Trump hopes the economy crashes

If not for Blanket hypocrites the Democrats wouldn't even manage to
carry or sell vacuum cleaners.
Imagine the response from the leftists if a republican used an imagine of Jefferson Davis as an avatar. But here we are a leftist has one and not a peep from the hypocrites hell when you call them out they defend him.
I want the economy to go as fucked up as Biden made it go.
The orange assface doesn't want to be another Hoover? Smeone should inform orange jerkoff how that boat sailed a long time ago.

If Hoover was alive he'd love Trump for making him look good.
I saw the clip of Trump, he said:
"If the economy crashes I hope its in the next 12-months because I don't want to be another Herbert Hoover".

That is what he actually said.
The orange assface doesn't want to be another Hoover? Smeone should inform orange jerkoff how that boat sailed a long time ago.

If Hoover was alive he'd love Trump for making him look good.
If that was true 75% of the people wouldn't say we're on the "wrong track".

You want to see an "assface"? Here's Old Joe Biden's:

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The orange assface doesn't want to be another Hoover? Smeone should inform orange jerkoff how that boat sailed a long time ago.

If Hoover was alive he'd love Trump for making him look good.
Funny shit but if bidenomics is as great as you leftists say it is the economy should be ok and nothing for you to be worried about.
It was also true that many Americans also cottoned { Liked }
Twinkees.Which were about The most unhealthy item sold
in grocery stores.
Nixon and Reagan had unbelievable victories.Like almost
every state.So naturally they were also called
Hitler.And saps, like George McGovern dint even rate as
much as little Texan Ross Perot.An Independent.Or 3rd party
reform candidate.

Too bad there isn't a single rightie here with a functioning brain.

I didn't ask about Twinkies.

I asked which party did the American people vote for for 7 of the last 8 elections.
First let’s get the link posted.

For those who denounce CNN another link.

Now that’s two links that tell the story. Trump in an interview said he hoped the Economy crashes in the next twelve months. That way he doesn’t get blamed for it.

I won’t waste time discussing what kind of a man would say such a thing. I won’t waste time lamenting the political ideals of the past when Republicans and Democrats both wanted the best for the nation. I’ll just say that this is very much in character for Trump. And every time he speaks I see another reason to be grateful I didn’t vote for him in 2020.
"Hopes" if nobody is aware the economy is shit.
Imagine the response from the leftists if a republican used an imagine of Jefferson Davis as an avatar. But here we are a leftist has one and not a peep from the hypocrites hell when you call them out they defend him.

They would be as retarded as you and pin that on Republicans?
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Funny shit but if bidenomics is as great as you leftists say it is the economy should be ok and nothing for you to be worried about.

Interesting since more jobs have been added under Biden than under Trump and annualized real GDP is about twice as high under Biden than it was under Trump.
Everything is games with dimocrap scum. It's reason #1 why no one should ever vote for one. They lie either by commission or, as in this case, omission.

Normal Humans are getting hip to dimocrap scum lies. As shown in these latest polls. Lie all you want, dimocrap FILTH. Your days are numbered.

What did these polls say in 2016?
Interesting since more jobs have been added under Biden than under Trump and annualized real GDP is about twice as high under Biden than it was under Trump.
Well then if that's true and not tweaked numbers you got nothing to worry about.
First let’s get the link posted.

For those who denounce CNN another link.

Now that’s two links that tell the story. Trump in an interview said he hoped the Economy crashes in the next twelve months. That way he doesn’t get blamed for it.

I won’t waste time discussing what kind of a man would say such a thing. I won’t waste time lamenting the political ideals of the past when Republicans and Democrats both wanted the best for the nation. I’ll just say that this is very much in character for Trump. And every time he speaks I see another reason to be grateful I didn’t vote for him in 2020.

The full interview is here and the statement is made at about 26:40:

He simply says that Biden is destroying the economy (he gives plenty of examples, as usual), and he says a crash is inevitable and he does not want to be handed a mess Biden caused and get blamed for it to boot.

His whole point is about how he would do things differently - no Green New Deal, better trade, drill baby drill.

No biggy.
The orange assface doesn't want to be another Hoover? Smeone should inform orange jerkoff how that boat sailed a long time ago.

If Hoover was alive he'd love Trump for making him look good.
KInda funny/odd how Trump was such a well-liked celebrity up and until he decided to toss his hat { Trump doesn't wear a hat } into the political
ring.I mean,if the hit TV show ... - The Apprentice - is any indicator.

I was mocking you, ya idiot it.

That means you just called yourself a hypocrite.

If a hypocrite was able to consider themself a Hypocrite,then
what should one call a Loyal Democrat Hypocrite.
There surely must be a nice updated word defining said person.
Blowhard isn't precise enough.
How about a ... Biden

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