Trump Indicted

New York Times, March 10, 2015: Hillary Rodham Clinton revealed on Tuesday that she had deleted about half her emails from her years as secretary of state, saying she had turned over to the Obama administration all correspondence about government business but had erased records of communications about private matters, like yoga routines, her daughter’s wedding and her mother’s funeral.
He left the WH in the morning on Inauguration Day, and flew to MAL in Air Force One.
So like I said he wouldn’t have had access once he wasn’t president and so he must have taken any documents before that happened. Right?
She accidentally deleted 30k emails and then ran a memory scrubbing application on the server to make the data irretrievable?
And Trump let people see hard top secret docs. Why are you bringing up that witch? If you believe what she did was illegal and wrong then you also have to believe that Trump is wrong and did illegal actions. Having it on some stupid email server is nothing compared to what we're talking about. I voted for Trump in 2016 against the **** so I aint a supporter.
Dante Reawakened

How do you posit that Trump would have had access AFTER he wasn’t President anymore?
And Trump let people see hard top secret docs. Why are you bringing up that witch? If you believe what she did was illegal and wrong then you also have to believe that Trump is wrong and did illegal actions. Having it on some stupid email server is nothing compared to what we're talking about. I voted for Trump in 2016 against the **** so I aint a supporter.
I didn’t
So like I said he wouldn’t have had access once he wasn’t president and so he must have taken any documents before that happened. Right?
I haven't been following your exchange with other posters about this. And your statement above is totally irrelevant to the indictment.

Basically, he was not authorized to continue to have them when he was no longer POTUS. Period.

Too, all the actions and willful inactions cited in the indictment, took place after he was subpoenaed to return everything.

Thursday would be Jan 14, 2021.

She accidentally deleted 30k emails and then ran a memory scrubbing application on the server to make the data irretrievable?
She didn’t do anything since she has no capacity to manage a server. She could barely turn an iPad on.
She accidentally deleted 30k emails and then ran a memory scrubbing application on the server to make the data irretrievable?

A computer specialist, Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks, was granted immunity for testimony and told the FBI that he had an “Oh Shit” moment in late March 2015, realized he’d never erased the personal message archive, and deleted it at that time even though he was supposed to have done it much earlier.
So like I said he wouldn’t have had access once he wasn’t president and so he must have taken any documents before that happened. Right?

Which he was supposed to return after the NARA asked for them back.
Those would have all been taken prior to Inauguration Day. He wouldn’t have had access after that…..

You do know that the Rapist and Traitor removed Classified Documents before he scuttled like rat out D.C. right?

Also, his to many to name trips while a one-term wonder to Shit-A-Lago, he took material with him, you did know that didn't you?

Or are dense enough to think that he did it in just one move.
According to an Obama era ruling, prez has last word, not NARA. It's in a video from Jesse Watters if you're so inclined, in this thread.

Post 2613.
Is that the President or the ex-President. Once he leaves office, the separation process is over.
According to an Obama era ruling, prez has last word, not NARA. It's in a video from Jesse Watters if you're so inclined, in this thread.

Post 2613.

Thanks for that reference. That aside, it's funny how Fox says EVERYONE but them got the law wrong. Yeah, Fox, who had to pad 3/4 of a billion dollars because they lie, is the only one who got that right. Not the Department of Justice. Not the FBI. Not the Special Counsel. Not any of the numerous lawyers from aforementioned groups. Fox.

And of course, Fox got it wrong. The contention over tapes in Clinton's sock drawer were not over classified materials. The NARA never even asked for them to be returned. A private watchdog group sued to have them released under the claim, which failed them, that those tapes were presidential records, NOT personal property. The court ruled they were personal and that the Archivist had no authority to reclassify them as classified...


A president can decide which non-classified or unclassified material is personal property versus presidential records... a president can also initiate the process to declassify classified materials ... but a former president cannot retain possession of classified documents. It's crazy to even think that they can.

So no, Fox was not the only one to read that law correctly. They either got it wrong, at best; or lied again, at worst.

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