Trump: I Will Eliminate U.S. Debt In 8 Years

Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

/—-/ Yeah, he thought the democRATs would work with him. Where is the democRATs balanced budget?

Well, after seeing the Repubs work so well with Obama we can all understand why he would think that!

/——/ Obozo said flat out he didn’t want help from the Republicans. They were virtually locked out of committees or marginalized at best.
Now go ahead and pretend you don’t remember that. Throw a hissy fit and demand a link. Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room

And the Repubs said they were not going to work with him and said their only goal was to make him a one term president.

Then again this is the same party that once said impeachment is not about high crimes but about “cleansing the office and restoring honor and dignity to it”...not so much any more.

You pretending that the hypocrisy is only by one party makes you the biggest hypocrite of all
/—-/ If democRATs really believed it dignity and honor in the White House, they would have voted to remove Clintooon from office after he was impeached. Instead, they circled the wagons and defended him. So STFU about hypocrisy.

It was the Repubs that said that dumbfuck.
Now dignity no longer matters.
Both parties are equal in their hypocrisy, you head is just too far up Trump’s ass to see it
Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Trump: I Will Eliminate U.S. Debt In 8 Years
Republicans and Democrats alike...

Ever notice how these A$$holes always have "plans" that go 4 to 8 to 12 years BEYOND their term in office?

Zero accountability.

Total Bull$hit.

But they're doing so well with their OWN debt......


Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
g5000 = unemployed and blaming Trump for it.

What does that have to do with your god lying about eliminating the debt?

He didn't lie he was just unsuccessful. If my kid promises to get all As but gets one B, she didn't lie she just didn't accomplish her goal. Relax, your God, HRC is a loser.
Trump got one A, 2 C's and 4 F's......what if your kid brought that report card home after promising all A's -- you still getting him that new X Box??
I see you can't count to eight, dumbfucker!
Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
Ok. How is this out of all his presidential promises. He missed on this one....any worse than the Surrender Monkey telling us we will save $2500 a year on healthcare under his plan?
g5000 = unemployed and blaming Trump for it.

What does that have to do with your god lying about eliminating the debt?

He didn't lie he was just unsuccessful. If my kid promises to get all As but gets one B, she didn't lie she just didn't accomplish her goal. Relax, your God, HRC is a loser.
Trump got one A, 2 C's and 4 F's......what if your kid brought that report card home after promising all A's -- you still getting him that new X Box??
Did your kid have to fight congress...who makes up the spending bills?
Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years

"Defense, Medicare and interest payments ballooned the shortfall."

The Devil is in the details, eh? As long as Democrats can keep demonizing any reforms to Medicare, we will be unable to address the deficits in any meaningful way. And interest payments are mostly on previous debt racked up by Obama.

What is your solution? Eliminate defense spending and Medicare For All?
1. Eliminate all tax expenditures. This alone would save $1.4 trillion a year, providing a surplus. Then we can cut tax rates for everyone and pay down the debt. Once the debt is paid off, we can lower tax rates even more. Added bonus: Entities earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes! Extra added bonus: Special interests would no longer be able to bribe politicians to put tax expenditures in the tax code, thus removing the incentive to bribe them. Instant campaign finance reform.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer. Common sense.

It's very, very simple to balance the budget, lower tax rates, and pay off the debt. But our crooked politicians have the gullible rubes' attention getting all hot and bothered about Mexicans.

Trump is a big, fat liar.
Conservatives want to eliminate Medicare and Social Security altogether -- so actually expanding it and making it stronger is a no go for them....

And the main democratic candidate pushing this very idea is also the main democratic candidate the republicans and corporate owned media attack the most....
Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
Ok. How is this out of all his presidential promises. He missed on this one....any worse than the Surrender Monkey telling us we will save $2500 a year on healthcare under his plan?
He missed on that 6% GDP

He missed on Mexico paying for the wall...

He missed on manufacturing jobs expanding....

He missed on not being one of the most corrupt and kleptocratic administrations in US history...

But at least he demonizes the same people you hate -- that makes it all worth it
I see you can't count to eight, dumbfucker!
Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
Bill's? Wayne, I can do something the left can't do...admit he was wrong on it....makecyou feel better?
Please don't tell me you are so massively brain damaged that you actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

You can't possibly be that stupid.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
Ok. How is this out of all his presidential promises. He missed on this one....any worse than the Surrender Monkey telling us we will save $2500 a year on healthcare under his plan?
I never said it was. I didn't vote for Trump, but I also didn't expect him to keep any of the promises he made, just like I didn't expect it from previous presidents. After all, Gitmo is still op even after 8 years of Obama.

I simply have issues with Trump and his democrat attitude toward budgets and spending.
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
Ok. How is this out of all his presidential promises. He missed on this one....any worse than the Surrender Monkey telling us we will save $2500 a year on healthcare under his plan?
He missed on that 6% GDP

He missed on Mexico paying for the wall...

He missed on manufacturing jobs expanding....

He missed on not being one of the most corrupt and kleptocratic administrations in US history...

But at least he demonizes the same people you hate -- that makes it all worth it
He still has 5 years to do those things after reelection and this bullshitvimpeachmentvis done and buried!
How about he tries....that is always a winner with you scum when it doesn't come to fruition!!!....and by my calculations he has over 5 years to do it!
If the government did not spend another dime for the next five years, at 5 trillion a year income, it could be doable.

The US government currently takes in just shy of 4 trillion a year. In five years, if every dime was applied to the debt, that would be 3 trillion short.

Think that is anywhere near reasonable? At all?

Bottom line. Trump cannot eliminate the Debt while in office.

If he wasn't such a fucking Democrat when it comes to spending, he could conceivably submit a proposal to pay it off in 25 years, but how do you control that?

Ignoring the fact that the Democrats would not permit it, who would enforce it the moment he leaves office? The people?

As in all things in life, shit changes. You have seen what he has done with the economy, and trying to pull our military out of wars, but probably the most onerous to his plans is the DemonRATS that are fighting him every step of the way, and their concentration now for almost 3 years to remove him from office....give him a freehand and he would be doing something about it instead of expanding what congress it is congress that spends and not the president.
Regardless, it is a matter of straight forward math.

If we were not to spend a single red cent on anything but the Debt from now until he leaves office, we would still have 3 trillion dollars of debt with the given that he gets reelected.
Ok. How is this out of all his presidential promises. He missed on this one....any worse than the Surrender Monkey telling us we will save $2500 a year on healthcare under his plan?
He missed on that 6% GDP

He missed on Mexico paying for the wall...

He missed on manufacturing jobs expanding....

He missed on not being one of the most corrupt and kleptocratic administrations in US history...

But at least he demonizes the same people you hate -- that makes it all worth it
Well jobs are coming back

Trump hypes jobs relocating back to the US. Are they?

How many people have caused a scandal in his administration....process crimes that are designed to trap people aside?

He demonized terrorists and illegal invaders that kill and injure our citizens, hell he even let you go and use the girls room, where you belong!
g5000 = unemployed and blaming Trump for it.

What does that have to do with your god lying about eliminating the debt?

He didn't lie he was just unsuccessful. If my kid promises to get all As but gets one B, she didn't lie she just didn't accomplish her goal. Relax, your God, HRC is a loser.
Trump got one A, 2 C's and 4 F's......what if your kid brought that report card home after promising all A's -- you still getting him that new X Box??
You’re just making shit up now.
/—-/ Yeah, he thought the democRATs would work with him. Where is the democRATs balanced budget?

What would have made Trump think Democrat’s would work with him?

Maybe if he picked Merrick Garland
/——/ Everyone was taken back by the democrats being unhinged after he won. And Garland wouldn’t have made any difference. We know from the past that pandering with you libtards get us nowhere.
Now play stupid and tell us how democrats just want to get along with the president.,
Republicans ruined any chance of Dems ever cooperating with them when they refused to consider any Obama pick for SCOTUS.
Any.....Let’s let bygones be bygones will not work
Republicans won a seat but destroyed any chance at Congressional cooperation to get it
Let's start with the concept of Debt vs Deficit.

Can you explain, in your own words, the difference between the two?

Before you begin, I will state that Trump has been very Democrat in regards to budgeting, never having disliked any kind of spending measure at all.

It looks like he won't be keeping this promise. I wonder though, how many campaign promises has past presidents kept?

Republicans in Congress, even the Tea Tards, have done nothing to hold down the deficit. In fact, their tax cut escalated it
Meanwhile: Spending for first 2.5 years of Trump admin? 13% HIGHER than same period under Obama
And it's happening during a non-recessionary period. Wow! Crazy stuff! But that's okay with the Trumpsters, it's not his fault..
/—-/ How many times do you nitwits have to be told the President can’t spend one dime? Only Congress can, and both sides are guilty.
Right on cue. It's not his fault.

Then why do you talk radio geniuses constantly bitch about Obama's "spending"?
Meanwhile: Spending for first 2.5 years of Trump admin? 13% HIGHER than same period under Obama

And it's happening during a non-recessionary period. Wow! Crazy stuff!

But that's okay with the Trumpsters, it's not his fault.
/—-/ How many times do you nitwits have to be told the President can’t spend one dime? Only Congress can, and both sides are guilty.
The President proposes an initial budget that is presented to Congress
He then gets to sign the eventual budget

A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one
Meanwhile: Spending for first 2.5 years of Trump admin? 13% HIGHER than same period under Obama

And it's happening during a non-recessionary period. Wow! Crazy stuff!

But that's okay with the Trumpsters, it's not his fault.
/—-/ How many times do you nitwits have to be told the President can’t spend one dime? Only Congress can, and both sides are guilty.
The President proposes an initial budget that is presented to Congress
He then gets to sign the eventual budget

A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.

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