Trump Indicted

Looks like the DOJ started from the bottom and are at the top now. Especially after #2 Mark Meadows threw #1 Fat Donnie under the bus.
The Biden's almost certainly committed tax evasion, could be money laundering charges, maybe racketeering, and they didnt register as foreign agents.

'....b..b...but Trump was just indicted...'
False. He noted that she was crooked but didn’t get elected on that basis.

Presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty in a fair trial. I realize this comes as news to you.
Nope, the the Orange Blob have his day in court.
He deserves his day in court, and now he will get it.

You clowns always scream due process.
Innocent until proven guilty.
I Agee 100%.

Now get that team trump of lawyers and defend yourself.
Quit screaming that you are innocent.
PROVE it in Court.

Please take the stand and defend yourself.
What are you clowns afraid of? The TRUTH. That's what you're afraid of.
Wrong, the law has forgot what the law entails.
You never knew what the law entails.

All you know is that you are supposed to defend Trump no matter what.

You’re one of the 5th avenue types.
You are an idiot. Judgement Day was laying the basis for the entire investigation at this point. You have to be dumb as shit to think that all those LLC's and shady money transfers arent going to lead to multiple crimes. Read the writing on the wall. :cuckoo:

Talk to me when you have an indictment, Godboy. As Comer failed to show us even ONE criminal act. By anyone.

Though you do demonstrate why its impossible to have a rational conversation with a conservative. No matter what facts you show them, they counter with their imagination.

I show you Trump's ACTUAL indictment, you counter with the Biden indictment you imagined.

How's that working out for you?
Talk to me when you have an indictment, Godboy. As Comer failed to show us even ONE criminal act. By anyone.

Though you do demonstrate why its impossible to have a rational conversation with a conservative. No matter what facts you show them, they counter with their imagination.

I show you Trump's ACTUAL indictment, you counter with the Biden indictment you imagined.

How's that working out for you?
The indictments wont come until 2024.
Wrong, the law has forgot what the law entails. just don't understand the law.

You'll find that almost all conservative conspiracy theories about the law, law enforcement and the just conservatives not knowing a fucking thing about the law.
You don’t “notice” any such thing. You continue to just make shit up.

You lie. But don’t be upset. It’s the only tool in your libtard “arsenal.”
You can't even come up with something on you own, ya parrot. Give it up.
The indictments wont come until 2024.
You imagine. You pretend. You believe.

Back in reality, Trump was *actually* indicted.

I present reality, you flee to imagination. Thanks for proving yet again why you can't have a rational conversation with a conservative.
Due process is thoroughly constitutional. It was the grand jury that decied there were enough evidence to charge Trump with at least 7 counts. Its the grand jury that issued the indictments.

Just because Conservatives believe that accountability is a crime doesn't mean that the law does.
Accountability is only something that Trump is required to uphold, and if he wavers in the slightest bit they go for the jugular. "Accountability" isnt required by Biden. All that will swap in 2024. Thats when the DOJ becomes the GOP's weapon against Biden and it will also become Trumps shield.

I find it amazing how you rubes take a rumor one minute and then state it as fact two minutes later.


And by 'proven', they mean Biden is accused.

Conservatives believe accusations are evidence. Alas, the courts see things different. just don't understand the law.

You'll find that almost all conservative conspiracy theories about the law, law enforcement and the just conservatives not knowing a fucking thing about the law.
So far I have found out they become fact.
This kinda reminds me of an old Movie. A Real classic. Jimmy stewart in "Mr Smith Goes to Washington". An inexperienced young Senator upsets "The Swamp" and gets buried for it.
Accountability is only something that Trump is required to uphold, and if he wavers in the slightest bit they go for the jugular. "Accountability" isnt required by Biden. All that will swap in 2024. Thats when the DOJ becomes the GOP's weapon.

Trump is under AT LEAST 41 state and federal indictments.

That's hardly 'wavering in the slightest'.

Hyperbole and wanton denial make for poor legal arguments. Good luck with them.

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