Trump hopes the economy crashes

Yeah,righto Miss Bubba.I guess that explains his winning
2,497 counties in 2020.To Biden's 477 counties.
A Nutter fail by an Obama/Biden groupie.
Who are falling faster than that Meteor used in the
Stephen King Creepshow - {1982 } where he plays
Jordy a farmer in worn blue bib overalls who has to deal
with " Meteor shit ".

Trumpers get crazier by the day
All that took was persistent " Groupthink ".
Which is what Biden is virtually { every day } relying on.
Really? How well do you know Biden to give us that assessment? I mean, we all know you wouldnt just shoot from the hip and make up stuff.
Trump is hanging his electoral hopes on it
Trump has a lifetime of things he could hang on a wall.
I don't think he has time to document everything.
Even thought that is precisely what lefties want.
Keep Trump busy and as far away from his loyal
flock as poss-ee-bow.
Neat little Joseph Goebbels technique.About as American
as cursing in Church.

You're truly a fucking idiot.

Who did most of the "American people" who voted, vote for in the last 8 elections?

Your liberal tears are precious. I debunked your spin, my work is done here.
60 % of American citizens are having a difficult time
with Biden's Inflation.Biden like Obama is fudging on
the Economy and employment.The Labor participation
rate is at or near an historic low.The dollar is devaluing each
week.Colleges and Universities are expecting increases in tuition
like ... Right quick.Before parents decide to not pay for them.
Todays IVY league universities are hubs for Groupthink,prejudice
and lackadaisical learning.
Take Obama who may decide he wants to be the new President
of Harvard.He was the First Black President of the Harvard Law Review.
Obama never submitted ONE { not one Harvard Law review as
President }.When finally asked as to why ... He said he was too busy
editing other's Law reviews.
That kinda B.S. reply was never mocked or even questioned.
Plus Obama had annual First Term Budget Deficits
Exceeding $ 1.2 Trillion yearly.Bush 43 had a yearly Budget Deficit
in 2007 of $ 168 Billion.For context.
$2.31 a gallon in Bentonville, AR
He has a certain mod's avatar as jerk off material

This Trump "cult" crap exposes them all
There need be Flocks { in every Country } of
Pro-Trump Fortune Cookies.
Here's a fitting example.
The Master said ... ' Have no friends not equal to
the Office.'
our hardware from industry is taking longer to produce and massively more expensive with many flaws that are slow to be fixed. is coming home to bite us in the ass. The 737 issues alone are worrisome. In another era that aircraft would be removed from service and be written off as a failure in its modern form.
$2.31 a gallon in Bentonville, AR
How about Winter heating oil.Or price of electricity
in Winter.Price of new cars not equal in quality to
those in the 90's.
Price of any Food item in a Grocery store.
Price of car insurance.
Or the move by Biden to purposedly invade
our Strategic Oil Reserve.Not for any emergency but to
deplete it.
Now called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
The price and availability of Hotels in Sanctuary cities.
How about Winter heating oil.Or price of electricity
in Winter.Price of new cars not equal in quality to
those in the 90's.
Price of any Food item in a Grocery store.
Price of car insurance.
Or the move by Biden to purposedly invade
our Strategic Oil Reserve.Not for any emergency but to
deplete it.
Now called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
The price and availability of Hotels in Sanctuary cities.
No no, Moon only uses wood to heat.... roflmao that was hilarious
Your liberal tears are precious. I debunked your spin, my work is done here.


You crazy.

In reality, you abandoned your own claim that American people hate Democrats. A position you couldn't defend after I pointed out the American picked Democrats to be president in 7 of the last 8 elections.

And you're a pussy, running away from this question....

Who did most of the "American people" who voted, vote for in the last 8 elections?

You crazy.

In reality, you abandoned your own claim that American people hate Democrats. A position you couldn't defend after I pointed out the American picked Democrats to be president in 7 of the last 8 elections.

And you're a pussy, running away from this question....

Who did most of the "American people" who voted, vote for in the last 8 elections?
You need to all caps the word HATE when referencing Democrats.
So? My avatar is Trump. According to your brain-dead logic, that means I support Trump. :cuckoo:

And even if that one poster honors Davis, that's not "Democrats."

Sadly, you grew up washing down paint chips with a mercury chaser.
You need to all caps the word HATE when referencing Democrats.


Your lunacy worsens.

Are you going to answer this or are you gonna hold firm to your pussy status and keep running from it...?

Who did most of the "American people" who voted, vote for in the last 8 elections?

You crazy.

In reality, you abandoned your own claim that American people hate Democrats. A position you couldn't defend after I pointed out the American picked Democrats to be president in 7 of the last 8 elections.

And you're a pussy, running away from this question....

Who did most of the "American people" who voted, vote for in the last 8 elections?
It was also true that many Americans also cottoned { Liked }
Twinkees.Which were about The most unhealthy item sold
in grocery stores.
Nixon and Reagan had unbelievable victories.Like almost
every state.So naturally they were also called
Hitler.And saps, like George McGovern dint even rate as
much as little Texan Ross Perot.An Independent.Or 3rd party
reform candidate.

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