Trump Indicted

Bullshit! The prosecutor for the "Trump Indictment" corrupted the IRS, eat that shit, motherfucker!

And what do you mean by that? Provide some kind of evidence that "the prosecutor corrupted the IRS".
That's the real deal. Fuck you, you are NOT going to marginalize or make this go away, fucktard.

The Trump indictment prosecutor corrupted the IRS.

This is getting shared no matter what, you fucking anti-American shill turd!

Bitch! I can come up with 50 anonymous proxies in like..2:30.

I used to string 9 together to do my..dirt! And it worked!
So, take your energy and prep for your civil war. We're waiting.
The trump Russian collusion cult doesn't like what true treason crimes look like
So...what will you do in your orange sexual abuser god's civil war?
Do some research, news stories all say that Smith 'reportedly' has a recording. So far, no reporting entity has seen or heard this so called recording yet they write whole stories on speculation. Remember Smith has a bad track record.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Has History of Botched Prosecutions of Political Leaders​

Hilarious something from breitless.
Actually Trumps intentions (proveable) are already in the indictment. Trump is an attention hog, who constantly needs to brag to others. That's why Trump constantly says that anything he did, was the biggest, and best ever. And why he tweeted a (until it's release) a classified photograph and showed someone at Mar-a-lago a classified map.

Any classified material that Trump has access to, will be subject to disclosure

donny is such a fragile, ego driven, damaged man, that he needs to constantly have that ample orange butt of his powdered on a daily basis; & corrupted world leaders knew exactly how to do it.

he also uses that ' biggest, best, like nobody's ever seen b4 ' spiel on his deplorables, because he knows a good mark when he sees one.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ the art of the deal.

Hilarious something from breitless.

Its classic argument from ignorance. They refuse to read the indictment. And thus refuse to look at the transcripts of the recording.

And since they refuse to look at it, it doesn't exist.

1686412552273.png if ignoring the trascript of the recording magically makes it disappear.

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