Trump Interview With Tucker Breaks 200 Million Views

This morning it was 100 MILLION and now it's 200 MILLION. I guess Liberals can't deny how the world feels about President Trump and their love for him :)

A small portion were nervous Liberals hoping he would say something so they could tattletale on him.
List the 3 most insightful things the man preparing to post bond had to share
Maga morons aren’t changing their minds.
Right people seldom do.

Good thing they’re only about 1/3 of the country
Yeah, good thing. Meanwhile, the other third are Demofascists, and the remaining third either don't ever vote at all or are children. And support for Biden is dropping like flies. There, now, don't you feel so vindicated?! :71:
Right people seldom do.

Yeah, good thing. Meanwhile, the other third are Demofascists, and the remaining third either don't ever vote at all or are children. And support for Biden is dropping like flies. There, now, don't you feel so vindicated?! :71:
92 counts.
This morning it was 100 MILLION and now it's 200 MILLION. I guess Liberals can't deny how the world feels about President Trump and their love for him :)

A small portion were nervous Liberals hoping he would say something so they could tattletale on him.
Americans are desperate for the good old days when Trump was president, things cost much less and interest rates weren't jacked up so high they can't afford to buy a house.
Some retard on CNN said it wasn't a good platform to go against the debate. Everyone with a brain knew this was a retarded statement before hand, like everything democrats say.
Retarded? Did you watch that fucktwit getting his ass licked by Tucks? Once again Trump managed to prove in less then 90 seconds why he's an unfit deranged jerkoff who shouldn't be allowed within 1000 ft of anything with moving parts, let alone holding ANY public office.

And you want that corrup douche bag back in the W.H?
Americans are desperate for the good old days when Trump was president, things cost much less and interest rates weren't jacked up so high they can't afford to buy a house.
Things were better when Obama was president and are better now.
92 counts.
Yup .. all down the toilet when Trump seriously pushes for presidential immunity ..

I don't believe he should though, I think he should torture and milk these frivolous charges for as long as reasonably possible..

After all .. skid row Joe looks more and more and more corrupt daily..
Retarded? Did you watch that fucktwit getting his ass licked by Tucks? Once again Trump managed to prove in less then 90 seconds why he's an unfit deranged jerkoff who shouldn't be allowed within 1000 ft of anything with moving parts, let alone holding ANY public office.

And you want that corrup douche bag back in the W.H?

Still with the homoerotic obsession with Trump's ass!

Folks, It must be a sad little life for someone whose big thrill is talking in an online message board about Trump's ass.

Cannot keep good men down. A hard lesson for politicians and the MSM who have failed the citizens of this country by lying about almost everything. All the negative press for over 7 years has increased Trump's popularity. Tucker's firing increased his popularity.

"Tucker Carlson has a huge audience. Donald Trump is the biggest draw in the land. Elon Musk promoted it heavily. So of course the interview of President Donald J Trump by Tucker Carlson was seen by far more people than the Fox News GOP debate on Wednesday night.

Here’s the interview on Rumble for those who don’t want to watch on Twitter.

The explosive interview has over 210 million views on Twitter alone as of this article being published. That exceeded even the most aggressive expectations and adds more supporting evidence to the notion that Americans are turning off network television and cable news."

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