Trump - “I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists, I’m not using donors,"

If winfrey accepts his offer of being his vp....they will win. Just think about it. Mull over it. Those two as a are looking at President Trump and VP Winfrey.
Didn't think you were allowed to use your own money. Donors' money equalling viability of a candidate. If you could use your own money bilionaires would run and win, and the theoretical 'good' candidates would never have a chance.

Ross Perot used a lot of his own money..

However that does not stop him from taking donations from people who support him..

At least Trump is running as a republicrat too, so as to not split the party and usher in the hildabeast.

I still don't think much of him, but I'm waiting to see what he does, if it's a serious campaign or just a publicity stunt. Not sure why someone would spend a billion of their own dollars for that job.

The power!
Didn't think you were allowed to use your own money. Donors' money equalling viability of a candidate. If you could use your own money bilionaires would run and win, and the theoretical 'good' candidates would never have a chance.

Of course candidates can self-finance their campaigns.

Michael Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money to run for mayor of NY 3 times.

For mayoral campaigns sure.

For any campaign.

There are no limits to self-financing on a national level, either.

Always thought it was otherwise. All the emphasis on fund-raising and whatnot. Why worry about fundraising if a candidate could foot the bill easily themselves?

because you can't win without money... and ad buys, etc. the answer is to get more judges who know citizens united is a perversion and get money out of politics.... not expect individual candidates to essentially commit hara kiri.
If winfrey accepts his offer of being his vp....they will win. Just think about it. Mull over it. Those two as a are looking at President Trump and VP Winfrey.

but she's not an idiot and would never do that.
Didn't think you were allowed to use your own money. Donors' money equalling viability of a candidate. If you could use your own money bilionaires would run and win, and the theoretical 'good' candidates would never have a chance.

Of course candidates can self-finance their campaigns.

Michael Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money to run for mayor of NY 3 times.

For mayoral campaigns sure.

For any campaign.

There are no limits to self-financing on a national level, either.

Always thought it was otherwise. All the emphasis on fund-raising and whatnot. Why worry about fundraising if a candidate could foot the bill easily themselves?
You think a lot of strange things.

Trump will finance his own campaign, hell, that will be like his cheap hair style...
This is a good point. All other politicians take money from the Illegal Alien Lobby. Trump doesn't have to.

Donald Trump for President I don t care I m really rich Wake Up From Your Slumber

He’s been called everything from asenine to xenophobic, now he wants to be called Mr. President. Billionaire Donald Trump throws his mysterious hair into the ring.

Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he hopes to become the Republican candidate for president in 2016, saying he will run, regardless of donations, thanks to his mega wealth. “I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists, I’m not using donors, I don’t care. I’m really rich,” said Trump, later saying his net worth is well over US$8 billion.

Trump doesn't take money from illegals. He gives it to them. They work for him.
And how amazing, that has the left/libs panites all in a bunch. there is NOTHING that can satisfy these people.

and get this from the other thread:
What a disgusting pig, at a time when child poverty is rising, when people are struggling, when wages are stagnant, when inequality is at disgusting levels...

and I'm thinking ALL THAT under a stinking democrat president after SIX miserable years. but Trump is the pig because of it.

Nothing makes these people happy. NOTHING
And how amazing, that has the left/libs panites all in a bunch. there is NOTHING that can satisfy these people.

and get this from the other thread:
What a disgusting pig, at a time when child poverty is rising, when people are struggling, when wages are stagnant, when inequality is at disgusting levels...

and I'm thinking ALL THAT under a stinking democrat president after SIX miserable years. but Trump is the pig because of it.

Nothing makes these people happy. NOTHING

Obama isn't the one busting the unions.
This is a good point. All other politicians take money from the Illegal Alien Lobby. Trump doesn't have to.

Donald Trump for President I don t care I m really rich Wake Up From Your Slumber

He’s been called everything from asenine to xenophobic, now he wants to be called Mr. President. Billionaire Donald Trump throws his mysterious hair into the ring.

Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he hopes to become the Republican candidate for president in 2016, saying he will run, regardless of donations, thanks to his mega wealth. “I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists, I’m not using donors, I don’t care. I’m really rich,” said Trump, later saying his net worth is well over US$8 billion.
Oh please this doesn't mean jack shit. Anyone capable of paying for their own campaign is going to do it. If Trump was a millionaire rather than a billionaire it's fairly obvious he would accept donation.
Oh please this doesn't mean jack shit. Anyone capable of paying for their own campaign is going to do it. If Trump was a millionaire rather than a billionaire it's fairly obvious he would accept donation.

What a stupid argument. It means a lot that trump doesn't have to take money from special interests like the Illegal Alien Lobby.
Oh please this doesn't mean jack shit. Anyone capable of paying for their own campaign is going to do it. If Trump was a millionaire rather than a billionaire it's fairly obvious he would accept donation.

What a stupid argument. It means a lot that trump doesn't have to take money from special interests like the Illegal Alien Lobby.

I swear these Democrat sheep are like robots. they are on automatic to get pissed over any little thing with Republican.
Oh please this doesn't mean jack shit. Anyone capable of paying for their own campaign is going to do it. If Trump was a millionaire rather than a billionaire it's fairly obvious he would accept donation.

What a stupid argument. It means a lot that trump doesn't have to take money from special interests like the Illegal Alien Lobby.

trump is a fraud who just had to pay actors to fill up the room at his pretend rally.

you're such a joke.
Oh please this doesn't mean jack shit. Anyone capable of paying for their own campaign is going to do it. If Trump was a millionaire rather than a billionaire it's fairly obvious he would accept donation.

What a stupid argument. It means a lot that trump doesn't have to take money from special interests like the Illegal Alien Lobby.

trump is a fraud who just had to pay actors to fill up the room at his pretend rally.

you're such a joke.
Wow, ironic post much.

You think Trump is the only one who does that?

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