Trump Hosted Party For Epstein And 28 Girls

I'll put it like this, IF Trump windes up caught in the web here, then he deserves whatever punishment he gets. I don't
That's easy.

I don't.

You don't?

I seem to recall you swearing by the Mueller report. That when it came out Trump would be done. Then when it was a nothing burger you jumped on the MSM bandwagon that Mueller was hiding something or that he didn't "exonerate him" even though that wasn't his job. Amirite?
Ummmm... He didn't exonerate him. Mueller said so himself. The "fake news" is that he did.
That's not his job, dummy. So the point is moot...yet you pretend it means something.
The point is not moot. The report is a road map for impeachment. Sadly it will not get used. Impeachment would be futile as long as the Senate is filled with tRump's meatpuppets.

Yes, the "road map for impeachment" always includes the words "insufficient evidence".
Impeachment doesn't require a statutory violation. Simply a breach of trust.
I'll put it like this, IF Trump windes up caught in the web here, then he deserves whatever punishment he gets. I don't
You don't?

I seem to recall you swearing by the Mueller report. That when it came out Trump would be done. Then when it was a nothing burger you jumped on the MSM bandwagon that Mueller was hiding something or that he didn't "exonerate him" even though that wasn't his job. Amirite?
Ummmm... He didn't exonerate him. Mueller said so himself. The "fake news" is that he did.
That's not his job, dummy. So the point is moot...yet you pretend it means something.
The point is not moot. The report is a road map for impeachment. Sadly it will not get used. Impeachment would be futile as long as the Senate is filled with tRump's meatpuppets.

Yes, the "road map for impeachment" always includes the words "insufficient evidence".
Impeachment doesn't require a statutory violation. Simply a breach of trust.
He is going to get reelected because you idiots appear deranged to normal people. And we get to watch the phase of your descent into further loony left field where your amygdalas explode and it's going to be just awesome
What gets me is, if Trump did screw underage girls. I say send him to jail. But you sorry liberals are sticking up for Clinton, when evidence is showing he could be guilty. You people are scum.
If Clinton is guilty send his ass to jail.

I've never said any different.

However some of you kids have already convicted him based on fake news, which is not how it works.

I agree both the left and the right are wanting to convict just on speculation alone. If either did participate in engaging with underage girls, string them up, the world has no use for pedophiles.
I agree.


Better mark your calenders guys.
I'll put it like this, IF Trump windes up caught in the web here, then he deserves whatever punishment he gets. I don't
Really? Care to tell me why you use it against Trump daily?
That's easy.

I don't.

You don't?

I seem to recall you swearing by the Mueller report. That when it came out Trump would be done. Then when it was a nothing burger you jumped on the MSM bandwagon that Mueller was hiding something or that he didn't "exonerate him" even though that wasn't his job. Amirite?
Ummmm... He didn't exonerate him. Mueller said so himself. The "fake news" is that he did.
That's not his job, dummy. So the point is moot...yet you pretend it means something.
The point is not moot. The report is a road map for impeachment. Sadly it will not get used. Impeachment would be futile as long as the Senate is filled with tRump's meatpuppets.
... and still no Russian connection
I'll put it like this, IF Trump windes up caught in the web here, then he deserves whatever punishment he gets. I don't
Ummmm... He didn't exonerate him. Mueller said so himself. The "fake news" is that he did.
That's not his job, dummy. So the point is moot...yet you pretend it means something.
The point is not moot. The report is a road map for impeachment. Sadly it will not get used. Impeachment would be futile as long as the Senate is filled with tRump's meatpuppets.

Yes, the "road map for impeachment" always includes the words "insufficient evidence".
Impeachment doesn't require a statutory violation. Simply a breach of trust.
He is going to get reelected because you idiots appear deranged to normal people. And we get to watch the phase of your descent into further loony left field where your amygdalas explode and it's going to be just awesome
I think you may be confused about what is normal and what isn't.
Im sure there were no underaged girls there

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old hedge fund manager charged this week with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, were once the only other attendees at a party with roughly two dozen women at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, a former Trump associate told The New York Times.

Trump hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report claims. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls' : politics

Maybe, but it was your president Clinton and his democrat pals who flew on an airplane and had sex with children.
Gee, if only you could prove that, you'd make millions.
What gets me is, if Trump did screw underage girls. I say send him to jail. But you sorry liberals are sticking up for Clinton, when evidence is showing he could be guilty. You people are scum.
If Clinton is guilty send his ass to jail.

I've never said any different.

However some of you kids have already convicted him based on fake news, which is not how it works.
He has already lied in this investigation. I hope he is innocent, because that's one less rape of a child. Can you same about Trump?
Records show Clinton dined with Epstein in 1995, predating public timeline

Former President Blow Job Bill Clinton dined with financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in 1995, records show—years before the interactions detailed in a statement from his office earlier this week.

That statement condemned the wealthy hedge fund manager after his indictment for alleged sex trafficking crimes was unsealed Monday. The statement said Clinton "knows nothing" about Epstein's alleged crimes and included a timeline of Clinton's interactions with him starting in 2002.

But according to a story published back in March 1995 by the Palm Beach Post, then-President Clinton attended a “three-hour dinner” at the time with a “very select group of people” at the Palm Beach home of business magnate Ron Perelman. The diverse group included Epstein -- as well as singer Jimmy Buffet, actor Don Johnson, then-co-chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler and others.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If non-profit kid's charities pull out of Trump events what will happen to recruitment?

The likely lad Donald Trump is still a player, however, a little flaccid since his buddy Jeffrey Epstein stole the public spotlight:

Trump Org Cancels Strip Club Golf Tournament After Nonprofit Pulls Out

Trump Org Cancels Strip Club Golf Tournament After Nonprofit Pulls Out
The Washington Post/The Washington Post
By Matt Shuham
July 10, 2019 8:53 pm

After a nonprofit told TPM Wednesday that it was pulling out of a strip club’s golf tournament at President Donald Trump’s golf course in Doral, Florida this weekend, Trump’s business announced the entire event would be cancelled.

“The event was originally booked with the understanding that it would be raising money to support a local charity benefiting underprivileged children,” a Trump Organization spokesperson told TPM in an emailed statement. “Now that the charity has removed its affiliation, the event will no longer be taking place at our property and all amounts paid will be refunded.”

The Washington Post first reported the event’s cancellation Wednesday.
The director of the youth-oriented South Florida nonprofit Miami All Stars told TPM Wednesday that he hadn’t known when he signed on that the event was organized by a local strip club and would feature exotic dancers as caddies. He only learned of the club’s involvement when The Washington Post called for an interview, he said.

Over the phone Wednesday, Miami All Stars director Carlos Alamilla told TPM, “I didn’t know there was a strip tease club involved in this.”
“You can’t mix kids with sex,” he said. “It just doesn’t jibe.”
Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old hedge fund manager charged this week with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, were once the only other attendees at a party with roughly two dozen women at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida

Two dozen in adult was probably connected with the pageant you moron....
Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old hedge fund manager charged this week with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, were once the only other attendees at a party with roughly two dozen women at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida

Two dozen in adult was probably connected with the pageant you moron....
If it ever really happened.
Im sure there were no underaged girls there

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, the 66-year-old hedge fund manager charged this week with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, were once the only other attendees at a party with roughly two dozen women at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, a former Trump associate told The New York Times.

Trump hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report claims. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls' : politics

BULLSHIT! Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago when your boy Bill was palling around with him. That wasn't even a good try. Well at least not except for maybe you idiots on the left.

LOL...only after Epstein was indicted
Up till then, they were best buddies and had the same taste in women

No. The expulsion from Mar-a-Lago was WAY prior to any indictment.... Stop making shit up....
Doesn't matter if it is true or not. Reality Trump is an asshole. Republicans love that about him and will continue licking his boots no matter what he does.
Kicked him out? Why didn't he report him to the police?

Why didnt bill after his 26 trips to pedo island?
that is simply false.

He NEVER went to Pedo Island, at least not on Epstein's flight Manifests that I went thru... nor to Epstein's New Mexico place, nor to his Palm Beach Place...

He did use Epstein's plane though, for Clinton Foundation and Charity causes, which is evident on the manifests showing the Foundation people traveling with him, primarily Doug Bands on all of his trips with additions here and there, depending on the trip, and secret service on most occasions, and when it is a big event he is attending, or a long tour around the World with lots of celebrities, he had as many as 8 Secret Service traveling with him.

To me, that does say that Bill Clinton knew Epstein, and visa versa, on more than an acquaintance basis...!!! Granted, it could be they did know each other even deeper than Political Donations and the benefits, given there of, due to shared Philanthropic causes....

And Epstein WAS a really BIG Democratic Donor for years from what I hear, (though I have not viewed the evidence of it, but to me the rumor of it, is believable)

But during that same time period, so was Donald Trump a BIG Democratic donor.... :dunno:

My issue with all of this, and primarily from a woman's point of view, so it is likely, you will not understand where I am coming from... :p

But surely, both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump among others like Dershowitz and the good Lord knows how many others at the top of this circle of the elite, and billionaires, SAID NOTHING, about what they had to have known and seen in one manner or another, that gave a red flag of, HELLO! something is wrong with this picture.

Instead, from this female's view, it has the taste of what was called the "Good ole Boy's Club" for the wealthiest and most powerful especially, like in the days of JFK with his affairs, men covered for each other, when it came to affairs, and sexual escapades... 'mum' is the word... I won't tell on you, if you won't tell on me kind of comradery...

in the mean time, Bill's and Don's silence, allowed a lot of girls to be lured in to the Lion's Den...

but now we are finding out, there is another Club that protects the evil doers like Epstein, our very own Justice System, showing favoritism, to those with a lot of money.
The evidence says otherwise. Lol, like you were there and know anything.
please show the evidence, the actual flight log manifests that SHOW Clinton was on Epstein's plane that went to Epsteins Island in the Virgin Islands.

I CAN NOT find it.... you all are making the claim over and over again on the right, and I am just wondering where did the proof come from, that makes this accusation, a fact?

Is that really an unreasonable request?

I had read in a British tabloid that E, who was one of the girls that sang like a canary, epstein's main young squeeze, Virginia Roberts said he was there, but also said Clinton had no interest in the girls, it was business... but no proof.

And a fox article claiming some other crud, but NO EVIDENCE that supports the exaggerated or false claims or true claims???
No, it's not unreasonable at all, but you should know by know that I don't show libs much of anything because they have a proven behavior of dismissing all that they disagree with, making it a waste of my times showing you/them. I did read about the flight logs somewhere, however. Probably one of those "winger" sites ya'll love so much.
If that "winger site" had actual evidence like a flight manifest, I truly would believe it...

I've been going through the flight manifests for days, that were on the net for the Epstein plane flights and there is no choice but to believe the actual flight manifests that were obtained... Bill flew all over the world on Epstein's plane, with other Clinton Foundation Workers is what I have seen, and Epstein's so called young flight staff, and most times with secret service...4 to 8 of them on big events.... but no Epstein Island... could be that I do not have all of the flight manifests to review... I just don't know?
Why didnt bill after his 26 trips to pedo island?
that is simply false.

He NEVER went to Pedo Island, at least not on Epstein's flight Manifests that I went thru... nor to Epstein's New Mexico place, nor to his Palm Beach Place...

He did use Epstein's plane though, for Clinton Foundation and Charity causes, which is evident on the manifests showing the Foundation people traveling with him, primarily Doug Bands on all of his trips with additions here and there, depending on the trip, and secret service on most occasions, and when it is a big event he is attending, or a long tour around the World with lots of celebrities, he had as many as 8 Secret Service traveling with him.

To me, that does say that Bill Clinton knew Epstein, and visa versa, on more than an acquaintance basis...!!! Granted, it could be they did know each other even deeper than Political Donations and the benefits, given there of, due to shared Philanthropic causes....

And Epstein WAS a really BIG Democratic Donor for years from what I hear, (though I have not viewed the evidence of it, but to me the rumor of it, is believable)

But during that same time period, so was Donald Trump a BIG Democratic donor.... :dunno:

My issue with all of this, and primarily from a woman's point of view, so it is likely, you will not understand where I am coming from... :p

But surely, both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump among others like Dershowitz and the good Lord knows how many others at the top of this circle of the elite, and billionaires, SAID NOTHING, about what they had to have known and seen in one manner or another, that gave a red flag of, HELLO! something is wrong with this picture.

Instead, from this female's view, it has the taste of what was called the "Good ole Boy's Club" for the wealthiest and most powerful especially, like in the days of JFK with his affairs, men covered for each other, when it came to affairs, and sexual escapades... 'mum' is the word... I won't tell on you, if you won't tell on me kind of comradery...

in the mean time, Bill's and Don's silence, allowed a lot of girls to be lured in to the Lion's Den...

but now we are finding out, there is another Club that protects the evil doers like Epstein, our very own Justice System, showing favoritism, to those with a lot of money.
The evidence says otherwise. Lol, like you were there and know anything.
please show the evidence, the actual flight log manifests that SHOW Clinton was on Epstein's plane that went to Epsteins Island in the Virgin Islands.

I CAN NOT find it.... you all are making the claim over and over again on the right, and I am just wondering where did the proof come from, that makes this accusation, a fact?

Is that really an unreasonable request?

I had read in a British tabloid that E, who was one of the girls that sang like a canary, epstein's main young squeeze, Virginia Roberts said he was there, but also said Clinton had no interest in the girls, it was business... but no proof.

And a fox article claiming some other crud, but NO EVIDENCE that supports the exaggerated or false claims or true claims???
No, it's not unreasonable at all, but you should know by know that I don't show libs much of anything because they have a proven behavior of dismissing all that they disagree with, making it a waste of my times showing you/them. I did read about the flight logs somewhere, however. Probably one of those "winger" sites ya'll love so much.
If that "winger site" had actual evidence like a flight manifest, I truly would believe it...

I've been going through the flight manifests for days, that were on the net for the Epstein plane flights and there is no choice but to believe the actual flight manifests that were obtained... Bill flew all over the world on Epstein's plane, with other Clinton Foundation Workers is what I have seen, and Epstein's so called young flight staff, and most times with secret service...4 to 8 of them on big events.... but no Epstein Island... could be that I do not have all of the flight manifests to review... I just don't know?
Lol, it's already been posted and you still ignore it. Like I always say, you don't do facts proof or truth. Of course, sometimes it's hard to prove something on the internet.

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