Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.
Well he wouldn't be able to say much if he had to change what he said every time someone else said something.

I'm really seeing the value of independent wealth in a politician.

Imagine if Farage had Trump's wealth behind him. He'd be prime minister of England. Shame they are opposite politically. Trump being a little to the left and Farage being a little to the right.

Then again, the Democrats are far left and the GOP, far right.
I may not agree with many of his opinions, but to a degree I understand his stance. We can't sugarcoat our opinions to appease radicals out of fear that they will attack us. Should we scrap our entire constitution and the many freedoms it provides for some attempt at a Utopian society?
I hate to tell you this but ISIS was doing plenty of recruiting before Trump ever made any comments about muslims.
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Except the mainstream Americans who will be electing him. Wow! What a concept! A President that represents the people! What will we think of next?
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.
Every time Trump speaks about one of his proposals, he changes it. At first, No Muslims would be allowed to the enter the country. Then he started adding exceptions as he realized how impractical his proposal was. He first made an exception of Muslims athletes, then diplomats, US servicemen, and finally, US citizens. Within a few days he went back to his original statement that no Muslims would be allowed to enter the country.

Trump does this to keep his opponents off guard and of course to keep media attention. If you want to know what Trump's real positions are, then read his statements of positions on his official website. You will not find Muslims, terrorism, nor removing all illegal immigrants from the US mentioned anywhere.

So exactly what are Trump's real plans?
Quoting Trump, "It's a secret."
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Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Trump is in line with Faux News. Isis uses Faux News video clips for more of their propaganda and recruitment by far than any other 'news' org in the US.

Trump and Faux News. Aiding and abetting the enemy and proud of it.
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Trump is in line with Faux News. Isis uses Faux News video clips for more of their propaganda and recruitment by far than any other 'news' org in the US.

Trump and Faux News. Aiding and abetting the enemy and proud of it.
Let's try your method and be nice to ISIS. I'm sure if we do that they'll stop trying to chop off our heads.
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.
Considering the only thing that will stop the terrorists is if the entire world bows down to their demands and becomes one of them, I fail to see how any decent person could not be a recruitment tool for them.
So, when will you be converting in the name of world peace?
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.
Good. Because the day we grovel to be PC is the day we are for reals DOOMED. Oh. Wait.
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Trump is in line with Faux News. Isis uses Faux News video clips for more of their propaganda and recruitment by far than any other 'news' org in the US.

Trump and Faux News. Aiding and abetting the enemy and proud of it.
Let's try your method and be nice to ISIS. I'm sure if we do that they'll stop trying to chop off our heads.

Please post up where anyone said 'be nice to Isis'.

Go ahead, we're waiting. Otherwise you are just a liar. Get to it Charlie Tuna.
I would not want him to change what he says. He is the only one to tell it like it is.
Why do should we go out of our way not to offend the people that want us dead?
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Trump is in line with Faux News. Isis uses Faux News video clips for more of their propaganda and recruitment by far than any other 'news' org in the US.

Trump and Faux News. Aiding and abetting the enemy and proud of it.
Let's try your method and be nice to ISIS. I'm sure if we do that they'll stop trying to chop off our heads.

Please post up where anyone said 'be nice to Isis'.

Go ahead, we're waiting. Otherwise you are just a liar. Get to it Charlie Tuna.
No, you're just saying NOT being nice to them is helping them to recruit more terrorists. Same thing, moron.
Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump, President Trump.
So it shall be written. So shall it be done.
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president.

Obama didn't already stabilize it?
Why not, isn't he the smartest president ever?

That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Everyone loves Obama, how's that working out?
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.
Considering the only thing that will stop the terrorists is if the entire world bows down to their demands and becomes one of them, I fail to see how any decent person could not be a recruitment tool for them.
So, when will you be converting in the name of world peace?
We certainly should not bow down to Islamic terrorist but neither should we support their claims that America's goal is the destruction of Islam.
Trump: I won't change what I say even if terrorists use my words to Recruit
Trump: I Won't Change What I Say Even If Terrorists Use My Words To Recruit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in an interview aired Sunday that he wouldn't change what he's saying — even if terrorists featured him in recruitment videos — because his words "represent toughness and strength."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had said at the Democratic presidential debate that Trump had become "ISIS' best recruiter" and was featured in the organization's recruitment videos.

Well, good luck in stabilizing the middle east when you're president. That is all I'll say because everyone will be angry at you.

Holy shit are you completely pussified or what?

Some abject fucking idiot like Shrillary Rotten Clinton makes the moronic CLAIM that Trump's "words" are supposedly being used by ISIS to recruit (no hint of proof for that wild ass bullshit claim of course), and filthy cowardly liberal hack bitches like you, Matty, want Trump to take a vow of silence or some such pussy course of action.

No wonder you want Shrillary to win. You're as much of a pussy as she is. In fact, unlike you, Shrillary can scratch her ball sack.

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