and land. Reusable energy has created 3.3 millions jobs compared to dying coal industry. Link below.

6. Keystone pipeline. Why do we even need it? We have massive oil surpluses, we have thousands of oil rig platforms that are idle. We have a massive job loses and bankruptcies in the oil industry because of cheap gas. Currently price per barrel is at below $50. We need to be at $150 per barrel in order for the Americans oil companies to be profitable. More than 200 North American oil and gas producers went bankrupt since 2015 owing $130 billions. Link below.

So what’s the point of these pipelines and more drillings?

One statement you made.. " have thousands of oil rig platforms that are idle."
With that one totally outrageous statement you've shown how everything else YOU wrote were GUESSES! NO links no substantiation!
FACTS are what I want and you seemingly can't provide them!
It took me less than 2 minutes from this link :Rig Count: Rotary Rig Count and Workover Rig Count to show how dumb you are!
Where are the "thousands of idle oil platforms?
Should I waste my time proving the rest of your comments are just guesses?
Also again your stupid personal, SUBJECTIVE comments with NO substantiation!
Finally there are so many dumb ass comments! Research this!
'Forcing Americans in the dark': Green energy push blamed in California's rolling blackouts


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