Trump Hosts Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago

Holocaust denial has no value in any society despite your spirited defence.

I never claimed that it did.

But whether it has any such value or not is irrelevant.

One of the most basic and essential of all human, rights is the right to believe what one will, and to appropriately express these beliefs, no matter how strongly how many others might disagree.

Hence the quote popularly misattributed to Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

But you British filth not only lack the ethical character to recognize and uphold this principle, but also, in your hubris, presume to condemn other societies, far superior to your own, for recognizing and upholding it. It's one of the reason why we Americans kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago.

America used to shoot nazis [sic], now they vote for them.
Why do you deny the holocaust ?

Again, post a link to me denying the Holocaust, or admit that you're a lying piece of shit.

And while you're at it, identify any actual Nazis who have won any significant elections in America, or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.

Or don't bother, we all know that you're a lying piece of shit, anyway, and there's really nothing you can say that will demonstrate otherwise.
Indeed, conservatives continue to embrace white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, the foundation of the neo-fascist right.

Even as liberals and progressive-socialists continue to embrace minority-freak-victim grievance politics and racist-sexist CRT/transsexual communist replacement theory, the foundation of the neo-fascist totalitarian Marxist subversive left.

No thanks. I'll stick with sanity.

Fuentes is a neo-fascist racist and bigot who is comprehensively wrong and reprehensible, as are those on the right who support him.
What do you say about all those unAmerican pieces of worthless dogshit celebrating fewer whites / “increased diversity”?

Fuentes says what the great Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”

Thomas Sowell - Will Orlando Change Anything?
Dumbasses like you maintain to this day that the South started the Civil War. Lincoln was a war criminal, yet all you progs worship him.
Yes. They fought to keep their slaves. It was part of their constirution.
Why are you a holocaust denier ?
What do you say about all those unAmerican pieces of worthless dogshit celebrating fewer whites / “increased diversity”?

Fuentes says what the great Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”

Thomas Sowell - Will Orlando Change Anything?
Fuentes #1 fan
I never claimed that it did.

But whether it has any such value or not is irrelevant.

One of the most basic and essential of all human, rights is the right to believe what one will, and to appropriately express these beliefs, no matter how strongly how many others might disagree.

Hence the quote popularly misattributed to Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

But you British filth not only lack the ethical character to recognize and uphold this principle, but also, in your hubris, presume to condemn other societies, far superior to your own, for recognizing and upholding it. It's one of the reason why we Americans kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago.

Again, post a link to me denying the Holocaust, or admit that you're a lying piece of shit.

And while you're at it, identify any actual Nazis who have won any significant elections in America, or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.

Or don't bother, we all know that you're a lying piece of shit, anyway, and there's really nothing you can say that will demonstrate otherwise.
Its of value to the millions of people who lost family in the camps. A human being would inderstand that,

Unless they thought that it was fake.
What do you say about all those unAmerican pieces of worthless dogshit celebrating fewer whites / “increased diversity”?

Fuentes says what the great Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”

Thomas Sowell - Will Orlando Change Anything?
Part of the MAGAt base, folks.
You look the other way when our borders are open and failed Democratic policies have the people, CITIZENS, suffering and unsafe on our city streets. Solve some real problems you divisive POS.
Even as liberals and progressive-socialists continue to embrace minority-freak-victim grievance politics and racist-sexist CRT/transsexual communist replacement theory, the foundation of the neo-fascist totalitarian Marxist subversive left.

No thanks. I'll stick with sanity.

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Do you have any idea how insane you sound?
“The former president's campaign claims he didn't know anything about Fuentes, who joined the rapper under fire for his antisemitic remarks.” ibid

Trump’s campaign is as much a liar as Trump.
It is amusing that, when it is exposed that Trump acted as a cordial host to a notorious white supremacist and anti-semite who has accompanied a show business celebrity that has been condemned for his anti-semitic statements, the best defense Trump worshipers can contrive is 1) Claim that he's ignorant, and/or a diversionary 2) Lash out at somebody else.

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