Trump Indicted

Trump is now officially corrupt
Thats cute. Do you want to know the truth? The general public thinks Biden is corrupt, not Trump. Did you notice how Trumps rape trial gained no traction in the news? No one believed it and it was therefore boring. No one believes these charges, which means they believe they are politically motivated. Even people on the left know its politically motivated. Some of those lefties love it, but this concerns a lot of others. Moderates arent going to like this either.

Biden has a million truly horrific scandals going right now and we have reciepts for it. How do you suppose the voters are going to respond to a corrupt president that they dont really like in the first place, who is abusing his power and sending the opposition to prison? Do you think thats going to sit well with the nation? Im guessing it probably wont.
Never saw Hillary indicted, have you?
Trump was elected on the claim that Hillary was a “Crook”

With multiple indictments in multiple jurisdictions….what does that make Crooked Donnie?
What I saw was Comey describe ,in detail ,a list of her crimes ,and then say there was no need to prosecute. Giving Loretta LynchMob an out not to prosecute the rotten bitch.
What about the $5 billion bribe that Biden took? That the DOJ is going after Biden’s political opponent for process crimes while stonewalling the evidence that shows that the current U.S. President sold out America to the enrich himself and his family shows that this is now a Banana Republic.

It’s disgraceful what has happened today.
We can address Biden in the next post. Address what I said first. Deflection won’t work.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Cause being indicted for stealing and then hiding classified documents makes you popular?

Because conservatives delight in corruption.

Trump is so popular among conservatives because he so perfectly embodies the true motivation of conservatism: enforced inequality.

Conservatives want one harsh set of laws for democrats, gays, lesbians, brown people, black people, women, or anyone they don't like.

And another much more lenient set of laws for themselves. Preferably, no accountability at all.

Trump is awful to people. He's abusive, he's petty, he's demeaning, he flagrantly abuses his power. He does all the things that conservatives WISH they could do, but would be held accountable for.

The more corruption Trump demonstrates, the more wish fulfillment he represents for conservatives. Which is why these charges infuriate them it demonstrates their desire for corruption is untenable. And strikes at their sense of identity.
So a purge based on party affiliation.

But its conservatives who are being discriminated against for being conservatives, huh?

Y'all aren't reacting well to Trump's latest round of indictments, are you?
Yes. That is what the motherfuckin' Democrats are doing. You fags are scared shitless that Trump will WIN. And destroy your Commie Bureaucracy.
Says you, putting your head in the ground.

As Trump rage typing in all caps from a toilet in Florida demonstrates elegantly.......that doesn't amount to much.

God wanted him to be indicted.

The Obstruction of Justice charge is going to bring the fat POS to his knees.

Trump will plead out to stay out of jail now that Meadows has flipped on him.

And by 'know' you mean 'believe'.

Your ilk are fundamentally you genuinely been convinced by years of right wing propaganda that anything you BELIEVE must be reality.

As the cumulative 41 state and federal indictments against Trump demonstrate (along with the pathetic failure of his Big Lie), that's not reality works.

He was corrupt the day he was born.

No it is YOU who is ignoring years of Democrat, FBI, MSM, DOJ hoaxes regarding the supposed Trump/Russia collusion that, as I have already told you, is proven to be false.

You volunteering to be the Right's Crispus Attucks? 😄
Because conservatives delight in corruption.

Trump is so popular among conservatives because he so perfectly embodies the true motivation of conservatism: enforced inequality.

Conservatives want one harsh set of laws for democrats, gays, lesbians, brown people, black people, women, or anyone they don't like.

And another much more lenient set of laws for themselves. Preferably, no accountability at all.

Trump is awful to people. He's abusive, he's petty, he's demeaning, he flagrantly abuses his power. He does all the things that conservatives WISH they could do, but would be held accountable for.

The more corruption Trump demonstrates, the more wish fulfillment he represents for conservatives. Which is why these charges infuriate them it demonstrates their desire for corruption is untenable. And strikes at their sense of identity.
My, my, how would some of you get along without Trump? He's on your mind constantly. You need to get a life dude.
There is no 44 U. S. Code § 2205(g). You must have confused it with another statute.

And 2205 is headed:

44 U.S. Code § 2205 - Exceptions to restricted access

Thus at § 2205(3):

the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President
Why do you keep parroting this out of context hoax?

You are being willfully stupid.
Huh? Trump has a 30 point lead in the polls. Who has moved on?
You better check the state by state polls. He's even in UT and has gained 14 points on trump in both Iowa and TX.

I suspect as the dem peoples courts expand against Trump so will DeSantis's chances.

And in the end there you will all be, standing there with your collective limp dicks in your hands with nothing but Tater to look to.....It's gonna be spectacular. :laughing0301:

We have a bench to fall back on....You don't. ;)
She is. Like the Earth is a globe. She’s a lesbian. But more importantly, she’s an absolutely drooling libtard.
You don't expect gay people to actually support tards like you and your party who HATE them, do you?

Are you actually that stupid?
No, there are two sets of laws, and it doesn't just stop with this issue.

Biden is far more corrupt, but he's being protected by Garland and Wray.
Both feeling the heat of it too. Wray ignoring a subpoena, and Garland hanging his ass out there
protecting Joe. It's transparent to anyone who isn't a minion to the democrat party.
Sure, buddy.

You can’t even tell me what Biden supposedly did that was illegal.

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