Trump in his latest stupidity, has suggested that we should kill Nk's leader on live TV

Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
Trump calls for bringing back torture, killing the wives and children of suspected terrorists, and banning all Muslims from entering the country without coming to some conclusions about how he would behave in the White House.
I don't even think Trump buys into all of the bullshit he says. He just knows what his base is and we'll say anything to get their attention.
The president is the chief administrator, something a lot of people don't understand The job of president is to administer laws and legislation passed by congress. The president can only propose legislation. He must depend on his party to introduce it and get it through congress.

Major programs such as removing 11 million illegal immigrants would require somewhere between 600 billion and 2 trillion dollars over a period of years. Congress would have to allocate the funds. Congress must also pass legislation that would insure local participation and make major changes in the the processing of deportees. To build a great wall between the US and Mexico, to break NAFTA, put tariffs on imports, or stop Muslims from entering the country would all require legislation by congress.

Would Trump be able to get support from Congress for what he has proposed? I think not. Congress is the heart of the establishment where there is almost zero support for Trump and his proposals. Changes in trade treaties would end up in the Senate where Republican support is weakest. Building a wall between the US and Mexican and mass deportations have already been rejected by Republicans in congress. None of these issues would even make it to the legislative agendas. Trump is a smart guy and he surely knows all this, so one has to wonder what would be his real agenda as president.
The prime objective needs to be MANAGED immigration of LEGAL immigrants. I suppose we and our children's children will have to bear the stupidity of our illegal population.
Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
Trump calls for bringing back torture, killing the wives and children of suspected terrorists, and banning all Muslims from entering the country without coming to some conclusions about how he would behave in the White House.
I don't even think Trump buys into all of the bullshit he says. He just knows what his base is and we'll say anything to get their attention.
The president is the chief administrator, something a lot of people don't understand The job of president is to administer laws and legislation passed by congress. The president can only propose legislation. He must depend on his party to introduce it and get it through congress.

Major programs such as removing 11 million illegal immigrants would require somewhere between 600 billion and 2 trillion dollars over a period of years. Congress would have to allocate the funds. Congress must also pass legislation that would insure local participation and make major changes in the the processing of deportees. To build a great wall between the US and Mexico, to break NAFTA, put tariffs on imports, or stop Muslims from entering the country would all require legislation by congress.

Would Trump be able to get support from Congress for what he has proposed? I think not. Congress is the heart of the establishment where there is almost zero support for Trump and his proposals. Changes in trade treaties would end up in the Senate where Republican support is weakest. Building a wall between the US and Mexican and mass deportations have already been rejected by Republicans in congress. None of these issues would even make it to the legislative agendas. Trump is a smart guy and he surely knows all this, so one has to wonder what would be his real agenda as president.
The prime objective needs to be MANAGED immigration of LEGAL immigrants. I suppose we and our children's children will have to bear the stupidity of our illegal population.
I think our kids will have more serious things to contend with than illegal immigration. Today illegal immigrants are about 3% of the population and decreasing. Although the numbers are down slightly, illegal immigration isn't going to go away until we either change the laws or find a way to meet the huge demand for these type of workers in industries like construction, hospitality, and agriculture. We can radically reduce the number illegal immigrants crossing our boarders by creating a visa for unskilled workers without families in the US. This will allow them to fill those jobs without breaking our laws.
Great, I thought you might like it because your profile picture is kinda blue!
Let me tell you what I'm looking for in those candidates.
1. Principles/values
2. Leadership/competence
Mr. Trump outshines the whole field, and that's why I choose him. I will give you more details in the future, but for now...
"You may think it's a good idea to deport all illegals, but the reality is that the actual cost and logistical nightmare to pull this off would be staggering"
This is the common mindset of a lot of people: they heard it from the others that something's difficult or impossible to do, someone says he wants to do it, and then they say "it's crazy and stupid". Let me remind you that if you look back to the history, most greatest achievements are not expected or even dreamed of by a lot of people. Did everyone expect Lincoln to successfully abolish slavery and defeat the south? Did the British expect a group of ragged rebels to claim independence and survive the war against the most formidable force on earth? Now, how difficult is getting rid of a bunch of illegal immigrants compared to those and more? While no one blames you or me for being intimidated by a bunch of "experts" and maybe giving up something we would like to achieve, do you expect your president to be like that? It's the president of the United States that we are talking about! Yes, we've had a great deal of failures and some incompetent people in office for quite a period of time, so we should adapt our way of thinking for those stupid bureaucrats and ponder carefully on what we can easily do and settle with that? Is that what Americans are? Maybe that's why Mr. Trump always says we don't win any more. Politicians in this country no longer fight for what we need, rather, they bow to the difficulty by the name of "reality" and shamelessly ask for your votes! And you know what? They want us to settle with what we have! It's despicable! I'm sure you and I don't know how to get rid of most of the illegal immigrants, but let's assume that we both want it. Now someone says he wants to do it for us, and you tell me that we should laugh at the guy? I say the guy at least deserves some credit for the courage! It seems to me that you never imagined what it takes to say it in a political campaign against a bunch of experienced politicians with huge amount of resource - especially considering most people live with a mindset, with all due respect, like yours. I realize that it is perhaps not so nice to say stuff like this, but I just want some people to wake up from that mindset! We are the people, the owner of this country. We put someone in that office, because we want something good and difficult. It's their job to figure out how to do it, if they can't, they should be gone, period. Now I say that I want to get rid of people who ignore the laws of the land and steal our stuff, is that too much to ask?

Just think about it, hope you get the idea :D
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.

Oh boy! You've really mined the depths with this one. I'm impressed.
From the article.

Trump’s supporters love him because he makes them feel good, but his speeches and interviews are the junk food of political discourse.​

So true.
I'm curious though. Do you have any progressive viewpoints?
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.
From the way the thread title is constructed I can see immense potential in killing the little fella on live TV. Provided it's pay TV. Enough income to pay off Obama's Magical Mystical Exploding Debt Bomb in one evening.

And think of the residuals!
Of course, I'm actually pretty much of an independent. For example, I'm pro-choice, but not very strongly.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.

In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok cool. Any others?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.

In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok and what's big?
Gay marriage, environment, etc, but I am conservative when it comes to economy and military.
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.

In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok and what's big?

It is nowhere near the largest federal expenditure, and you obviously did not know that..
What conservative economic policies do you propose?
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.

In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok and what's big?

It is nowhere near the largest federal expenditure, and you obviously did not know that..
Welfare? The chunk of spending that covers a wide variety of programs? Food stamps alone costs just 75 billion per year.
For example, I prefer lower taxes and a small government.
I hate free-stuff promises that the country cannot afford.
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.

In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok and what's big?

It is nowhere near the largest federal expenditure, and you obviously did not know that..
Welfare? The chunk of spending that covers a wide variety of programs? Food stamps alone costs just 75 billion per year.

Food stamps are a drop in the bucket! Keep looking!
I wish people had a better attitude about taxes. Personally I think the only thing "big" in our government is our crazy defense budget.

In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok and what's big?

It is nowhere near the largest federal expenditure, and you obviously did not know that..
Welfare? The chunk of spending that covers a wide variety of programs? Food stamps alone costs just 75 billion per year.

Food stamps are a drop in the bucket! Keep looking!
Yeah programs like that are a drop in the bucket. That's my point. Welfare covers a wide range of programs.
Quoted from the OP link said:
"I would get China to make that guy disappear, in one form or another, very quickly,” Trump said.

Do you mean assassinate him? O’Donnell asked.

“No,” Trump began, before evidently changing his mind and saying, “well, you know, I’ve heard of worse things, frankly. This guy’s a bad dude.”

Obviously the OP read only the title of the piece.
Trump’s Shocking Suggestion for What to Do About North Korea’s Kim Jong-un

Hmm this sounds very familiar. Why is that? Oh, now I remember. It's straight from the plot of the movie "The Interview".

Why do you people continue to embarrass yourselves by supporting this idiot? It's amazing that he can say something so dramatic and completely unrealistic yet his idiotic base will still eat it up.
. Hmm, Trump could very well be setting this whole thing up to try and give Hillary the win if he gets the nomination. Could have been the plan all along.
You’ve got to give him credit. How many young guys - he was like 26 or 25 when his father died - take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden... he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss,” said Mr Trump

Trump praised Kim Jong un and Putin. Trump is an embarrassment, in fact all the canidates are an embarrassment. Trump leads the clown car though.
In that case, you have never even looked at our government.
Ok and what's big?

It is nowhere near the largest federal expenditure, and you obviously did not know that..
Welfare? The chunk of spending that covers a wide variety of programs? Food stamps alone costs just 75 billion per year.

Food stamps are a drop in the bucket! Keep looking!
Yeah programs like that are a drop in the bucket. That's my point. Welfare covers a wide range of programs.
Why jump to welfare when you know that the main expenditures in the nation are SS and Medicare/Medicaid.
Ok and what's big?

It is nowhere near the largest federal expenditure, and you obviously did not know that..
Welfare? The chunk of spending that covers a wide variety of programs? Food stamps alone costs just 75 billion per year.

Food stamps are a drop in the bucket! Keep looking!
Yeah programs like that are a drop in the bucket. That's my point. Welfare covers a wide range of programs.
Why jump to welfare when you know that the main expenditures in the nation are SS and Medicare/Medicaid.
Are you suggesting those programs aren't important? Yeah they are the main ones. A lot is spent per year on them but we need those programs. My point is programs like food stamps that have such a stigma represent a drop in the bucket.
Get used to saying "President Trump", Billy000. The writing is on the wall. :)
Oh is that so? Then why is both Hillary AND the socialist beating him in a general match up? Hell Bernie is beating him by 10 points.
Kim had his own uncle and 5 aides thrown into a pit with 120 starving dogs and were eaten alive and was witnessed by 300 government officials.. A live TV execution would be fitting.
You do realize that most of Trump's policy ideas are things a 15 year old could come up with right?
. What's wrong with a 15 year old's thinking ? Maybe that's the answer, because it sure isn't working with all these supposed to be highly intellectual people. At least a 15 year old hasn't had time to be corrupted to the core yet..

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