Trump hopes the economy crashes

I am reminded of the time he said a real estate market crash was good for him, without regard for the millions of home owners who would be hurt by it. Because he is incapable of empathy and is concerned only for himself.
Unless there is another housing crash the youngest generations are up shits creek. No home is worth what they are charging. Ahh, inflation and a fiat currency turned homes into investments.
Again, it’s not a lie.

Here’s a report from a rightwing news site:

‘Donald Trump said he’s hoping for an economic crash within the next 12 months to improve his chances of beating Joe Biden in the November presidential election.

“When there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during these next 12 months, because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover,” Trump said during Monday’s episode of “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”’

You filth on the left are so dishonest. IF there's a crash which many think is likely THEN Trump hopes it happens before his first term starts. That is all. You ASSHOLE Dems are trying to spin that into something it's not, because you are ASSHOLES!
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dimocrap FILTH start a lie, get you guys to jump in to try to discredit the lie, then have you chasing your tails with more lies.

After that, they lie some more. More word games, more lies, you good people start trying to dispute the lie, to clarify the words in the lie and dimocrap filth keep you chasing your tails. It's called the Neener-Neener game. Popular with children everywhere.

We all know what Trump said and what he meant. But dimocrap scum want to use a click-bait article written by a 20-something year-old leftist girl from an Ivy League College and who routinely writes for CNN as a base for getting you to chase your tails.

And they do it in virtually every thread they post in here. I wouldn't mind except that it keeps intelligent people, which does NOT include dimocrap FILTH, from discussing the issues of the day.

Just stop, people. Stop falling for the same shit in every thread.

It's embarrassing. dimocraps are scum. Move along
First let’s get the link posted.

For those who denounce CNN another link.

Now that’s two links that tell the story. Trump in an interview said he hoped the Economy crashes in the next twelve months. That way he doesn’t get blamed for it.

I won’t waste time discussing what kind of a man would say such a thing. I won’t waste time lamenting the political ideals of the past when Republicans and Democrats both wanted the best for the nation. I’ll just say that this is very much in character for Trump. And every time he speaks I see another reason to be grateful I didn’t vote for him in 2020.
I gots a novel idea'r.Why not just give a Direct Trump quote.
Notice how the Scumbagger MSM seems intent on rearranging
Trump Quotes to add inflection.
ex . " Then in the increasing gale of the sea there would be a little
private ship's storm going on in which you could detect strong
language,pronounced in a tone of passion and exculpatory protestations
uttered with every possible inflection of injured innocence. "
Like Trump could be seen aboard - Tugboat Annie - { 1933 }
guffawing around with Marie Dressler and Wallace Beery who could
both drink him under any table he chooses to hide.
But Trump chooses to never hide.America has learned to appreciate
that kind of persistent manhood.
dimocrap FILTH start a lie, get you guys to jump in to try to discredit the lie, then have you chasing your tails with more lies.

After that, they lie some more. More word games, more lies, you good people start trying to dispute the lie, to clarify the words in the lie and dimocrap filth keep you chasing your tails. It's called the Neener-Neener game. Popular with children everywhere.

We all know what Trump said and what he meant. But dimocrap scum want to use a click-bait article written by a 20-something year-old leftist girl from an Ivy League College and who routinely writes for CNN as a base for getting you to chase your tails.

And they do it in virtually every thread they post in here. I wouldn't mind except that it keeps intelligent people, which does NOT include dimocrap FILTH, from discussing the issues of the day.

Just stop, people. Stop falling for the same shit in every thread.

It's embarrassing. dimocraps are scum. Move along
This is why the American people hate Democrats! Nothing but a bunch of lying douchebags.
This is why the American people hate Democrats! Nothing but a bunch of lying douchebags.
Yeah, we could spend the rest of our lives talking about their faults. Suffice it to say -- 'dimocraps are scum' and move along.

They really are defective human beings. But, 'dimocraps are scum' will do nicely.
Yes, the cult likes to pretend that both sides do everything trump does.

Which is bullshit.
Cults also don’t see the irony in what they post. Something which is typical of the blind partisan mindset my side is all good your side is all evil my side is always right your side is always wrong. You want to see a cult member I suggest you go take a long hard serious look in mirror. Have a nice day.
Now that’s two links that tell the story. Trump in an interview said he hoped the Economy crashes in the next twelve months. That way he doesn’t get blamed for it.
That is...
If Biden's economy crashes before Trump takes office, Democrats can't blame him.
If the economy crashes after Trump takes office, they will blame him, regardless how long he has been in office.

This should be obvious and non-controversial.

Well, he's just being frank as usual. We like that about Trump.

Unlike leftists, Trump is smart enough to know the economy fluctuates and we're due a recession. Count your blessings for recessions BTW, without them prices would be even higher.
That is...
If Biden's economy crashes before Trump takes office, Democrats can't blame him.
LMAO oh yes they can and they will. Dems will claim just the possibility of Trump winning in 2024, his campaign in fact crashed Joe's super fantastic economy. That's how dishonest Dems are, they are dishonest to the core.
Cults also don’t see the irony in what they post. Something which is typical of the blind partisan mindset my side is all good your side is all evil my side is always right your side is always wrong. You want to see a cult member I suggest you go take a long hard serious look in mirror. Have a nice day.
I don't like Republicans. At all. They are not a particularly inclusive group of douchebags. I can't stand them.

I'm not wild about Trump, either. I liken him to the Andrew Dice Clay of politics. Fun for about 10 minutes, then it gets old.

I just HATE dimocraps. Hate them with every fiber of my being. The lyingest, scummiest, most dishonest, Anti-American, Anti-Freedom, hypocritical scumbags to ever exist on the Planet Earth. Even the 'males' are Karens.

Then there's dimocrap scum politicians. Who are almost as bad.
Well, he's just being frank as usual. We like that about Trump.

Unlike leftists, Trump is smart enough to know the economy fluctuates and we're due a recession. Count your blessings for recessions BTW, without them prices would be even higher.
i read { viewed on YouTube } where Franks { Hot Dogs } are
about the most Unhealthy food item one could make.
Especially daily.This from noted Heart surgeon Dr.Gundry.
Imagine how W.C.Fields would take that news.
Probably drive Harold Bissonette { That's Bis-O-nay }
- It's a Gift - { 1934 } to Drink.
Let’s face it. Joe Biden is too incompetent to crash the economy. Only Trump in the last 20 years has been smart enough to craft up a recession and job loses. Maybe he’ll get another opportunity?
He said "it will crash, I just hope it doesn't happen after I become president so I dont get blamed for something that started happening before I became president".
Immediately deflecting responsibility. That's a fucking cowardly, despicable thing to say. You vote for that garbage?
i read { viewed on YouTube } where Franks { Hot Dogs } are
about the most Unhealthy food item one could make.
Especially daily.This from noted Heart surgeon Dr.Gundry.
Imagine how W.C.Fields would take that news.
Probably drive Harold Bissonette { That's Bis-O-nay }
- It's a Gift - { 1934 } to Drink.

You think Trump knows about the economy??

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