Trump hopes the economy crashes

First letā€™s get the link posted.

For those who denounce CNN another link.

Now thatā€™s two links that tell the story. Trump in an interview said he hoped the Economy crashes in the next twelve months. That way he doesnā€™t get blamed for it.

I wonā€™t waste time discussing what kind of a man would say such a thing. I wonā€™t waste time lamenting the political ideals of the past when Republicans and Democrats both wanted the best for the nation. Iā€™ll just say that this is very much in character for Trump. And every time he speaks I see another reason to be grateful I didnā€™t vote for him in 2020.
What a patriot.... :auiqs.jpg:

Your delusions are noted and laughed at. But in reality, Democratic candidates for president have gotten more votes from the American people than their Republican opponents in 7 of the last 8 elections, going back 31 years.
Wrong again puny little lib brain. Go ahead tell us again about the so called popular vote so we can laugh. :itsok:
Wrong again puny little lib brain. Go ahead tell us again about the so called popular vote so we can laugh. :itsok:

Imbecile... it was YOU who discussed the "American people."

Changing your argument now to the Electoral college only makes you look weak and desperate.

The American people wanted the Democrat to be president in 7 of the last 8 elections.

The electoral college elected the Democrat to be president in 5 of the last 8 elections.

Your delusions are noted and laughed at. But in reality, Democratic candidates for president have gotten more votes from the American people than their Republican opponents in 7 of the last 8 elections, going back 31 years.
get rid of the EC, and then most votes will matter in a presidential election.

til then

keep whining
Letā€™s face it. Joe Biden is too incompetent to crash the economy. Only Trump in the last 20 years has been smart enough to craft up a recession and job loses. Maybe heā€™ll get another opportunity?
Where did you learn't that ridiculous reasoning.
That Incompetence need'nt be explained.Just witnessed.
Incompetence has many variations.But nary a one is
a Variation on a theme.Meaning " Incompetence " is rarely
a theme.Maybe in a few 60's movie or Black Comedy.
Plus Incompetence also rarely requires training or
higher education.Unlike the Experts on " Global Warming ".
All that took was persistent " Groupthink ".
Which is what Biden is virtually { every day } relying on.
Imbecile... it was YOU who discussed the "American people."

Changing your argument now to the Electoral college only makes you look weak and desperate.

The American people wanted the Democrat to be president in 7 of the last 8 elections.

The electoral college elected the Democrat to be president in 5 of the last 8 elections.
However even when Hillary won the Popular vote,it was Trump
who won the most states in 2016.
Plus if Hillary and Trump tied { got the exact number of votes each in
California } then Trump would have had at least a Million more votes
than Hillary.Hillary beat Trump in California by over 4 million votes.
Take California out of the picture and Trump wins one million more
votes nationwide in 2016.
The Stock Market is up. Unemployment is low. And inflation is falling. Why is the economy going to crash?
60 % of American citizens are having a difficult time
with Biden's Inflation.Biden like Obama is fudging on
the Economy and employment.The Labor participation
rate is at or near an historic low.The dollar is devaluing each
week.Colleges and Universities are expecting increases in tuition
like ... Right quick.Before parents decide to not pay for them.
Todays IVY league universities are hubs for Groupthink,prejudice
and lackadaisical learning.
Take Obama who may decide he wants to be the new President
of Harvard.He was the First Black President of the Harvard Law Review.
Obama never submitted ONE { not one Harvard Law review as
President }.When finally asked as to why ... He said he was too busy
editing other's Law reviews.
That kinda B.S. reply was never mocked or even questioned.
Plus Obama had annual First Term Budget Deficits
Exceeding $ 1.2 Trillion yearly.Bush 43 had a yearly Budget Deficit
in 2007 of $ 168 Billion.For context.
Another thread based on a complete falsehood allowed to stand, you can't escape bias anywhere apparently.
Another thread based on a complete falsehood allowed to stand, you can't escape bias anywhere apparently.
If Not for a man Called Trump ... The entire Country would be
like a Country Club for Rats.Dirty Rats.
Scoundels at best.Slackers,loafers and miscreants.
However even when Hillary won the Popular vote,it was Trump
who won the most states in 2016.
Plus if Hillary and Trump tied { got the exact number of votes each in
California } then Trump would have had at least a Million more votes
than Hillary.Hillary beat Trump in California by over 4 million votes.
Take California out of the picture and Trump wins one million more
votes nationwide in 2016.
Take Texas out and youā€™re back to square one
Imbecile... it was YOU who discussed the "American people."

Changing your argument now to the Electoral college only makes you look weak and desperate.

The American people wanted the Democrat to be president in 7 of the last 8 elections.

The electoral college elected the Democrat to be president in 5 of the last 8 elections.
Puny brain ^^^ still doesn't acknowledge the facts, no popular vote election was ever held hence we don't know what the outcome might have been if the Republican candidate had ran a popular vote campaign. Your post is 100% FAKE NEWS, enough with your Dem stupidity and idiotic spin.

As for the Dem election RIGGING, CHEATING, DEAD PEOPLE VOTING, BALLOT HARVESTING and other un-American schemes to steal elections that's a topic for another thread.
Puny brain ^^^ still doesn't acknowledge the facts, no popular vote election was ever held hence we don't know what the outcome might have been if the Republican candidate had ran a popular vote campaign. Your post is 100% FAKE NEWS, enough with your Dem stupidity and idiotic spin.

As for the Dem election RIGGING, CHEATING, DEAD PEOPLE VOTING, BALLOT HARVESTING and other un-American schemes to steal elections that's a topic for another thread.
Sure buddy


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