Trump in his latest stupidity, has suggested that we should kill Nk's leader on live TV

All I want to say is that if so many people support a "stupid" person, it is probably a good idea to open your mind and see if that "stupidity" says something. America is not a country full of idiots or lunatics, at least that's what I believe.
I'm fairly confident that I can make an informed judgment at this point about the stupidity and lunacy of Donald Trump and his supporters.
Okay, let's say Trump supporters are all crazy and stupid. Why have they become THAT crazy and stupid? After all, they are Americans, and even if you disagree with them and mock them as mad fools, as long as you truly care about politics, you'd probably find it a worthy question! Do you have an answer? I'm curious. :D
Well I would say those people were always people of limited intelligence. What may or may not have made them crazy is something I couldn't answer. Supporting Trump lacks any practical rationale. It is purely emotional. Stupid and crazy people are attracted to emotional candidates like Trump.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
I'm fairly confident that I can make an informed judgment at this point about the stupidity and lunacy of Donald Trump and his supporters.
Okay, let's say Trump supporters are all crazy and stupid. Why have they become THAT crazy and stupid? After all, they are Americans, and even if you disagree with them and mock them as mad fools, as long as you truly care about politics, you'd probably find it a worthy question! Do you have an answer? I'm curious. :D
Well I would say those people were always people of limited intelligence. What may or may not have made them crazy is something I couldn't answer. Supporting Trump lacks any practical rationale. It is purely emotional. Stupid and crazy people are attracted to emotional candidates like Trump.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!

That is an interesting take. I think it is perfectly reasonable for a person to be drawn to a candidate's principles and leave the specifics to the wonks. You are so right. Most people don't have the ability to understand how things work in Washington. We've no choice but to trust the intentions of those we elect.

As Mr. Trump is clearly the most principled candidate in the race....and can be counted on to refrain from waffling once elected, he is the obvious choice.

Welcome to the board. We can only hope that you are bored often and contribute regularly.
Get used to saying "President Trump", Billy000. The writing is on the wall. :)
Oh is that so? Then why is both Hillary AND the socialist beating him in a general match up? Hell Bernie is beating him by 10 points.
Kim had his own uncle and 5 aides thrown into a pit with 120 starving dogs and were eaten alive and was witnessed by 300 government officials.. A live TV execution would be fitting.
You do realize that most of Trump's policy ideas are things a 15 year old could come up with right?

Everytime I hear about the Wall, I think Monorail...

Too much of The Simpsons when young...
I'm fairly confident that I can make an informed judgment at this point about the stupidity and lunacy of Donald Trump and his supporters.
Okay, let's say Trump supporters are all crazy and stupid. Why have they become THAT crazy and stupid? After all, they are Americans, and even if you disagree with them and mock them as mad fools, as long as you truly care about politics, you'd probably find it a worthy question! Do you have an answer? I'm curious. :D
Well I would say those people were always people of limited intelligence. What may or may not have made them crazy is something I couldn't answer. Supporting Trump lacks any practical rationale. It is purely emotional. Stupid and crazy people are attracted to emotional candidates like Trump.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.
Okay, let's say Trump supporters are all crazy and stupid. Why have they become THAT crazy and stupid? After all, they are Americans, and even if you disagree with them and mock them as mad fools, as long as you truly care about politics, you'd probably find it a worthy question! Do you have an answer? I'm curious. :D
Well I would say those people were always people of limited intelligence. What may or may not have made them crazy is something I couldn't answer. Supporting Trump lacks any practical rationale. It is purely emotional. Stupid and crazy people are attracted to emotional candidates like Trump.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.

Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
Okay, let's say Trump supporters are all crazy and stupid. Why have they become THAT crazy and stupid? After all, they are Americans, and even if you disagree with them and mock them as mad fools, as long as you truly care about politics, you'd probably find it a worthy question! Do you have an answer? I'm curious. :D
Well I would say those people were always people of limited intelligence. What may or may not have made them crazy is something I couldn't answer. Supporting Trump lacks any practical rationale. It is purely emotional. Stupid and crazy people are attracted to emotional candidates like Trump.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!

That is an interesting take. I think it is perfectly reasonable for a person to be drawn to a candidate's principles and leave the specifics to the wonks. You are so right. Most people don't have the ability to understand how things work in Washington. We've no choice but to trust the intentions of those we elect.

As Mr. Trump is clearly the most principled candidate in the race....and can be counted on to refrain from waffling once elected, he is the obvious choice.

Welcome to the board. We can only hope that you are bored often and contribute regularly.
Thanks! I guess we will be "seeing" each other a lot on the board!
Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
Trump calls for bringing back torture, killing the wives and children of suspected terrorists, and banning all Muslims from entering the country without coming to some conclusions about how he would behave in the White House.

Well I would say those people were always people of limited intelligence. What may or may not have made them crazy is something I couldn't answer. Supporting Trump lacks any practical rationale. It is purely emotional. Stupid and crazy people are attracted to emotional candidates like Trump.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.

Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
Trump calls for bringing back torture, killing the wives and children of suspected terrorists, and banning all Muslims from entering the country without coming to some conclusions about how he would behave in the White House.
I don't even think Trump buys into all of the bullshit he says. He just knows what his base is and we'll say anything to get their attention.
I actually think somebody should kill North Korea's leader.
All right, Trump happens to be my first choice, and I am, surprisingly, not that emotional. Otherwise I'd be turned away as soon as I saw your title. Nevertheless, I do have limited intelligence (as I assume most humans do), so I was wondering if I'd be too disconnected to communicate with you. That being said, I will frequent this forum and reply to this thread when I'm free. The goal is, of course to share ideas and quench curiosity.
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.

Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
Um okay how you explain to me why you like Trump. What specific policies of his do you like?
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.

Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
This is something some third world thug would say.

Not the "leader" of a civilized country, let alone America.

But he'll be forgiven, completely.
I'd be happy to explain to you why I prefer Mr. Trump over the other candidates, but I bet it will be a very lengthy answer, so I will split it into several parts.
Firstly, let me point out that your question is interesting in a sense that you seem to have an emphasis on the word "specific". I happen to care very little on "specific" policies. Instead, I care about the "principles" of policies. As an example: I care about if you support path to citizenship for illegal immigrants or not, rather than how you claim you would provide that path or deny it. The reason behind is politicians rarely follow exactly what they promise during campaign seasons, not to mention a "detailed" plan which they boast to solve all problems. Those so-called detailed plans serve only one purpose: to make you believe that they know what they do better than the others. If you pay closer attention, you would soon find that those "details" are almost always carefully tailored to serve that purpose. Since voters lack information and knowledge to evaluate most of these "detailed policies" as long as they are "detailed" to a certain extent, policy proposals are usually made just specific enough to confuse the public and divide the experts. Wise and fair as it sounds, voters looking for details mostly end up bewildered with the conclusion that several guys seem to know that stuff, and then start to guess which might be better. I happen to believe that unless you are really good, I mean really, at certain sub-field of policy making, you can hardly draw a fair conclusion on which "detailed policy" is better for the country, or even know if those policies are practical. After all, pundits and experts argue on these issues all the time, and in most cases, it's the practical results that actually conclude the debate. On the other hand, principles of policy is much easier to grasp and more reliable in the long run. With a team of political advisers and seasoned campaign staff, an experienced politician can easily get a detailed-enough policy to cheat you into thinking that he/she knows it all. Does a policy like that say anything? Not much to me.
I know I deviated a bit, but I think it is an interesting subject to talk about. Again, you may not necessarily agree, but at least you get the idea.
Having said that, I think Mr. Trump's policy principles/political positions, in many aspects, match mine, which is one of reasons I prefer him over the others.
I will give you more details the next time I'm bored :D
Good night!
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.

Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
The problem with what you're saying is that when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates. The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate.

Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas.

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!"

His policies lack any nuance and specifics which is what makes him such a terrible candidate.

When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important.

Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Hi I'm back, and thank you for your reply! :D
Regarding to what you said...
"when it comes to the political party, principled policies lacking detail, sound very similar to that of other candidates"
It is the case if you are talking about, for instance, Jeb and Marco or any of the establishment. This is partially the reason for relatively poor debate ratings in many previous presidential elections. Voters are not interested in watching a bunch of seasoned politicians reciting carefully rehearsed scripts which convey similar principles, but sometimes they simply don't have another option. Interestingly, it is NOT a coincidence that most debates are like that - it is "by choice". Politicians are averse to risks. They are afraid of being different from others, especially when it comes to the principles, because they fear that such differences may cost them votes. They distinguish themselves from the others only when they are convinced that it will attract voter support. However, Mr. Trump is the supernova that shattered all of these. He forces professional politicians to expose their views on the toughest issues plaguing our country, shocking the field by denying the traditional wisdom of calculated politics. Fortunately for us, the field this year, happens to be NOT that similar, at least on the Republican side. So guess what, principles can differentiate a great deal in the 2016 presidential bid!
"The details in the end matter if we are to distinguish who has the better idea on how to implement it. All of the Republicans, for instance, say ISIS must be destroyed, but the details of their of their plans matter. HOW they would destroy ISIS is what ultimately matters in the debate."
Even when the principles are indistinguishable, chances are the details matter in a different way than you think. Are you sure if a flat tax rate of 15% is better than 25%-20%-10%-0%? Are you confident in claiming that citizenship for anchor babies is constitutionally justifiable or unjustifiable? Even the experts do NOT agree on these issues, and you would assume that after hearing several politicians talking on their "plans" to implement certain policies, you KNOW whose idea is really better? No, you don't - the only thing you might know, is which candidate is better at making people believe that his/her plan is the best. In case you didn't notice, there is a fine difference between these two. I would concede that eloquence and persuasiveness is something we should be looking for, but firstly it can be revealed in many other ways, and secondly it is far less important than a correct principle on a pressing issue where few dare to address, because such a principle will profoundly change our country and lead us to a better future.
"Trump is so vague that a teenager could come up with this ideas."
"Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"
"Any idiot can say: "NK's leader must be killed on live TV!"
"Any idiot can say "we must cut the head off of ISIS!"
"Any idiot can say "we must deport all illegals and ban Muslims!""

A teenager may say that illegal immigrants from Mexico should not be welcomed in our country, but guess what, you put that teen under the attack from the media and mock from thousands of people like some in our forum, he would be crushed in a couple of days and cry for his mommy. I hope you are not saying that ordinary people, even a teen, cannot tell right from wrong in many cases and form legitimate "principles" for most of our political issues, because if that is the case, we should not be allowed to vote! We vote for that champion who share most of our principles and more importantly, who have the courage, the wisdom, the volition, and the strengths to make those principles reality of the country. Don't you think that instead of if the principles sound too simple or too familiar (as one from that granny in your neighborhood), it is whether those principles are correct or not that really matter? Mr. Trump put his principles in the plainest words, and sometimes with not-so-well-received exaggerations, but it doesn't mean that they are not right for the country. If someone despises plain language, chances are that he/she can be easily deceived by a little bit of sophistication, because that's the fancy stuff that catch his/her eyeballs all the time. It seems to me that Mr. Trump's language, while appealing to many, is a little bit too difficult for a few to understand. It's not that they are not smart. In fact, it's exactly the contrary: they are just too "smart" to appreciate commonsense put in the language that most of us speak.
"When it comes to sorting out details and specifics on the merits of a candidate's policy ideas, I personally read what independent experts have to say. I think taking that extra time to think critically about your candidate is very important"
Can't agree more on the "critical thinking" part! And yes, I too read a lot of news and comments from the "not-so-independent" experts. Don't tell me you believe that they are all that "independent" (some of them are though). They have their opinions, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. I read from many of them, especially the contradicting ones, to form my own opinions. A pleasant thing to do, however, is to hear from those you don't agree with. Just like what some of us are doing, now.

PS: I chose blue for you, hope that's not your least favorite color :/
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
I can definitely understand why Trump is appealing to SOME people. He is far from the values of the establishment. He doesn't follow the rules of any politician. He even embraces liberal views.

What I don't understand is why that's enough to support him. You are definitely articulate and apparently value critical thinking, yet you seem to only like Trump for superficial reasons. You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering. That is the point that matters. As radical and appealing this idea may sound, there is good reason why no one else before him has proposed it. The same goes for the ludicrous notion that Mexico would build a wall for us.

I'm curious why do you support the republican side? What progressive values do you reject?

Oh, and blue is my favorite color :)
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
Trump is simply thinking about the advertising could be 'UuuuuGE!
Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
Trump calls for bringing back torture, killing the wives and children of suspected terrorists, and banning all Muslims from entering the country without coming to some conclusions about how he would behave in the White House.
I don't even think Trump buys into all of the bullshit he says. He just knows what his base is and we'll say anything to get their attention.
The president is the chief administrator, something a lot of people don't understand The job of president is to administer laws and legislation passed by congress. The president can only propose legislation. He must depend on his party to introduce it and get it through congress.

Major programs such as removing 11 million illegal immigrants would require somewhere between 600 billion and 2 trillion dollars over a period of years. Congress would have to allocate the funds. Congress must also pass legislation that would insure local participation and make major changes in the the processing of deportees. To build a great wall between the US and Mexico, to break NAFTA, put tariffs on imports, or stop Muslims from entering the country would all require legislation by congress.

Would Trump be able to get support from Congress for what he has proposed? I think not. Congress is the heart of the establishment where there is almost zero support for Trump and his proposals. Changes in trade treaties would end up in the Senate where Republican support is weakest. Building a wall between the US and Mexican and mass deportations have already been rejected by Republicans in congress. None of these issues would even make it to the legislative agendas. Trump is a smart guy and he surely knows all this, so one has to wonder what would be his real agenda as president.

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