Trump Indicted

Once again, Trump is his own worst enemy
His statements to the press, claims on Truth Social, recordings of interactions…..all admit he took the documents intentionally and knew they were classified

His lawyers must be going crazy
They don’t have a case
Two of his lawyers quit today.
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Once again, Trump is his own worst enemy
His statements to the press, claims on Truth Social, recordings of interactions…..all admit he took the documents intentionally and knew they were classified

His lawyers must be going crazy
They don’t have a case
Actually their case is to yell about Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden.

But that's not a valid defense.
Once again, Trump is his own worst enemy
His statements to the press, claims on Truth Social, recordings of interactions…..all admit he took the documents intentionally and knew they were classified

His lawyers must be going crazy
They don’t have a case

Maybe they'll try an insanity defense?
And she can be reprimanded and removed from the case, as we have also seen.

She is a speck compared to Jack Smith.

I try to provide what I think are likely outcomes based on the evidence.

Judge Cannon, if she presides over the case, could do some real damage to the prosecution. I don't like it. I think its corrupt as fuck. But what is, is.

She'd be the one allowing the removal of jurors. She'd the one that gives instructions, allows or disallows evidence, allows or disallows witnesses.

And she's already demonstrated an eager willingness to offer Trump special protections, rewrite rules in his favor, violate bedrock separations of powers and radically reorder caselaw. And appeals courts, especially in jury trials, are loathe to overturn the juries judgment. Double jeopardy would essentially disallow overturning a jury verdict if she threw the case in Trump's favor.

Here's hoping she's not on the case.
I remember when Republicans used to give a shit about law and order
I cannot tell you how many times during the Obama Administration I warned these fools that all of the arguments they were making against Obama would come back to bite them in the ass, bigly.

And they have.

"If Obama bombs Syria without congressional approval, IMPEACH!!!!"

"Eight Trillion in debt! ZOMG!"

Now all the arguments they are making to defend the indefensible Trump will also come back one day to bite them in their asses.

"A former president can will nilly declassify our nation's most grave secrets with his magical mind!"

Holy shit is that going to come back and chew their heads off.


I try to provide what I think are likely outcomes based on the evidence.

Judge Cannon, if she presides over the case, could do some real damage to the prosecution. I don't like it. I think its corrupt as fuck. But what is, is.

She'd be the one allowing the removal of jurors. She'd the one that gives instructions, allows or disallows evidence, allows or disallows witnesses.

And she's already demonstrated an eager willingness to offer Trump special protections, rewrite rules in his favor, violate bedrock separations of powers and radically reorder caselaw. And appeals courts, especially in jury trials, are loathe to overturn the juries judgment. Double jeopardy would essentially disallow overturning a jury verdict if she threw the case in Trump's favor.

Here's hoping she's not on the case.
Given the reprimand she received the last time she presided over a Trump affair, Smith would probably have her recused very quickly.

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