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Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding'

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The law is NOT clear. The Constitution requires the President be a NATURAL Born citizen. That requires Congress to define. My personal opinion is that ANYONE born ANYWHERE of an American is a NATURAL Born citizen.

McCain was not born anywhere in the US. And he was responsible for the worst naval accident in history..as well as losing several planes that were never shot at.


McCain's father was stationed overseas. Stop bullshitting for the sake of cheap political shots. It's beneath you. John McCain is a war hero, and has done more for this country in that regard than Obama can even pretend to. I may not agree with McCain's politics, but disrespecting his service for point scoring is pathetic. Seriously. Grow the fuck up.

Yeah..I didn't see this sort "defense" from the right concerning Kerry. And all those people that Clinton knew that died..heck..he was responsible. That and Clinton let Osama bin Laden go. And Willie Horton? Dukasis opened his cell door and let him out. Kennedy? The Commie Manchurian Candidate who was taking orders from the Pope.

I'm fucking tired of the right wing telling these sorts of lies and getting a pass.
Donald Trump now has investigators in Hawaii researching Obama's origins and they are not believing what they are finding out about the President. I knew Trump would do this. He has the resources and ability that the average American doesn't have to find out vital information. I think he might find out the truth about if Obama was born in a hospital in Hawaii or one out of the country. I believe that this has the White House very nervous.

Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding' - Donald Trump - Fox Nation

The Page by Mark Halperin | Trump Conducting Hawaii Investigation Into Obama's Birthplace

Do you think given all the issues that this country is facing that this is something that resonates with the public? That they care about this?

The Constitution of the United States…great document. And you agree with it?

Yeah, sure.

It says you have to be born in this country. Essential. Have to be born in this country, okay? If he wasn’t born in this country, he has conned the whole world.

But you’re saying it’s a con. That’s what you’re saying.

I’m not saying anything. I’m saying--

Sure you are.

I am saying I want to see the birth certificate. It’s very simple. I want to see the birth certificate. How come his own family doesn’t know which hospital he was born in? How come-- forget about birth certificates. Let’s say there’s no birth certificate. How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the…in the hospital itself, there’s no records of his birth. In other words, it doesn’t say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here’s your room bill. You know, all the

You’ve been privy to all of this to know this?

Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re talking.

You have people now out there searching-- I mean, in Hawaii?

Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious

And regardless of the outcome, I will be happy. We DO need to know and accept the truth.
CON$ just can't stop themselves from lying!!! :cuckoo:

That's not a lie, shit for brains. What you say on the other hand is. Get a brain, then a clue.
Thank you for proving my point!!! :lol:

That's not a lie, shit for brains. What you say on the other hand is. Get a brain, then a clue.
Thank you for proving my point!!! :lol:

That you're a shit for brains? No problem.
You manipulate the facts as poorly as the liars who claim that his relatives say he was born in Kenya.
The law is NOT clear. The Constitution requires the President be a NATURAL Born citizen. That requires Congress to define. My personal opinion is that ANYONE born ANYWHERE of an American is a NATURAL Born citizen.

McCain was not born anywhere in the US. And he was responsible for the worst naval accident in history..as well as losing several planes that were never shot at.


it's silly to lie about things that are so easy to check. it's typical partisan behavior to do so, therefore i can't say i'm surprised. i guess you should get some credit for being correct about mccain's birthplace.

when you lie, baby jesus kills a kitten. tsk, tsk

"As he was in his A-4 Skyhawk, loaded with two, 1,000-pound bombs and waiting on the carrier deck for his turn to launch, a Zuni missile accidentally fired from another aircraft, swooshed across the carrier deck and struck either McCain's plane or one next to it.

That triggered a fire and a series of bomb and missile explosions that killed 134 sailors. McCain himself barely escaped alive."

FactCheck.org: Did McCain crash five planes? Did he cause the 1967 Forrestal fire?

a ZUNI missile???!! those !%#$@&*! A-Rabs!!!.I knew it!!!

They torpedoed his election too...:evil:
The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
--Jay Leno

America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
--Jay Leno

Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
--Conan O'Brien

Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser.
--Jay Leno

Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners.
--David Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America !
--Jimmy Fallon

Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers.
--Jimmy Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.
--David Letterman

Hard to believe that Leno, Letterman, O'Brien, Fallon or Kimmel never said any of that. But I guess this is what passes off as cutting edge humor for the right wing and they are afraid to put their own name on it

McCain was not born anywhere in the US. And he was responsible for the worst naval accident in history..as well as losing several planes that were never shot at.


McCain's father was stationed overseas. Stop bullshitting for the sake of cheap political shots. It's beneath you. John McCain is a war hero, and has done more for this country in that regard than Obama can even pretend to. I may not agree with McCain's politics, but disrespecting his service for point scoring is pathetic. Seriously. Grow the fuck up.

Yeah..I didn't see this sort "defense" from the right concerning Kerry. And all those people that Clinton knew that died..heck..he was responsible. That and Clinton let Osama bin Laden go. And Willie Horton? Dukasis opened his cell door and let him out. Kennedy? The Commie Manchurian Candidate who was taking orders from the Pope.

I'm fucking tired of the right wing telling these sorts of lies and getting a pass.

Try to focus. We are not talking about Kerry or Clinton.... don't deflect because you can't defend your bullshit.

Fact. John McCain is a war hero. Regardless of his politics, that man served his country in time of war. He was shot down, fracturing both arms and one leg bailing out, was captured, beaten, stabbed and was not given medical treatment and so on. To this day, he suffers the after effects of that period of his life.

You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking his service. Any decent American would be.
McCain's father was stationed overseas. Stop bullshitting for the sake of cheap political shots. It's beneath you. John McCain is a war hero, and has done more for this country in that regard than Obama can even pretend to. I may not agree with McCain's politics, but disrespecting his service for point scoring is pathetic. Seriously. Grow the fuck up.

Yeah..I didn't see this sort "defense" from the right concerning Kerry. And all those people that Clinton knew that died..heck..he was responsible. That and Clinton let Osama bin Laden go. And Willie Horton? Dukasis opened his cell door and let him out. Kennedy? The Commie Manchurian Candidate who was taking orders from the Pope.

I'm fucking tired of the right wing telling these sorts of lies and getting a pass.

Try to focus. We are not talking about Kerry or Clinton.... don't deflect because you can't defend your bullshit.

Fact. John McCain is a war hero. Regardless of his politics, that man served his country in time of war. He was shot down, fracturing both arms and one leg bailing out, was captured, beaten, stabbed and was not given medical treatment and so on. To this day, he suffers the after effects of that period of his life.

You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking his service. Any decent American would be.

Check the thread kiddo.

And the right wing gave up any sort of "credence" in terms of mocking military service on multiple occassions..Kerry being the most disgusting case in point.

Even Bob Dole..who I had a great deal of respect for..said something like "There are questions" when asked about it.

These lies get spewed over and over again. And it takes a great deal of time and resources to defend against them. While I don't think "the answer" is responding in kind, it seems that NOTHING ELSE seems to work.
back to the topic...(?) Oy.....:lol:

I am surprised no one has broached the subject of his religion? Or his First name? Perhaps was Barry (Soetoro)?

My birth certificate ( born in NYC and close to the year Obama was) has a space for mother and fathers religion. arcane(?) I guess, I doubt you'll find many with that now.....and since there is a strong tradition of Islamic Patriarchy ala the child naturally following the father..( Indonesian school years, listed religion as " Islamic" in the school registry ).*shrugs*

And the Barry issue, was 'Barak' as some in Chicago spoke of a street cred name he took on some time in high school or college, when were the first documented uses of his first name?

Does any of this mean anything? Really? Aside from making him either a ) a liar or b) misleading, which hello, hes a politician, we pretty much know already?
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Yeah..I didn't see this sort "defense" from the right concerning Kerry. And all those people that Clinton knew that died..heck..he was responsible. That and Clinton let Osama bin Laden go. And Willie Horton? Dukasis opened his cell door and let him out. Kennedy? The Commie Manchurian Candidate who was taking orders from the Pope.

I'm fucking tired of the right wing telling these sorts of lies and getting a pass.

Try to focus. We are not talking about Kerry or Clinton.... don't deflect because you can't defend your bullshit.

Fact. John McCain is a war hero. Regardless of his politics, that man served his country in time of war. He was shot down, fracturing both arms and one leg bailing out, was captured, beaten, stabbed and was not given medical treatment and so on. To this day, he suffers the after effects of that period of his life.

You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking his service. Any decent American would be.

Check the thread kiddo.

And the right wing gave up any sort of "credence" in terms of mocking military service on multiple occassions..Kerry being the most disgusting case in point.

Even Bob Dole..who I had a great deal of respect for..said something like "There are questions" when asked about it.

These lies get spewed over and over again. And it takes a great deal of time and resources to defend against them. While I don't think "the answer" is responding in kind, it seems that NOTHING ELSE seems to work.

you're working OT on this crap sallow, let it go.
LOL. Always despised him on a cellular level. Fundamentally unattractive as a man, a personality, hell. as a human.

He's running for president as a birther? What a GIFT this swinging DICK is to the democrats. What a deficit he is to the national discussion.
Try to focus. We are not talking about Kerry or Clinton.... don't deflect because you can't defend your bullshit.

Fact. John McCain is a war hero. Regardless of his politics, that man served his country in time of war. He was shot down, fracturing both arms and one leg bailing out, was captured, beaten, stabbed and was not given medical treatment and so on. To this day, he suffers the after effects of that period of his life.

You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking his service. Any decent American would be.

Check the thread kiddo.

And the right wing gave up any sort of "credence" in terms of mocking military service on multiple occassions..Kerry being the most disgusting case in point.

Even Bob Dole..who I had a great deal of respect for..said something like "There are questions" when asked about it.

These lies get spewed over and over again. And it takes a great deal of time and resources to defend against them. While I don't think "the answer" is responding in kind, it seems that NOTHING ELSE seems to work.

you're working OT on this crap sallow, let it go.

Fuck that.

Here's another thread..yet again..about a non-issue about something which is terribly insulting.

Obama's a non-american? That's the same shit that was spewed about every Liberal candidate since Kennedy.

I'm tired of it.
Just for funzies, what if it was found out that Obama really wasnt born in Hawaii? Then what?

Just for funzies, I'd love to see someone prove he was. There is none. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Trump knows what he's talking about. It's facts. Facts the liberals have been hoping and praying everyone would shut the hell up about, so they have been demonizing anyone who DARE ask about it or talk about it. I've been saying there's a major problem here since the very beginning when George Soros told the liberal media and the democrats to shut the hell up about it so he could get his sock puppet elected, but the issue will not go away. This issue will rear it's ugly head again and next time it's going to be big. Over half the country doubts obama was born in Hawaii, and wonder why the shit stain has spent over two million dollars hiding his past, and his first Presidential action which was to sign an executive order HIDING everything about him and anything about where he was born. Well I don't know about you, but for me, that's about as suspicious of behavior that anyone could possibly display. There's something wrong here, terribly wrong, and America needs to get to the bottom of it.

Thank God for Trump. He's got my vote simply for not being intimidated by these frothing at the mouth, shit talking, name calling liberal puss bags and obamabots that think just because they smart ass and name call anyone who DARES ask WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. GO GET 'EM TRUMP... I got a good feeling it's going to be you and the BIRTHERS that get the last laugh, as I've said all along.

Major Chance This Guy Has Violated the Constitution: Trump’s Emotional Birther Defense Gets Giggles & Smirks From Morning Joe Panel | The Blaze

Personally I think he was born in the US.

I find it kind of hard to believe someone of his intelligence would try to pull such a hoax.

You make some great points PR. Funzies? You betcha.

Food for thought.
Check the thread kiddo.

And the right wing gave up any sort of "credence" in terms of mocking military service on multiple occassions..Kerry being the most disgusting case in point.

Even Bob Dole..who I had a great deal of respect for..said something like "There are questions" when asked about it.

These lies get spewed over and over again. And it takes a great deal of time and resources to defend against them. While I don't think "the answer" is responding in kind, it seems that NOTHING ELSE seems to work.

you're working OT on this crap sallow, let it go.

Fuck that.

Here's another thread..yet again..about a non-issue about something which is terribly insulting.

Obama's a non-american? That's the same shit that was spewed about every Liberal candidate since Kennedy.

I'm tired of it.

I think you may need other diversions, and, lets not get all double standardy & hypocritical etc....;)
Just for funzies, what if it was found out that Obama really wasnt born in Hawaii? Then what?

Just for funzies, I'd love to see someone prove he was. There is none. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Trump knows what he's talking about. It's facts. Facts the liberals have been hoping and praying everyone would shut the hell up about, so they have been demonizing anyone who DARE ask about it or talk about it. I've been saying there's a major problem here since the very beginning when George Soros told the liberal media and the democrats to shut the hell up about it so he could get his sock puppet elected, but the issue will not go away. This issue will rear it's ugly head again and next time it's going to be big. Over half the country doubts obama was born in Hawaii, and wonder why the shit stain has spent over two million dollars hiding his past, and his first Presidential action which was to sign an executive order HIDING everything about him and anything about where he was born. Well I don't know about you, but for me, that's about as suspicious of behavior that anyone could possibly display. There's something wrong here, terribly wrong, and America needs to get to the bottom of it.

Thank God for Trump. He's got my vote simply for not being intimidated by these frothing at the mouth, shit talking, name calling liberal puss bags and obamabots that think just because they smart ass and name call anyone who DARES ask WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. GO GET 'EM TRUMP... I got a good feeling it's going to be you and the BIRTHERS that get the last laugh, as I've said all along.

Major Chance This Guy Has Violated the Constitution: Trump’s Emotional Birther Defense Gets Giggles & Smirks From Morning Joe Panel | The Blaze

Personally I think he was born in the US.

I find it kind of hard to believe someone of his intelligence would try to pull such a hoax.

You make some great points PR. Funzies? You betcha.

Food for thought.
I respect your opinion, but could you show me what it is that makes you think he was born in the US? Show me one stitch of evidence.

And it isn't a hoax. It's a gross oversight on the part of those charged with vetting, along with a little help from TONS of money and power that can buy or order silence.
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