Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Donald Trump is demented and deluded and he had the gall to question Obama's birth certificate.

How could anyone not know where their father was born?

The signs of Donald Trump's onset of dementia are becoming stronger and more frequent.

The GOP must be desperate for Donald Trump to stop blathering his nonsense and stop twittering.

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
BY JUSTIN WISE - 04/02/19 04:05 PM EDT

President Trump on Tuesday incorrectly said his father was from Germany while expressing frustration about the country’s payments toward NATO.
"Germany, honestly, is not paying their fair share," Trump said at the White House before noting that he has "great respect" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and "great respect for the country."
"My father is German, was German," he continued. "Born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany."
The Washington Post said it as least the third time Trump has made this particular claim about his father, Fred Trump, who was born in New York City in 1905.
Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in Germany and emigrated to the U.S. in 1885, according to a report from the Post in 2016.
After finding success in the U.S., Friedrich Trump attempted to resettle in Germany, according to The Associated Press. But the Post added that he was expelled in 1905, apparently for emigrating illegally. He returned with his wife to the U.S. when she was pregnant with Fred Trump.
Trump made the claims about his father multiple times in 2018 while discussing relations between the U.S. and European countries.
"Don’t forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors, OK?" Trump said in an interview last July. "My mother was Scotland. My father was Germany."
Let us know when he claims he was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
Wow you assfucks never disasapoint in your bullshit crap you keep regurgitating.

Hillary's mother liked the name Hillsry when she read a story about Sir Edmund.

Jesus Christ you people are such assholes.
Donald Trump is demented and deluded and he had the gall to question Obama's birth certificate.

How could anyone not know where their father was born?

The signs of Donald Trump's onset of dementia are becoming stronger and more frequent.

The GOP must be desperate for Donald Trump to stop blathering his nonsense and stop twittering.

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
BY JUSTIN WISE - 04/02/19 04:05 PM EDT

President Trump on Tuesday incorrectly said his father was from Germany while expressing frustration about the country’s payments toward NATO.
"Germany, honestly, is not paying their fair share," Trump said at the White House before noting that he has "great respect" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and "great respect for the country."
"My father is German, was German," he continued. "Born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany."
The Washington Post said it as least the third time Trump has made this particular claim about his father, Fred Trump, who was born in New York City in 1905.
Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in Germany and emigrated to the U.S. in 1885, according to a report from the Post in 2016.
After finding success in the U.S., Friedrich Trump attempted to resettle in Germany, according to The Associated Press. But the Post added that he was expelled in 1905, apparently for emigrating illegally. He returned with his wife to the U.S. when she was pregnant with Fred Trump.
Trump made the claims about his father multiple times in 2018 while discussing relations between the U.S. and European countries.
"Don’t forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors, OK?" Trump said in an interview last July. "My mother was Scotland. My father was Germany."
Let us know when Biden gives Trump a hug and a kiss.
Joe has standards.
Probably got confused from reading Darwin's "Oranges of Species" book
Looks like he is having cognizant problems... could be from stress, or dementia? It was a real, live, inability to speak and unawareness showing, in my opinion.
Donald Trump is demented and deluded and he had the gall to question Obama's birth certificate.

How could anyone not know where their father was born?

The signs of Donald Trump's onset of dementia are becoming stronger and more frequent.

The GOP must be desperate for Donald Trump to stop blathering his nonsense and stop twittering.

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
BY JUSTIN WISE - 04/02/19 04:05 PM EDT

President Trump on Tuesday incorrectly said his father was from Germany while expressing frustration about the country’s payments toward NATO.
"Germany, honestly, is not paying their fair share," Trump said at the White House before noting that he has "great respect" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and "great respect for the country."
"My father is German, was German," he continued. "Born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany."
The Washington Post said it as least the third time Trump has made this particular claim about his father, Fred Trump, who was born in New York City in 1905.
Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in Germany and emigrated to the U.S. in 1885, according to a report from the Post in 2016.
After finding success in the U.S., Friedrich Trump attempted to resettle in Germany, according to The Associated Press. But the Post added that he was expelled in 1905, apparently for emigrating illegally. He returned with his wife to the U.S. when she was pregnant with Fred Trump.
Trump made the claims about his father multiple times in 2018 while discussing relations between the U.S. and European countries.
"Don’t forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors, OK?" Trump said in an interview last July. "My mother was Scotland. My father was Germany."

Couple this with his "oranges" word instead of origins.

The man is either on drugs, drunk, or demented.

Has Trump become the Denny Crane of Government..but dumber?
At least Denny was funny. Mad Cow Disease!
Donald Trump is demented and deluded and he had the gall to question Obama's birth certificate.

How could anyone not know where their father was born?

The signs of Donald Trump's onset of dementia are becoming stronger and more frequent.

The GOP must be desperate for Donald Trump to stop blathering his nonsense and stop twittering.

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
BY JUSTIN WISE - 04/02/19 04:05 PM EDT

President Trump on Tuesday incorrectly said his father was from Germany while expressing frustration about the country’s payments toward NATO.
"Germany, honestly, is not paying their fair share," Trump said at the White House before noting that he has "great respect" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and "great respect for the country."
"My father is German, was German," he continued. "Born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany."
The Washington Post said it as least the third time Trump has made this particular claim about his father, Fred Trump, who was born in New York City in 1905.
Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in Germany and emigrated to the U.S. in 1885, according to a report from the Post in 2016.
After finding success in the U.S., Friedrich Trump attempted to resettle in Germany, according to The Associated Press. But the Post added that he was expelled in 1905, apparently for emigrating illegally. He returned with his wife to the U.S. when she was pregnant with Fred Trump.
Trump made the claims about his father multiple times in 2018 while discussing relations between the U.S. and European countries.
"Don’t forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors, OK?" Trump said in an interview last July. "My mother was Scotland. My father was Germany."
Let us know when Biden gives Trump a hug and a kiss.
Joe has standards.
If that ugly Black chick is an indication of his and your standards...
Donald Trump is demented and deluded and he had the gall to question Obama's birth certificate.

How could anyone not know where their father was born?

The signs of Donald Trump's onset of dementia are becoming stronger and more frequent.

The GOP must be desperate for Donald Trump to stop blathering his nonsense and stop twittering.

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
BY JUSTIN WISE - 04/02/19 04:05 PM EDT

President Trump on Tuesday incorrectly said his father was from Germany while expressing frustration about the country’s payments toward NATO.
"Germany, honestly, is not paying their fair share," Trump said at the White House before noting that he has "great respect" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and "great respect for the country."
"My father is German, was German," he continued. "Born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany."
The Washington Post said it as least the third time Trump has made this particular claim about his father, Fred Trump, who was born in New York City in 1905.
Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was born in Germany and emigrated to the U.S. in 1885, according to a report from the Post in 2016.
After finding success in the U.S., Friedrich Trump attempted to resettle in Germany, according to The Associated Press. But the Post added that he was expelled in 1905, apparently for emigrating illegally. He returned with his wife to the U.S. when she was pregnant with Fred Trump.
Trump made the claims about his father multiple times in 2018 while discussing relations between the U.S. and European countries.
"Don’t forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors, OK?" Trump said in an interview last July. "My mother was Scotland. My father was Germany."
Let us know when Biden gives Trump a hug and a kiss.
Joe has standards.
If that ugly Black chick is an indication of his and your standards...

So the fast assed Trump is your standard?
It was the president's grandfather who was born in Germany. Did Obama know where his grandfather was born? His father was a radical left wing Black African nationalist and a bigamist alcoholic who finally killed himself in a drunken car accident. Ironically Barry Sotoro Hussein's (ghost written) biography was titled "dreams of my father". His father hated the U.S. so what dreams was he referring to? I think you can get a copy at the dollar store.
Haha, look at the little toddler hissy fits you freakish cultists throw, when anyone dares scrutinize your dear leader.
At first I thought Trump just misspoke and said father instead of grandfather

But when you read the entire quote and it’s context, it is obvious that Trump was flat out lying
Is this seriously discussion-worthy news?

The president has Alzheimer's. Yes, that's worth discussing.
Link? Or, is this just another one that gets thrown to the wall and see if it sticks?
Did we ever get the official results from his last physical exam?
I're gonna just make stuff up, huh?
It's what libs like you do, dave. Jussie tried didn't work
Is this seriously discussion-worthy news?

The president has Alzheimer's. Yes, that's worth discussing.
Link? Or, is this just another one that gets thrown to the wall and see if it sticks?
Did we ever get the official results from his last physical exam?
I're gonna just make stuff up, huh?
It's what libs like you do, dave. Jussie tried didn't work
Serious question.
Whelp...…...there ya go...….grounds for impeachment :cuckoo:
25th amendment. No impeachment needed.
All complaints about Trump being president are being handled at Resistance HQ


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