Trump Indicted

I know you’re not this ignorant.

Trump’s house was raided by the FBI, turning up over 100 documents he swore he didn’t have.

Funny that.
And what about Biden's garage documents that he should never have had in the first place? Where's he indictment? Where's your outrage?

Remember, your 'memory' was the same steaming pile that gave us imaginary passages from the Constitution you used to try and justify murdering Obama.
Are you saying Trump was not accused of going after the opponent if he investigated Biden? Because you are wrong.
Its a bummer that there arent checks and balances that stop this from happening. The DOJ is a weapon now, for whichever side wins the election going forward. The right will use this new weapon against the left the moment it is in their hands. This is the United States now.

Due process is thoroughly constitutional. It was the grand jury that decied there were enough evidence to charge Trump with at least 7 counts. Its the grand jury that issued the indictments.

Just because Conservatives believe that accountability is a crime doesn't mean that the law does.
Laughing......really? His 'judgment day' didn't demonstrate a single illegal act. Not one. Everything he showed us as 'evidence', was completely legal.

Trump, not so much. As an indictment for AT LEAST 7 counts demonstrate elegantly.
You are an idiot. Judgement Day was laying the basis for the entire investigation at this point. You have to be dumb as shit to think that all those LLC's and shady money transfers arent going to lead to multiple crimes. Read the writing on the wall. :cuckoo:
Ignoring Biden's crimes won't help you. Everyone knows that the Trump 'indictment' was timed to go down the same day as Biden and Obama's corruption came to the surface.
So does Trump have the utmost integrity and ethics and has done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever?

Leave Biden out of your answer and address my question directly and give a stated reasoning. Once you do that, then I’ll address Biden.
I think you just conceded.
No. You’re just too stupid to know what the law actually entails.

The FBI found documents he was supposed to have turned over to the DoJ. Explain that.
And what about Biden's garage documents that he should never have had in the first place? Where's he indictment? Where's your outrage?
What about them? Did he try to hide them from the DoJ?
That would definitely stop him from campaigning, speaking out, defending himself, etc...

Hey, unlike both Impeachments and the unwarrantecd / unprecedented raid on Mara Lago, is Trump going to be allowed to have his lawyers / have his lawyers present / participate this time?

Trump's lawyers were present when Mar-A-Lardo was searched. In fact, it was Trump who was not present.

As for the impeachments, Trump had the entire GOP congressional lickspittle horde protecting him.
I notice when you get upset about your dear leader getting his ass handed to him you project. But, don't worry. You're buddies do the same, so you're not alone.
You don’t “notice” any such thing. You continue to just make shit up.

You lie. But don’t be upset. It’s the only tool in your libtard “arsenal.”
Thanks for providing proof this whole indictment thing is illegal according to U.S. Federal laws.

Stole classified government documents out of a SCIF 10 years ago when he was Senator.

Took bribe/access money from Ukraine and China. (that we know for certain of)
The Biden's almost certainly committed tax evasion, could be money laundering charges, maybe racketeering, and they didnt register as foreign agents. Bribery would be the icing on the cake, but any of those other charges will do.
You are disgusting trash for defending Ukraine . Ukraine has always been a corrupt, filthy Neo- NAZI state
Look at you. Sucking up to Russia like the appeasing faggot commie symps of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

You even talk like them.

Ukraine is nowhere near as corrupt as Russia, dipshit. You really need to tune into reality once in a while.

Putin invaded Ukraine, remember? Not the other way around.

Putin is a war criminal.

Get your head out of your ass, son. You look stupid talking out of your asshole.

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